Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

282. Battle of Chaozhou

"It took Li Linlong four days to arrive, it was too late." Looking at the dust rising in the distance, a sneer appeared on Xi Daping's face, the commander of Zuo Huben. He had received the news of Jieyang's great victory yesterday. , was regretting that Li Linlong's slowness did not allow him to catch up with this battle when the opponent finally came late, and he would not let the opponent pass the door no matter what. "Let us wait." Speaking of this, he who once served as the guard of Anping City ordered. "The first regiment and the second regiment stick to the official way, the third regiment jumps together, selects the front two posts to detour to Fengtang line, and tells Hu Mei to leave the third regiment's artillery post and black soldier post, so as not to If you can't complete the task of blocking Li Linlong's department, he, the acting commander, should not think about getting rid of him."

"Military gate," said Zheng Jun, who was standing on the official road, and was easily observed by the advance troops of the Qing army. Out of caution, the vanguard did not dare to fight without authorization, so he passed Cuju to Li Linlong's feet. "Hai Ni is obviously preventing our army from forming a confrontation with the governor." Before Li Linlong made a decision, the general Ma Shen who supervised the rear camp jumped out again. "However, Haini is really bold and reckless. More than [-] people want to block our army's pace."

"Lord Ma, stay safe and don't be impatient." Li Linlong, who is the descendant of Li Chengliang, felt that something was wrong. Although the third-class baron had some problems in command, his soldier's intuition was still there, so he ordered immediately. "Where is the detective horse, let it out immediately, check it carefully, and don't let the light soldiers fall into the ambush of Haini."

Li Linlong's caution made him quickly discover the detour troops of the Humei Department. Li Linlong was very surprised by Zheng Jun's boldness when he got the report, and even thought it was a trap. But if he withdraws to Chaozhou, the Chaozhou government will welcome it , but once he missed the opportunity to attack Wu Xingzuo's troops back and forth, Li Linlong, who didn't know that Wu Xingzuo fled and died in Baiyindali, hesitated for a long time and made a detour to monitor the Zheng army face to face, and the main force took the lead in destroying the Zheng army. Troop decision.

"Brother Zhicheng, your judgment is correct. The Qing army is indeed ready to deal with it and is ready to swallow us up." Seeing the Qing army in front of them, the commander of the third regiment of the Zuo Huben Division, who was also the commander, Qian Kan, who was born in Jiayinke, a boy scout, was smiling all over his face, as if he was not disappointed by the roundabout failure at all. "Now it's up to those who control them."

"You have to pretend a bit more, so that you can buy time for the capital to control them." Hu Mei said it easily, but with six outposts and two white outposts, less than 500 troops were able to deal with the Qing army, which was at least a multiple , he still has a lot of guts. "Tell the posts to retreat, and make sure to attract the Qing soldiers to attack first."

Because of Hu Mei's order, the Qing army saw the scene of Zheng Jun preparing to retreat after failing to attack the flank. In order to prevent the "cooked" duck from flying away, several Qing troops from the battalion came out of the brigade and quickly Pounce on the "panicked" Zheng Jun.However, they were about to take advantage of the chaos and beat the dogs in the water. Suddenly, they found that Zheng Jun's team had become orderly, and the rifles with spears were densely aimed at themselves who were rushing forward.For this reason, part of the Qing army subconsciously guarded their feet, but most of the Qing army still lowered their heads and rushed forward. As a result, the formation of the Qing army's charge became chaotic.

The battalion officers and flood officials who led the troops into the formation were naturally furious, but in the chaos, the officers called out to the soldiers, and the soldiers could not find the officers. The gunner who finally found a chance to shoot was knocked back and forth by his own family, and waiting When they wanted to shoot again, they were surprised to find that the backs of their own people were all in front of them. Under the circumstances, the Qing soldiers who couldn't help themselves had no choice but to continue rushing towards Zheng Jun in a scattered formation under the pressure of the brigade. queue.

Zheng Jun remained motionless, and only fired a volley when the Qing army rushed eighty steps in front of him.The volley of six hundred rifles immediately knocked down dozens of Qing troops running at the forefront.The Qing army, which was stopped by the bloodied corpses and the wounded who fell to the ground and screamed, stumbled and continued to move forward, but the formation became more and more chaotic.

At sixty paces, Zheng Jun fired a second volley, the smoke cleared, and the scene in front of Zheng Jun who lowered his head and reloaded was even more terrifying. Hundreds of corpses lay in the late rice fields, and the blood was still flowing. Continuously injected into the turbid muddy water, the strong smell of blood attracted countless flies to gather here.

At forty steps, Zheng Jun began to shoot in circles. Although the number of projectiles shot in a single shot was reduced by one-third, the interval between shots from each row became very short, which gave the Qing army suffering under the rain of bullets an illusion. , as if Zheng Jun's shooting had never been interrupted, so that the Qing troops who could not bear such a blow rushed back with their heads in their arms.

Li Linlong had suffered from Zheng Jun's volleyball and gun forest, and naturally he would not repeat the same mistakes. Although the Qing army who attacked head-on failed, the Qing army he arranged for the two wings to outflank at the same time was able to approach Zheng Jun's line smoothly.However, Li Linlong did not see the successful outflanking scene. It must be known that Hu Mei arranged the jumping on the left and right wings, and the selection of front and two sentries are the essence of Zheng Jun's white soldiers. The sword and shield soldiers guarded the flanks of the riflemen like iron walls, making the waves of the Qing army all useless.

Of course, since he is a human being, when he is tired, Li Linlong, who has seen through Zheng Jun's weakness, once again throws his troops across the board.This wave of attacks was obviously much more organized than the first one. The Qing army on the center line used tiger squatting cannons and bird guns to shoot at Zheng Jun's riflemen, and the two wings continued to increase troops to force Zheng Jun's white soldiers to retreat or even break.

The change in the tactics of the Qing army greatly increased the casualties of the third regiment, but Hu Mei and Qian Kan, who had no reserve team or artillery support, could only hold on, waiting for the turning point of the battle.Fortunately, Hu Mei and the others didn't have to wait too long, and a bad news reached Li Linlong's ears.

"What? The Chaoyang camp and the Fu camp were defeated by Zheng Jun?" Li Linlong's head buzzed, and his body was also on the verge of falling, scaring the officers around him to help the admiral in a hurry. After waking up, Li Linlong ordered immediately. "Go, go, go back to Chaozhou City."

"Back to Chaozhou City?" Wu Bian looked at each other and asked boldly. "Junmen, the Suiyao Camp, and the Pingzhen Camp are still fighting Hai Ni in front of them. Do you want them to withdraw?"

With the help of Geshha, Li Linlong got on his horse, then waved his whip falsely, and explained to the generals: "It's too late, Hai Ni's brigade will be here soon, let them attract Hai Ni's attention for me."

Li Linlong fled in embarrassment, which really allowed him to avoid the other two regiments of the Zuo Huben Division that were sweeping over, but he hadn't run far. The sentries of the divisions returning from Jieyang had already arrived at the war zone early in the morning, and were chasing after him. Xi Daping, who was too late, was overjoyed, and explained the situation to his deputy, and Yin Long, who was temporarily ordered to command the cavalry of six divisions and scouting horses, immediately ordered to pursue them.

The sound of rumbling horseshoes from behind made Li Linlong's face turn pale. He didn't care about the thousands of officers and soldiers around him, so he just rode straight away. Only a few officers with horses could keep up with his pace. As for the abandoned Qing soldiers Then they scattered on the spot.However, even though these green flag soldiers took off their uniforms and fled for their lives, they were the most obvious targets in the wilderness where the people fled one after another because of the war, and they couldn't escape the pursuit of Zheng Jun's Tanma at all.

"Where's Li Linlong?" Using a saber to force a Qing soldier who knelt down and begged for mercy, Yin Long got the news he didn't want to hear. "Come on!" He tried his best to gather a group of riders around him. "Follow me, we will never let Li Linlong escape back to Chaozhou City"

Horses are delicate animals. Although Li Linlong tried his best to drive them away, the result of running away with all his strength was that the horse's speed naturally slowed down after a period of time.At this time, most of the officials who followed Li Linlong have disappeared. These people either did not want to return to Chaozhou, the dead place, and changed their direction of escape on the way, or they were left behind by Li Linlong because of the horse's stumble and other reasons. In the end, Li Linlong, who had only three guards left, was alone, completely without the vigor he had when he led the army out of the city.

"My lord, Haini is catching up." Seeing the sound of horseshoes sounding behind him again, a Goshha immediately clasped his fist at Li Linlong, took off the warm hat with coral top from Li Linlong's head and put it on his own head superior. "Excuse me, I won't be able to serve your lord in the future." After finishing speaking, Geshha drew his sword and beat his horse and ran to the other side, shouting as he ran. "Nan Manzi, your admiral is here, and he wants to take the head of a certain family and come up and get it yourself!"

Li Linlong stretched out his hand to scream, but he couldn't make a sound when the words came to his mouth. After a while, he turned his head and drove his horse to continue to flee to Chaozhou City. At this moment, he followed the eyes of a guerrilla beside him , came over: "Junmen, please also take off your official clothes and exchange with the lower officials."

Li Linlong glanced at Guerzilla gratefully, but called the rest of the horses beside him, and the two took off their clothes on the spot.However, while the two were getting dressed, Guerrilla suddenly drew his knife and slashed at Ma Bian.Li Linlong was horrified, but his hands were bound by his sleeves, so he couldn't hold the knife at all, so he could only watch helplessly as Guer Zhan put the knife on his neck.

Li Linlong asked angrily, "You, what do you want to do?"

"What do you want to do? I'm going to be an official," Guerrilla laughed. "There is a prisoner from Junmen who wants to come to Haini, no, Zheng Jun will definitely agree to be dismissed anyway, and maybe he can be promoted to a noble through this." Speaking of this, Guerrilla's expression turned serious. "Don't blame me for the military sect. People don't kill the world for themselves. I just want to live."

Li Linlong stared at Guerrilla coldly for a while, and finally fainted powerlessly. At this time, Zheng Jun had already discovered the strange situation here, rushed over cheering, and quickly surrounded the two of them.

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