In the land of Chenla in April and May, the air seemed to be on fire at any moment, and the excitement was unbearable, so that the high-ranking officials and nobles down to the common people all fled to the shady places deep in the mountains to spend the summer.In this season when everything is boring and people are rare, several exotic ships that looked strange and huge in the eyes of local fishermen went upstream and broke into Cambodia along the main channel of the Mekong River.

The Mekong River originated in Qinghai, China, and was called the Lancang River before it flowed into Myanmar, Siam, and Laos. However, due to the large drop in the river, the upstream and downstream are not navigable.Of course, the non-navigable area does not include this section of Cambodia.On the contrary, due to the influx of a series of tributaries such as the Tonle Sap River, the Cheni River, the San River, the Sen River, and the Srebo River, the entire lower reaches of the Mekong River are wide and large ships can pass all year round. Ships with materials can even go straight to the scuba Tonle Sap Lake in the entire Indochina Peninsula.

In fact, even in April and May in the dry season, small boats can still travel through the whole of Cambodia by using the water system around the Mekong River and Tonle Sap Lake. This is why in ancient China, Cambodia was called Water Chenla. one.

"Fifth Brother Fa," Luo Jinqiang, the commander of the Mekong River Squadron of the Jinlan Fleet of the Western Navy hiding under the shadow of the sail, wiped the sweat from his brow while speaking to Pang Yousheng, the commander-in-chief of the Jinlan Land Division on the same boat. "The weather is too hot. Brother Lu must pay attention to drinking water. We don't pack much for the march. If you get heat stroke, you will be in trouble."

"Brother Dingwei said yes," Pang Yousheng, who kept pouring water into his mouth, responded. "I've already arranged for a medical officer to make an inspection."

Perhaps because he felt that he talked too much, the sweat flowed more and more non-stop, and Pan Fu began to cherish his words like gold, but Luo Jinqiang fanned himself with a straw hat while looking for something to say: "Guys from the office, come on!" As soon as the mouth is knocked down, we have to pant like dogs, if we knew it, we would let them taste the taste of the sun."

Pang Yousheng shook his head: "Let's talk about it when we get back. Now, it's hot."

Looking at Pang Yousheng who poured water into his mouth again, Luo Jinqiang sighed: "Your brother is quite clear, our navy is fine on the river, and the Cambodians don't have such great strength, but you have to go straight to Jin Ben, that's his royal capital."

Luo Jinqiang smashed it and said, "Near death, it's really embarrassing bro."

Luo Jinqiang didn't expect Pang Yousheng to reply when he said this, but Pang Yousheng suddenly said: "Jin Ben (Bian) just abolished the capital and left the capital, so how could he have escaped death? Inheritance to descendants, don't you want to leave the noble title and family name for future generations?"

"It is said that the fifth brother is a gourd with a sawed mouth, but it is not the same after seeing it today." Luo Jinqiang was stunned for a moment, and then smiled knowingly. "However, what Brother Fa Wu said is not bad. Brother, I also want to make a wife and son and retire with the country. The Holy Majesty's will can be said to be a whip on you and me. There is no room for you and me to die." Here, Luo Jinqiang shook his head again. "It's a pity that the title is not so easy to get. The lowest county man has to be the Duke of Jianguo County to have a chance. I'm only the son of the country now. It's not so good to be the Duke of Jianguo County and the Duke of Kaiguo. across"

"I'm also the founding son." Getting the founding son is not based on the merits of Pang Yousheng and Luo Jinqiang, but based on the inclusiveness of Zheng Kezang when he founded the country. , From the founding uncle to the founding county marquis, it was extremely difficult. "So this time is the opportunity." Pang Yousheng took another sip of water before continuing. "As long as we can save Chetthaiv, you and I must be promoted to the first rank of noble."

"This is nothing more than a promise from the Chief Protector," Luo Jinqiang thought that Pang Yousheng's thoughts were just wishful thinking. "It's not something that Wuchang has already promised. Fifth brother Fa should not have too much hope."

"It's true that one person who rescued Chetthaiv may not be able to enter the noble rank." Pang Yousheng had already made up his mind. "But if it is because of this that they can absorb the large plains east of the Mekong River, as the first achievement in opening up the territory, if they want to go there, they will have to be recorded anyway, so it is a tenth chance to be the founder of the country."

"That's true." Luo Jinqiang pondered for a moment, then nodded slowly. "Then I wish the Fifth Brother Fa that success will come soon."

The Chetthaiv that Luo Jinqiang and Pang Yousheng spoke of was the former king of Cambodia, and now his nephew, King Angem, is in power in Cambodia.This situation is very strange for the middle-earth dynasties that are accustomed to succession from father to son or brother, but it is normal in Cambodia and other parts of Southeast Asia, because these areas are jointly governed by several royal families.

The so-called royal family refers to a family that has the strength to inherit the throne, usually a powerful feudal lord or a noble lineage left by the previous dynasty.As far as Cambodia is concerned, since the collapse of the Khmer Empire, various parts of Chenla have continued to conquer each other, and gradually formed three feudal families: Chetha, Barom, and Ang.

These three major families have been in flux, successively mastering the throne of God King (Note: the title of the Khmer Emperor), and their respective bloodlines control the governing power of most provinces and regions in Cambodia, and they are married to each other, forming an intricate succession relation.However, the overly complicated inheritance relationship makes the Cambodian throne change hands very quickly. Most of the kings only stayed on the throne of the gods for a year or two before they fell due to assassinations or coups. Luo, Laos, Guangnan and other countries are devouring and encroaching, and the country is declining day by day.

In the 14th year of Kangxi, Jeta IV came to the throne. Having escaped many assassinations, he tried every means to increase the royal power. While weakening the power of the princes, he used the powerful royal army to block the attack of Laos and the encroachment of Guangnan, which once made the Phnom Penh Dynasty appear. ZTE's situation.It's a pity that the good times didn't last long. With the invasion of the Siamese Ayutthaya Dynasty, the defeated Zheta IV buried the last bit of the royal army, and the coveted Ann family found an opportunity to unite with other dissatisfied princes to depose Zheta IV. World.

Although Zheta IV was imprisoned in the ancient capital of Jinben, how could he be willing to stay dormant after being a king for 20 years, so he actively tried to get out of trouble.However, the power of the Zheta family suffered great losses due to the Siamese invasion, and the princes of all parties worried that the Zheta family would settle accounts after the fall.At this time, the helping hand extended by Jinlan Metropolitan Protectorate gave Zheta IV a chance.

Of course, because the asking price of Cam Ranh Grand Protectorate is too high-it is easy to pay tribute to the Chinese Dynasty, but the area east of the Mekong River is almost equal to one-third of the entire territory of Cambodia-so King Zheta IV did not at first Immediately agreed to Jinlan's request, but with the impossibility of self-relief, Zheta IV's mentality changed. Yes, what he can't get, naturally can't let others get it.It was based on this kind of psychology that King Djeta IV, who was forced to live in seclusion in Jinben, finally agreed to the request of the Huaxia Dynasty, and as long as he could become the king of Cambodia again, he would cede the eastern land.

Therefore, on April 29, the third year of Huaxia Wucheng, Jinlan Metropolitan Protectorate used the Mekong River Squadron to transport [-] troops to raid Jinben. Zheta IV, who was in the city but not strictly guarded, and a group of servants and concubines.

But Zheta IV, who was freed, was unwilling to leave Phnom Penh by boarding a ship. Instead, he hoped to use Phnom Penh as his capital to regain control of the entire Cambodia. It’s mere thanks from this king, please don’t be too polite.”

Pang and Luo looked at each other and accepted the gem. Seeing this, Zheta IV continued, "I have one more thing to ask for."

Zheta IV's request is very simple. He hopes that Pang and Luo will lead their troops to continue up the Mekong River, raid the Anliang Palace at the foot of Mount Aura 160 miles away, and arrest King Angem and a group of princes and nobles who are escaping the summer heat. .

"This king also knows that this is a bit difficult for others, but this king has definite news. Now there are less than [-] defenders near the Anliang Palace." Although Zheta IV was imprisoned in Jinben City, the situation of the Cambodian royal court is still not clear. Very familiar, obviously this is related to the power of the Zheta family. Even if Zheta IV is deposed, King Ann is neither able nor willing to completely eradicate the top royal family like the Zheta family. "It's my best chance."

Although they are short-handed, Pang and Luo still look at each other in dismay for such a request, but Zheta IV's words are also correct. If King An En cannot be solved immediately, even if Zheta IV is rescued, a big battle will still be inevitable Yes, when the time comes, there will be mountains of corpses and seas of blood, and there will be more than these dead people.

"Master Luo, Mr. Pang Da," Lin Dushi, who stood beside King Zheta and acted in the name of the owner of the Jinben Merchant Hall, also chimed in. "The opportunity is fleeting. It is no longer possible to ask Jinlan for instructions. I would like to ask the two adults to make a decisive decision."

Luo Jinqiang said with some hesitation: "The order I have received is to ensure the safety of King Zheta."

"There is no waterway to go to Anliang Palace, so the boat can stay here. If there is any danger, as long as King Zheta is sent to the boat, people who want to come to Chenla can only look at the water and sigh."

What Pang Yousheng was worried about was another reason: "Although the people of Chenla are vulnerable, they are four times as big as me. If the sailors are still left behind, the force will be even more insufficient. As the saying goes, if you win more, you lose less. We can defeat the Chenla army with a weak victory over the strong, and whether we can capture King Anen in the chaos is another matter."

"The Jinben Commercial House can provide 20 people and [-] accompanying slaves."

"This king can also organize five hundred soldiers and three hundred slaves."


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