When it comes to palaces and gardens, in the minds of Chinese people, they should be majestic and magnificent. Even the second-best palaces and gardens should be magnificent. However, the structure of the royal palace in Cambodia has subverted this common sense—there are only temples in Chenla They are built of stones, and even gods and kings can only live in wooden stilts, and these stilts are not painted with gold and colors. Apart from being relatively large, only a few decorations of silk, peacock feathers, and tiger skins can decorate the building. It is distinguished from the more humble dwellings of the common people.

Of course, since it is considered a palace, there is no shortage of maids and eunuchs in Anliang's palace, and the buildings are hidden in the woods and streams that block the sky and the sun, so there is also a place of its own. It's cool.

In addition to the palace where the god king spent the summer, there are also residences for the nobles and temporary temples built by the monks, and there are thousands of simple wooden houses for the accompanying people, and even some poor people don’t even have wooden houses. Just hang a rope bed between the trees and make do.

Since hiding in the jungle, the unscrupulous mosquitoes are a big public nuisance. Fortunately, there are all kinds of incense in the gods, nobles, and temples to repel mosquitoes, and the common people can barely resist it by applying herbal water, so malaria is not a problem. Not popular.

The biggest threat other than mosquitoes is the poisonous snakes in the forest. These cold-blooded killers haunt you everywhere.From the court of the gods and kings down to the common people, people died because of this. Therefore, the pilings at the bottom of the stilt houses are usually modified into squares to prevent poisonous snakes from entanglement and climbing.The nobles kept their feet on the ground, so as to reduce unnecessary casualties, but ordinary soldiers, common people and the most humble slaves did not have such conditions, so they could only muddle along in the face of death trembling.

There are also a small number of beasts that occasionally appear at night and cause a few casualties to the outside people, but overall, the environment is peaceful.At least, here, the princes and nobles don't have to worry about the decline of the mountains and rivers and the decline of the country. The poor people can also enjoy the daily food donated by the royal family, nobles and temples. Everything is so harmonious.

Living in such an environment, the young King Angem also temporarily abandoned all the worries accumulated in his heart, and indulged in pleasure.King Ann is the nephew of Zheta IV, but he did not take the throne from Zheta IV, but inherited it from his cousin-in-law Otutaya I (outeyi).

Speaking of which, the reason why Altuttaya I was able to ascend to the throne of God King was because, as a general in the army, he contributed the most in overthrowing Zheta IV. That's why they overwhelmed the three royal families.However, the shortcomings of Otutaya I, who was born as an ordinary nobleman, were still very obvious. Lacking the support of the princes of the provinces, he had to appease the local area by marrying the Ann family during the three years he was king.

Three years ago, Altutaya I, who was so exhausted, was seriously ill and bedridden.In order to preserve his family after his death, Altuttaya I made the decision to transfer the royal power to the Ann family.King An En ascended to the throne of God King, and the Aututaya family became a subsidiary of the An En Family and theoretically became another new small royal family with the right to inherit the throne of God King

"Peacock, peacock, I'm so beautiful, why don't you love me?" Amidst the melodious soundtrack, King An En and his beloved concubine are dancing. Fragment of the well-known "The Peacock and the Princess". "I let hunters travel all over the mountains, forests and lakes for you, and I don't want the prosperity and beauty of the world for you, peacock, peacock, please accept my love."

"Princess, princess, I am a peacock who has attained enlightenment. I have become a Buddha, so naturally I can no longer be greedy for human love."

The music in the palace fluttered and resounded in the sky above Anliang. Those who were lucky enough to hear it either smiled knowingly, or looked at it enviously, and of course some people ignored it at all.No, there are a few important Cambodian ministers sitting around in a tall building outside the palace, frowning.

"A few months ago, the Chinese court sent envoys to Laos if Vietnam sent troops to Laos." Although Laos has long been independent, in the eyes of the Cambodians who want to restore the Great Khmer Empire, it still seems to be a part of themselves. With the current split of Laos, they still have a chance to take back their homeland, but if they fall into the hands of the emerging power Vietnam, they will never return. "The royal court of Vietnam has promised to send [-] troops, and they will cross the border of Changshan after the rainy season begins."

"The threat of Siam is still in sight. Once Vietnam takes control of Laos." If Cambodians know Chinese slang, they should sigh that they reject wolves at the front door and welcome tigers at the back door. "Then we will face the enemy on both sides. No, since the Huaxia Dynasty instigated Vietnam to invade the west, then we will definitely send troops in person, and then we will face the enemy on three sides."

"Why did the Huaxia Dynasty send troops?" Someone asked in confusion. "Our country has never had any enmity with it."

"There is an old saying in the Huaxia Dynasty called Huaibi Qicrime, which means that it is a sin for a person without strength to possess gems." The speaker shook his head. "Our country is weak in force, and the country is almost in danger of subjugation under the attack of Siam. In this case, how can the Chinese people not reach out for some benefits? Perhaps in the eyes of the Chinese people, instead of letting Cambodia completely fall into Ayutthaya In the hands of King Ye, it is more in China's interest to occupy it personally."

The speaker is solemn and the listener is silent. Yes, in the jungle society where the jungle preys on the strong, the consequence of lack of force is just like the Champa city in the past. In fact, if it were not for the large-scale civilian uprising in Siam two years ago, Cambodia has already been subjugated under the attack of the Siam army. It is a fluke to survive so far, but this is just a reprieve. If things are attacked, Cambodia will not last long anyway.

"The Huaxia Dynasty is a big country a hundred times larger than Cambodia. No matter how much Cambodia resists, it will be futile." This assertion made the people present extremely helpless. "But it's not impossible. I remember my ancestors said that Huaxia is a country that cares about face. As long as we pay tribute, Huaxia will definitely give up attacking and protect us as a vassal. And I heard that this time The reason why China ordered Vietnam to attack is that Cambodia did not pay tribute to China."

"It seems that this is the only way to choose," the people in the room whispered to each other and came to a consensus. "Then report to the God King as soon as possible, and decide to send the envoys of Huaxia and Jinlan." While talking, suddenly a noisy voice rang out, and the people present looked at each other with some doubts. "What's going on? What happened outside?"

A servant leader rushed in after hearing the news: "Gentlemen, it's not good, the army is coming, and many places outside have already caught fire. The noise is the noise of the servants when they are fleeing."

Before the butler finished speaking, the nobles present rushed to the door, and a scene of horror appeared in their sight.I saw that the smoke column caused by the lit stilt house had gone straight into the sky, and there were people and animals running around everywhere outside. Behind these fugitives was a hunting team of aliens. Anyone who resisted was killed by these people. After a burst of gunfire, the fight was over.

"This? This is?" The nobles who were discussing were dumbfounded, and then came back to their senses, and climbed down the stairs one after another, not caring whether there would be poisonous snakes running rampant under their feet, and one by one went straight to the elephant team they brought. "Go back." Some dull people just wanted to escape home, while some quick-witted ones ordered the mahout. "Go to the palace, there is the guard of the god king"

However, the sounds of gunfire, shouts, screams and occasional gunfire have made the elephants uneasy. For a while, the nobles could not climb on the back of the elephants to escape for their lives.On the contrary, the elephants gathered together and the luxurious decorations on their backs made the intruders aware of the abnormality. No, a group of enemy troops who were driving away the civilians rushed towards them.

"Block, stop them!" The nobles shouted to their warriors, but before the heroic Cambodian soldiers could get close, there was another cloud of gunpowder smoke in front of the enemy's formation. After the sound of gunfire like fried beans, dozens of guards died. Injured, and the rest also lost their combat effectiveness under the shock wave formed by the explosives thrown from the opposite side. "Run away!"

It was already too late at this time, the approaching enemies were attacking with knives and axes, and the terrified nobles couldn't run far with their feet.So after seeing a colleague being trampled down by his own elephant, these nobles with high status fell to the ground one after another.

"It's great to catch a group of princes. What, there are also elephants." Pang Yousheng, who led the charge, ordered in surprise. "Catch them, and let them order their respective elephant teams to serve as our army's forwards and assist our army in attacking the palace."

Under the threat of death, the princes of Cambodia once again abandoned their monarchs, so Xia's army fought more and more, while the Cambodian king's guards saw their own nobles and private troops joining the enemy's army, their morale was low, and one after another ebbed and flowed. After that, the war irreversibly went to the end expected by the attackers.

"Already surrounded the palace where King An En is?" Luo Jinqiang ordered decisively. "Order the inside to surrender, otherwise the palace will be burned down, and all jade and stone will be burned by then."

The voices of persuasion to surrender quickly rang out, among them were the voices of great nobles who already knew who was coming. It was precisely because some of the persuaders had their own relatives that King Anen in the encirclement quickly sent negotiating envoys.

"Who are you? Why are you attacking us? What do you want?"

"We are the Chinese army, and it is King Chengzheta IV. Please arrest the false king. As for what we want, it is very simple. Please surrender immediately to King An En." Pang Yousheng answered the envoy's questions one by one, and said The stunned messenger said. "Although we came at the request of King Zheta IV, we can guarantee the safety of the king of Anen. Of course, if he refuses to surrender, that's another matter. Well, don't try to bribe us, we There is no shortage of these money, now please go back and report immediately, if you don’t surrender, we will continue to attack within a stick of incense.”

On the first day of May in the third year of Huaxia Wucheng, after rushing straight to Jinben to rescue Zheta IV, the Huaxia Army rushed another 160 miles to capture the Anliang Palace before the Cambodian local notification, and captured King Anen and his accompanying civil and military personnel alive important minister.Later, the Camran Metropolitan Protectorate re-appointed Jetta IV as the king of Cambodia, and Jetta IV immediately professed his vassal to China, and ceded the Mekong River East area according to the agreement.At the same time, King An En was sent to Guangzhou to live temporarily, which became a foreshadowing for the Huaxia Dynasty to further interfere in the political situation of Cambodia.

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