Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

277. Battle of Chaozhou

"Long live!" Looking at the Luo Gai erected on the left side of the road and the figure appearing under the Luo Gai, the veterans of the Zheng Army who passed by couldn't help cheering. After the cheers, the veterans pointed to the unknown new attached army. "Silly boy, if you can't figure it out with your head stretched, let me tell you, it's the feudal lord!"

Not to mention the jaw-dropping new affiliated army, Zheng Kezang, who was listening to the rolling hills and overlooking the long queues of troops rushing to the front line in front of him, was lost in thought.Speaking of which, he was just planning to make a fortune in Fuzhou and leave, but he didn't expect the situation to develop so quickly. In a blink of an eye, Fujian, except for Nanping, Shaowu and other northwestern Fujian, had all fallen into the hands of Zheng Jun, and he didn't expect to be beaten because of it. The chicken-blooded subjects never wanted to stop.

Of course, what Zheng Kezang is worried about is not whether Zheng Jun can continue to fight. In fact, Ming Zheng has sufficient reserves of gunpowder, and the armored firearms seized in Fuzhou and other places can also meet Zheng Jun’s army expansion plan, and military pay is not a problem- --Since Ming Zheng used copper coins and copper coins for settlement in internal circulation, and gold and silver for foreign trade settlement, so the silver needed to make up military expenses was more than enough.But the key lies in food. The Battle of Jiangsu and Zhejiang in Yongli 44 to 45 and several subsequent battles have reduced Dongning’s grain storage to a dangerous level. Siam, Tini, Chenla, Guangnan and other places have been widely imported, but it will take time to make up for the gap. In addition, although a lot of grain has been seized in Fuzhou, there is very little arable land in Fujian Province. In previous years, Hunan and Jiangxi were needed Importing food, now the war is bound to be cut off, and the gap caused is not known how to make up, so blind optimism is not acceptable

Zheng Kezang shook his head, expelling a series of negative emotions from his mind. Now that he has decided to fight, he will go all out.Of course, Zheng Kezang's so-called all-out efforts are not desperate. For this reason, he first sent out the five divisions of Zuo Longxiang, Zuo Longwu, Zuohuwei, Youyiwei, You Shesheng and the fifth and sixth divisions of Hailongxiang. The regiment and four Kunlun slave regiments were transferred back to Dongning for rest; and the left and right Yongwei divisions went out to Lianjiang and Luoyuan to set up fortresses to ensure the safety of Fuzhou's northern line, and the fourth regiment of Hailongxiang Division went to Minqing for monitoring The movement of the Zuo Funing Division of West Fujian and Zhou Zhenghe's Department; also ordered the Haitan Fubo Fleet to station in the Dongtou Dudu's Mansion, and cooperated with the third regiment of the Hailongxiang Division to harass and block Sanmen Bay, Taizhou Bay, Wenzhou Bay, etc. In the coastal area of ​​southern Zhejiang; order the Zhoushan Squadron and the Second Regiment of the Hailongxiang Division to cruise around Hangzhou Bay, the mouth of the Yongjiang River, and the mouth of the Yangtze River to divide the forces of the Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Qing armies; More than [-] people, including six divisions including Wei and six Kunlun slave regiments, advanced into eastern Guangdong, and only then did the current scene occur.

At the same time that Zheng Kezang was marching to Guangdong, the main force of the Qing army in Guangdong Province had also been concentrated on the front line of Chaozhou. In fact, because Zheng Jun recaptured Nan'ao and other places, the Qing army in Guangdong Province had long been stationed in Chaozhou. The Fifth Battalion and the General Army of Chaozhou Town are under the jurisdiction of the Third Battalion of Town Biao, Huanggang Xie Zuo Battalion, Huilai Battalion, Raoping Battalion, Chaoyang Battalion, Xingning Battalion, Pingzhen Battalion, Chaozhou Chengshou Battalion and the Nanao Town Biaoyou Battalion , Chenghai Camp Zuo Camp, You Camp, Haimen Camp, Dahao Camp and other departments have about 5000 people. Each of the Biaohe, Sihui, Nafu, Yong'an, Xingning, and Pingzhen battalions each had one battalion. It was only because of Zheng Jun's high-handedness and the rapid change of hands in Zhangquan and other places that the Qing army in Guangdong Province did not rashly enter Fujian. But even so, more and more Qing troops came to aid. By the time Zheng Jun’s forward crossed the Fengjiang River (Note: Huanggang River), the Qing army on the front line of Chaozhou had reached more than [-] people. Wu Xingzuo, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, and Li Linlong, the current admiral of the Guangdong Army Division who was formerly the deputy commander of the Zhenghuang Banner Han Army, also gathered in this city. A big battle is about to start in a blink of an eye.

However, just like Zheng Kezang was hesitant about the two strategies of fighting and walking, the Qing army in Chaozhou city also had doubts about how to fight. The gunboat that broke into the Hanjiang River made a decision for the Qing army.

Since the Hanjiang River became shallower and the water flow slowed down after passing through Chaozhou, and flood gates were installed at the mouths of Dongxi and Xixi, Zheng Jun's gunboats with more than [-] materials did not dare to enter easily, but dispatched The refitted old [-] material notification ship sailed into the Han River.The [-]-material notification ship is a fast ship designed and built by Ming Zheng in the early days. It was originally equipped with four [-]-inch light artillery on both sides. In the modification carried out by Ning, the original artillery was abolished, and a four-inch heavy artillery was installed on the center line of the ship's deck.The refitted [-] material notification ship could no longer play a high-speed role due to the change of draft and center of gravity, but it was qualified as a shallow water heavy artillery ship.Therefore, when as many as six gunboats of this type bombarded the eastern city wall of Chaozhou on the Han River, the Qing army had no good way to deal with it except to take the initiative to attack.

Whether it is attacking or defending the city, first of all, the Qing army must cut off the threat of Zheng Jun's gunboats on the Han River.For this reason, the Qing army assembled more than [-] inland river warships and civilian ships of various types such as long dragons, fast boats, and crab boats, and nearly [-] people from the Biao Navy Battalion and Chenghai Battalion Zuoying and other departments sailed downriver overnight. Set up an ambush at Phoenix Island.

In the early morning of August 46, 21th year of the Yongli calendar, the mist that shrouded the Han River had just been dispelled by the rising sun. The army suddenly fired artillery and drums, and the Qing army in ambush rushed straight down from Fenghuangzhou, and the two sides immediately exchanged fire.

"Raise the signal flag." Zheng Jun had calculated the possible reaction of the Qing army before breaking into the Han River, so he was quite calm in the face of the ambush, and the leading command ship quickly sent orders. "The whole team turned their heads." The [-] material notification ships produced at the beginning were all schooners with two masts that could turn around on the spot. Therefore, although the morning wind was mild, Zheng Jun still completed the U-turn action under the dumbfoundedness of the Qing army. However, it took a lot of time to turn around, so that the Qing army using paddle power had already rushed very close. "Let [Ruishi] leave us alone and retreat south quickly." Bing Chensheng Tang Xin, who commanded the gunboat, ordered. "Everyone fight me!"

The 17-material notification ship has a rated crew of [-] people, but in order to ensure the frequency of shooting and prevent Qing army attacks, each ship participating in the battle is stuffed with [-] people, which is very useful at this time.I saw a few sailors rushing to the stern of the ship first, unwrapping the cloth covering the Thunderbolt gun cart, two of them held the bracket to turn the direction, and one of them adjusted the height slightly, so that they could clearly see the faces of the following Qing army At the same time, the wire was ignited.

In an instant, the huge recoil caused the rigidly connected blunderbuss to make a creaking sound, and the successive blunderbuss bullets washed the blood of the front Qing army long dragon like a torrential rain, and the blunderbuss bullets that had not exhausted their strength penetrated At the same time as the human body, it also penetrated the bottom of the thin riverboat, and the mooring river water poured in. The long dragon that soon lost its leader began to roll, and caused a lot of trouble for the latecomers.

Although the other Qing army fast boat on the side saw the fate of its peers, it ran into Zheng Jun's "Warrior" without hesitation. The bullets and bows and arrows came, and the two Zheng Jun sailors who wanted to control the direction of the Thunder gun car but had no time to evacuate to the stern were knocked to the ground.

Zheng Jun on the [Warrior] also returned to the Qing army who was trying to board the ship. Since they used an old ship, the sailors of Zheng Jun used old-fashioned deer guns this time. At close range, the deer blunderbuss is so powerful that almost one bullet can penetrate the body of an armored Qing army. As for those without armor, it can knock down two or even three with one blunderbuss.

However, the Qing army came prepared with many ships and soldiers. Just after suppressing the Qing army on the fast boat, another long dragon came up again. Since the firecracker still needs to be reloaded, Tang Xin, who was unable to stop the Qing army from jumping, had to throw it away. The useless deer gun drew a knife to meet them, and the battle quickly turned into a brutal hand-to-hand combat.

"Boom!" The two sides were fighting around the deck of the [Warrior], and a shell fell on the adjacent river. The huge water column not only shook the body of the [Warrior], but also overturned a civilian ship that the Qing army was on board. The Qing army sank to the bottom of the water before it had time to remove its armor, and became a victim of Zheng's indiscriminate bombardment.

"Boom!" There was another loud sound of shelling, and the flying lead bullets swept over the battle zone, not only breaking the foremast of the [Warrior], but also hitting a crab boat after falling, and the whole ship was thrown out of it. Smashed, throwing away weapons and armor in a hurry, the Qing army wailed and begged for help from their companions, and the scene was in chaos.

The successive bombardments temporarily emptied the Qing warships around [Warrior], and Tang Xin, who had just cut down an opponent, took the opportunity to jump on the rudder and hit hard. [Warrior] suddenly drew a curve on the water surface, However, due to the interruption of the main mast, the speed of the "Warrior" was not enough to get rid of the maggot-like Qing army.

At this time, the [Mingshi] and [Gaoshi], which had completed turning again, rushed towards the wind diagonally. Before the ship arrived, the Xunlei blunderbuss pointed obliquely at the two wings and fired first. The inland river warships of the Qing army in the metal storm were forced to give way to the river banks on both sides.Seizing the opportunity, the [Warrior] threw off the last enemy around him, and sailed towards his own side with a few tiger claws and a deck of blood that were buckled to death on the side of the ship.

The Qing army was about to pursue, but Zheng Jun's artillery fire came again. As a last resort, the Qing army, who did not dare to face the majestic heavy artillery, tried to find the "Mingshi" and "Gaoshi", but the two ships obviously had a tacit understanding and did not go straight. Instead, the fleet of the Qing army slanted across the bay, first rushed into the Dongxi waterway, then turned around in the Dongxi, and returned to the team before the blocked Qing army.

Just as the dejected naval military officer of the Qing army looked at Zheng Jun who was covering each other and walked away, the subordinates beside him said with a smile on their faces: "My lord, after this battle, Hai Ni will not dare to re-enter the Han River, my lord." If the flag is set to win, it should be the first achievement of the army."

First success?The general of the Supervising Navy Battalion grinned, but when he looked back at his own fleet, the smile on his face froze. Yes, in front of his superior side, Zheng Jun could still escape intact. How can you compete with your opponent?I can only hope that Master Lu can live up to his expectations, but can such a wish come true?

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