Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

310. Empty city plan? ? ?

The city of Beijing in early spring and February is still shrouded in bursts of chill, so that there are no sentries on the road, who like the Manchurian uncles who have nothing to do and hang around with birdcages.Of course, these Manchurians with hardcore crops were unwilling to stay at home, so the teahouse theater became their best place to socialize.

"Have you heard that Galdan has invaded Khalkha Mongolia again? Several Khan Beel Taiji fled to Chahar and Xilin Gol, and even the Great Living Buddha Jebtsundamba also fled to Zhelimu. A living Buddha and King Khan were crying and clamoring for the imperial court to send troops to help them drive away Galdan."

"Galdan is not easy to fight. He is no better than Zashbatu Khan, who was defeated in Gansu not long ago. In Ulan Butong, Prince Yu fought hard and defeated Tong Guowei's brother Tong Guogang. It's a tie, if Galdan didn't dare to fight recklessly seeing how many of us there are, in the end it wouldn't matter who wins or loses."

"Speaking of which, there are [-] or [-] soldiers and horses in Galdan's hands. This was when Haini was not as strong as Shanglu's court family. Now that Jiangnan has fallen, the court's soldiers and horses are all on the banks of the Yangtze River. Come on, I don’t know if I have the capital to do it again with the Zhungeer people.” Speaking of this, the speaker suddenly asked. "Master, let's talk about it, will the imperial court follow Tu Haigong's old method and transfer the coats of each family to go into battle?"

"Dropping the coating, doing it like this back then, made the slaves climb on the head of the owner. If it is done like this now, it is still a matter of whether the Qing Dynasty belongs to our Manchuria or the Han army flag."

"Fourth Master Mu, if you are afraid that the slave will get on your head, why don't you go get this military merit yourself."

"We still have to earn military merits. The ancestors did not shed blood for the Qing Dynasty in vain." The man called Fourth Lord Mu shook his head like a rattle. "Besides, I think I fought Wu Sangui in Jiangxi with General Yang Wei back then, but what happened, those Han people are still climbing on my head."

Prince Jane Labu was unlucky because of his experience of fighting Wu Sangui in Jiangxi, and it is normal for his subordinates to be implicated, but in this case, Kangxi will be the root cause, no wonder Fourth Master Mu can only point fingers at Sang Huai Woolen cloth.

Mu Siye's subtext can actually be understood by everyone around him, but because of Kangxi, even the Manchus themselves dare not say more, so the people around him hurriedly changed the topic and said: "When Jiangnan is lost, Galdan will be back again." In Mobei Mongolia, my Qing Dynasty is just like the Wanyan family's Jin Dynasty in the past, such a dangerous situation must be guarded against."

"Having said that, but without the food and salaries from Jiangnan, how can we cope with the two-sided battle just by donating."

"Then find a side to fight." Another banner man said. "Hai Ni is now stuck in Hunan, Huguang, and Guangxi, and has absolutely no strength to cross the river. At this time, the imperial court has concentrated troops and horses to fight against Galdan. Sooner or later, it won't last long."

"It's easy to say. Everyone knows the story of letting others come and go all the way, but how did Jiang Ning lose it? What if the army goes north to fight the Zhungeer people, Haini suddenly comes ashore from Tianjin, Who will guard the capital?" Fourth Master Mu grabbed a handful of melon seeds while talking. "It doesn't affect the overall situation if Jiangning is lost, but if Beijing is also lost, we have no choice but to go back to our hometown outside the pass. No, maybe we won't even have the chance to go back outside the pass."

Mu Siye's words fell into the ears of the surrounding people, and everyone fell silent by coincidence. That's right, Zheng Jun's ability to fight across the sea made these Manchu people who are not familiar with naval warfare have lingering fears, so everyone was thinking for a while how to break this innocence Solution dead end.

A dry voice sounded: "Didn't the imperial court build a ship yard and a fort in Zhigu?"

"What's the use of building a shipyard? If there is a ship, there must be people. As the saying goes, the south ships and the north horses. Do we have such people to control the soft-sailed ships? No, isn't this built to be a target for Haini?"

"As for the fort, I didn't hear that the red-haired missionaries in Beijing have already left one after another. Without these butchers, although they won't be able to eat hairy pigs, the progress must be slowed down. Besides, there is a flat river in the south. It’s impossible to go ashore, you have to hit a place with a fort, and I’m not a fool*.”

"Have all the missionaries in Beijing left? No, I seem to see one or two staying."

"The missionaries are not Zhuge Liang, one or two are useless."

A rude voice came, and the Manchu people sitting together looked up one after another, and immediately stood up one by one to salute, and at the same time, the voice of saluting (celebrating) Fifth Lord also rang out.

Qing Wu also bowed to the crowd, then unceremoniously occupied the chair given up by someone, stretched out his hand and poured himself a bowl of tea, then picked up the previous topic and continued: "It's better to ask for help." Ask yourself, if you want to win against Haini, you have to rely on our own people, so the imperial court already has a strategy."

Hearing this, the eyes of the people around me popped out, and they all asked Qing Wu what was going on, Qing Wu smiled at this: "It's about military aircraft, we guys don't know too well, but we just know that the emperor has already I set a trap for Hai Ni, as long as Hai Ni dares to come, tens of thousands of iron hooves will trample them into mud."

"What, the Northern Expedition after the Plum Rains?" Even through the North Korean envoys in Beijing, the gossip passed by the bannermen in Beijing could not reach Zheng Kezang's ears immediately. Therefore, Zheng Kezang's decision has nothing to do with it. It is better to say that he responded after seeing through the opponent's empty plan than he made a judgment based on the trend of history. "Your Majesty, isn't this a little hasty?" Lin Sheng, who was dumbfounded, looked at his colleagues who were also shocked around him, and then bit the bullet and advised. "The new army has not yet been fully organized and trained, and the Qing government has deployed heavy troops along the river. Your Majesty, you need to be cautious."

"Of course I know that the Northern Expedition is of great importance, so I entrust it to you." Zheng Kezang raised his hand to signal several courtiers to continue listening to him. "First, since ancient times, guarding the river must be guarding the Huai River, so it is imperative to go north, but the goal of the first phase is to advance to the banks of the Huai River and the Dabie Mountains." The person immediately breathed a sigh of relief. "Secondly, choosing to send troops in the hot season after the rainy season can minimize the combat power of the Qing soldiers in the north. In addition, it will not allow them to obtain summer grain from the Huaihe River and Huaihe River, and our army can save the pressure of transshipment because the grain is on the battlefield; "Lin Sheng and others are all people who know soldiers, so they naturally understand the importance of military rations, so they all agree with Zheng Kezang's words. "Thirdly, whether the new army can fight or not depends on training alone, and you have to see blood; fourthly, the staff has found out that the Mongolian Zhungeer tribe is in Mobei, and they are threatening Monan and others. The situation in Zhili must be made good use of."

"Your Majesty is right." Qian Sun Youlao, Zuo Tong of the Staff Office of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, changed his original opinion after thinking for a while. "From this point of view, the beginning of summer is an excellent time for our army's Northern Expedition. However, I think that the Northern Expedition is a big deal, and the exact date needs to be concealed. How about we publicize it to the outside world after the summer harvest in August?"

"This is a matter of the staff office, and I will not interfere with it," Zheng Kezang said with a smile and a little casually. "Lin Qing, once you cooperate, I will leave it to you. If there is any staff office that is inconvenient to come forward, I will leave it to you to deal with the various departments."

Lin Heng responded with a wry smile, and then asked, "Is Fuzhou going to report something?"

"No need, then it's a big funnel, and the incident won't make a fuss." While speaking, Zheng Kezang stood up. "If the emperor responds to the sky with his lonely mind, he might as well make a statement, but if he lingers and stays in Fujing and does not go, the glory of the Northern Expedition is better for himself."

Back in the office of the General Staff Office, Lin Sheng immediately complained about Sun Youlao: "My lord Sun, the king had a whim, how could you easily agree to it? The Northern Expedition of hundreds of thousands of people is not a trivial matter, it has a lot of clues , How can we do it well in just a few months, if the army is damaged due to negligence, you and I will be sinners through the ages."

"Lord Lin, the king has made up his mind on this matter, how can you and I stop it? Besides, the king is so thoughtful, how can you and I refuse?" Sun Youlao took off his hair and dismissed Only then did he look up at the waiter's head, and meet Lin Sheng's gaze. "As for how to carry out the Northern Expedition, the following staff members have already drawn up more than a dozen strategies in private, and we only need to carefully select them, so why bother to say."

Facing Sun Youlao's sophistry, Lin Sheng looked angry: "A strategy is a strategy, whether it works or not is another matter."

"How does Lord Lin know it won't work? Besides, no matter how good the strategy is, it may not be effective in the battlefield." Sun Youlao sneered back. "If you always count on the strategy to work, it's better to count on the formation map of the former Song Dynasty to block the Liao soldiers and Jurchen soldiers."

Lin Sheng was so angry that he blew his beard and stared at him. Seeing this scene, Lin Xian, who was the right fellow, hurriedly persuaded him: "Master Lin, you and I are both sailors. Only Master Sun is used to fighting on land. Since Master Sun If you have confidence, then you and I are still happy to see it become a good one.”

"Don't dare," Sun Yourao nodded to Lin Xian. "Northern Expedition is a major event, and naturally the navy must support it."

"That's natural, that's natural." Lin Xian agreed hastily. "But everything must be dominated by Master Lu."

Seeing that the two subordinates were teaming up and blatantly pretending to be arrogant, Lin Xian slammed the coffee table beside him: "Okay, very good, since the two adults are very confident, I am happy to see it come true. Come here, prepare the car, I feel a little unwell, I have to take leave to return home, as for the plan of the Northern Expedition, I will entrust the two adults."

Looking at the back of Lin Sheng who was rushing away in anger, Lin Xian glanced at Sun Youlao next to him with some embarrassment. You must know that Lin Sheng is a veteran general of Zheng Jun, and Sun Youlao is a direct descendant of Zheng Kezang. It's really a headache to be caught between the two of them due to their background and status, which is not comparable to Wu Shu.

"General Counselor Lin is sick, but things have to go on," Sun Youlao said calmly at this moment. "Master Lin, please help me."

Lin Xian regained his composure, and immediately said with a smile: "Dare not to follow orders"

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