Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

417. Ritual Examination, Law Examination

The strategy of using the Ainu tribe to encircle the various pavilions, and then let the Zheng army conquer them separately, on the one hand, saved the Zheng army's few garrisons in Ezo, on the other hand, it also demonstrated force, which effectively deterred those who participated in the siege. slave tribe.Update the novel as soon as possible. Of course, because there is only a narrow strait between Ezo and Honshu, and the commercial strongholds of Kazuto have even penetrated into the Qiandao Islands such as Kunigo and Hamai, the Beiyang Squadron of the Zheng Jun Navy’s Dongyang Fleet also participated in the period. .

However, due to the limited berths at Ishikarigawa Port and the distance between Ezo and Seogwipo, the Beiyang Squadron eventually only dispatched four three thousand material notification ships to block the Tsugaru Strait in turn.The situation where there is no way to use power makes Han Bai, the commander of the Beiyang Squadron, a little annoyed.Speaking of the transfer point between Seogwipo and Ezo, besides the Noto Peninsula, Sado Island is the most suitable.But Noto is already the mainland of Japan, and Sado is also the leader of the Tokugawa shogunate, so it is not suitable for the Beiyang Squadron to directly occupy it.After thinking about it, Han Bai reported to the police and asked to make things bigger in order to distract the shogunate.

"Occupy Tsushima and the Five Islands?" The report surprised Zheng Kezang. "The Privy Council approved it?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the Privy Council thinks that based on the size of the current garrison in Seogwipo, it doesn't take much effort to capture the two places."

The answer of Hong Gongzhu, deputy envoy of the Privy Council, made Zheng Kezang a little uneasy. It must be known that although Qing and Zheng were still arguing about the withdrawal of North Korean troops, in fact, the various departments of the Longxiang Army stationed in North Korea had quietly started to rotate.

Among them, the Fourth Division of the Longxiang Army, which was originally under the Yangtze River Fleet, will be transferred to Dongning under the Nanyang Fleet; The second division of the Xiang Army will be transferred to North Korea under the Dongyang Fleet. Of course, only one brigade of this division will be stationed in Haizhou, the other brigade will stay in Seogwipo, and the last brigade will be stationed in Ningbo; only the Longxiang Army of the Western Fleet is the first The division did not participate in this round of mobilization because of the imminent outbreak of the Annan War.

At this time, according to the rotation plan, the third division of the Longchamp Army had already begun to move south. Although the fourth division had not been mobilized yet, the second division had not yet moved north either. The offensive launched by the government to expel the Matsumae domain to monopolize the entire island of Ezo, so the actual combat power that the Beiyang Squadron can mobilize is very limited.

"We need to be careful about this matter." Zheng Kezang was not afraid of the shortage of soldiers. Speaking of which, the Japanese adopted a vassal state system, and the shogunate monitored a lot of local daimyo, so in fact, one brigade or two regiments on the Beiyang side was enough. "Although it is easy to conquer the two places, the foreign trade between this feudal clan and Japan will inevitably be affected." Foreign trade is the foundation of Zheng Fan's maintenance, so Zheng Kezang hesitated. "If you can't force the shogunate to change completely, but just occupy one or two sides, it will be harmful to the overall situation."

Hong Gongzhu frowned suspiciously and asked, "Does Your Majesty mean to launch a big attack on Japan?"

"Just say you can't hide it from Qing." Zheng Kezang nodded. "However, to fight across the sea, you have to use the lion to fight the rabbit. Now that things in the north are undecided, and there are waves in the south, it is not a good sign that the feudal clan will fight on three sides when financial resources are not available."

Hong Gongzhu's brows tightened and then relaxed: "I understand, I will reject Beiyang's proposal after I go back."

"Not only that, but Qing also issued an article to reprimand Han Bai." Zheng Kezang's expression was very serious. "Without a relay port, it is impossible to support the use of troops in Ezo. This is nonsense. How can the Nanyang and Dongyang cruise routes be as far away as the Beiyang? Is it possible that the Dongyang fleet has fallen to this point?" Han Bai may be He randomly found a reason to start the war, but Zheng Kezang couldn't help showing concern about it. "If it doesn't work, all of them will be rewhaled by Gu."

Since Hong Gongzhu was not a general who was promoted within the Tongziying system, Zheng Kezang was a little embarrassed when he angrily reprimanded Han Bai and other direct descendants. Just like the authority of the elders, Zheng Kezang used him to suppress the ambitions of Mao Hongyan and He Gan, a group of Boy Scout teachers who grew too fast, so he couldn't help but not be a lone minister.Of course, if he was full of complaints in the army, Zheng Kezang would not worry that his relatives such as the Hong family and the Chen family would not be able to get rid of them.

"By the way, how is Yue Shenglong doing in the Privy Council recently?"

Finally Zheng Kezang changed the subject, which made Hong Gongzhu back slightly: "Yue Shenglong has been inspecting schools and watching exercises in various places recently, and my subordinates thought that he might be familiar with the military system and combat power of the domain. "

"The Ministry of War will send people to investigate and inspect the military affairs of the five provinces of Fujian, southern Jiangxi, Guangdong, Guangxi, and Hunan. Let Yue Shenglong go with him, take a look, and write a report to Gu after returning." General, it is naturally impossible to reach out to seize power, such a performance is already above Zheng Kezang's expectations. "Write down everything he thinks is good or bad. Guhe and you are all fans of the authorities. He is a new bystander. The bystander knows!"

"I will arrange it after I return to the Privy Council." Hong Gongzhu didn't care about Zheng Kezang's emphasis on Yue Shenglong. In his opinion, this was just a manifestation of Zheng Kezang's daughter, and it was nothing more than setting a benchmark. In order to continue to lure the green camp generals of the Qing court to attach to Zheng, his real opponents are people like Sun Youlao and Hegan. "However, there may be war in Guangxi, so there is no need to arrange Yue Tongzhi to go there?"

"Qing is afraid that Yue Shenglong will seize the military power as a privy acquaintance?" Zheng Kezang laughed dumbly. "Why does Yue Shenglong seize the military power? Does he have a solid foundation in this domain or command his troops to fight with great military exploits." Zheng Kezang shook his head and said. "Just don't worry, Cai Yuan." Zheng Kezang paused suddenly when he said this, Hong Gongzhu reminded him rightly that Cai Yuan, the deputy commander in chief of Guangxi, was also a descendant, so it's hard to guarantee that he won't be intimidated by Yue Shenglong up. "Cai Yuan is not enough, but Yue Shenglong will never have such thoughts."

Zheng Kezang has come to his senses on his own. In fact, he is still a bit unfounded. Although military power is good, it is of no use to Yue Shenglong now. Many grassroots soldiers rebelled against Zheng Fuqing, and besides, he was not even planning to use the land division in the Annan battle, and even the navy division participated in a limited way. Why should he worry that Yue Shenglong would dare to talk nonsense and even collude with Cai Yuan.

"Employees are not suspicious, no matter what Yue Shenglong says, he has made great contributions to this feudal clan. Solitude should let him have a good end."

Since Yue Shenglong has a good end, it is natural that the old courtiers from Dongning will not have no results. This is Zheng Kezang's implicit hint, and Hong Gongzhu can understand this: "I understand gone."

Zheng Kezang waved his hand, and Hong Gongzhu retreated knowingly. As soon as he stepped down, Chen Kejun, the cabinet minister and student minister, walked in under the guidance of his servants, but before he could stand still, Zheng Kezang covered his face He asked: "Chen Qing, tell me how many mathematics teachers can be provided in total this year in terms of Jiangnan, northern Jiangxi, Zhejiang and Dongning."

Zheng Kezang could not immediately deny the status of Confucianism in China, so he could only find another way to save the country. Among them, the way he could think of was to improve the status of mathematics in the name of restoring the six arts of gentlemen in the pre-Qin period, and proposed a policy of promoting numbers to officials.The so-called digital education means that mathematics education will be fully restored starting from county schools, and those who fail in mathematics cannot be officials.

Although this policy can eliminate the so-called money and food friends (teachers), it also caused a large shortage of mathematics teachers. For this reason, the Ministry of Education once ordered merchants from all over the country to send calculators to the county to teach algorithms and accounting methods, but because of inherent discrimination, So the effect is not good.Afterwards, the Ministry of Education proposed to promote some small officials in money and grain as teachers, but this caused delays in local government affairs, but at least it finally trained the first batch of qualified mathematics teachers.However, with the widespread implementation of the government's sending to the countryside in various provinces, there is far from enough distribution of these mathematics teachers. All localities can only arrange to become officials first, and then conduct surprise training in batches to solve the contradiction.Even so, the provinces are still determined to complain to the central government.

"The Taixue in the three provinces is expected to graduate 50 mathematics teachers this year, and the Dongning Taixue can provide another [-]." "I have already thought of ways to make adjustments. It is estimated that after the opening of Wuchang Taixue this year, [-] more mathematics teachers will be able to study next year."

"That's it." Although Zheng Kezang knew that the Faculty had done its best, he needed a large number of officials with mathematical knowledge in the Gezhi Academy, the yamen of various ministries, and down to the provinces, prefectures, and counties. Middle and lower-level officials can meet the needs of barely running, but in the long run it is far from enough. "Can you think of any other ideas?"

"The minister has nothing to do, unless, unless there is a request not to mention some officials for the time being."

"This is also a way." Zheng Kezang thought for a while. The Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Water involve a lot of construction. Naturally, it is necessary to master mathematics knowledge. Mastering mathematics is the same as the Ministry of War. It is a rich family that eats money and needs people with mathematics knowledge to sit in the city. The two units of the Ministry and the employer can be a little bit slower, no, no, the Ministry of Officials involves examination results, and there must be a number concept, so. "The standard for the Ministry of Rites can be relaxed."

Zheng Kezang added: "In the future, the Ministry of Rites can take the examination alone. It is not necessary to pass the mathematics test, but the mathematics test questions can appear as additional examination questions. Those who pass both can be employed in the Fanyang Yamen, otherwise they can only stay in the Ministry of Rites."

Although the Ministry of Rites has the power to discuss nobles, it is basically a Qingshui Yamen in general. That is to say, Zheng Kezang believes that he cannot learn mathematics and has no chance of corruption.

Chen Kejun was still thinking about it, and Zheng Kezang said again: "Since the Ministry of Rites has listed the examinations for the Ministry of Rites separately, it seems that Dali Temple can also list the examinations for the Ministry of Law separately, and you can take the subjects of "Washing Injustice Collection", "Daming Law" and "Preliminary Mathematics" , the Ministry of Punishment should also participate in the Ministry of Law examination, but the two should have their own emphasis on each other."

Zheng Kezang is here to show that Zheng Baiguan is gradually becoming more professional. Chen Kezang, who is a little at a loss for this, can only look at Zheng Kezang stupidly, but the first thing to be an official is to understand what he wants. , Chen Kejun can only obey, not only to obey, but also to be a good ****

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