On the first day of March in the second year of Ming Taishun, Zheng Kezang's car left Hangzhou.

Those who are familiar with geography can know without looking at the map that there are four ways to travel from Hangzhou to Nanjing, including the sea route.

Among them, if you take the sea route, you only need to board the ship from Jiaxing’s Ganpu Port or Jiaxing’s Zhapu Port, go out of Hangzhou Bay and turn to the Yangtze River Estuary, and then go back to Nanjing Longjiangguan Wharf. This is the most convenient of the four ways. And without passing through the states and counties along the way, it will least disturb the people.However, the preparations for the Chan Dynasty Grand Ceremony in Nanjing are not yet ready, and Zheng Kezang cannot wait in Nanjing in a hurry, otherwise, the news will be made to make the countries and the Qing court laugh.

In addition to the sea route, there are also east, middle and west three-lane roads.The most convenient route is naturally the middle line, which passes through Changxing County through Huzhou Prefecture, enters Changzhou through the west side of Taihu Lake, and then transfers to Nanjing.However, this road is sandwiched between lakes and mountains. Not to mention the ruggedness of the road, it may not be that there are no loyalists who colluded with mountain robbers and lake bandits to do Bolang Feizhu.Of course, Zheng Kezang, who has thousands of guards, is not afraid of the small amount of banditry that has been cleared and suppressed by the garrison many times, but before the Zen Dynasty, he was attacked by the rebels of the previous dynasty, which is not a good sign.

After excluding the center line, there are only two roads to choose from, the east and west.As the name suggests, the Eastern Route passes through the east side of Taihu Lake. This road is full of plains, and there are many famous cities and towns. It is the most prosperous and richest area under Zheng Fan's rule. Now it all belongs to Jiangnan and other places (provinces).As for the western route, it goes from Huzhou to Xuanzhou, Xuanzhou enters Taiping, and Taiping goes down the river to Nanjing.

In the end, Zheng Kezang chose the western route. This was not because he loved the rich and disliked the poor, but because he believed that the finances in western Zhejiang were not well-off, and if he worked hard to meet the needs of the people, it was the central finance and the common people who suffered in the end.Therefore, on the fourth day of March, Zheng Kezang went to Jiaxing; on the eleventh day of March, he entered Songjiang; on the [-]th day of March, he arrived in Suzhou; on the third day of April, he entered Changzhou.

"How big is this area? What are the main crops?" Looking at the farms and ponds in front of him, Zheng Kezang, dressed in coarse cloth farm clothes, asked in non-standard Nanzhili official dialect. "How much income have you made in the past few years? How much does it cost to hire temporary workers? Can you guarantee their food and clothing?"

What Zheng Kezang asked was not the local farmers, but the steward of Wangzhuang. After Zheng Fan took control of Jiangnan, he had carried out large-scale confiscation of his homeland. He entered the inner court and became the Wangzhuang directly under Zheng Kezang or in charge of Wangzhuang.If it is further extended to the whole of Jiangnan, Wangtian has reached a quarter of the total arable land area. This is the result of not counting the mountains and forests allocated to the inner court in Liyang, Gaochun and other places. Compared with the two generations of Zheng Chenggong and Zheng Jing in Dongning The total of all cultivated land under management is much higher.

With so many acres falling into the inner court, it is impossible not to have a serious impact on Jiangnan's economy.In order to ensure the collection of local taxes, Zheng Kezang compromised with the cabinet and ordered all Wangzhuang villages except for the mountains and forests to pay taxes truthfully according to the new tax system after the apportionment into mu.

Since Zheng Kezang had to pay taxes to the local government, Zheng Kezang naturally could not operate in the old way. Therefore, except for some excessively scattered cultivated land that continued to be leased out, the rest were all taken back and directly operated, thereby artificially realizing the germination of agricultural capitalism.However, taking back the land from the tenant farmers also caused great turmoil at that time, and it was only under the suppression and diversion of the government that it did not cause further harm. However, in the eyes of some disaffected people, this became Zheng Ke Zang's heinous crime.

"If you go back to the king, this village includes a total of [-] mu including the three nearby villages." The manager of Wangzhuang usually deals with middle-level cadres such as promotions and deputy promotions at most. He has never met the general boss directly. , so I was quite trembling when responding to Zheng Kezang's words. "Except for [-] mu of ration fields and [-] mu of vegetable fields, the rest were converted into mulberry fields, and four ponds totaling about [-] mu were used to raise fish and ducks." The manager of Wangzhuang took a peek at Zheng. Ke Zang glanced at him, seeing that the high and mighty king was listening carefully, he was relieved a lot, and his stuttering words became smoother. "Most of the mulberry trees in the field are newly planted in recent years, and many of them have just emerged leaves. Therefore, only [-] silkworm houses have been built at present, and about [-] stone silkworm cocoons can be produced during the silkworm period. In the wine workshop, when the mulberry is ripe, it can be used to make wine, which is also part of the income?????? "

"?????? There are also lotus roots planted in the fish pond. Every year, about 800 catties of lotus root can be harvested, tens of thousands of lotus pods, and [-] catties of lotus leaves?????? Fish, ducks, vegetables and duck eggs can be harvested directly Selling to Changzhou and Wuxi, although the income is not much, it is better in the long run?????? Chickens can also be raised, but they are credited to those long-term and short-term workers. The farmer collects eggs every three days. The earnings of the hired workers are allowed to be sold to the city by themselves. Several restaurants in the city collect chickens once a month????? Pigs are also raised. The whole village raises more than [-] chickens. Also hired a butcher??????"

>" Zheng Kezang interrupted suddenly. "How many cows are there in the village? The ration fields are re-cropped with rice and wheat. How much rice noodles can be produced in a year? "

"Returning to the king, this ration field is indeed replanted with rice and wheat. To plow the land, the village raised a total of [-] large and small buffaloes. To grind rice and flour, the village built a water mill, a water mill, and a water mill. The large convoy consists of six mules and eight green donkeys; in addition, the [-]-mu ration field can produce nearly [-] shi of rice, [-] shi of flour, and [-] shi of bran." Answered Zheng Kezang's question. "In addition, there are more than [-] laborers in the three villages in Zhuangzi. The long-term workers pay a Baokang bank every month, plus six taels of fuel and three taels of salt. The short-term workers who have scattered acres of land pay forty cents a day when they are employed. As for the silkworm period , women and Taoists from various families come out to help, and another thirty cents per person per day???????"

Zheng Kezang listened, leaned over to look at the seedlings that had just been planted, and nodded: "It's a small farm, but it's hard work. It's easy to do it. Although it's an inner court official, it's a good job." , must also have a family background."

The steward of the farm was overjoyed, regardless of the wetness of the paddy field, he knelt down and kowtowed: "My maidservant kowtows to thank the king for his kindness!"

"Don't thank me too early, the state owns the state law, and the inner court also has the rules of the inner court," Zheng Kezang looked at the steward coldly. "If you treat hired workers harshly, corrupt in private, even if you have some minor achievements, you should know what the end will be, and don't make mistakes."

The steward of the farm suddenly fell from the clouds, and replied in cold sweat: "Slave, understand, slave understand??????"

"The sons and ministers see the father." Returning from Wangzhuang to the prepared palace in Changzhou, two half-children appeared in front of Zheng Kezang. After several years of studying in the junior martial arts school, the two children still had children. The heart of admiration, but did not plunge into Zheng Kezang's arms all at once like before. "My father is a thousand years old??????"

"What a thousand years old, long live!" Zheng Kezang suddenly took the two sons who were a little reserved because of growing up into his arms. "Damn father and son, monarchs and ministers, don't think about anything now, there are only old fathers and good sons."

"Father," Zheng Kezang said, Zheng Yang and Zheng Di put their heads in Zheng Kezang's arms and acted like a baby. "We miss you so much, Dad, you've lost weight." Zheng Kezang was overjoyed by the words of these children. Yes, the sons are still young and don't need any masks and disguises. "Father." After laughing for a while, Zheng Yang said suddenly. "This year we are going to graduate from the Junior Martial Arts Academy. The teacher asked us to choose whether to enter the Lushi Academy or the Naval Academy??????"

Zheng Kezang suddenly interrupted Zheng Yang: "What do you think?"

"Father, I heard Adu say that the sea is extremely beautiful." Zheng Di said hesitantly. "Son thinks, thinks??????"

"Who is Adu?" Zheng Kezang asked. Zheng Di explained that he was a classmate at the same time, and his elder brother was serving in the navy, so he encouraged the two children to go to the navy together. "Looking at the eternal lonely starry sky at the bow of the boat, chasing the turbulent wind and waves between the sails, this is where a man is heroic." Zheng Kezang said first and then restrained. "But the sea is very stormy, capsizing is imminent, aren't you afraid that your mother will worry?"

Zheng Di froze immediately, and Zheng Yang, who deliberately let his younger brother take the lead, also froze immediately. The so-called filial piety first means that when the army advocates loyalty and filial piety, it is also said that all filial piety is the top priority, not to mention the two of them are princes. It is impossible for the future emperor's heir and the emperor's heir's substitute to casually go to the sea to drink the wind and drink the dew, so for a while, the faces of both of them collapsed.

After a long time, Zheng Yang, who had figured out the stakes, finally expressed his opinion: "Father is right, the sons should not worry the mother. After the son returns, he should tell Teacher Fan that he should choose Lu Teacher Academy."

"There's no need to go to Lushi Academy." Unexpectedly, Zheng Kezang further denied his sons another choice. "Father didn't let you study martial arts at a young age to join the army." Looking at the two sons who were a little confused, Zheng Kezang smiled slightly. "Your identities may allow you to lead troops to fight? If you can't, why continue your studies." Zheng Kezang arranged. "After Xiaowu graduates from school, both of you will serve as military envoys for two years."

The so-called military envoy does not exist in the current rank list of Zheng Jun, but a new military title after the founding of Daxia, which is equivalent to the military ranks between the second class of Liuwai and the ninth rank of Jinyi deputy lieutenant. In Zheng Kezang's previous life, he was at the level of a sergeant.Even those who only have the qualifications of young martial arts at this level are competent.

Of course, Zheng Kezang didn't want his sons to serve as cannon fodder as big soldiers, but just to let them go deep into the grassroots to experience it, let alone send them to the front line. where the root is.

"After two years, each of you will choose a county and go to the countryside as an official." It is said that if you can manage the county well, you can manage the central yang well. In order to train the two, Zheng Kezang naturally hopes that they can start from the humble beginnings in a down-to-earth manner. "Father will arrange all kinds of experiences for you. If it's really not what you want, after three or five years, it won't be too late to change it back."

If it were someone else, it would be a big deal to delay the future for three or five years. It might be a slow step, but if it were the prince, it would not be a problem at all. The two people who wanted to understand this finally bowed down: "All listen to me!" Dad arranges??????"

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