Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

428. The southern tour chapter came to catch up with 2 chapters, and flew to Thailand tomorrow morni

Guangdong has belonged to China for more than [-] years since the first emperor of the Southern Expedition of Baiyue established Nanhai County. However, whether Guangdong was regarded as a land of exiled barbarians in the early days or later as a major maritime trade province after China's economic prosperity, Guangdong has never welcomed a real king to visit Yuan Wenzong and the emperors of Nanming, so for Zheng Kezang's southern tour, the whole province can be said to be very happy and concerned.

On October 29, the first year of Taishun, Zheng Kezang crossed Chenzhou, which had been assigned to Ganzhou Province, and entered Guangdong. State capital city.

"Wu Qing, the vassal has made a resolution that next year Chaozhou will be promoted to the left-behind mansion on the grounds that Chaozhou is the fiefdom of the Xianchao king." The Xianchao king that Zheng Kezang said of course refers to Zheng Chenggong. "And Gu also intends to change Qiongzhou into the southern capital, but in this way, Guangdong will only have Guangzhou, Shaozhou, Zhaoqing, Lianzhou and two Zhili prefectures, Leizhou and Gaozhou. I am afraid that the land is narrow and there are few households."

In order to weaken the independence of the province and strengthen the centralization of power, Zheng Kezang adopted a series of measures. In addition to turning a large province into a small province, he also tried to use the opportunity of proclaiming himself emperor to establish a number of left-behind mansions directly under the central government. Beijing.However, Guangdong has previously allocated Nanxiong Prefecture in Shaozhou Prefecture and Jiaying Zhili Prefecture to Lianping, Heping, Wengyuan, Xinfeng and other counties to Ganzhou Province. Now it is going to separate Chaozhou and Qiongzhou. Unrecognizable.

Of course, Qiongzhou Prefecture, which is isolated overseas, is fine. Even if it becomes the so-called southern capital of the Xia Dynasty in the future, its economic aggregate will not be high, but Chaozhou Prefecture is an important town in eastern Guangdong, especially in the country where the government has not yet implemented the government’s sending to the countryside and the sharing of households into acres. Now, it is not a small loss for the fiscal revenue of Guangdong.

However, Guangdong's economy is extremely important, especially in Jiangnan, northern Zhejiang, Huguang, and Jiangzhou, where the government-to-the-country policy has been widely implemented. Weakening Guangdong is actually not in Zheng Fan's fundamental interests.

Therefore, Zheng Kezang's subtext can be understood by Wu Qian without saying it. For this reason, he boldly applied and said: "The decision of the vassal, the minister dare not be aggressive, but the minister asked the general of Wuzhou and Xunzhou in Guangxi to join forces." Yulin Zhili Prefecture allocated Guangdong."

At the turn of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, there were ten prefectures in Guangxi including Guilin, Liuzhou, Xunzhou, Wuzhou, Nanning, Pingle, Qingyuan, Si'en, Zhen'an, Taiping and Guishun, Sicheng, Sicheng, Longzhou, The eight Zhili prefectures, including Pingxiang, Jiangzhou, Tianzhou, and Yulin, belong to rare large provinces, but there are many indigenous people in Guangxi, and the Han population is mostly in the east, northeast, and southeast. Wuzhou and other two prefectures are the essence of it.

Zheng Kezang thought for a while, and replied that he didn't answer the question: "Gu intends to move the capital of Guangxi from Guilin to Nanning."

The relocation of the capital of Guangxi to Nanning can deter Beihe, and help the Han people further integrate with all ethnic groups on the left and right sides of the river.

"So," Zheng Kezang looked around. "Come here, bring a pen and paper." Zheng Kezang did it with a wave of the pen and paper. "Release Longzhou, Pingxiang, Jiangzhou, and Sicheng to counties, merge into Taiping Mansion, and change Taiping Mansion to Chongshan Mansion." Zheng Kezang returned the paper with the word "Chongshan" to his servant. "Send it back to Wuchang immediately, and the cabinet will write down." Zheng Kezang said to Wu Qian after the servant retired. "Guangxi's prefectures and counties will be redrawn soon. Your request will be considered by the cabinet."

Wu Qian also knew that it was not easy for Zheng Kezang to consider this matter, so he said respectfully: "I don't care, I will send a memorial to the Tongzhengyuan to ask the cabinet to redraw the provincial boundaries."

This matter came to an end, and Zheng Kezang asked again: "Have all the Dan people landed?"

Danmin was a major source of troops in the early days of Zheng Jun’s navy. For this reason, Zheng Kezang gave him the right to settle on land and the preferential treatment of land. However, due to the continuous wars, Zheng Kezang did not pay special attention to this matter, and entered Guangdong today. , Seeing all kinds of small boats moored on the river, he suddenly remembered.

"All landed." Wu Qian reported. "I have looked through the archives, and all the Dan people in Guangdong and Fujian provinces have been resettled on land in the third year of Wuding. Among them, 25 households were sent to Jinlan, [-] households were sent to Xiboni, and [-] households were sent to the north. They were sent to Seogwipo, and the rest were resettled in Qiongzhou, and a total of [-] Jia of land was awarded at that time."

Zheng Kezang laughed at himself, it was already a few years ago, which shows that he was confused, but since he had already shown his timidity in front of his ministers, he naturally had to pretend to be stupid to the end, so he expressed his position: "Dan people always regard fishing as a reward. Lord, I'm afraid there is something bad about the cultivated land, has the Qiongzhou government ever arranged for a farmer to teach it?"

"The Qiongzhou government has arranged for agricultural officials to teach the Dan people to open up wasteland and cultivate. Guangdong has also implemented a good policy of exempting land taxes for three years and reducing taxes for two years according to the new land grant exemption." Wu Qian answered fluently. "The Supervisory Council in the province also sends people to investigate and visit from time to time, so as to prevent the subordinate staff from playing tricks on them."

"Also remember the tax-free and military-free preferential treatment for the sergeant's family." Zheng Kezang added, in fact, the meritorious system will be the foundation of Zheng's new dynasty, and Zheng Kezang can't help but ignore it.

Wu Qian was also a military officer, but because of his brother Wu Shu's rising status in the Zheng army at that time, he had to switch to Wentu. Therefore, he naturally knew what Zheng Fan's foundation was, so he listened to what Zheng Kezang said. , Immediately responded loudly: "The king's words, I dare not forget for a moment."

"That's good." Zheng Kezang nodded slightly in satisfaction, and then repeated what he said about epidemic prevention and treatment in front of Governor Chen Ke of Hunan and Governor Huang Liangbi of Ganzhou. Of course, for the scorching Guangdong side In other words, Zheng Kezang also has something new to add. "The military has already had a lot of experience in using Artemisia stifolium to prevent severe cold and fever. Guangdong should learn from the experience in the military and promote it throughout the province. This is the only way to love and benefit the people."

Wu Qian's reaction was the same as that of the governors of the other two provinces: "The king is benevolent, and I will carry it out after realizing it one by one."

"There is one more thing to ask about the Qing family's intention." Zheng Kezang looked at Wu Qian with blazing eyes. "Do you remember that there is a Xianjue in Qing's family?" Wu Shu left it to his son Wu Keng Huaiyuanhou, but Wu Qian is much worse, because he was forced to transfer to Wentu, so after all these years there is still only Xianjue. "It's the commander."

"Your Majesty is right." The title is a prestigious weapon in the imperial court, so it is impossible to grant it lightly, so Wu Qian would not think that Zheng Kezang would give him a title temporarily, so he responded calmly. "The minister is appointed as the commander."

"The nine levels of Xianjue are Commander, Commander Tongzhi, Commander Qianshi, Zhengqianhu, Deputy Qianhu, Wei Zhenfu, Baihu, Trial Baihu, and Suo Zhenfu." Zheng Kezang said slowly. "It's only one step away from being promoted to Earl, but Qing regrets it."

How could Wu Qian dare to say that he regretted it, he just replied: "Although I have regrets, I have no regrets."

"Well said." Zheng Kezang didn't care whether Wu Qian was duplicity or not, he just used a big hat to trap the other party first before speaking. "However, I don't think it's a good strategy to treat heroes, so in the future, I will change the ninth-level noble to the seventh-level noble, and the third-level noble will be changed to the twelfth-class noble. It's just that I'm still uncertain. The twelfth-level noble is hereditary. Is it better not to replace, or hereditary? Should we divide the grass and give the soil or replace the soil with gold? You may give advice to Gu Ti."

Wu Qian was both happy and surprised. He was happy that if he was the twelfth-class noble, he would go further no matter what. He was surprised that he heard Zheng Kezang's meaning that there would be no world knight in the future. Thinking more deeply, if he supported Zheng Kezang If you don't support Zheng Kezang's thinking, you will definitely offend the lord.

Wu Qian, who was in a dilemma, thought about it and knocked his head to the ground: "Thunder, rain and dew are the grace of the king. If you want to come to the king to give you something, the ministers dare not accept it. As for the king's request for the minister's opinion, the minister is in a corner and does not know the overall situation." , dare not lie."

"I'm not asking you how to govern, just asking whether it's better to be hereditary without replacement or hereditary non-replacement, whether it's better to divide the grass and give the soil, or to replace the soil with money. Why do you say so many useless things?" Zheng Kezang He looked at Wu Qian displeased. "Don't worry about others, just tell me what you think, Qing." Zheng Kezang emphasized his tone. "Don't say you have no idea."

Being such a general by Zheng Kezang, Wu Qian had no choice but to answer: "I naturally want to be hereditary after winning the title, so as to benefit future generations, but I also know that more heroes and generals will block their careers, and it is not easy for those who are able to advance. , or hinder the government. As for the distribution of the grass and the land, it has not been heard since the Sui and Tang Dynasties. It is obviously not conducive to the imperial court's governance of the world. However, the use of land in the Jin Dynasty to increase the country's expenses may not show any disadvantages in one or two generations, but there will inevitably be redundancies in the future. where it costs."

Speaking of this, Wu Qian suddenly understood Zheng Kezang's idea. Zheng Kezang wanted to replace granting land to the nobles with the method of granting salaries. It is not a small amount, and the salary paid is naturally an increasingly heavy burden, so Zheng Kezang can only take the method of generational replacement to reduce the title; conversely, if the land is granted, it can solve the future financial crisis, but this one The title of nobility is bound to be hereditary, and more and more children of nobles will also hinder ordinary people from entering official careers, and at the same time have a certain impact on imperial power, unless a group of nobles and dignitaries are willing to be political vases and lifelong dudes.

Just understanding Zheng Kezang's dilemma, Wu Qian only dared to say: "I, I think Ming's system is very good***"

"Lonely, I don't think Ming system is any good." Zheng Kezang interrupted Wu Qian. "Forget it, what Qing meant, Gu already knows, let's go down first, there is no need to publicize this matter, Gu will consider it carefully."

"The minister obeys the order ****"

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