Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

368. Huguang First Battle

Although it is not clear how deep Zheng Jun's stronghold is, in view of Kangxi's reprimand and the upcoming reinforcements of more than 4 troops, Naertu and Shanahai, who led the Zhennan army, finally decided to use their lives to break Zheng Jun's defense.Of course, it is definitely not the 7000 Banner Army of the Manchurian Han Dynasty with a total of more than 24 people and the Mongolian Cavalry Army with more than 5000 who are not good at attacking fortifications. Woolen cloth.

However, cannon fodder also has its uses, and it cannot be damaged aimlessly, so how to attack Zheng Jun's camp has become a problem.Generally speaking, the siege operations must first fill up the outer trenches, but in this way, a considerable number of ants must be lost before attacking the Zheng army's earthen walls and horse faces.Of course, it is also a way to use the mobility of the cavalry to quickly fill the land, but there is no need for anyone to waste such an advanced unit as the cavalry.

In addition, due to the uniqueness of Zheng Jun’s wall, the Qing army can also choose to attack from several crossings that Zheng Fang deliberately set aside, but Zheng Jun will never provide convenience for the Qing army to attack with good intentions—although Zheng Jun also needs these However, when the enemy is outnumbered, the use of these passages should mostly be traps --- so it can be inferred from this that one can imagine what price the Qing army will pay when attacking these passages.

After weighing again and again, anyway, I have enough cannon fodder in my hands, and anyway, the next wave of reinforcements will arrive soon. Shanahai, who is actually in charge of military affairs, decided to attack a few passages first. Know that there is really a trap or a smooth path to bluff.

On June 36, the [-]th year of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, under the early white sky in early summer, the Qing army barracks fired cannons and opened the gate. Tens of thousands of Qing troops filed out, and quickly lined up outside Zheng Jun's strange city.At this time, the wind was light and the clouds were calm, and the hot summer sun had not yet risen. The Qing army lined up under countless banners was neat, and from a distance, the evil spirit shot straight into the sky.

As several ordered cavalry walked through the large formation, several small phalanxes broke away from the main team.At the same time, the Artillery Team of General Wucheng Yonggu and the Artillery Team of General Shenwei Invincible from the Firearms Battalion of the Xi'an Banner Army also entered their shooting positions, and various artillery pieces made by the Qing army from various provinces were also placed all over the place. , and then according to the order, they rumbled indiscriminately, and the smoke of gunpowder immediately dispersed in the air, covering the attacker's sight.

Although the sound of the guns was fierce, the effect was very rare. Since the provincial-made artillery owned by the Green Battalion of the Qing Army was not as good as the bureau-made and imperial-made artillery equipped by the Eight Banners Soldiers, the gunners of the Qing Army did not dare to fill up the gunpowder at all, and the Green Battalion The gunpowder used is still the old-fashioned powdered gunpowder, so the farthest shell can only hit the trench dug by Zheng Jun, stirring up a burst of water. It didn't even touch the earth wall and Zheng Jun's horse face.

After confirming the truth, Shanahai was quite annoyed and ordered the artillery teams of the provinces to push forward.As a result, these green battalion artillerymen were still working hard to push the heavy artillery forward, and the artillery fire from Zheng Jun's counterattack arrived.A division of the Zheng Army originally had nine two-inch guns and nine three-inch guns, but the five divisions in Shatou City all added regimental artillery teams according to the new system before going into battle. Ten two-inch guns and 45 three-inch guns.Although the entire line of defense had to be taken into account and there was no centralized arrangement, the seven-pound shells and twenty-pound shells fired obliquely from the horses adjacent to several passages still smashed the advancing Qing army artillery.

"It's now." Ba Lin, who was shirtless, roared when he saw Zheng Jun's firepower being attracted by the Green Battalion artillery team. "fire!"

The artillery team of the Xi'an Banner Army, which fired intensively, immediately created a metal storm on Zheng Jun's position.Of course, this era can only be shot with probability, so there are not many direct hits on the horse's face, and even those shells that occasionally land on the horse's face are offset by the short bulletproof wall that the Qing army has not discovered, and only a few are unlucky Only then did the Zheng Army's artillery team suffer a loss of artillery.

Seeing the flames splashing and bullets raining down from Zheng Jun's side, several green battalion leaders who were drawn into death squads began to move out slowly.The Qing troops running towards the passage were all divided into three formations. The front formation consisted of white soldiers, the middle formation consisted of musketeers, and the last consisted of archers. The gatehouse, the team began to deform.

In fact, the door stoppers set by Zheng Jun are divided into two layers, front and back, bounded by a towering concrete lintel. The wall is nearly half higher than the high wall, and as for the gate, it is a big tree that has just been cut down.

Seeing that they were approaching, and the adjacent horse face was also blocked by the door stopper, the Qing army rushed forward with a shout.At this moment, countless human heads suddenly appeared on the two door walls, and at the same time, there were cold weapons in their hands.

"Ah!" The Green Banner soldiers had no time to let out a horrified cry, only to see a cloud of gunpowder smoke rising, and the double volley knocked down the bravest white soldier in the front of the Qing army to the ground.

The Qing army who survived at the front was about to burst into tears, but they rushed up from behind and pushed them up. As a result, many people stepped on the pond formed by the bodies of the fallen comrades and the spurting blood. .So slipping, slipping, tripping and tripping, the formation was in chaos, and several thousand people shouted hoarsely there.

Before the Qing army recovered from the chaos, Zheng Jun on the door wall took the rifles he had received from the back row and struck again, leveling the Qing army at the forefront again.To be honest, the casualties of 50 to 500 people can only be regarded as a drop in the bucket for a battalion head of at least [-] people, but seeing the most valiant warrior fall beside him, the rest of the Qing army suddenly became timid and rushed to fight against each other. The autonomous officer ran back and fled.Of course, the Qing army's battalion head, which can be repelled by two volleys of guns, is not the mainstream. No, in front of the other gates, after enduring the initial loss, the Qing army's bird gunners and archers began to confront Zheng Jun. Shooting, so Zheng Jun also suffered a lot of losses.

"Kill! Kill all these sea rebels." Taking advantage of Zheng Jun's rifle being suppressed, the Qing army roared and rushed towards the front low wall and the gate that was only blocked by big trees. "Quickly, climb up and take this door, and your lord will immediately reward you with a hundred taels of silver."

The low wall is only half the height of a person, but it is by no means easy to climb. The Qing army who supported his body and climbed up only felt a pain in his chest, and immediately fell down on his back. It was Zheng Jun behind the wall who stabbed them again. greet.Because the white soldiers of the Qing army who rushed forward blocked the shooting range of the gunners, and the archers who shot lobs were afraid of accidentally injuring their colleagues in front of them, so the Qing soldiers who were unable to parry because of climbing became moths throwing fire. , fell to the ground one by one as Zheng Jun stabbed and pulled them out.

Those Qing soldiers who rushed to the big tree to act as a latch did not realize that the position of this big tree that was too late to be pruned was a bit special when they rushed closer.The big tree at the waist gave the Qing army three choices. The first was to climb in from below, the second was to find a way to climb over the tree, and the third was to cut off the big tree.But whether you climb in or turn over, you have to face Zheng Jun's white soldiers.As for cutting down big trees, some Qing soldiers tried it, but the waist knife in their hands rolled up without cutting twice.

The Qing army, who was stunned in front of the big tree, was still at a loss. The Qing army who had recovered by the low wall began to stab Zheng Jun with long spears.At this time, a dark object was thrown vigorously from behind the high wall.These black guys smoking gunpowder landed in the Qing army brigade and detonated instantly, blowing up a large number of Qing troops immediately, and even the gunmen and archers in the rear were also affected.Taking advantage of the disgraceful Qing army, Zheng Jun behind the high wall fired another row of dense volleys, and immediately beat the Qing army at a very short distance.The Qing army, which left corpses all over the place, could no longer hold on, and with a bang, they fled back the way they came.

"Cut!" Although Naertu and Shanahai's original intention was to test Zheng Jun's reality, the loss of the striker would hurt morale, so Shanahai unceremoniously raised his butcher's knife. "All the officers of the Gwangju Battalion from the guerrillas down will be shown to the public, and the (Hebiao) Huaihe Camp Chief, Caobiao Zuoying Capital Chief, (Hubei) Anlu Camp Garrison, etc., will also be passed on to the first three armies." Shanahai The murderous order said. "Tell the generals of the battalions that this is the end of retreating without orders!" A few "chickens" were used to scare the "monkeys", but the remnants of these battalions had to be dealt with carefully, so as not to spread the words of failure to the general public. For other troops, Shanahai issued another order for this: "The rest of the above-mentioned four battalions will be incorporated into the military standard, and another battalion will be set up to rectify on the spot."

After Shanahai issued the order, Ananda stepped forward and said: "My lord, Mr. Sha, the gunpowder smoke was thick just now, and I couldn't see clearly from the rear. I don't know how this was defeated. I have to make people ask clearly about the reality of Haini." good."

"That's exactly the reason." Shanahai nodded, and sent a few Goshhas to ask the surviving Qiangzong. Since the bloody head was still in front of their eyes, the Qiangzong who had escaped by chance asked what they wanted to say. , In this way, the truth was quickly presented in front of a group of dignitaries. "My lords know the course of the war, and let's talk about what to do next."

Before all the Manchu relatives and nobles could speak, Xu Dingjiang, the commander-in-chief of Nanyang Town, took a step forward. There was a big mistake in his Gwangju Battalion, so he naturally wanted to express it briefly: "This time I was caught off guard. In the opinion of the following officials, the sea is against the enemy. The defense in the passage is not strong. The so-called big wooden blocking the door is easy to solve. Next time, bring more axes to the past. I also ask the commander to hand over the task of attacking the enemy to Nanyang Town. The next official will definitely lead the troops to clean up the shame. .”

"Master Xu's words, the lower officials do not agree." Gao Zhicheng, the commander-in-chief of Yunyang Town, Hubei Province, objected loudly. "Hai Ni's defense in the channel seems weak, but it may not be an intentional show of weakness. If our army insists on fighting for the channel, it will inevitably limit the number of troops used. Hai Ni can concentrate its forces on a few channels."

Gao Zhicheng's words are not unreasonable. If he is obsessed with fighting for the gate, then the Qing army's superiority in strength will not be able to be brought into play. It must be known that the time advantage is on the Zheng army's side. Once the weather gets hotter, not only the Jingqi The Mongolian cavalry couldn't stand it, and even the green camps in Zhili, Shanshan and other places could hardly compete with the southern soldiers who were used to the scorching heat.

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