& [ ]【leaf*】【*】

The representative of the Qing court was still Su Kehatu, a member of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, while the representative of Zheng Fan was replaced by the investigation department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs because of the Qing court's request for reciprocity and Zheng Kezang's unwillingness to let his alternate son-in-law be infamous as a traitor. One came forward from Wupinxiang Office.

"Lord Tian, ​​I have been ordered to make a proposal to you." At the beginning of the meeting, Sukhatu proposed a proposal. "The two sides have each withdrawn their troops from North Korea. The internal chaos in North Korea and the situation where the two masters stand side by side are left to the country itself, and neither you nor I can intervene."

Years ago, the Qing government had officially issued the policy of returning Huoxing to the public this year, but on the one hand, because most of the land changed hands, even implementing Huoxing to the public would not be able to fill the financial gap;

On the other hand, in order to increase the enthusiasm of local officials for the implementation of the policy of returning fire consumption to the public, the Qing government had to follow the example of Zheng Fan’s post allowance and distribute a sum of money to support officials at all levels, so the benefits of implementing the policy of returning fire consumption to the public were not as high as the previous budget .

Under such circumstances, the Manchurian officials headed by Alan Tai tried to reduce state expenditure by driving the Han army flag out of the flag.

However, for Kangxi, who was the supreme ruler of the country, although there were "flag traitors" like Yue Shenglong, after the Manchus maintained their rule over China for more than [-] years, their foundation cannot be said to be already deep. There is no need for the help of traitors, but it is still too shallow for the huge Han population.

It is precisely in view of this situation that Kangxi not only could not drive the loyal Han army flag out of the ranks of the bannermen, but even used the method of raising the flag to lift some traitors who were determined to be slaves from the Han army flag. Banners of Manchuria.

The number of bannermen did not decrease but increased, which meant that there were more and more financial gaps. Due to the heavy economic pressure, Kangxi was forced to disregard the opposition of most of the Hanchens, and immediately implemented the allocation of people to the mu, trying to use silver to convert labor. solutions to the financial crisis;

At the same time, Kangxi also had to stop most of the military operations and the affairs of the Ministry of Industry, such as repairing rivers and embankments, in order to minimize expenditures. [ ]

However, Kangxi, who didn't know that Zheng Fan could not fight, could hardly count on Zheng Fan's unconditional cooperation, so he could only start from a few aspects. Sukhatu's motion now is a tentative signal. 【leaf*】【*】

"It's a good idea to withdraw my troops from North Korea."

Tian Xiangban laughed lightly.

"It can be said that you entered North Korea from Liaodong in a short time, but if this vassal withdraws from North Korea, how can this thousands of miles of ocean be able to arrive overnight. If you make a mistake by then, it will be too late to regret it. "

Tian Xiangban refused, saying: "This proposal is ridiculous, and I cannot accept it."

"Master Tian's words are totally unreasonable."

Seeing that the opponent was so tough, Sukhatu also sneered.

"Who doesn't know that you have forced King Li of the Southern Dynasty to cede Jeju, and except for a part of your army fortified in Haizhou, the rest of your army has already retreated to Jeju. With the speed of your boat, if our army crosses the Yalu River again, your army It can also come first.”

Sukhatu paused.

"Master Tian, ​​could it be that you have no intention of negotiating a peace, but want to fight?"

"It's not whether I want to make a big fight, but that your side has bad intentions and intends to plot for my stronghold in Haizhou."

Tian Xiangban was not afraid of the threat of war implied by the other party at all. In fact, given that the Zheng army had plundered Henan for thousands of miles, the Qing army, which could not raise food and salaries on the spot, had been forced to withdraw from Chenzhou, Ruzhou, Runing and other two prefectures and one prefecture, as well as Yingying. Most of the state capital was evacuated.

The people in prefectures and counties that had not yet been captured by the Zheng army also retreated northward for the Qing army. As a result, the Qing court could not provide the same survival supplies as the winter supplies provided by Zheng Fan, which caused quite a lot of innocent people to suffer in the bitter cold of March [-]. Freeze to death.

The Qing army then set up a large battalion in Xuzhou to protect Zhengzhou, Henan, Shanzhou and the communication channel with Shanzhou and Shanxi. The Qing army's Xuzhou battalion was also ordered to move troops to Bozhou, Yingzhou Prefecture. [ ]

In this way, a chain line of defense was formed, consisting of Xuzhou Daying, Bozhou Daying, Kaifeng Henan Governor, Suzhou Huaibei Governor, Suqian Huaibei Huaibei Admiral. [~]

But even the Eight Banners brothers who have a little knowledge of the military in Beijing can see that the newly established defense line of the Qing court is a defense line to prevent Zheng Jun from attacking, not a starting line to initiate an attack, let alone a large support group. Negotiating parties.

Since the actual situation on the battlefield was like this, how could Tian Xiangban, who was so busy with leisure, be afraid of the opponent's blackmail.

"Lord Sukhatu, there is no such thing as an abacus. What you can't get on the battlefield, you can get it through your mouth."

Tian Xiangban looked at the livid face with a half-smile.

"Su Qin and Zhang Yi are people from the pre-Qin era. Their success does not mean that you can do the same now."

Su Kehatu looked a little annoyed. He didn't expect that Tian Xiangban's words were so sharp, and he actually compared himself to an old antique. This one can be regarded as the Shoulijun.

It's a pity that there is no place to buy the medicine, Su Kehatusheng endured the other party's ridicule, but responded calmly: "Master Tian may have misunderstood what I mean, I don't want to seek your stronghold in Haizhou , I even think that Haizhou can become the best place for the two sides to trade with each other now that the two sides are separated from the north and the south and the trade routes are blocked."

"Mutual market?" Tian Xiangban's expression turned serious. "Master Su, you mean through Haizhou Mutual Market?"


Seeing the other party's reaction, Sukhatu showed a smile on his face.

"The two sides are just negotiating peace now. If we open the mutual market in the country at this time, we think there will be some obstacles for both sides. Haizhou is not in the country, and it is close to my Chaolongxing place. It is unlikely that outsiders will know, and you have figured it out by sea. Think about it. It's not easy to leak the news, but you and I are still fighting in North Korea, the road is not smooth, and this business route is difficult to maintain."

"We have Jiangnan silk, tea, lacquerware and goods imported from Western Thailand, while you have furs, horses, ginseng, and large trees. It is a matter of mutual benefit." Tian Xiangban stroked the short beard on his chin. "However, this is a big matter. I have to report it to the king for judgment. It is impossible to reply to you now."

"It's natural

Su Kehatu hadn't finished speaking, but was interrupted by Tian Xiangban: "Lord Su, please listen to me."

Sukhatu had no choice but to stop and look at Tian Xiangban, only to hear Tian Xiangban say: "From my point of view, the mutual market may be successful, but I'm afraid it will take a lot of trouble to withdraw troops from North Korea. Lord Su, please forgive me for abandoning the defense in one place in the state."

When Sukhatu heard this, he became very angry, but Kangxi asked him to hold back Zheng Jun's footsteps, so the peace talks must not be broken. It was this order to tie his hands and feet that made him extremely discouraged, but for the benefit of the Qing court, he had no choice but to Argue hard.

"Lord Tian, ​​since it is impossible to withdraw all of them, I may think that you and I can reduce the garrison in North Korea at the same time."

Sukhatu made a new suggestion: "My official proposes that we station [-] troops in Pyongyang, and [-] troops in Anju and Uiju; you can also station [-] troops in Haizhou, Seoul and other places in North Korea. Ma; in addition, the two sides are not allowed to send troops to participate in the Korean Civil War. I don’t know if Lord Tian is satisfied with this.”

Since it is impossible for the two sides to send observers to monitor the situation of each other's troops, Sukhatu's proposal is a dead letter that cannot be controlled even if the two sides finally reach an agreement on it.

However, the supply line of the Zheng army in the dynasty was obviously much longer than that of the Qing army. Once the fighting resumed, as long as the Qing government was willing to overwhelm Mount Tai, the Zheng army had no choice but to increase its troops. But if this was the case, the Zheng army would really fall into the quagmire.

Similarly, if you don't fight, it would be a waste to keep too many soldiers in North Korea.

From this point of view, once Tianxiang Office forwards Sukhatu's suggestion, it may really be possible to realize it.

Taking Sukhatu's trick, Tian Xiangban was obviously at a disadvantage. Fortunately, Tian was defeated but not defeated. Regarding Sukhatu's ridicule, he countered calmly: "This official is just a fifth-rank junior. Li, whether you are satisfied or not is not important, the important thing is that King Xia is satisfied when he finds out, and your Kangxi should also be satisfied."

Sukhatu's face became ugly in an instant, but Tian Xiangban didn't give the other party a chance to explode, and instead made a suggestion of his own.

"Lord Su, although the matter of the Yue family's exchange of Mongolian princes is still in the process of making arrangements, the Yue family only changed a few princes and princes. Do you want to change the rest of them back?"

Sukhatu squinted his eyes and replied: "Change, of course we have to change, but how to do it, what can Master Tian tell you?"

"Don't worry, I know that you have no money, so I won't mention it."

What Tian Xiangban said was also a test, but Sukhatu just pretended to be listening, but it didn't let Tian Xiangban immediately find out the truth, so Tian Xiangban had no choice but to continue.

"The feudal lord Xia Wang Qiansui has a concubine who is the widow of Geng Jingzhong. He is quite sad to hear that the rest of the San Francisco are suffering in Ningguta, Heilongjiang and other places, so the king wants to use the Mongolian prince to concubine her Change it back."

"Your side explored horses in Ninggu Pagoda and other places, haven't you rescued them all?"

Su Kehatu's sharp counterattack made the muscles on Tian Xiangban's face twitch, but he is also a mature person, and immediately asked: "Are there bandits in Ninggu Pagoda? What does this have to do with this clan? Master Su This officer does not understand."

Tian Xiangban pretended to be stupid, and Sukhatu couldn't jump up and curse, so he suppressed his emotions and said, "It's fine if Mr. Tian doesn't admit it. Anyway, they are just some clowns. I have already mobilized the army. The end is not far away.”

This remark made Tian Xiangban a little vigilant, but Sukhatu, who didn't know that he had slipped his mouth, continued: "Exchanging a whole gang of rebels for the Mongolian Zongwang Taiji may be a good deal, but I don't know Mr. Tian What kind of change are you going to make?"

"How to change? It's easy." Tian Xiangban raised the kitchen knife with a smile. "How about a Mongolian prince Taiji for a thousand brothers?"

"One thousand?" Sukhatu fainted out of breath. "Master Tian, ​​you are too big to speak."

"Is it more than 1000? Well, let me ask for the price, Mr. Su, you can also pay back the money on the spot

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