Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

369. Huguang Fights Again

Gao Zhicheng's words touched Shanahai who didn't care about the life and death of the green battalion soldiers. He was about to make a decision, but Balin cut him in: "My lord, Mr. Sha, although Mr. Gao's idea is good, but the firearms battalion There are so few cannons, how can they support the four sides, unless the green battalions in each province use their own artillery to support them. "

Ba Lin's words are also reasonable. The artillery and muskets in the era of queuing and shooting can only be effective if they are concentrated. If they are scattered, they are no different from the fireworks at the time of the New Year. The Xi'an Firearms Battalion for artillery fire has only 32 two-type artillery in total, which is not enough to be scattered in front of several passages, and they are lined up in a row.

Shanahai hesitated, saying that he is a veteran in the army, but his experience does not include the use of firearms on a large scale, let alone the experience of fighting the Oros in the Northeast, so he lost his way for a while .

A veteran like Shanahai can't decide whether to continue to fight for several passages or to attack in an all-out way, let alone Naertu, who has been enjoying the blessings in Beijing. I saw this face-to-face prince frowning hard, but The strange look of not being able to hold back a word for a long time was as awkward as it really was.

At this time, the rescuer finally appeared, and Tong Gui stood up and said, "My lord, from what I have seen from the servants, what Gao Zhen and Xu Zhen said is true. Since the officers and soldiers have more than enough troops, why not have both, and use the flag battalion firearms?" The battalion supported the capture of various passages, and used all the artillery of the Green Camp to support the towns, associations, and battalions of the Green Camp to fill the trenches."

Shanahai couldn't help but nodded. Tong Gui's point is right. Whether it's attacking the passage or filling the trench, both can distract Zheng Jun's attention, and no matter which side succeeds, it's good for him As a result, even if it fails, it will consume the Green Banner soldiers and the overall situation will not be damaged.

With his mind set, Shanahai immediately whispered a few words to Naertu, and then formally ordered: "Use Nanyang Town to capture Zheng Jun's fortress, Chuanbei Town, Huguang Tibiao, Daming Town, and Yunyang Town send out soldiers to bury it." For the water trenches, Shanxi Capture Pirates Camp, Fubiao Youying Camp, Huguang Junbiao Camp, and Henan Fubiao Zuoying Camp can be used as backup.”

Hearing Shanahai's order, the generals of all towns and battalions responded with a loud bang, but if you observe carefully, you can find that some people have relaxed and freehand expressions on their faces, some have serious faces, some sigh slightly, and some have bloodthirsty eyes. Lean

The cannons of the Xi'an Qiying Firearms Battalion fired. After adjusting the shelling position, the six main attack passages in front of Nanyang Town were violently bombarded by the Qing army. It is not unheard of for a blind cat to encounter a dead mouse during Xiang's bombardment.No, half of the high wall on the left side of the passage called "East Two Ports" by the Qing army was knocked down by a ten-jin shell;

The artillery on the adjacent horse-faced fort of Zheng Jun also tried to counterattack, but in order to support the entire defense line, Zheng Jun's artillery was relatively scattered, so it could not suppress the Qing army's shelling, so it stopped automatically after fighting for a while.

At this time, the artillery of the Qing army stopped due to the need for heat dissipation, and Nanyang Town emerged from the smoke.Xu Dingjiang, who made a full effort, attacked the second entrance of the West Road with the left and right battalions of the Jingziguan Association, the second entrance of the Middle Road with the left and right battalions of the Xinyang Association, and the second entrance of the East Road with the Lushi Camp, Runing Camp, Deng Xinying, and Xinyeying. Biao Zuoying, Gushi Camp, and Xiangcheng Shouying are the second echelon.

Just as the ferocious Yu Province Green Battalion rushed straight to the mouths, Zheng Jun's rear sentry towers issued warnings one after another, and Qing troops appeared on most fronts.Carrying all kinds of sacks and cloth bags on their backs, they rushed straight to the ditch at the speed of lowering their heads and sprinting, and they seemed to fill up the obstacles in one fell swoop.

Seeing the Qing army approaching in a big way, Zheng Jun, who was avoiding the artillery behind the earthen wall, stood up one after another, and the platoon of guns on the attack suddenly rang out.

However, under the strict orders of their respective officers, a group of Qing troops marched tenaciously against the scorching bullets, regardless of the casualties of their fellow robes, and only turned around and fled back after throwing their loads into the pond.

At this time, Zheng Jun's artillery on the horse's face began to mop up the ants. A series of shotgun and chain bullets turned the entire front into a field of Shura, and some solid bullets even had the effect of ricocheting. Inflict astonishing damage.However, the Zheng army had artillery, and the Qing army also had artillery.Taking advantage of Zheng Jun's artillery focusing on the infantry that filled the trench, the Qing army gunners secretly moved all kinds of red cannons, general cannons, and small-mouth cannons forward, and then charged at the guns that rushed in front of the earth wall. The Mamianbao fired.

"This shit is disgusting." Because of the different charges of the Qing army's shells, some hit the ditch, causing a wave of waves, and some hit the outer wall made of riveted concrete, shaking off a few pieces of cement Coating, but it was the most ineffective shots that forced Zheng Jun to turn his sights again. "Get rid of these bastards first!"

As soon as the Zheng army's artillery fire was transferred, the Qing army's artillery couldn't stand it. Although the hit rate was also not high, under the attack of the two fans, the bold still dragged the artillery and ran back, and the timid ones just dropped the artillery and ran back. Fleeing, the dubbing for their embarrassing escape is the huge explosion sound of some gunpowder piles being hit.

The Qing army who filled the ditch fled howling under the rain of projectiles, but the foreign masters still felt that they were not working hard enough: "It seems that the green camps in every town are a little perfunctory."

"Naturally, I feel aggrieved to come to various towns." Balhu responded to Zhuduna's words in this way, and at the same time suggested to Shanahai. "Deputy Marshal, it's not too big and wasteful to use green battalion soldiers to fill the trenches. There are [-] people in Jingzhou City, isn't it?"

Although Kangxi's so-called "Manchu-Han integration" is just whitewashing, and although Kangxi will not be blamed by the famous Kangxi as long as he does not write in the title book to drive the people into ants, Shanahai still rejected Balhu's suggestion. It's not compassion or indecision, but another consideration: "Nonsense, do you know how many family members of the Huguang Green Camp are in the city, driving them into battle, isn't it going to force the Huguang Green Camp back on the spot, think about the loss of Wuchang."

There are two towns of Xunyang and Yichang in the Huguang Green Camp, as well as the military standard and Fubiao directly under Shanahai, and the supervising standard under the governor Gartu. Although not all family members are in Jingzhou, at least a considerable number of middle and lower-level officers and soldiers His family is located in Jingzhou City. At this moment, Shanahai didn't want to arouse the anger of the Huguang Green Banner soldiers who accounted for one-seventh of the total force.

Despite being rejected by Shanahai, Balhu did not give up. He turned to Naertu and said: "If you don't move the people in Jingzhou City, at least you have to take Cao Zhongying, the commander-in-chief of Yichang Town who rebelled in Jianli Family members are all arrested."

Naertu was trying to show his existence, and immediately agreed when he heard it: "It should be so, you can handle it."

Seeing Balhu's cheerful back, Shanahai curled his lips, and didn't say much, the binoculars in his hand turned straight to the battlefield where the fierce fighting was still going on.There are only a few passages, and the blocking logs set by Zheng Jun have been chopped off by the knives and axes of Nanyang Town, but one end of the broken logs lying on the ground is still inserted in the bolt hole, forming a "V" blocking structure .However, the Qing army who was still preparing to continue cutting down was knocked down one by one by the Zheng army lined up behind the gate, and the corpses alone formed a new obstacle.As for the struggle by the low wall, the Zheng army continued to suppress the Qing army's actions with the help of the firepower on the high wall behind.

"Who told you to come back?" Xu Dingjiang suddenly yelled at his wife and brother who were being held on the ground by the soldiers with their hands behind their backs. "Go back to me, I'd rather die in Hai Ni's hands than let me kill you with my own hands!"

"Brother-in-law, Zongzhen, I really can't attack!" Meng Sheng, the captain of Lu's camp, lifted off the two guards who were guarding him, and tore off his armor, exposing his ribs, which was rubbed by a spear. past wounds. "That wall, in order to climb that wall, the brothers were beaten to death by firecrackers, blasted to death by thunder, and stabbed to death by the spear of Haini. If we go down, Nanyang Town will be completely wiped out."

"They're all soldiers of the imperial court, why do I feel distressed?" Xu Dingjiang lowered his head and whispered in his wife's brother's ear. "I know you don't want to die, but if you don't die, brother-in-law, I will die." Seeing Meng Sheng's pupils suddenly constricted, Xu Dingjiang stood up, pulled out his sword, and stabbed Meng Sheng's heart. "Si Meng Sheng, the capital of Lu's camp, absconded without order, and spread the news of the defeat to shake the morale of the army. Now I personally execute him!" Pulling out the bloody sword, Xu Dingjiang gritted his teeth and ordered to the left and right. "Si Mengsheng, the capital of the Lu's camp, and Wang Dingbao, the defender of the Runing camp, died in a fierce battle. They can be described as an example in the army. Let Zhenbiao Zuoying succeed the Lu's and Runing camps and continue to attack. We will definitely win the Haini gate!"

In the process of going on and on, the Qing army used human lives to fill up and finally won the first low wall, and then invested in the attack on the small gate under the high wall.However, this victory was of no benefit to the capture of the gates. The Qing army that broke through or did not break through the blockage of the big trees was either shot by a volley of guns or fell into the guns of the Zheng army. big.

Reports of begging for help and grievances reached Shanahai's ears one after another. At this time, the sun in the sky became more and more fierce. Seeing that the morale of the Qing army had fallen, Shanahai could only order: "Mingjin retreat!"

The bang bang bang bang finally sounded. Seeing his subordinates fleeing back, Xu Dingjiang's legs went limp. Although he pretended to be standing for a long time and his blood was blocked, all the cronies around him could see the panic in his heart , but in any case, this hurdle has passed, and Nanyang Town, which is no longer able to fight, finally got the chance to retreat and rest by fighting hard

The Qing army could retreat, but the Zheng army could not: "Order the reserve team to go out of the city to inspect, and our army's lightly and seriously injured soldiers will be sent to the police for treatment. As for the wounded and corpses of the Qing prisoners, the clothing, armor and weapons will be confiscated, and then transported to the center line, and the Qing prisoners will be notified to receive them."

"This is your Majesty?"

"If the wounded are not rescued, the morale of the army will fall. If they are rescued, they will hurt morale and waste the Qing army's rations. Why not do this good thing." Zheng Kezang said with a sneer. "In addition, notify all ministries to change defenses and replenish ammunition, and the door plugs must be repaired as soon as possible."

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