Now that he understood that the opponent might be bluffing, Tango Zaemon calculated his cards.It's a pity that the update is the fastest. Although the Jibu Pavilion is also one of the largest trading points in Ezo, the trade volume has shrunk sharply due to the soft knives of Ming Zheng in the past few years.As a result of the shrinking trade volume, the Ryohama team had to reduce manpower. Therefore, there are only 23 Kazutos in the museum at this moment, of which only half of the guards have a certain level of training, and the rest are merchants and merchant apprentices.As for the weapons, there are also some problems. There are only four iron cannons and two Maruwood bows. There are quite a lot of knives and guns, and there are also redundant bamboo skins. It is difficult to determine the outcome.

After Tango sighed for a while, he had to give up the delusion of attacking.When he and Tedai were extremely frustrated, the Ainu people's camp suddenly burst into cheers.The two followed the sound and looked around, only to see a group of Ainu people coming out from the other side of the museum wall that they couldn't see. The number was not many, about thirty or fifty, but the key point was that they dragged a few corpses and Detain a few and people.

"It's our waterman staying on the ship." Tedai said in a trembling voice. "They, Mao Gui, what do you want to do to them?"

Waterman?Tango Liangyan's eyes turned and he realized that the ship waiting for loading was burned down, but this may be due to the sneak attack of the Ainu people, so the watermen either resisted on the spot or fled into the surrounding woodland, and they were so loved by Ainu Those who were dragged and escorted were probably the victims at that time and the survivors who were found later.

"The Ainu people probably wouldn't kill them." Tango reassured Tedai that the Ainu people hadn't yet entered the slave society, so the captives were usually killed early in the morning, and those who haven't died so far, presumably won't kill them further However, as for the possibility of being a hostage to threaten the opening of the Gabukan, at least Tango Zaemon does not think that the Ainu people have such war wisdom. "Just to scare us and tell us that foreign aid is cut off."

Tedai breathed a sigh of relief, he is a businessman, and he is really not used to bloody killing scenes.However, as soon as one side let go of the worries about the captured companions, the other side was filled with uneasiness about their own fate: "Master Tango, do you think we can hold on until the reinforcements arrive? Can we go home alive?"

reinforcements?Tango smiled wryly. According to his analysis just now, the surrounding museums may be in trouble. It’s not known how long it will take for Matsumae-fan to react, but looking at Tedai’s expectant eyes, he can only forcefully say: “ it should be OK."

The most treasured handdai staggered down the gatehouse as if he was drunk, muttering to himself "should be able to survive", leaving only Tango leaning on the gatehouse to observe Ainu's behavior movement****

Another two days passed, during which the Ainu people just laid the water husband's body in front of the Jibu Pavilion and there was no further movement.

What are the Ainu people waiting for?This question has become the central topic of speculation in the museum.Fortunately, the mystery is finally revealed.No, on the fifth morning after the siege of the Jibu Pavilion, after a burst of noise, the truth came to light.

"It's from the Ming country." Looking at the military appearance of the comer, Tedai said with a broken heart. "It's over, there are hundreds of people."

"About 200 people." Tango didn't know where he came from to be calm, and he was calm in the face of a powerful enemy. "Now I understand, it's true, and only the Ming people have the financial resources to unite the Ainu people."

Tango's words were not finished yet. Konishiemon, who was shot down by the Ainu and captured before, was driven back by the Ainu limping. Seeing him coming back, Tedai hurriedly signaled to open the door of the pavilion and greeted him. Come in.

But before Tedai had time to greet Konishiemon, who had escaped for the time being, Tango, who had a frosty face, couldn't wait to ask, "Did the Ming people ask you to come back and persuade us to surrender?"

"Yes." Konishiemon replied. "Ming people wanted us to surrender, and they also said that Mobetsu, Nakano, Wakimoto, Onnai, Yabota, Haraguchi, Hiishi, and Hanazawa had all fallen." These few words made the audience commotion, but Xiaoxi didn't finish talking. "The Ming people also said that if we don't open the museum and surrender, we will kill them all!"

Fighting [-] against [-] is not unheard of during the Warring States period in Japan, but Tango does not have much confidence. After all, Ming people are said to be hereditary warriors, and they are not comparable to those farmers and soldiers. As for the defense of the Jibu Pavilion, it may be extremely strong for the Ainu people, but it can only be a joke for the Ming people.

Of course, not everyone has Tango Zaemon's insight, so some people roared: "Surrender, never ****"

Before he finished speaking, Konishiemon timidly interjected: "Ming people have big tubes."

"What is Datong?" Someone from the guards nearby asked. "Is it a big iron cannon?"

That's right, Datong is a long-lost vocabulary. In the end of the Warring States period, there were indeed some Thai and Western artillery introduced into Japan, but the number was extremely limited. It is said that most of the large cannons purchased in the early years are decayed, and there are no large cannons in Japan now, and those so-called large cannons are just iron cannons with larger calibers.

"It's not a big iron cannon, but," Konishiemon didn't know how to describe Zheng Jun's two-inch cannon, so he could only gesture with his hands. "A big tube is a big tube. I saw it with my own eyes. The tube is so thick." With this gesture, everyone including Tango took a breath of air, Nima, how many iron cannons can be stuffed into this? It was amazing. "Ming people said that if we don't open the city, they, they will bombard us with big tubes."

For the terrifying Otsutsu, Teyo is naturally afraid, but it is not easy for him to climb from an apprentice to the current position of Teyo. He must not give up because of the other party's intimidation, so that he will not be able to explain to the boss Shinichiro when he returns. , more importantly, even if he can return to Omi safely, a Tedai who is greedy for life and afraid of death and discards the property of his master will have no future in the Japanese business world, so after hearing what Konishiemon said, Tedai remained silent.

Tango also remained silent. Although he was no longer a samurai, he did not dare to show his fear of the enemy, otherwise Tedai would definitely put the blame on him. In the future, he can only be a hard-working ronin who eats and eats again.

The two principals remained silent, and the unknown merchants, guards, and apprentices below were naturally fearless. At this moment, a huge explosion sounded from a distance, followed by the sound of something roaring through the air. echoes in the air.

As soon as the people in the Jibu Pavilion looked up, they saw a red and hot projectile falling from the sky in the fierce friction with the air, and just one shot knocked down half of the gate tower of the Jibu Pavilion.The cannonball that destroyed the gatehouse was still unwilling to let go. After hitting the ground, it rebounded again, stumbled and rushed into the wide room facing the gatehouse, smashing the screen inside and causing a fire.

"Is this the power of Otsutsu?" Tango Yoshihiko, who had just come back to his senses, roared as the distraught crowd stared at the miserable scene in dumbfounded amazement. "What are you doing in a daze, hurry up and put out the fire ****"

The fire was quickly put out, but what next?Everyone looked at Teyo and Tango.The two looked at each other, not knowing what to do.At this time, there was another loud noise, and this shell directly destroyed the wooden scull (arrow tower) on the northeast corner of the Jibu Pavilion.The creaking wooden scull fell to the ground and crushed several adjacent longhouses, causing the already low morale of the people in the museum to drop to the bottom in an instant.

When things came to this, Tedai, unable to resist the terrifying Otsutsu, had no choice but to look at Tango Zaemon Yoshihiko: "Tango-kun, what do you think we should do now?"

Nima, at this point, you still want to drag me into the water. Tang Hou, who was so angry that he was all burned inside, looked calm on the surface, but he put himself in a good position and said: "I'm just a guard, whether it's fighting or not. Come on, I will listen to your orders."

The grinning Tedai gave Tango a resentful look, but Tango was right, he was the supreme officer. As a last resort, before Zheng Jun's third shell came, he finally made up his mind: "Open the door of the museum. , all surrender ****"

The door of the Jibu Pavilion was opened, and twenty or so Japanese warriors came out in a file, kneeling on their hands, prostrating there to welcome the winner.They didn't have to wait long. Thirty Ainu warriors came to them cautiously, checked whether they were carrying weapons, and then drove them to Zheng Jun's position.

After accepting Tedai and Tango's group of captives, General Zheng Jun nodded at Ainuren, and the smiling Ainuren then roared into the Gupbekan. After finding out the wine, the carnival began.

"Strange?" President Ba smiled at the prisoners. "It's not surprising. Your merchants don't like it, so you naturally give it to the Ainu people as a reward. The Jibu Pavilion is the same. In the future, it will be the camp of the Ainu people."

The flustered Tedai murmured speechlessly, but Tango was stronger and asked the Japanese-speaking officer Zheng Zheng: "Why do you Ming people beat us? You are robbers and bandits. Behavior****"

"Bandits, bandits!" Tango Zaemon's words were suddenly interrupted by the president. "It's almost on your heads." Boss accused. "Our domain has agreed with Matsumae domain that the Japanese in Ishikari River, Tenshio River and Kitami are not allowed to set foot, and the war horses grazing in this domain are not allowed to be captured and hunted. What have you done!"

Mingzheng originally expected to graze tens of thousands of horses in Ezo, but Hokkaido became a famous ranch because of the great development of different time and space in the [-]th and [-]th centuries. At this moment, most of the island is covered with forests.

Since large-scale grazing was impossible, Zheng Fan only grazed a few hundred horses. Although they were only ordinary Mongolian horses, they were one of the few good horses in Japan other than the southern horses that were about to become extinct. Therefore, businessmen often instigate the Ainu tribe to steal and steal.

The Imperial Protectorate of Mingzheng Xiazi used to turn a blind eye, but unexpectedly, it was because of the lack of troops. Now that the war situation in Korea has eased, and Mingzheng has spare strength, the Imperial Protectorate of Eizi immediately turned his back on it. Isn’t it true? If you don't report the time, you will be reimbursed when the time comes.****


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