Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

516. Cui's Rebellion

() North Korea's re-declaration of unification made the Hanyang court happy for a long time. However, while being happy, some far-sighted North Korean ministers discovered many hidden worries.Among them, the first one is the issue of Huaxia's garrison in North Korea.Yes, in this era, I am afraid that there is no sovereign country that is willing to allow foreign troops to station in its own territory, not to mention that within the sphere of influence of the Huaxia Dynasty, only the North Korean family is stationed in the Xia Army.

However, since the Qing army is still entrenched in the triangle area formed by the Daning River and the Yalu River, there is a possibility of counterattack anytime and anywhere. No one in the North Korean side, which has a dual personality of arrogance and inferiority, dares to cross the river and demolish the bridge for the time being. Things come, but they cannot be kept for a long time, and this contradiction will intensify the relationship between the two countries.

Of course, if Zheng Kezang and Shunguan, the son of the imperial concubine Li, could serve as the son of the Joseon Dynasty as the grandson and adoptive grandson of the dynasty king Li Ji, and then become the heir to the Korean throne, the relationship between the two countries may not necessarily break down.However, this created new problems.In fact, according to the lineage theory of this era, Zheng Anyu (Shun Guan) is indeed not qualified to inherit the position of the son of the Joseon Dynasty, not to mention the other distant Li clans, and it is not that Li Yu has no sons. Among them, the eldest son Li Xun is someone In the eyes of some conservative ministers, the only suitable son of Joseon.

But if there is a conflict with the Huaxia court on this issue, first of all, the responsibility for breaking the contract cannot be escaped.If North Korea is strong, it doesn't matter if it breaks the contract, but North Korea is a weak country, and even the thousands of Xia troops stationed in North Korea are unable to drive away, so how dare they blatantly play tricks on China.

The Huaxia garrison and the prince's adoption are thorny issues, no matter how far-sighted the North Korean minister is, he dare not step into this minefield easily.Compared with these two problems that can be said to be far-sighted, the reward for Cui Xian, the great hero who liberated North Korea, is a big problem that is close at hand.

According to Cui Xian's "contribution" to expelling foreign enemies and achieving reunification, North Korea can actually be awarded the highest title of "Jun", but what about after being named "Jun"?Will Cui Xian hand over military power?If the "jun" is granted and power is not handed over, will the Cui clan's military regime reappear?Even though the Cui brothers still feared that China would not dare to usurp the throne, the emergence of a family of powerful eunuchs who mastered both civil and military aspects would not be a good thing for anyone.

But if he is not named "jun", what kind of praise is appropriate for Cui Xian?In this way, is it clear that North Korea is telling everyone that the North Korea and China's fear of the Cui family can no longer be concealed.So how will Cui's family react?Will the North Korean ministers attached to the Cui family resolutely fight back or will they fall apart?Everything is unknown.

Therefore, the issue of the canonization of Cui Xian will inevitably lead to vicious struggles between the pro-Cui Yidang and the anti-Cui Yidang in North Korea.

"According to the information I have obtained from the Huaxia court, as long as the Cui family does not explicitly oppose the establishment of Zheng Shizi, the Huaxia court will not shake the status of their clan." Jin Dongbin, who was transferred back from China by Ming Sheng secretly Shout out at the small group meeting. "So what should we do? Mobilize public opinion in the government and the public to prevent Cui Xian from getting the title of king, so that the Cui family can retreat? No, the matter is not that simple. Let alone whether Cui's party will fight back , now that the power of the imperial court is in the hands of the Cui family, once we reveal our anti-Cui intentions, then Cui Yingzhi, a power thief, will definitely drive us all out of the imperial court."

"Master Jin's words are very true. If you can't bear it, you will make big plans." Unlike Jin Dongbin, who had been appointed as Shang Qingdao's observation envoy (note: different from the Tao observation envoy, he is a Beijing official on tour), Zheng Zheng After some activities, Li Daochang was exempted from the drudgery of going to Shangqingdao. Of course, the inspection of Zheng Fu could not be done, and being able to transfer the post of Admonition Court is the best he can fight for. As a result, it is impossible to say that we do not blame Cui's party. "Our goal is to completely overthrow the Cui brothers who are in power, so we cannot mix with other officials, let alone conspire with them."

Another member of the small group, Zhengwu Gong Cao Zhenglang Xie Baonan didn't know why and asked: "It's fine not to participate in this action to prevent Cui Xian from becoming the king, but how can we drive Cui from power?"

Jin Dongbin explained: "I have said long ago that Cui Yingzhi became a powerful minister in the final analysis because of Huaxia's support. If Cui Yingzhi wants to step down, then Cui Yingzhi must lose the favor of the Huaxia court."

These words obviously contradicted what he said at first, so before the others frowned, Li Daoxu, who had communicated with him many times, explained: "How can Cui Yingzhi lose the favor of the Chinese court? It's very simple. , as long as Cui Yingzhi clearly supports An Xingjun to become the son of Joseon."

The corners of the eyes of the people present twitched, and only then did they understand the meaning of Jin Dongbin's initial words, so Park Jindao, the fifth-rank Sixianyuan, immediately praised him: "It's a good one to attack the other's shield with the other's spear, that's right." , as long as the Xia people abandon the Cui family, then the death of the Cui brothers will be imminent."

But analysis is easy. How did Cui Yingzhi express his position in the reserve dispute?This is no simple matter.

"We may be able to come up with a compromise plan." Li Daoxu's eyes shone with a kind of intrigue. "As long as Cui Yingzhi supports An Xingjun to become the crown prince, we will not oppose Cui Xian's appointment as the king. Even as long as he clearly supports An Xingjun, we can help him persuade other ministers to change their minds."

"Only by us? Is there a lack of strength?" Xie Baonan's worry was not unreasonable. After all, the people present were only middle-level officials of the fifth and sixth ranks, and they were around [-] years old. No matter their official rank or connections, they were not enough to provoke such a difficult task task. "Do you want to attract more comrades to participate?"

"No," Jin Dongbin flatly vetoed. "It can't be expanded anymore, otherwise if it leaks out, you and I will die, but it will be extremely difficult to get Cui Yingzhi into the boss." Jin Dongbin's words sound righteous, but in essence he is still a person who is afraid of sharing the merits It was too much, so he came up with a solution. "Actually, we can release rumors first."

"Rumor?" Several people approached subconsciously. "How do you say it?"

"It is said that the Cui family intends to support An Xingjun in exchange for the compromise of all parties on Cui Xianfeng."

Park Jindao asked with some uncertainty: "It's so simple? Can it be successful?"

"Regardless of whether it can be successful or not, as long as the wind is released, someone will naturally contribute to the flames??????"

A few people left Jin Dongbin's house, looking at the Big Dipper swaying in the sky, Jin Dongbin cursed softly with a seyin face: "If you want me to be out of the game, well, I'll overturn the stage and see how everyone plays." .”

After finishing speaking, he wrote a secret letter with a pen and summoned his relatives: "You go and send this letter to the Huaxia Guoxin Embassy. If the Xia people ask, they will say that they have made an appointment with the governor's yamen staff. Well someone sent it, and they'll know what to do with it."

His face showed timidity, so Jin Dongbin seduced: "I know you are greedy for the prosperity of Ningbo and want to stay in Huaxia, so, this matter is done, I ask the Huaxia court to apply for your naturalization????? ?”

On the eighth day of July in the fifth year of Wucheng, the Qiqiao Festival had just passed, and when the North Korean political circle was having a great time fighting over the award of Cui Xian, a rumor that was fatal to the Cui family was already spreading all over the city.For this reason, Ding Anshi, China's envoy to North Korea, solemnly submitted a letter of credence to the North Korean parliament, and asked North Korea whether it was prepared to breach the contract regarding the prince's heir to North Korea.

Under the pressure of Xia Jun's possible large-scale invasion, Cui Yingzhi had no choice but to express to Ding Anshi on behalf of the court king Li Yu that he had no intention of breaching the contract.

Ding Anshi left satisfied, but rumors of Cui's betrayal spread throughout North Korea in a short time.

Officials from all over North Korea seem to have seen the direction of the wind at this time, so a snowflake-like impeachment memorial was handed over to Hanyang.The anti-Cui ministers in the DPRK and the party of the Anxing monarch's mother family also used the public opinion of the government and the opposition to attack Cui Yingzhi desperately.In July, anti-Cui public opinion reached its apex, and there were rumors in the market that the court was about to remove Cui Yingzhi from the post that Cui Yingzhi had agreed to.

Facing the frenzied attacks of his political opponents and Li Yu's ambiguous attitude, Cui Yingzhi had no choice but to ask for help.

In view of the support of the Cui family, Li Ye gave Cui Yingzhi the last chance.

Cui Yingzhi cried bitterly when he met the king, and repeatedly stated that it was not because he betrayed North Korea, but because China was so powerful that he dared not disobey.Considering that even if Cui Yingzhi was replaced, the matter of Shun's succession could not be changed, Li Yu finally decided to retain Cui Yingzhi's status, and in order to appease Cui Yingzhi, Li Yu agreed to confer Cui Xian as Lord Wuning.

This was originally a decision to continue to blame Cui Yingzhi, but it caused an uproar.

Unwilling to fail, the anti-Cui courtiers colluded with each other, and some even crossed the bottom line and began to contact the Hanyang garrison.

Seeing that a mutiny or assassination was imminent, Cui Yingzhi made a decisive decision at the critical moment and decided to call Cui Xian back.

However, there are many smart people in the anti-Cui party. Of course, they know how those sloppy Spanish military officials will make a decision when Cui Xian, who has illustrious "military exploits", returns to Hanyang, so they desperately oppose Cui Xian's return to the army, and even seal him The recall of Cui Xian in the name of Jue was also opposed by their unanimous voice.

Seeing that it was impossible to transfer Cui Xian back through normal channels, and the situation became more and more urgent day by day, Cui Yingzhi, who had been cornered, put all his eggs in one basket and secretly ordered Cui Xian to lead troops into Hanyang.

On July [-]th, Cui Xian returned to Hanyang with [-] troops from his lineage, and the Spanish military officials in Hanyang really turned to this "strong man".Cui Xian then took the supreme command of the [-] court troops inside and outside Hanyang in one fell swoop.

Now that the military power is in hand, and with the acquiescence of Li Ye, Cui Yingzhi starts to fight.

On July 22, on the grounds that Cui Xian had obtained letters from some ministers attached to the Qing Dynasty in Pyongyang, the Zongbing army carried out a large-scale cleansing of the enemies of the Cui family.On the 22nd day alone, more than [-] ministers and their children were killed, and more than a hundred people were arrested and imprisoned. An Xingjun in the palace was also placed under house arrest.

For a time, blood flowed like a river in Hanyang, and North Korea fell into the terror of Cui's dictatorship??????

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