Although Ouyang He felt that some of the old master Guan asked questions with the attitude of an elder, he was a bit out of tune, but he still patiently answered some information about his hometown, family background, relatives and friends. [ ~] Just when Ouyang He knew everything, a sudden burst of silver bell-like laughter came from outside the hall, and after a while, a girl dressed in Chinese clothes rushed in like a milk swallow through the forest, and only rushed towards In the arms of Master Guan on the host seat.

"Father is good or bad, he sneaked out to drink alone, and he didn't take me with him, I want to tell my mother

The coquettish girl suddenly saw an outsider sitting in the hall, and Huarong immediately turned pale, but seeing the guest's face clearly, she suddenly yelled: "Why are you sitting here, you bastard."

"How did Jin Niang talk, this is a guest." Zheng Kezang shouted, and then said to Ouyang He. "The little girl is rude, Lord Ouyang forgive me."

"That's right, that's right." The girl shook Zheng Kezang's arm persistently. "The last time my sister and I went to Longhua Temple, he rushed in ghostly. If my daughter hadn't discovered it early, who would know what bad things he would dare to do as a disciple."

After saying this, Zheng Kezang turned to look at Ouyang He, and Ouyang He, who was extremely embarrassed, hurriedly stood up, and saluted Zheng Kezang and Jin Niang: "Master Guan, it was really an accident last time, and I have already apologized." It's been said many times, but Ling Ai doesn't want to listen to my explanation, it's really wronged!"

"Jin Niang, I think Master Ouyang is a good-looking person, but he is Shou Li Jun. I'm afraid it's you and your sister who made a mistake." Zheng Kezang patted Jin Niang's hand dotingly. "Let's talk about the girl's family. If you say something like a prostitute on the left and a disciple on the right, before you back down first, Dad still wants to invite Mr. Ouyang to drink."

"Huh!" Jin Niang snorted at Ouyang He with a tigerish face. "I can't see that you are still an official. What are you doing?"

"It's just a promotion from the Qipin Internal Affairs Department." Ouyang He responded dumbfounded. Although he was promoted to a higher rank, his position has not changed. "Master Mengguan mistakenly called you an adult, but he is actually a petty official, not an official. ( ·~ )"

Jin Niang replied angrily, "You do have some self-knowledge."

"Okay Jin Niang," Zheng Kezang finally put on the majesty of a parent. "Enough trouble, if you don't quit, how can a girl be so crazy?"

When Jin Niang was scolded by Zheng Kezang, tears came out, she turned around and ran away, Zheng Kezang didn't chase after her, but said to Ouyanghe: "It's also because I spoiled them too much, and made Ouyang Lord feel wronged. "

Ouyang He, who didn't know that Jin Niang had turned tears into laughter after leaving the hall, felt extremely embarrassed, so he hurriedly offered to leave, but how could he let Zheng Kezang go out before the play was over, so he did everything possible to persuade him to stay. Ouyanghe had no choice but to follow Zheng Kezang to the nearby restaurant.

Although this mansion is only used as a stage for today's play, because one of the protagonists is Zheng Kezang himself and several princesses, the regulations are far more grand than ordinary houses, even the restaurant is the same---this mansion in Hehua The water pavilion in the center of the pool looks like it is divided into three rooms, but the inside of the house is completely opened, only separated by a few columns, which looks extremely spacious.

There is a banquet at the east end of the water pavilion, but it is not according to the customary round table regulation of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, but is eaten by the Song people.

There is a screen on one side of the two dining tables at right angles, and behind the screen there are faintly a few musicians serving, but this is not over. The master used eunuchs.

Well, it’s no big deal for eunuchs. It’s not out of the ordinary for a rich person to have a few secrets, but the water pavilion is warm as spring, and there are obviously braziers around, but there is no smoke around. Obviously, this is the best way to use it. refined charcoal.

It's just that the charcoal is not finished, and there are dozens of dishes on the food table, but what are those long-sleeved dishes?Dancing girl!It was so extravagant that a meal was accompanied by singing and dancing.Is this the demeanor of a wealthy businessman and a nobleman?It's just that Ouyang He, who was the owner of a mere pharmacy, couldn't imagine it.

When Ouyang He watched all this in shock, Zheng Kezang was also looking at his reaction. []

Speaking of which, Zheng Kezang's daily life is not so extravagant.There are only four dishes and one soup for lunch on weekdays, and there are only a few more dishes when sitting with wives and concubines at night. As for when he is in the army, he even only has one more meat dish than ordinary sergeants.

As for the songs and dances of this era, Southern Opera and Kunqu opera, Zheng Kezang didn't like it even more, but his wives and daughters usually had nothing to entertain them, and some musicians were seconded from the Shaole troupe of Zhengdan Grand Ceremony for emergencies. .

Soon, Zheng Kezang smiled with satisfaction. Although Ouyang He in front of him was shocked by everything, he didn't have ** written on his face like the neighbors specially invited to pave the way for today's play. Naked envy, a pair of clear eyes did not stay too long on the uneven curve of the dancer, but turned her head slightly as if listening to the music behind the scenes.

"Come, come," Zheng Kezang raised his glass. "Master Ouyang drink up." Ouyang He was invited and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp. Zheng Kezang laughed and ordered the waiter to fill it up. "Lord Ouyang is a good drinker."

The so-called wine is a matchmaker. After a few sips of wine and a few sips of food, the atmosphere gradually heated up. At this time, Zheng Kezang asked: "Master Ouyang is proficient in rhythm? How about these musicians?"

"It's really shameful to say that you are proficient in rhythm." Ouyang He replied with a smile. "But it can be heard that the musicians in your mansion are all masters."

"How does Master Ouyang compare?" Zheng Kezang asked. "Can you show your hand?"

"Don't dare, dare not." Ouyang He waved his hands hastily. "How dare I use an axe, I'm afraid it will pollute Master Guan's ears!"

"Oh, how do you say that? I haven't tried my skills yet, so how do I know that my ears will be dirty." Zheng Kezang didn't let Ouyang and Guomen go. "Could it be that Mr. Ouyang has his own elegant voice, and doesn't bother to play it for me, a businessman, to hear it."

When Zheng Kezang said this, Ouyanghe had to stand up and apologize, and then under Zheng Kezang's intentional or unintentional pressure, he chose a flute and played it quietly.

Zheng Kezang didn't know what he was playing, but someone behind the scenes quietly reported the title of the piece: "It's Zhe Gui Ling, which is commonly used in Kunqu Opera."

After the song was played, Zheng Kezang applauded lightly. Ouyang He was about to express his opinion that he was not good at playing, so he heard Zheng Kezang say: "Master Ouyang is from the south of the Yangtze River, so he must be very familiar with Kunqu Opera. This song "Zhe Gui Ling" It's really good, but I don't know if I can play "Three Lanes of Plum Blossoms" to add to the fun."

Different from the imagination of later generations, "Three Lanes of Plum Blossoms" was originally a flute song. In "Bo Ya Xinfa" of the Ming Dynasty, it was said that "Huan Yi played the melody of plum blossoms three times on the flute. This is traceable.

However, the song "Three Lanes of Plum Blossoms" is divided into three sections, and one tone is clearer than the other. Guqin may not be able to perform well, and flute is even more difficult.For this reason, Ouyang He made it clear that he may not be able to play well, but because of Zheng Kezang's insistence, he had to try his best.

So the sound of the flute was played, but soon it was a bit out of tune. Just at this time, the chords of the guqin came from behind the scenes, and the sound of the flute was magically brought up, and Ouyang He barely finished playing the whole song.

"Good!" Zheng Kezang cheered. "Great, come here, change the food and drink."

The waiter who was regarded as private by Ouyang He came to change the cold dishes. Taking advantage of the opportunity to re-serve the dishes, Zheng Kezang asked, "Apart from the flute, what musical instruments does Mr. Ouyang know?"

Ouyang Helian, who was frightened by Zheng Kezang, said no, but Zheng Kezang asked persistently, "What about the painting?"

Ouyang He felt more and more weird, so he said repeatedly: "When I was young, I was urged by my father to study medicine. I read a lot of medical and sage writings, but I didn't have the opportunity to dabble in this painting. As for the flute, I also learned it from my neighbors. The rest Instruments are less touching."

Zheng Kezang dismissed it regretfully, and didn't say any more. After the cups and toasts were exchanged, Ouyang He was persuaded to drink a lot, and finally Ouyang He was sent back drunk by Zheng Kezang's guards.

As soon as Ouyang He left the waterside pavilion, Zheng Kezang immediately ordered the musician and dancer to retreat, leaving only one person to come out from behind the screen: "How do you think this person is okay?"

Responding to Zheng Kezang was a shy face, Zheng Kezang laughed: "If you are tempted, then it is easy to deal with, but this person is not fascinated, I don't know if he is pure in nature, or he is forbearing. , so let’s wait a few more days.”

"Father, how can you talk about your daughter like that." Jia Niang, who was flushed with shame, beat Zheng Kezang with her fist. "What's the hurry, my daughter, she still wants to serve her father and mother at her knees for the rest of her life!"

Before Zheng Kezang could speak, Jin Niang, who had just acted like a hot pepper, rushed in like a whirlwind: "Second sister, if you don't like it, tell me, tell me, if you don't like it, I'll smash it At his house, I feel angry when I see his two-colored eyes."

"do not!"

Jia Niang replied subconsciously, and then realized that she had said something wrong, but it was irreversible, seeing Jin Niang laughing like a little fox who stole a chicken, she was so angry that Jia Niang rushed up to scratch her sister's arm limb socket.

"Seeing that you still laugh at my sister, seeing that you still play tricks on my sister!"

The two girls started laughing, and Zheng Kezang also smiled, but it was only in front of his family. After returning to Prince Xia's mansion, Zheng Kezang's serious face attracted Ouyang He who had appeared in front of Ouyang He as the official of the Guan mansion. servant.

"Immediately find a good-looking one among the palace people and send it to Ouyang He, and say that Master Guan knows that he doesn't have any foot warmers around him, so he specially gave it to him, and it should be regarded as a reward for today's song. Don't shirk."

"Yes, servant girl will do it now." The servant was about to turn his head when he suddenly thought of something. "Your Majesty, what if this person pushes back?"

"Then you arrange someone to take him to the prostitute to see if he can do it. If the princess gets married and becomes a widow, I will kill you alive."

The cold words made the servant tremble. Before he could express his determination, Zheng Kezang said again: "Remember to arrange a place for him. If you get sick, you will die yourself."


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