One of the main reasons for Sima Bohua's misfortune is because the "Xia-Siam Commercial Treaty" agreed to purchase the Malay Peninsula's wife, a full figure of 960 million guan, which is almost equivalent to one-sixth of the annual branch of the Chinese court. Buying a piece of territory that is worthless in the eyes of the Ayutthaya Dynasty at such a high price is suspected of being a criminal and wasting the country's money.

However, if this price is divided into 15 years according to the contract, it is actually only more than [-] guan per year, and most of it is based on artillery, sulfur, saltpeter and other ammunition, as well as silk, porcelain, glassware, pearls, etc. It is traded in the form of bulk commodities, so in fact the annual expenditure of the Chinese court is limited, it can be said that it is almost an empty-handed white wolf who has absorbed tens of thousands of miles (newly made) of the country.

Of course, the small suduan (Sudan) of the northern Malay states, who are tasteless themselves, do not think that it would be better for the suzerain to replace the Siamese with the Chinese.Especially for Suduan in the Tuni region, the opening of Songkhla port meant an impact on the Tuni trade.However, the calculations of these state governments even deal with the Siamese, so naturally they are more able to deal with China, which has a stronger national power.

From the beginning of February to April in the sixth year of Huaxia Wucheng, because the king of Heni refused to recognize the sovereignty of Songkhla's Siamese Protectorate over him, the Jinlan Fleet was ordered to send warships to blockade Heni. During this period, Chinese merchants were included. Merchant ships from all over the world were strictly prohibited from sailing into Heni, and for a while, Heni became a dead city where only exits and no entry were allowed.

Suanduan was so hit that he couldn't hold on anymore. At this time, some ambitious people began to plan how to steal the fruits of victory from Huaxia. [

"My lords, this is a great opportunity for us." As the largest group of merchants in Ui Ni, Japanese merchants can be said to have mastered at least one-third of Ui Ni's trade. "We should take advantage of the situation to establish a city controlled by the judges, just like the Sakai-machi yyng back then."

"But we are not Chinese people after all, so even if Suan Duan finally succumbs, the Chinese court will not watch the city fall into our hands." Nobumitsu Kanoya responded with some frustration to the words of Uji Kijiu, the owner of Chunmeiya. "And we are still Catholics. Although the Chinese court does not prohibit religious belief, it is full of doubts about the existence of the church. Under such circumstances, I don't think we have a chance to fully grasp the mud."

"I also realize this situation." Meiwu responded. "But I think there is still a chance." Umeya explained in detail. "First, although we are not Chinese, there are still many compatriots serving as officials in the Chinese court. We may find some of them to explain it to us; second, we can also bring in Chinese businessmen, although we are the only ones who don't have any. Third, with regard to the issue of religious belief, we can promise to the Protectorate of Songkhla that it will be limited to La Nigang, and we can even ask them to send temple priests to supervise it.”

"In this way, it is possible to succeed." Hainanwu Garcia asked while touching the cross on his chest. "It's just that, how can the king of Nii and the Huaxia government give up the golden rooster of Nigang and hand it over to the judges for management?"

"Both countries have taken a fancy to Tini's financial resources. As long as we promise a suitable annual tribute, there should be no problem."

"Then who is going to convince King Ni, and who is going to contact the Huaxia merchants to express their love to the Protectorate of Songkhla?"

"Well, let's discuss the bottom line of an annual tribute first, then discuss it."

"Oh? A free port that looks like an inner feudal clan?" Yu Menglun, who was then the governor of the Southern Siamese Governorate, smiled playfully as he looked at the humiliating Fujian businessman in front of him. "This is a blatant request for the establishment of a private port." After laughing, Yu Menglun's voice turned sharp. "Could it be that you want to imitate the stories of Shuangyu and Yuegang back then."

"Grassmen dare not." The businessman seemed taken aback, but in fact he knew that the Huaxia government had opened up many small ports along the Strait of Malacca to accommodate privateers, and he was not frightened by Yu Menglun's words. "Grassmen are also self-restraining from the court's intentions, but they are only invited by the Japanese people." The businessman explained deliberately. "The Japanese here are not tolerated in their own country, and unlike the people of Keelung who have already naturalized in our dynasty, there is a way out of the dilemma, so there is the meaning of claiming tribute and self-reliance."

Yu Menglun sneered and interrupted the businessman's words: "It's ridiculous! Why didn't they occupy themselves under the rule of King Ni in the past? Now that the country is in charge, they want to occupy themselves. This is contempt for the court."

"In the past, there was only one master on top, but now he has to obey the orders of two families, so he is at a loss, so he wants to take possession of himself."

What the businessman said makes sense. Even if Huaxia became the suzerain of Heni, it would not be easy to snatch Heni Port from Heni Suduan. generate independent ideas.

"That makes sense." Yu Menglun nodded. "It's just that Guochao is willing, but the king of mud may not be willing."

"As long as the imperial court approves, the Japanese will persuade Suituan."

"It's really calculating." Yu Menglun mocked. "It's just using the court to suppress the king of mud. Tell me, what benefits will the court gain by doing this? What kind of benefits have you obtained from it?"

"Responding to my lord's words, the Mud Chamber of Commerce will pay [-] guan in tax money to the Duhu Mansion every year. As for the benefits of us Chinese merchants, the Mud Chamber of Commerce will have ten general directors, and the Japanese merchants promise to give three out of three of them. Leave the number to us."

"It's only [-] yuan, and there are only three general directors. You'll sell the court." Yu Menglun shook his head repeatedly. "It is absolutely impossible for the tax silver of [-] guan to be approved by the imperial court, and it is useless to report it."

Seeing that his tone was loose, the merchant hastily pleaded, "Please tell me clearly, my lord."

"To add tax money, it must reach at least [-]% of the previous level." Yu Menglun said. "As for the position of the general manager, it should be the same as the Japanese seat, otherwise how can I report to the official."[

The businessman said in embarrassment: "Thirty and a half percent is too much. We also need to appease the king of mud."

"It can't be less." Yu Menglun obviously didn't want to bargain with the merchant, so he said decisively. "Otherwise, you don't need to mention it." Seeing the wry smile on the merchant's face, Yu Menglun asked instead. "What kind of laws will be enacted in Hong Kong in the future?"


The businessman responded knowingly: "Naturally, we should follow the laws of China."

Yu Menglun immediately said smoothly: "If that's the case, the Duhu Mansion will send an inspection department to Li Ni Port."

The businessman responded bitterly: "This matter must be reported to everyone, and the grassroots cannot make decisions without authorization."

"Okay, then go back and continue discussing with them. Anyway, it's not me who has thoughts." Yu Menglun said disapprovingly, and then made a very polite request. "In addition, the Duhufu's construction of the military port in Songkhla's Zhujun City is quite expensive. I would like to ask your account to help persuade you to lose after you return to Lini Port. I don't want to talk too much, just [-] Guan."

"Thirty-and-a-half percent is [-] guan, and you have to give [-] guan in advance, and you have to accept the inspection department sent by Huaxia. The price is too high, so forget it." After hearing the response from the Huaxia government, There was a burst of disappointment among the businessmen in the mud. "It's a pity that the pair of mixed-race twins are gone, and the dog officer is cheap."

"No, I don't think so." [Saint] Captain Don Stillian shouted in fluent Cantonese. "If the money can be used to get things done, the money is worth it." Indeed, for Portuguese businessmen who have been squeezed out of Macau, Hoi An and other places, the independent port of Tini is their only chance in Southeast Asia where it is. "In fact, as long as we don't send tax collectors and just collect taxes, we still have great benefits."

The words of the Portuguese businessman resonated with the Japanese businessmen. Some businessmen who were secretly supported by the Jesuits and the former Macau diocese even believed that the Chinese government had not mentioned that sending religious inspectors to Li Ni was actually very tolerant. Some price is also acceptable.

"However, just in case, I suggest that you should obtain permission from the Siam Provincial Protectorate to recruit city guards yourself." Tisumi, a Jewish ship owner from the Italian region, made a supplementary suggestion. "In order to prevent the appearance of some thieves."

Having said that, everyone is tacitly aware of the real target to be prevented, so the Vietnamese ship owner Ruan Dong objected: "I'm afraid that the Chinese court and Wu Ni Suduan will not agree. Besides, there are guards on land. , What should we do at sea? Don’t you want to rely on the Huaxia navy? Since we have spent money, we must rely on Huaxia to protect us.”

"I think Captain Ruan's words make sense." Chunmeiya Uji agreed for a long time. "It's a fluke to be able to spend money to obtain self-government. It must not easily touch the bottom line of the Huaxia government. Therefore, it is better to report in the name of the anti-smuggling team. The number of people is also limited. It is best not to exceed 100 people. As for anyone else? If you’re worried, then hire a guard yourself.”

"Anti-smuggling team, didn't we agree that merchant ships don't have to pay taxes when they enter the port? Why use the name of the anti-smuggling team." Someone said dissatisfied. "In addition, there is a problem with the allocation of seats for the directors of the Chamber of Commerce. I suggest re-election, at least to ensure that the status of small businesses and independent captains will not be bullied."

"Everyone, everyone." Seeing the commotion, Kanoya Shinmitsu hurriedly said. "The anti-smuggling team is just a name. As for the distribution of the joint members, it is roughly drawn up. Any problems can be discussed."

In June of the sixth year of Wucheng, after arguing and scrambling, the Nii merchants once again made a request for port autonomy to Huaxia Sinan Duhufu and Yini Suudan.In July of that year, under the premise of ensuring that its own interests would not be lost, Tini Suduan first approved the request of the local businessman, and then in November of that year, after reporting to Zheng Kezang, the Huaxia Center ordered a franchise for Tini autonomy.Soon, similar autonomous ports appeared one after another along the Strait of Malacca. For this reason, the Lingyamen Protectorate set up town guards in Phuket and Penang respectively to supervise the lairs of these privateer ship owners.

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