More and more Chinese privateers appeared in the Strait, which seriously affected the passage of the Strait of Malacca, and even affected the operation of the Malacca Governor's Palace in the Netherlands.As most of the merchant ships from the West and the West diverted to the Sunda Strait and the Karimata Strait to enter the South China Sea, the Dutch suddenly found that their investment in Malacca was insolvent.

However, the Dutch were not willing to hand over such crucial points to China, so they gritted their teeth and continued to stay in the southern part of the Malay Peninsula, and contacted the local operators repeatedly, trying to cause trouble for China.As a result, the first Malay war from October [-]th to September [-]th was triggered.

In this battle, Huaxia invested with the forces of Lingyamen and Sinan Capital Protectorate, using a total of two brigades of Longxiang Army, three regiments of Fubo Army, more than [-] Shence Army and part of the Strait Fleet to land Sailors, after the war, the four suduantu states including Johor, Penghang, and Dingjianu were forced to surrender and ceded land with a radius of more than [-] miles (note: about [-] square kilometers).With this, the Lingyamen Duhufu established nearly [-] inspection departments in Johor Bahru, Kuantan, and Longping, and settled nearly [-] Japanese Shence troops.

Since there was no clear evidence of Dutch instigation during the war, the Huaxia side had to continue to restrict the penetration of Jinzhou (Sumatra), but in order to express dissatisfaction, the Huaxia Center then ordered Ling Yamen Dufu to control the Riau Islands successively , Linga Islands and forced the Sultan of Palembang to cede half of Bangka Island and set up the Penang Port Township.In addition, the Huaxia Center also re-established the Xibo Nidu Protectorate on the grounds that the Lingyamen Protectorate was too far away from Borneo and that it was inconvenient to manage. Southeast Boni Duhufu and other Borneo colonization units.

Facing China's aggressive offensive, the Dutch reached an agreement with the Portuguese, recognizing the presence of the Portuguese in Timor Island and the East Nusa Tenggara Islands, and agreed to count Aceh, North Sumatra, near Azhen, as the Duan Kingdom, The Medan Suduan Kingdom regarded the Portuguese as their sphere of influence, and took this opportunity to strengthen their presence in South Sumatra such as the Palembang Suduan Kingdom, Jampe Suduan Kingdom, and Riau Suduan Kingdom, in order to resist the invasion of China. [

But after pressing the gourd and picking up the scoop, the Dutch had just appeased the Portuguese who were suffering from the same disease, and something went wrong again in England, Guizhou and France.In fact, the British, Guilian, who only kept a business house in Bengkulu, wanted to replace the rule of the Dutch in the Spice Islands, so they contacted the French businessmen with the same wolf ambitions to replace them.

It's just that from the hegemony of the European continent to the scramble for overseas colonies, Britain and France have always been dirty. It is possible to join forces behind the scenes, but it is difficult to achieve real joint military use.Therefore, although the Chinese side has long hinted, it took a lot of effort for Britain and France to really join hands.

But in any case, the coalition finally formed.On the ninth day of August in the seventh year of Wucheng, a fleet consisting of six armed merchant ships from England, Guizhou and Lebanon, four armed merchant ships from France, one Danish armed merchant ship, and one Hanseatic League armed merchant ship appeared in Bengkulu.Although these were nothing more than armed merchant ships, the mighty fleet still shook the entire Jinzhou.

The news spread quickly. While the coalition forces were still in Bengkulu for maintenance and supplies, the Dutch gathered eleven warships to meet them, the largest of which had a load of more than [-] (China) tons and forty doors. above the cannon.But the Dutch were still worried, and specially invited the Portuguese from Timor to help in the war.

Perhaps because of the cold lips and teeth, the Portuguese also sent two warships to help the battle. In this way, the Dutch had an advantage in the number of ships and overall strength. China and Israel sank one ship and severely damaged three ships to defeat the coalition forces in one fell swoop.

After the victory, the Dutch were preparing to pursue. Unexpectedly, the Huaxia Navy suddenly entered the war zone, separating the two warring parties.

Although the Huaxia Navy that appeared was only two second-class cruise ships, which were inconspicuous compared to the Dutch and Portuguese warships, but fearing the possibility of the Huaxia Navy's large-scale intervention, the Dutch could only watch helplessly. go.

The defeat of the naval battle did not annihilate the ambitions of Britain and France.

On September 22, the coalition forces retreating to the west of Yecheng (Batavia) landed on the main island of Java with sailors and ship-borne mercenaries, and a land battle between the West and the West, which was rarely seen in the East, broke out immediately.

"Your Excellency, I heard that the invading pirates have almost 3000 armed men." You Xiong, who was stationed in Batavia in the name of the head of the trade house, was talking with the Dutch garrison commander with a smile, as if he didn't know that the United East India Company and China The contradiction between them has also reached the level of intensification. "I don't know if you can block their attack."

"3000 people, it should be an exaggeration." If it weren't for the intervention of the Huaxia Navy, there would be no chance for the coalition forces to land as a whole. Therefore, when thinking of this, the commander wanted to punch You Xiong in the face. The famous ambassador does not want to completely anger the Chinese side. The Dutch know how to restrain their emotions. "Even if there are really as many as 3000 people, they are just made up of some inferior natives, and they may not have any combat effectiveness at all."

You Xiong unceremoniously debunked: "Is that so? But how did I hear that the commander of the other party was a retired colonel in France, um, I heard that he was a viscount. And I also heard that France belonged to Taixi The strength of the land division in this rising power even surpasses that of the Yi in Luzon, and it is known as the strongest army in western Thailand."

"The owner of the museum is well-informed." The commander gave You Xiong a cold look, obviously he had judged that there was an official figure behind this incident. "But pirates are not the French army. It's a joke that a retired colonel can train them to be as good as the European army."

You Xiong didn't care about the other party's rather unfriendly tone, and just asked along the way: "So that's the case, then the general has already won the victory, so I don't know if the general is going to stick to Yecheng? Or going out of the city to face the battle? "

Although You Xiong is suspected of inquiring into military secrets, there is nothing to keep secrets once the war starts, so the commander clearly told him: "Both the governor and the Council feel that defending the city will bring indelible damage to the city. damage, so we will strike quickly to defeat these pirates in the wild."

"That's really great." You Xiong expressed his emotions with a very Westernized exaggerated exclamation, but before the Dutch general could feel complacent, You Xiong said again. "Then, as China's official envoy in Yecheng, can I ask to send someone to watch the battle?"

The commander really wanted to say, when will you be the official envoy of the Chinese government, but he swallowed the words. After all, it is not beneficial for the Netherlands to cause a diplomatic conflict at this time, so he can only perfunctory Said: "Watching the battle? Is this necessary? No, I am not rejecting you. This requires the approval of the Governor and the council. After all, anything can happen on the battlefield, and it is too dangerous for you or your employees. "

"Then take my request as a formal proposal," You Xiong said without giving the other party a chance to refuse. "I have always been very interested in how the Thai and Western countries fight. Therefore, it is impossible for the court to make me back down."

"This?" The commander understands that if he agrees or not, it will not prevent the Huaxia people from appearing on the battlefield. Forget it, as long as the Huaxia people do not appear in the hostile camp, it is not a big deal for them to watch a European-style war. No, even if the Huaxia side learned the tactics of the Dutch army because of this, it would be better for the Huaxia people to learn everything from the coalition forces to deal with the Netherlands in the next war. "I'll do my best"[

On October [-]th of the seventh year of Wucheng, somewhere in the outskirts of Batavia, there were actually only [-] coalition forces fighting head-on with the [-]-strong Dutch defenders.Although the number of the Dutch army is not as large as that of the opponent, the sources of the coalition forces are complicated, and only a thousand or so of them can be said to have a certain combat effectiveness. Therefore, in fact, the Dutch army has the upper hand.It's just that this advantage is extremely fragile, and most of the Dutch army composed of natives is not much stronger than their opponents.

When it was close to ten o'clock, the artillery fire from both sides started, but the artillery fire did not last long before it fell silent under the hot tropical sun.Therefore, the formations of the two sides, which were not torn apart by the artillery fire, gradually approached, and after entering the range of the musket guns, mutual trust shooting began.With the smoke of musket fire, the halberd fighters of the Dutch army and the scimitar fighters of the coalition army approached each other, and the fighting began immediately.


"Is this the combat effectiveness of the so-called Swiss mercenaries?" Looking through the binoculars at the coalition sailors who were killed by the halberds and spearmen and ran around, the Fubo army whispered to the general Guo Weigang with the Longxiang army beside him colleagues discussed. "Are they strong, or the coalition forces are too weak, what will happen if we go up instead?"

"No matter how powerful the white soldiers are, they are nothing to look at." Chi Xian from the Longxiang Army shook his head. "It's Xiyi's volleyball that's interesting." Chi Xian said, pointing in the direction of the coalition forces. "Although it was obscured by gunpowder smoke, you can tell if you listen carefully that the coalition army is firing in full salvo, while the Dutch army is firing in separate rows, which is similar to our army's tactics. But what is the result? The sound of the Dutch army's platoon firing It is getting rarer and rarer, but the gunshots of the coalition forces are still the same as at the beginning, what does this mean?"

Lu Tongwu, who had already planned to transfer from the Shence Army to the Lu Division, frowned: "Our army has been training for many years with the method of firing in bursts. If we suddenly want to change it, I'm afraid there will be a lot of criticism from the upper and lower levels."

Chi Xian insisted: "The Qing captives still have a ten-in-one-nine-circle ring shooting method. Its firepower is said to be more sustained than our army. If we can't find a way to restrain it, the casualties of the Northern Expedition may not be small in the future."

Chi Xian added: "Watching the Xiyi battle now, we know that volley is better than volley, so how can we discard it like weeds?"

"Let's talk about this later, look, the outcome will be decided soon." Guo Weigang yelled. "Beautiful, this volley is amazing. Now that the halberds have been dispersed, the defeat of the Dutch army is certain, and we should leave early."

Not to mention how the lower-level officers of the Xia army who watched the battle reported when they returned, the failure of the land battle forced the Dutch to be trapped in Batavia.However, the coalition forces lacked food and surrounded Batavia for a long time. After the Chinese side made it clear that they would not participate in the internal struggles of the Thai and Western countries, they were forced to plunder the manor outside the city and retreat to Bengkulu.

The coalition forces were disbanded, but the foundation of Dutch rule in Sumatra, Java, and the Spice Islands was shaken. At this time, the Dutch fundamentally continued to prevent China from penetrating Sumatra, so the new struggle continued on a new stage staged

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