To some extent, since Qin Chi Road, China’s road construction has never been scaled up, let alone the comfort. It basically belongs to the type of a layer of dust on sunny days and mud on rainy days, with potholes on the roads. It is not uncommon. This may not be a big problem for freight transportation, but it is a burden to sit on a mule cart without a shock absorber system. It is not conducive to the movement of carriages carrying people. Therefore, carriages and mule carts that can pass quickly have never been the mainstream of passenger transportation in Chinese history.welcome to read

Zheng Kezang is well aware of this phenomenon, but now the output of cement is limited, and the military part occupies a large part, and the rest is used for urban construction. In addition, Zheng Fan's financial resources have reached the limit However, Zheng Kezang will not be able to instruct the Ministry of Industry to implement the national road reconstruction project for a while.Therefore, Zheng Kezang's southern tour was mainly by boat, first entering Dongting via the Yangtze River, and then going up the Xiangjiang River. He only changed to horses in a few areas that were not conducive to navigation.

One of the main tasks of Zheng Kezang's southern tour was to check the resettlement and adaptation conditions of the provinces that filled Hunan. Therefore, the team did not move fast, basically traveling through a prefecture in ten days.In this way, it is expected that Zheng Kezang and his party will enter Guangdong at the end of October, sail north from Guangzhou by sea at the end of November, return to Dongning in December, and spend the New Year in Anping City.After the year of sweeping sacrifices to the ancestors, the ancestors returned to the north and stayed in Wen, Tai, Ning, Shao, Hangzhou and other prefectures, then entered the territory of Jiangnan, and finally arrived in Jiangning.At that time, Emperor Taishun will hold a Zen ceremony in front of Xiaoling Mausoleum, and hand over the throne and Zhengshuo to Zheng Kezang*****

To be honest, Zheng Kezang himself didn't want to sit on the supreme position in such a hurry, but the expectations of his subjects for becoming the founding hero put him under a lot of pressure, and now Zheng Fan's development has reached a bottleneck. Or only edicts issued in the name of the emperor can make certain national policies and reforms seem justifiable.

Of course, becoming the emperor of the new dynasty is not without its disadvantages. At least now, the situation of standing in the same trench with Zhu Dajun in name will be completely over, and the direction of the battle in Central Shu may become confusing.

However, after weighing the pros and cons, the benefits of proclaiming the emperor and establishing a country outweigh the disadvantages, so Zheng Kezang had no choice but to comply with the requirements of all parties.

"Your Majesty," Zheng Kezang was sitting on the boat in a daze, when a servant outside the cabin reported through the curtain. "Chen Dudu led the crowd to see him."

Chen Dudu refers to Chen Ke, the governor of Hunan Province. Chen Ke has successively served as the Secretary of Chengxuan, the Shaoqing of Guanglu Temple, and the co-organizer of the Mazheng Yamen. He is also one of Zheng Fan's important ministers. Zheng Kezang was not in a hurry to see him.

"Let him aboard." Zheng Kezang ordered, and just as the servant was about to turn around to convey, Zheng Kezang suddenly thought of something to add. "Let the branch of Hunan Tai Hospital also board the ship."

There are three layers of guards for Zheng Kezang's trip. The outermost circle is the escort red single ship of the Yangtze River Fleet, the inner circle is the third regiment of the first brigade of the first division of the Imperial Guard Army, and the inner circle is the palace guards.

Among them, the first division of the imperial guards does not have a direct subordinate source of troops. The troops under its jurisdiction are drawn from 52 divisions of the [-] armies of the land division, the Longxiang army of the navy division, and various units of the Fubo army. Each division and the Fubo army or more A team of officers and soldiers with outstanding military exploits is dispatched to serve in the Imperial Guard for two years in the form of a whole team or in a scattered manner. Therefore, it is a reward for ordinary officers and soldiers to enter the Imperial Guard, but for the Imperial Guard, it is Zheng The army's most elite assembly.

The royal guards in the inner circle are Zheng Kezang's guard of honor and personal guards, generally composed of dropouts from the Military Academy of the Water and Land Divisions, the heirs and pacesetters of Zonggui and important ministers who were born in martial arts, and some specially trained internal servants.Although the guard of honor is first-class in appearance, the armed servants are also capable for a while.

After passing through these three layers of horrific guards, Chen Ke was in good condition, but the legs and feet of the Hunan branch of Taiyuan Hospital trembled, and when he saw Zheng Kezang, who was not angry, he fell to his knees on the ground in awe He couldn't even hear what Zheng Kezang told him to get up, and finally Chen Ke helped him to stand up straight.

"People in Hunan moved from Fujian, Jiangxi, Guangdong and Henan. The climate is different, the environment is different, and diseases naturally arise." Zheng Kezang turned a blind eye to the ugly behavior of this fifth-rank official, and just told Chen Ke. "If you are in charge of the local area, you must take extra precautions, and don't allow it to expand into an epidemic." Chen Ke promised in response, and Zheng Kezang then turned to the branch office. "Water Gu is prevalent in the south of the Yangtze River, you should try to prevent it."

The matter of knowing the branch court was already tense, but when he heard that Zheng Kezang had such a big problem, he was even more trembling: "My lord, my lord, the water gu is very severe, and the common people have been suffering from it for a long time. For thousands of years, there have been many good doctors who have given me advice." Research, but has never been able to solve it, the king is benevolent and beneficial to the people, but, of course, the minister, the minister can't do it."

There is nothing wrong with knowing the branch hospital. In ancient China, where there was no microscope and no understanding of the pathogenic mechanism of parasites, once you got schistosomiasis, you had to wait for death. A little knowledge about the branch can't be promised.

"Water Gu's troubles have been investigated for many days." Zheng Kezang was talking nonsense, but he was the supreme ruler, so no one would doubt his words. "I've got a little income." Zheng Kezang ordered to the servant in the corner of the cabin. "Bring the things." The servant turned around and took a brocade box from the shelf in the cabin, and opened it in front of Chen Ke and Zhi Branch. "Look."

"This is?" the branch officer called out. "This, isn't this a snail?"

"Exactly." Zheng Kezang was not explaining again, but giving an order. "This thing is the chief culprit. Wherever it exists, the water gu's troubles are bound to be intense, so every place should do its best to clean up this thing." Of course, it is conceivable how difficult it is to wipe out a species in waters extending in all directions. "There are departments in various places that should go all out, and the Tai Hospital should also try its best to publicize its scourge."

Chen Ke hesitated for a moment, not knowing what to think of, then he bent down together with Zhifen Yuanshi and said: "Your servants should do their best to destroy the snails, so that the king's benevolence will spread to the people of Hunan."

Zheng Kezang did not say that Chen Ke's cognition was wrong, but said coldly: "The matter of extermination of snails will be included in the examination in the future, as long as the number of people with water gu disease in one county and one prefecture is above the quota, we will be able to do so." Where there is a division, there must be punishment."

Chen Ke was stunned, and the voice in response immediately became serious: "I understand what to do."

Zheng Kezang asked about the branch office again: "By the way, is the human pox method still used to prevent smallpox?"

The human pox method first appeared in the Song Dynasty, and it was widely used in the Longqing period of the Ming Dynasty. In the era of Zheng Kezang, the human pox method was even more popular in the north and south, and it was further developed into four methods.One is the pox clothing method, that is, the underwear worn by smallpox patients is given to healthy people who have not had smallpox to cause artificial mild infection and develop resistance. This is the most primitive method; the other is the pox pulp method , that is, use cotton balls to dip in the acne serum of smallpox patients, and stuff them into the nasal cavity of those who have not yet had smallpox; The fourth is the water seedling method, that is, after finely grinding the scabs of smallpox patients in the recovery period, first adjust the humidity with water, and then dip cotton balls into the nasal cavity of people who have not had smallpox.It should be said that smallpox inoculation is the first example of applying immune principles to treat diseases without knowing it, and has made due contributions to human beings.However, since smallpox is a severe infectious disease, smallpox inoculation is an artificial transmission of smallpox virus, which has a great blindness. The reaction symptoms after vaccination are severe, and sometimes life is lost.

Although he was puzzled about the branch office, he still answered honestly: "When you return to the king, you are still using the human pox method."

"The human pox law is too harsh, and the weak may not be able to bear it." Zheng Kezang signaled the waiter to pass another stack of papers to Chen Ke and the branch office. "This is a report on the vaccinia law that Jiangning Tai Hospital has just deported. Hunan may as well try it. If there is no problem in Hunan, I plan to implement it nationwide soon."

These are all for one purpose, that is, to demonstrate Zheng Kezang's virtues, and to create public opinion and appease Zheng Kezang's Chan Dynasty.

Chen Ke, who has a clear understanding of this, naturally will not be confused on this issue, but he really has no money in his hands: "Your Majesty, such a virtuous government official dare not descendants, but Hunan is now exempting the land tax, and implementing the government's subordinates. Township, this financial resources ****"

"The money comes from the vassal." Zheng Kezang knew the other party's difficulties, but he spoke to dispel the other party's doubts. "It's just that everything has to be done well." Chen Ke and Zhi Branch Yuanshi agreed in unison, guessing that they would have to take off their black hats if they couldn't do it well. "Lonely looking at Li Shizhen's "Compendium of Materia Medica", it is said that the well water that comes from the ground veins is the first, and the water that seeps from the nearby rivers and lakes is the second best. The sewage from the city near the ditches becomes alkali and boiled with whiskers. Fuck, Gu thinks so, it has been practiced in the military for a long time, but the folks may drink unboiled water, the imperial hospital should try their best to make it more public, and this should be promoted at the same time as the snail control."

"Looking at the Yuan people's medical classics alone, Yunfan brushing his teeth in the early morning is not as good as brushing his teeth at night. If you don't have tooth diseases, you can take it for granted. If you don't have tooth diseases, you will have a fresh breath and a long life. You should vigorously promote it." *"

"There are a lot of leprosy patients in Hunan, Guangdong and other places. I have heard that Tripterygium wilfordii may be curable. You may test the dosage of the medicine****"

"Okay, those who I want to take care of have already been said. You should implement them one by one when you go back. It's better to send someone to pass the test one by one." Chen Ke was a little depressed. He called on Zheng Kezang to ask Zheng Kezang to disembark The governor's mansion in Changsha city stayed, but Zheng Kezang didn't give him a chance to speak, and talked about a lot of things about epidemic prevention and treatment, but he wanted to report more about immigrants from Hunan province, farming, and Qingzhang. I didn't even have time to say. "That's it, kneel down."

"Yes," Chen Ke replied, but did not move. "Sir, I implore the king to move up and drive into the city."

"No need." Zheng Kezang waved his hand. "Qing's kindness, Gu Xin received it. I have to take a walk around the four villages tomorrow morning. Living in the city is quite inconvenient, so I live on the boat." Speaking of this, Zheng Kezang said. "What you want to say, I will submit it in the paper, but what I say is too hype, I have to see it for myself***"

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