As Wu Xingzuo and others died, captured and escaped, the battle of Chaozhou had come to an end. The Chaozhou government, who knew that it could not resist the wave of Zheng Jun's resurgence with only a few thousand troops, chose to hang himself, and the remaining Qing army After seeing Zheng Jun's tight formation, Kaesong surrendered, and the Qing army on the front line of Faguang Temple also fled later. So far, Zheng Jun finally won the final victory in the Battle of Chaozhou.

However, Zheng Jun's victory in Guangdong cannot change the current grim situation.

As early as July 5th, Kangxi, who was in charge of the imperial conquest, led troops from Zhili, Shandong, Henan and other places, and prohibited them from traveling to the Eight Banners Frontier Battalion, Tiger Gun Battalion, and Xiaoqi Battalion. [-] people arrived in Jiangning. The above-mentioned ministries were temporarily unable to continue marching, but then the troops gathered from Anhui, Jiangxi and other places made the strength of the Qing army stationed in Jiangnan exceed [-]. The [-] Qing troops were able to completely free themselves and go south.

On July 27, the Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Qing troops who went south for the second time arrived in the Wentai area against the typhoon. Except for a part that blocked the Zheng army on the front line of Taiping, the rest went straight to Aojiang and stationed troops in Cangnan.However, due to the rugged and difficult terrain of Nanyandang, the Qing army was unable to break through the Zhejiang-Fujian border for a long time, and could only continue to exchange flesh and blood for Cai Yuan's troops and fight and retreat.

In view of the difficulty of entering Funing directly, the Qing army was forced to detour through the Xianxiaguan line, which was also difficult to travel. However, the Qing army on the western front had not yet entered Fujian, and Shaowu Town in Fujian, which was regarded as an internal response, was left and right by those who marched westward from Fuzhou What the Yongwei Army broke through, Nanping, Shunchang, Shaowu, Jianyang, Pucheng and other places fell into the hands of Zheng Jun one after another.Mao Hongyan, Fujian General Soldier, immediately recruited new recruits in western Fujian and northwestern Fujian, and formed four divisions of left and right Shaowu and left and right Nanping.

The Qing army also tried to march from southern Jiangxi to western Fujian, but Wang Xinhua led two reorganized divisions with more than [-] men from Ninghua to cross Wuyi Mountain and invaded Shicheng in southern Jiangxi. Wang Xinhua also defeated the Ji'an Camp, Xingguo Camp, Wenying Camp, Yongzhen Camp, Henggang Camp and other ministries under the command of the Nangan Town Commander in Yudu, and forced his troops to the city of Ganzhou.

Since there are only two green camps in Jiangxi, most of Jiujiang Town has been transferred eastward to Jiangning, and the rest will deter Jiangxi to prevent the resurgence of the rebel army. On the one hand, they asked for reinforcements from Hubei and Hunan provinces.However, the Zhenxi Camp, Hexi Camp, Suining Camp, Chang'an Camp, Baojing Camp Zuo Camp, Zhenxi Camp, and Hexi Camp in the green camps of Hunan Province have already entered Guangdong, so they are unable to help Jiangxi. Only Hubei The third battalion of Tibiao, the first battalion of Huangzhou Association, Qizhou, Xingguo, and Junguang were sent to Jiangxi.

But Wang Xinhua made a strategic mistake at this time. In order to obtain the post of Jiangxi General Soldier promised by Zheng Kezang, he did not take advantage of the opportunity of the Qing army in southern Jiangxi to expand the occupied area. Instead, he stopped his troops under the strong city of Ganzhou. Bleeding out.On August [-], Wang Xinhua was forced to return to western Fujian from the direction of Huichang Prefecture in view of the flood of reinforcements from the Qing army.

On August [-]th, the midsummer in the Jiangnan area was coming to an end, and Kangxi led his troops to leave Jiangnan for Suzhou and Hangzhou.

On the seventh day of September, when Kangxi arrived in Hangzhou, he held a military meeting and decided to attack Xiangshan and Taiping with one army first, and then divide the rest of the army into two groups in Zhejiang, two in Jiangxi, one in Guangdong, and five to besiege Fujian.

When the general boss gave an order, the Qing army felt as if it had been beaten with chicken blood.On September [-], the news of success first spread from Taiping to Hangzhou. Under the repeated attacks of the Qing army, the Dongtou Governor's Mansion was forced to withdraw its troops in Taiping and all the villagers.In order to inspire the fighting spirit of the Qing army, Kangxi's daughter, Hua Shan, the deputy general of Taizhou Town who commanded the battle, was appointed as the deputy capital commander of the Han army inlaid with white banners.As a result, the Qing army on the front line became more and more crazy.

On September [-]th, the day when Zheng Kezang defeated Wu Xingzuo's troops, the Qing army finally approached Xiangshan County on the South Road after paying a huge price. In order to avoid unnecessary losses, Hong Lei ordered the Second Regiment of Hailongxiang Division All the troops were withdrawn to Zhoushan.However, in order to counter the aggressive posture of the Qing army, Zheng Jun immediately landed again in northern Jiangsu, wreak havoc on the Lianghuai saltworks, and then fled away under the eyes of the remaining defenders in Langshan Town.

From September [-]th to September [-]th, Zheng Jun's Northern Fleet continuously shelled Penglai, Huangxian, Fushan, Ninghai, Haiyang, Jiaozhou, Dengzhou and other places, and sent troops ashore to plunder the population.In this regard, Sang E, the governor of Shandong who once served as Jiangning weaving, on the one hand ordered the green camp Dengzhou Town to guard against death, and on the other hand reported to Hangzhou and Beijing at the same time. The intention is to encircle Wei and save Zhao, and Shandong has the ability to protect itself.

On September 29, the Qing army launched a landing operation against Zhoushan with the retained and rebuilt naval units of the Changjiang Navy Battalion, Taihu Navy Battalion, and General Jingkou Navy Battalion. They crossed Hangzhou Bay and attacked Changguo Main Island from Ningshao and other nearby places, so the Qing army was forced to set off from Songjiang, not to mention the long water journey, and was notified by Zheng Jun's ship shortly after sailing for investigation.Zheng Jun's Zhoushan Squadron immediately mobilized all the soft-sail gunships to set sail, and successfully intercepted the Qing army's boats in the northwest ocean of Tanxu Mountain and Dabai Mountain.In the end, the Zheng army defeated the small ship with a large ship, and defeated the small one with more guns. They sank and destroyed [-] Qing army ships in one fell swoop, captured another [-] ships and more than [-] officers and soldiers on board, and the rest of the Qing army ships fled around. Zheng Jun was able to escape when he was unable to separate himself while chasing his companions, but the Qing army's plot to forcibly land in Changguo, Daishan and other places fell through.

The navy's disastrous defeat did not dispel Kangxi's fighting spirit. He magnanimously forgave Jingkou, the deputy commander of the naval battle, and others. It aroused the monstrous anger of this "sage king and master".Kangxi changed the face of Kuanren two hours ago, and ordered Wu Xingzuo to be arrested and brought to Beijing for trial. Zhu Hongzuo, the governor of Guangdong, was appointed as the acting governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, and Jiang Youliang, the governor of the Guangdong feudal clan, was transferred to General Bo Ji of Jiangning as General of Guangzhou, and he was promoted to Admiral of the Jiangnan Army Division. Miao Qina is General Jiang Ning.

After anxiously disposing of the officialdom in Guangdong, Kangxi, who knew that the situation in Guangdong was unstable, thought about it for a long time, and finally decided to transfer the green camps in central Sichuan to Chongqing and other towns, transfer the Yunnan and Guizhou green camps to Linyuan, Anyi and other towns to Guangxi, and transfer to Hubei Province Green Banner Soldiers from Yunyang Town, Yichang Town and the remaining Green Banner Soldiers from Guangxi and Hunan to aid Guangdong

In the early morning of September 21, just as the mist on the Qiantang River was dispelled by the rising sun, eight second-class cruise ships of the Zheng Jun Zhoushan Squadron appeared outside Zhapu Port. According to Zheng Kezang's personal classification standard, the two-masted gunboat with three thousand materials to four thousand materials is called a second-class cruise ship, and the two-masted gunboats with five thousand materials and six thousand materials are called second-class cruise ships. The three-masted gunboat is called a first-class cruiser, and only a gunboat with a double-deck gun deck of more than [-] materials can be called a cruiser. As for the higher-level battleship, it still exists only in Ma Yuan and other shipyard ambassadors. in their minds.

As soon as Zheng Jun's cruise ship appeared, the Nanwan Fort and Zhapu Fort that Zhejiang Province rushed to build after the Jiangsu-Zhejiang War opened fire desperately, and the fierce artillery fire formed columns of water on the river.Although all the gunfire of the Qing army was lost, Yan Daoji, who was in command of the "Daishan", was unwilling to use wooden gunboats to confront the stone forts of the Qing army, so he led the boat southward, out of sight of the Qing army Continue to swim towards the upper waters of Qiantang River.

The Qing army in Zhapu didn't understand Zheng Jun's actions. Seeing Zheng Jun disappear from the telescope, they complacently drafted a letter of victory, propagandizing that they repelled Zheng Jun's naval attack and caused most of Zheng Jun's boats to catch fire.However, as soon as the messenger on a fast horse entered Hangzhou City from Luosi Gate (Qingtai Gate), there were thunderous cannons outside Wangjiang Gate and Houchao Gate.

Although the citizens of Hangzhou have only experienced the baptism of the Jiangsu-Zhejiang War for more than a year, there was no example of Zheng Jun’s navy going back outside Hangzhou and carrying out shelling during the Jiangsu-Zhejiang War. The son made Hangzhou people who have been in peace for many years feel the end of the world is coming.

Crying for their fathers and mothers, the people of Hangzhou fled out of the city with their only possessions. Except for Wangjiangmen and Houchaomen, which were being bombarded, Baiguan (Wulin), Bazi (Genshan), Zhengzhou, etc. The gates of Yang (Fengshan), Luosi (Qingtai), Qingbo, Yongjin, Qiantang, and Taiping (Qingchun) were filled with fleeing people, so that the Qing army who originally planned to close the city gates to prevent the Zheng army from taking advantage of the false attack Still unable to close the city gate, in the end they could only disperse the people with sticks.

After Zheng Jun shelled for half an hour, the Qing Army Royal Battalion Artillery Team who followed Kangxi to the south reacted and fired at Jiang Shang Zheng Jun with the largest caliber and longest range General Wucheng Yonggu Cannon. Fired back fire, Yan Daoji, who didn't care how many Qing troops could be killed or wounded, withdrew from the battle on his own initiative.

Although Zheng Jun's navy was beaten away, it was a great crime to let Kangxi face the threat of artillery fire. Zhejiang Governor Fan Chengxun and other Zhejiang officials ran to plead guilty to Kangxi in panic, and at the same time begged Kangxi to move to Suzhou, as a precautionary measure.However, Kangxi had a stubborn temper and insisted on staying in Hangzhou. Fan Chengxun had no choice but to ask Mingzhu, who was with the army, to persuade him.

Of course Mingzhu understands that the well-known Kangxi is worried that some people will say that he is afraid of war and fleeing, so she asks Kangxi to go south to Shaoxing.Kangxi was overjoyed when he heard about it, and he adopted it without hesitation. That night, Kangxi's imperial driver crossed the Qiantang River and arrived in Xiaoshan. In the next two days, more than 8 Qing troops accompanied him went south one after another. Among them, the green camps in Jiangxi, Anhui and other places will directly Drive to Xianxia Pass via Jinhua, and the green camps from Shandong, Zhili and other places will also go south to Wentai to strengthen the offensive in southern Zhejiang.

And just as the Qing army went south for the second time, Zheng Jun, who entered Guangdong, conquered the counties in Huizhou successively, and the soldiers pointed directly at the city of Guangzhou.Wu Xingzuo, who still didn't know that he had been dismissed and investigated, dispatched the Qing army from Gao Leilian and other places to enter the guard regardless of his back. Formed a double-teaming situation.

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