"There are 36 West Lakes in the world, Hangzhou is the best." Reciting Su Dongpo's poems, Zheng Kezang walked on the Su Causeway accompanied by Ke Dingkai, the governor of western Zhejiang. The protection of the guards is also the barrier of the Hangzhou garrison and local government servants. "However, from my own point of view, Su Dongpo is not so much praising the West Lake in Hangzhou as the best, it is better to say that he is embellishing his own achievements."

Ke Dingkai, although Yibin, the great general in Zheng Chenggong's era, can be regarded as Zheng Kezang's uncle in name, but after all, there are differences between monarchs and ministers, so he didn't dare to follow the sycophant's way of joking and joking, but replied solemnly: "Your Majesty This statement is full of official tastes, whoever comes to Hangzhou now does not come to the West Lake, does not recite a few lines of poems that make the West Lake better than the West Lake, heavy makeup and light smearing are always suitable, and does not forget to take a walk on Su Bai Erdi. From this point of view , Su Shi is truly immortal."

"Make meritorious deeds, establish morality, and establish words." Zheng Kezang glanced across the shimmering lake, but his mouth was sticking out a poisonous tongue. "Su Shi is just a prepositional minister, but he has a few words but is proud and complacent. No wonder he is deeply involved in party struggles and has a life of ups and downs. The so-called immortality is an exaggeration." Zheng Kezang's expression was a little strange. "The Northern Song Dynasty perished due to party disputes, and the former Ming Dynasty also perished due to party disputes. From this point of view, the so-called crony parties can be regarded as a great harm to politics. No matter the advantages or disadvantages, only the distance and distance, the party is the same and the difference??????"

Ke Ding was overjoyed and horrified, he didn't know why Zheng Kezang had brought up such a big topic.He didn't know Zheng Kezang's intentions, so he didn't dare to talk easily, but fortunately Zheng Kezang also expressed his feelings, and he didn't carry it forward, so the matter came to an end.

However, Zheng Kezang's casual words have been circling in Ke Dingkai's mind since then. He doesn't know if this is Zheng Kezang's intentional warning, or if Zheng Kezang is venting his resistance to Dongning's old people. *The dissatisfaction of the new blood, so in his future political career, he will become more and more taciturn, cautious, and independent in the political arena of the Huaxia Dynasty.

"It seems that Gu is also an ordinary person, and I can't appreciate the beauty of the beautiful scenery of the West Lake." Zheng Kezang walked along the long embankment for a while, and suddenly sighed. "It also disturbs the elegance of the people, it's not worth it, it's not worth it." Zheng Kezang's words refer to the measure of closing the lake in Hangzhou. The Hangzhou government dared not talk about it, so Ke Dingkai had to go forward to explain, Before he could speak, Zheng Kezang waved his hand. "Don't look at it, let's drive to Song Yuyuan??????"

The Imperial City Site of the Southern Song Dynasty is located at the eastern foot of Fenghuang Mountain in the south of Hangzhou. After Song Gaozong Zhao Gou established Hangzhou as his capital, he built the Forbidden Garden of Miyagi on the basis of the former site of the Northern Song Dynasty.The Jinyuan Imperial Garden starts from Fengshan Gate in the east, ends at the west foot of Fenghuang Mountain in the west, starts from Tiaoxuwan in the south, and ends at Wansong Ridge in the north. The entire area is about twelve to three square miles.There are three city gates in the whole Da Nei, called Lizheng in the south, Hening in the north, and Donghua in the east.In the imperial city, there are majestic and dazzling palaces.There are more than 130 halls, halls and pavilions such as Jinluan Hall, Chuigong Hall, Xuande Hall, Funing Hall, Qinzheng Hall, and Fufu Hall.In addition, there are gorgeous royal gardens up to the top of Phoenix Mountain.

This beautiful imperial city began to be destroyed shortly after the fall of the Southern Song Dynasty. In the Yuan Dynasty, the former site of the imperial city was used as five Buddhist temples. The Ming Dynasty has been completely turned into ruins, thus perfectly interpreting the rise and fall of a dynasty.

"Ke Qing," Zheng Kezang said to Ke Ding, nostalgic for the past and not knowing what he was thinking of, as he walked on the trail stepped by tourists. "In the past, Emperor Gaozong of the Song Dynasty said: the profit of the market is the greatest. If it is properly handled and the income is tens of millions, wouldn't it be better for the people? This is a sincere and good word."

"What your majesty said is true," Ke Dingkai replied with a sigh when recalling the journey from Dongning all the way. "This feudal clan was able to come from the siege of Jianlu to today, and it also depends on the power of maritime trade."

"Yes." Zheng Kezang nodded. "It's the same with the country, and it's the same with the province." After saying this, Ke Dingkai suddenly became excited. He had already guessed what Zheng Kezang was going to say next, and sure enough, he heard Zheng Kezang's words. "After the division of provinces, the economy and people's livelihood in western Zhejiang have been greatly affected. I don't know what countermeasures Ke Qing and the whole province have to deal with?"

Originally in the Ming and Qing dynasties, although Zhejiang was not a major grain-producing province, it had the benefits of maritime trade, at least financially enough, and even paid a considerable amount of rice and tax money to Zhongyang every year.However, after the implementation of the division of provinces in the Ming and Zheng Dynasties, Western Zhejiang became a financially aided province due to the loss of seaports and the huge cost of the government going to the countryside. To ease the financial pressure on central yang.

"I have discussed with the provincial (Ministry of Planning) Salt and Iron Envoy Yamen and the Dushui Envoy (Ministry of Water) many times. After discussions, I feel that this province is still economically promising." Since it is not a big deal, Ke Ding Kai's words were also scattered, but Zheng Kezang still listened with interest. "First of all, I think that although Haikou is lost, Hanghu has silk, rice profits, and Huizhou merchants are also famous all over the world. The paper industry in Xuanzhou may grow, and the tea in Yan and Qu is also promising. As for Chizhou, although the land is barren, but It is located at the intersection of Jiangxi, Jianghuai, and West Zhejiang, and has the advantage of shipping on the Yangtze River, so it can also make a difference."

Zheng Kezang didn't express his opinion immediately, so Ke Dingkai, who didn't know Zheng Kezang's comment on this, could only continue: "So I have called various governments to discuss matters many times, and I think it should be adjusted according to local conditions??????"

It is really difficult to say this for Ke Dingkai. After all, before the Ming and Zheng Dynasties, no local officials would think of actively developing the local economy. Therefore, Ke Dingkai, who had no precedent, could only move forward. Can not achieve good results, it will take time to wait and see.

"Ke Qing did a good job." These words made Ke Ding heave a sigh of relief. "What's bothering you during this period?"

"I think that the mountains in the west of Zhejiang Province are traversed by the rugged terrain, and business travel is not smooth. If the goods are to flow smoothly, this road is probably very important." Ke Dingkai was a little nervous when he said this, but he must know that road construction is necessary. Money, but western Zhejiang has no money, so we can only count on financial support from central yang, but central yang is not well-off, if it is given to western Zhejiang, it cannot be given to eastern Zhejiang, southern Jiangxi, and Fujian, let alone remote areas. Yunnan, Guizhou and Guangxi were waiting to be fed, so he was not sure how to impress Zheng Kezang with a few words. "So, I ask the king to allocate additional expenses to the Ministry of Industry and Water in Western Zhejiang." Ke Ding hesitantly reported a number. "30 taels, if not, 25 taels, no, 20 taels is fine."

"Don't say 20 taels, just 10 taels." Zheng Kezang poured cold water on Ke Ding. "And even if we give 30 taels to the west of Zhejiang, how many miles of roads can be built in a year." Zheng Kezang is very clear about the tricks in it. With the current level of technology, he wants to build a two-horse carriage in the hills of western Zhejiang. The concrete official roads cost a huge amount of manpower and material resources. The so-called two to three hundred thousand taels a year is just an introduction. "I'll tell you, now this feudal clan strictly prohibits apportionment of labor services. If the western Zhejiang region intends to take advantage of the opportunity to make trouble, the national law is set up for you and others."

"I dare not." Even though he said that, Ke Dingkai's face was very ugly, he wanted the horse to run but also wanted the horse not to eat grass, he Ke Dingkai was neither a fairy nor a clever woman. "only??????"

"Needless to say." Zheng Kezang interrupted Ke Dingkai's words with a wave of his hand. "I understand, it's just that we need to brainstorm ideas locally." Looking at Ke Dingkai who didn't understand, Zheng Kezang had to point out. "The merchants in Huizhou are famous all over the world, and the silk merchants in Huzhou raked in tens of thousands. With these big families, wouldn't the government in western Zhejiang borrow money from them to build roads?"

Ke Dingkai looked at Zheng Kezang in disbelief, and asked hesitantly, "Your Majesty, you want to order the local people to be happy?"

"Nonsense," Zheng Kezang scolded. "It's not that the feudal clan wanted to blackmail local property." Seeing that Ke Dingkai still didn't understand, Zheng Kezang had no choice but to explain in detail. "In the name of western Zhejiang, you borrow money from merchants from Huizhou and Huzhou to build roads. After the road is repaired, you can set up a card on the official road to collect tolls, so as to repay the principal and interest of the merchants' loans. Of course, the toll per person is definitely not high. It will be very high, but the advantage lies in the long-term, it can accumulate a lot, and with this long-term guarantee, merchants will be willing to pay."

"Your Majesty's strategy is very good, but I'm worried that if the subordinate officials cheat, it will turn a good government into a bad law."

"It's good to plan for a rainy day, but the supervisory offices at all levels in this feudal domain are fake?" Zheng Kezang expressed his understanding of Ke Dingkai's worries. After all, it is an unprecedented new law, and mistakes are inevitable during the period. "Of course, you can also sell the entire proceeds from the official path to merchants for management. If you think about it, smart merchants will not kill chickens to get eggs."

Zheng Kezang's idea was even more unbelievable, and Ke Dingkai did not dare to accept it: "I think it is better to plan ahead. After all, there are many merchants who are motivated by profiteers. Besides, the official road is the national road, so how can it be done?" In private hands??????"

"I'm just suggesting that the specific rules and regulations still have to be handled by Qing and others." Zheng Kezang smiled disapprovingly. "Perhaps Qing and others can also sell the stock capital and use the road proceeds as a bonus. The officials will receive one point, and the capital raising merchants will receive one point."

Ke Ding's eyebrows twitched, and he said subconsciously: "Your Majesty, what do you mean by dividing the money between officials and businessmen?"

"That's absurd." Zheng Kezang shook his head. "It's just a government-supervised business operation." Zheng Kezang further explained. "The first item is government-run and government-run. You have already considered the issue of the management of subordinates. The second item is commercial-run business. You are also worried, so I thought that maybe the government could supervise it, and the merchants would run it. Shared interests, win-win for each other.”

Ke Dingkai instinctively felt that there were loopholes in Zheng Kezang's words, but he couldn't tell where the loopholes were, so he could only stare dumbfounded there. Fortunately, Zheng Kezang didn't want him to respond immediately: "After you return to the Yamen, I'll still follow you." The ministries have to discuss one or two, but it really doesn’t work, let’s take a road to try, and if there are any mistakes, we can correct it in time.”

Zheng Kezang then reminded: "The construction of roads is of great importance, and you and others should first make it easy and then difficult??????"

"I'll save you!"

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