Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

515. Lushun tutelary mansion

Su Nu anxiously waited for the reinforcements to race against the Xia army in Shengjing City. However, after the Xia army conquered Jinzhou and Lushun and other places, except for sending a small number of rangers to block the news of Liaodong, Su Nu had no intention of going north. Nu noticed something strange.But at this time, Sunu had no soldiers in his hands, even if he felt that something was wrong, he didn't dare to test it easily. He just sent out horses to investigate in every possible way, trying to find out what the mystery of Xia Jun's actions was.

After waiting for ten days, the reinforcements from Jilin and Heilongjiang had not yet arrived, but the Eight Banners garrisoned across the Yalu River had already returned to Dandong, and the forwards of the Gyeonggi Qing army who had marched from Monan had also arrived at Xinmin.

Seeing that the two reinforcements arrived one after the other, the courageous Sunu led the Shengjing defenders to the south, carefully driving to the front line of Haicheng.

However, in the south of Gai County, the Xia Army's detection posts were active, and Sunu's troops were limited and he did not dare to fight against them easily, so he could only hold back.Fortunately, the Qing army's scouts finally got in through the Xia army's gap and brought the news back after paying a huge price. Only then did Sunu know what happened at the root of the peninsula.

"Hai Ni has built forts and fortresses all over the Jinzhou line, and built forts in Pulandian and other places." Su Nu took a sour breath. "This, this is to stay permanently." You must know that even if Sunu thought that Xia Jun had a chance to capture Shenyang, he would never be able to hold on to the siege of the Qing army, but the situation is obviously worse now. It was the preparation for a long-term battle, which offset the geographical advantage of the Qing army, and instead forced the Qing army to knock down the strong fortress of the Xia army. "Damn it, come here, and immediately urge all the ministries to speed up to help."

Su Nu was in a hurry, but it took him more than ten days for the Gyeonggi Army to join him. At this time, the reinforcements sent from Jihei had just entered the territory of Liaodong, and there were at least ten days before the meeting.

However, Sunu couldn't wait any longer. He carefully calculated the strength of the troops in his hands - about 5000 troops from the Qing army in Gyeonggi, 8000 reinforcement troops, and 6000 soldiers from the Eight Banners stationed in Liaodong, for a total of [-] troops. Although it was not as good as the [-] Xia army reported by Jinzhou, according to the usual practice, the number of Xia army should be at least half, so he could go south to attack the fort line that Xia army hastily insisted on without waiting for the Jihei Qing army to arrive.

As a result, the Qing army pressed down on the Liaodong Peninsula with the posture of Mount Tai pressing down on the top. Soon, the Qing army on the western front, mainly composed of the Eight Banners stationed in Liaodong and the Gyeonggi Army, took back Niuzhuang and Gaixian and went straight to Wafangdian. The Qing army also passed through Qingduizi Bay and Zhuanghe Bay successively, approaching Wafangdian and Pulandian.

Just as the Qing army after joining forces was preparing to attack the fortress that the Xia army had just built, Sunu, the commander, hesitated.It's not that Sunu doesn't know soldiers, but it is precisely because he knows soldiers that he is worried that the Xia army may use the mobility of the navy to land again behind the Qing army. desperate situation.

However, Kangxi had already learned of Xia Jun's attempt to hold on to the Liaodong Peninsula, and he believed that with the character of this sage, he would never allow Sunu to turn around and retreat without firing a single arrow.In this situation of advancing and retreating, Sunu can only make amendments to the original combat plan.On the one hand, he dispatched 4000 troops to guard the Fuzhou Bay, Gaizhou Bay, Taiping Bay, Hulushan Bay, Qingduizi Bay, Zhuanghe Bay and other places where the Xia army might land. After the rendezvous, they all went to Haizhou, Niuzhuang and other places to wait for orders, so that after the Xia army landed, they could implement a tactical counterattack of double-teaming from the north to the south.

Sunu also knew that what he did was only treating the symptoms but not the root cause. The key to the success of the anti-landing was to contain the Xia Army's navy and prevent them from attacking at will. The navy also came to the table, but it was not up to him to decide, so he had to report to Beijing, asking the Qing army navy to dispatch support.

Not to mention how the navy of the Qing army reacted to Sunu's proposal, Sunu, who thought he was ready for everything, ordered the Qing army to start attacking Pulandian, which is the nearest to Wafangdian.Because the seaport of Pulandian Port is very narrow, it is not conducive to the maneuvering of ships in the port. Therefore, Xia Jun did not build bastions or fortresses in Pulandian Port, but only set up one or two front-line observation posts. He took the initiative to retreat in a small rowboat.

After winning the first battle, the morale of the Qing army was greatly boosted, and then the soldiers pointed directly at Jinzhou.But without even seeing the city of Jinzhou, the Qing army encountered the strong fortresses of the Xia army on the Xiaohei Mountain, Dahei Mountain, Daheishan Mountain, and Dalijiacheng Mountain in the north of Jinzhou City. During the advance of nearly a month, the Xia army has established a bastion-like fortification system at various points, and used gunpowder to blow out the shooting circle and the supply and defense passage behind the fort, completely sealing off the two main roads into Jinzhou.

In addition to building artillery forts and fortresses on the mountain, the Xia Army Navy is also deploying a number of cruise warships on the side close to the Huan Shui Ocean, using naval guns to help close the road.Although the Qing army's outer firearms battalion was also equipped with cannons that were not inferior to Xia's army, they were unable to exert their firepower due to upward shooting and other reasons.

Of course, Sunu was reluctant to send Eight Banners soldiers to gnaw their bones, but after the townships of the two green battalion heads were disabled for the first time, Sunu could only continue to invest in the Manchurians.But at this time, decrees from Beijing demanded Sunuk to recover Liaodong one after another. During this period, threats and temptations were all-encompassing, but the promises and threats still could not make the Qing army overcome the obstacles in front of them.

"We can't fight like this anymore." Sunu watched helplessly as the Eight Banners outside the pass failed to attack the Xia Army's fort on Pine Tree Ridge, leaving behind hundreds of corpses and fled back. With firm determination, he finally admitted his failure. . "Withdraw the troops and go back to Gaizhou." The staff on the side persuaded him not to give up, but Sunu waved his hand. "I'm a child of Aixinjueluo. If I didn't see the possibility of no success with my own eyes, how could I ignore such a confidant's serious trouble?" Su Nu said in a dispirited manner. "I will bear the responsibility for the defeat of the army, but the Eight Banners must be preserved, and we must count on them to defend Fengtian."

Sunu was about to withdraw his troops, but Kangxi didn't know about it. Due to the lack of progress in the direction of the Liaodong Peninsula, Kangxi could only order the navy to help in the battle.Although unwilling, facing the invisible pressure of the supreme sage, the navy of the Qing army had no choice but to send out three Galen ships and several newly built boats at once.

Although it was a fluke that it was not discovered by the Xia Army's navy before arriving in the Liaodong Peninsula, the good luck of the Qing Army's navy came to an end soon.After being notified by the Lu division, it was learned that the Xia army's Beiguo navy came out with all the strength of the two cruise fleets and vowed to keep all the Qing army's navy on the sea.

The first and second cruise fleets under the jurisdiction of the Beiguo Navy have 48 first-class cruise ships with 36 guns and [-] second-class cruise ships with [-] guns each. As for the three armed Galen with [-] guns equipped by the Qing army It has an overwhelming advantage, and the small ships of the Qing army are not the opponents of the twelve second-class letter ships that the Xia army navy played. Fortunately, they escaped beyond the Liaohe River, and the rest of the army without accidents were wiped out.

The annihilation of the navy of the Qing army and the news that Sunu's troops were forced to retreat to Haicheng caused Kangxi to vomit blood.

When the news was sent back to Fengtian, besides thanking Shengjun for his generosity, Sunu had no choice but to find another way to solve the problem in Liaodong.

On May [-], the Qing army, led by a team of [-] cavalry, crossed the Yalu River again and rushed towards Pyongyang.

On May [-], Cui Xian, who learned that the Qing army had come to aid him, immediately withdrew his troops across the Taedong River, and Pyongyang was relieved of the siege.

After the siege, Polpen intended to pursue immediately, but after learning of the crisis in Liaodong, he agreed to Sunu's suggestion brought by the reinforcements, and then the Qing army fled to Yizhou with the 14-year-old court king Li Yun.

Cui Xian, who had just returned to the front line of Huangzhou, couldn't believe it when he heard the news. The Qing army just retreated like this?

But that was the case, so Cui Xian didn't care if it was a trap, and turned back north with his army again.

That year, on May 25th, the South Korean army arrived at the city of Pyongyang again. North Korean officials who had not fled with the Qing army opened the city gate to welcome Cui Xian into the city. As a result, this important northern town finally returned to the hands of the South Korean royal court. .

The recovery of Pyongyang and the areas south of the Cheongcheon River brought joy to the city of Hanyang. At this time, Pyongan-do and Hamgyong-do, which had been poisoned by the Longxiang Army and the Shence Army respectively, also sent envoys to South Korea to pray for surrender.In this regard, the royal court of Hanyang naturally readily agreed, and thus, the reunification of Korea was announced.

After the Qing army withdrew from North Korea, Sunu and Polpen had a secret talk in Fengtian. After exchanging ideas, the two formulated a strategy of replacing offense with defense.Immediately, while the Xia army strengthened the construction of ports in Lushun and other places, the Qing army also began to set up side walls and garrison stations for reinforcements from the Yalu River Estuary to Niuzhuang.

The reaction of the Qing army reached Zheng Kezang’s ears, making him snort. In fact, the Chinese court never expected to make a breakthrough from the east of Liaodong. On the other hand, the army navy division is also a pawn controlled by Bu Yi, who uses it to mobilize and disperse the forces of the Qing army.Now that these two goals have been achieved, and even additional additional effects have been obtained, Zheng Kezang will naturally not add more oil and vinegar to it.

On June [-]th in the fifth year of Wucheng, Zheng Kezang ordered the establishment of the Lushun Town Guard Mansion under the Beiguo Navy.On the same day, the Liaodong General Army was also set up to take charge of the three divisions in the Liaodong Peninsula. Tang Baoyi, the former deputy general of the Fujun Army and the Korean general soldier, served as the first Liaodong General Army.

On June [-], the Huaxia Penghu Honglu envoy sent a written inquiry to the Dutch United East India Company's commercial office in Penghu, asking it to explain the gift of warships and sending sailors and shipwrights to join the Qing army camp.

Regarding this, the Dutch business house first argued that it did not know what was going on, and then changed its claim to the confrontation prisoners sent by Xia Fang, saying that the ship might be captured by the Qing army after being swept by the wind and waves to the Bohai Sea.

Regarding the sophistry of the Dutch, although Xia Fang, who didn't want to fight on two fronts now, was dissatisfied, he reluctantly accepted it. However, what the Dutch didn't expect was that after this change, the Chinese court began to secretly encourage the British, Guilian, French, Denmark and other countries challenge Dutch rights in Java and Spice Islands

515. Lushun tutelary mansion

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