Eight hundred miles away, Dongting Lake is vast and boundless, but it has shrunk several times compared to the Yunmeng Daze at the beginning of the Qin and Han Dynasties. This is certainly due to the natural evolution from lakes to swamps, and from swamps to grasslands, but more At that time, it was the result of more than a thousand years of continuous development by the Han people who moved south after the Jin Dynasty moved to the east.

Looking at the hills, paddy fields, vegetable fields, and forests that appear and disappear by the lake, Wang Xinhua, who was sitting on a boat, sighed, and couldn't help but put his hands on the charcoal fire to drive away the biting chill.

"Marshal, we can't go any further." The military officer operating the boat dissuaded him. "In the past, it was the territory of the Qinglu navy."

Speaking of which, it has been decades since the Qing Ding Ding was established, but the Qing court never set up a naval battalion along the Dongting Lake. Therefore, the Qing army navy mentioned by General Wang Xinhua is actually just the governor of Hunan Province. The bandits in the lake that Ahe recruited after the war developed to Hunan, the largest ship claims to be able to carry a hundred people, not to mention encountering Zheng Jun's soft-sail gunboat, even if you encounter a small red single boat with only four or five hundred materials It is also only for escaping.

However, the Dongting navy of the Qing army is not very good. It is not satisfactory compared to the so-called Dongting camp of the Wang Xinhua Department that just used the children of fishermen along the lake and dozens of fishing boats to make up the so-called Dongting Navy. He didn't dare to get involved in Huarong County in the west of the lake, let alone cross the lake to attack Changde Mansion.

"It's freezing cold, so how could Qinglu's boats be dispatched at this time of year?" Wang Xinhua waved his hand indifferently. "I'm not afraid of sitting on the boat, what are you afraid of, keep driving west."

The military officer's face changed drastically: "Commander, this is a passenger ship, and it can't compare to the fast ship that clears the captives, just in case"

"What a disappointment." Wang Xinhua scolded, but the other party was unwilling to put Wang Xinhua in danger. After talking for a long time to no avail, the dignified Xin Fengbo had no choice but to be sent back by force. "Deng Baojun, you bastard, you dare to disobey my military order, and see if I will skin you when I land."

That's what he said, but when Wang Xinhua set foot on the small pier again, he only let out a soft moan, and then rode away, leaving only a group of fearful sailors around the brave military officer to praise.

Not to mention the naval military officer who spoke boldly after drinking a few glasses of beer, Wang Xinhua just stepped into the Yueyang government office, and the deputy general Cai Jintong who got the news rushed to find him---in fact, according to the current system of Ming Zheng, he is not in the army Set up positions such as lieutenant general, general, guerrilla, etc., but Wang Xinhua declared Cai Jintong's position as commander and the title of commander, so that Cai Jintong was in fact above the two rulers of the royal family. He is grateful for this Cai Jintong was naturally loyal to Wang Xinhua from then on.

"Uncle, the Tang of the Ministry of War has been handed over, and the Military Affairs Department has counted us in Huguang, and only granted us the designation of Zuo Shenwei Division."

"When King Xia made the decision, he circled five divisions in Huguang. It's not bad to give us one." Wang Xinhua said with a half-smile. "But we have more than 1 troops, and we only give it to one division, and let us lay off the rest? Or, let's quit Yueyang and return the territory to the Tartars?"

"The Ministry of War's intention is not to let us disarm, but that we have to pay for the food and weapons of the Zuo Shenwei."

"Shit!" Wang Xinhua roared. "I've turned Yueyang's surroundings into white space, let me go somewhere to raise my own food." Wang Xinhua took two quick steps inside the house. "This is clearly a drudgery."

"Uncle, this is not the key point." Cai Jintong expressed his thoughts. "There is only one division, should it be controlled by Modu or by Chendu? If the bowl of water is uneven, there will be rifts among us."

After Cai Jintong finished speaking, Wang Xinhua calmed down: "Don't be suspicious, it's not the time to kill the donkey, King Xia wouldn't attack us so soon, I'm afraid it's really not enough money, otherwise How could King Xia agree to supplement rifles and cannons with Zuo Shenwei Division according to the system of Wuwei Division and Tiger Guard Division?"

Don't look at Wang Xinhua's nice words, but as he talked, his true intentions were revealed: "By the way, I remember that someone from Wuchang was here a few days ago? Are you still here? Go and have a good talk with him, please. Help me over there, we have to get over the difficulties."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements now." But when everyone arrived at the door, Cai Jintong hurried back as if he saw something. "Uncle, Modu Tongzhi and Chen Dutongzhi are already waiting outside, what do you think about this?"

"Both of them have long ears." Wang Xinhua mocked, and then sat down on the chair. "Let them in." Not long after, two military officers in brocade robes and jade belts walked in, and before they had time to salute Wang Xinhua, Wang Xinhua snorted. "If only one of them is in control, you two are in such a hurry." The two generals blushed and were about to explain to Wang Xinhua, but Wang Xinhua didn't want to listen. "I know everything, isn't it just that I only gave you the number of a division, and no one has withdrawn your officials, so you should do whatever you want. As for the division control of the Zuo Shenwei division, you have no share, Ji Kang, it's up to you to choose."

Cai Jintong was not overjoyed when he got this big pie that fell from the sky. Instead, he said worriedly: "Uncle, the three divisions, with our current territory, even if Wuchang can provide some support, we can't afford it." ah."

"I know." Wang Xinhua nodded. "So we have three divisions in name, but each division can only have two regiments." When Mo and Chen heard this, their faces showed embarrassment, but Wang Xinhua glared. "Do you two feel that it hurts to lose a piece of flesh, then don't do it at all, wouldn't it be all over."

It was only then that Mo and Chen suddenly realized, yes, without the establishment, they will naturally be able to make up for it when they are rich in the future, but without the title of division capital commander, if they want to be promoted again, Zheng Kezang will not let go. There is only one chance in a million, so the two people who figured it out hurriedly agreed: "The commander-in-chief's eyes are like a torch, and the next official will do it."

Wang Xinhua nodded in satisfaction, and then chased away the guests: "Stop talking nonsense, hand over the troops, and go back to Pingjiang and Xiangyin for me. If the Tartars of Changsha take advantage of the emptiness and seize the city, don't blame me for taking your hands." Skin."

Mo and Chen retreated, but Cai Jintong said with a worried face: "Uncle, we can't just guard the three-acre land in Yueyang and stop making progress. According to the current situation, we must really defend it." dead."

"I know this too." Wang Xinhua sighed. "However, Changsha in the south is fast and tough. Even if our strength is doubled, I don't want to fight hard. But to the north, it's the Yangtze River, and to the west, it's Dongting. With these small broken ships in our hands, we can't fight against them. How can we support it? If you don’t tell me, I still forgot. Today, when I boarded a boat to patrol the lake, those bastards in the navy were frightened by the enemy. How can we fight this battle, and where should we advance.”

"The troops controlled by Feng Huifeng on the southern front are in Xiangtan. If you invite them to send troops to Changsha together," Cai Jintong shook his head before he finished speaking. It's the idea of ​​not being able to join forces anymore, not to mention joining forces with Feng Hui to take down Changsha's territory. "The north of the Yangtze River is the main force of Shanahai, the general of Jingzhou in the Qing Dynasty. We can't touch it easily. The only way now is to go west."

As Wang Xinhua said, going west depends on a strong navy, so Cai Jintong suggested: "If our navy is not good enough, please call. I heard that Wuchang also built a navy. There are hundreds of ships, large and small, capable of fighting two thousand sailors, since they want to pull us to sing against King Xia, they must give us some sweets."

"This is a good idea," Wang Xinhua said, his eyes brightened. "But it's easier to ask God than to send God away."

"Uncle, don't worry. From Yueyang to Wuchang, although there are large ships from the Yangtze River Fleet of the Inland River Navy cruising on this section of the river from time to time, after all, they can't take care of it for a while, so Wuchang has to build its own boats and train sailors just in case. If they really stay in Dongting Lake and won’t leave, then they don’t want Wuchang Mansion?”

"That's true." Wang Xinhua picked up the tea bowl and took a sip, then put it down casually and came up with an idea, so he discussed it with Cai Jintong enthusiastically. "Inviting the navy from Wuchang is worse than inviting the Yangtze River Fleet from the Inland River Navy. On the one hand, they have more ships, cannons, and soldiers, and on the other hand, this is also a bargaining chip for us to bargain with Wuchang."

From Wang Xinhua's words, it can be heard that he wants to step on two boats, but Cai Jintong doesn't take it seriously: "Uncle, first, this inland river navy is no different from the other fleets before. Although it looks glamorous, can it fight back?" Not necessarily; second, the thousands of miles of the Yangtze River can be crossed by northern captives everywhere, and King Xia is naturally more concerned about the section between Jiangxi and South Zhili. There are not many Yangtze River Fleet sent to Xingguo Prefecture, and they can be sent to us across Wuchang There are very few of them, and I don’t know what to use them for.”

"There is some truth to this, but not necessarily." Wang Xinhua stood up and walked a few steps in the hall. "King Xia valued the Jiang defense in Nanzhili and Jiangxi, but he may not ignore the Huguang section of the river. It must be known that once the Huguang defense line collapses, Hunan and Jiangxi will face the front of the northern captives. If the war enters Jiangxi I'm afraid that if Fujian and Zhejiang are about to shake, if Fujian and Zhejiang shake, then King Xia's great cause will collapse in half, so King Xia will definitely not be on his guard."

Cai Jintong's face became serious: "Uncle, what you mean is that Hong Gongzhu's two divisions are not going to defend the Qing army in Jiangbei, but are going to Wuchang, so why should we join forces with Wuchang?"

"Wuchang can stop the Qing army in the north, why did King Xia do it? Doesn't King Xia know how to gain a good reputation?" Wang Xinhua laughed. "So, in order to keep Wuchang safe, we can't take away all the bargaining chips for other people's life."

"Uncle is right." Cai Jintong also laughed. "Alright, so we can also see King Xia's true attitude towards us."

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