Because the post-war reconstruction of Shaanxi, Shuofang, and Longdong provinces is extremely heavy, and because the geographical location of the three provinces is too far away from the administrative center of China, and more importantly, in order to prevent the Mongolian ministries and the Qing army in Shanxi from three directions, hoarding in the three northwestern provinces There were more than [-] Xia troops. Therefore, on the seventh day of December in the eighth year of Wucheng, the Chinese court formally established the ministers of economic strategy for the three provinces.

However, it was almost the new year, and Lin Liangrui was a Fujianese who was not resistant to wind and cold, so letting him take office from now on was naturally not a policy to treat veterans and ministers preferentially, so Zheng Kezang arranged for him to take office after February.

Zheng Kezang was not at ease with just a former prime minister, so he sent his son Zheng Anyang to Xingyuan, the Minister of Economics and Strategy.

Of course, because of the bouncing and jumping promotion, Zheng Anyang at this time only has the official position of the seventh rank, and can only act as a manager of clerical exchanges in the economic strategy.

"Lin Qing, I will give you the bus from Panyu County." In the imperial study, Zheng Kezang confessed to Lin Liangrui, "If you can't cut a jade, you can't make a weapon. Don't indulge him because of his status as a prince. Discipline him as you want. "[

Lin Liangrui felt that he had a great responsibility, but he also knew Zheng Kezang's intention to entrust the crown prince to him, so he solemnly stated: "Please rest assured, my lord, I will treat everyone equally, and the identity of Duke Panyu will not be exposed."

"Sure enough, he is an old courtier who has been with me for many years. Well, it's good to understand." Zheng Kezang smiled and ordered his servant to send Lin Liangrui away, then turned around and asked Zheng Anyang. "Officer Sheng, do you know why Dad put you in this position?"

Zheng Anyang, who can be regarded as a low-level official who has experienced step by step until now, responded with a smile: "Father, my son understands that it seems to be a cumbersome and important task to manage the correspondence of Gou documents, but If you think about it carefully, you can see a lot of things from it.”

"Well said." Zheng Kezang praised. "The experience of the Jinglue Mansion is no better than your previous experience of one township, one county, and one government. The affairs of the three provinces are inextricably linked. You don't have to pay close attention to everything. Just pay close attention to Mr. Lin's approval, and then compare the cause and effect. Let's see, I will have more insight into dealing with politics."

Zheng Kezang is putting Zheng Anyang at a certain height to see the overall situation. Of course, with Zheng Anyang's current experience as an official, it seems a bit counterproductive for him to understand the high-level governance of a country's prime minister, but Zheng Kezang feels that he should be seen early It's okay for a while, at most, let him sink down later and become a down-to-earth official of one or two circles, just like he stuffed his eldest son Zheng Andi into the shogunate of Lin Weirong, the governor of Ganzhou and other places.

Zheng Anyang replied thoughtfully: "I understand, I will study hard in Shaanxi."

"That's good," Zheng Kezang nodded. "Let's go to Shaanxi after the new year." Lin Liangrui is a patriarch who can go to Shaanxi after February, but Minister of Economics and Strategy Xingyuanli can't wait for him to set up a shelf after he arrives, so Zheng Anyang doesn't want to expose his heels carelessly. It can only be set off early with the officials sent by the Ministry of officials. "By the way, take your daughter-in-law to Shaanxi this time, and let him watch you, so that you can fall in love with one if you get one."

Zheng Anyang was a little embarrassing, but it was natural for teenagers to like Ai, not because he was born to like one when he saw one, but because he couldn't hold back.

Regarding his unpromising appearance, Zheng Kezang couldn't help but laugh: "Okay, don't make such a coy look, you have several sons and daughters, so there is nothing to say about this matter, you can keep the bottom line and not have fun Chang Xunhua asked Liu De to come back with a dirty body, Dad is already very naughty, but this time it is placed under Lin Liangrui's nose, it must be measured."

Zheng Kezang's words were very cryptic, but Zheng Anyang could hear clearly, yes, this time it was under the watchful eye of the important minister, if he did something absurd again, there would be a problem with word of mouth, and it would be necessary for the future The future has caused some obstacles, so this is also a test of Zheng Kezang's endurance.

"Okay, stop thinking about it." Seeing Zheng Anyang bowed his head in silence, Zheng Kezang waved his hands with some emotion. "Go and see your mother. Officer Sheng will go to other places to practice in the next year. Both sons will go on a long journey. Your mother may also have some relatives. While there is still time, go and spend more time with him." with her."

Zheng Anyang retreated in response, Zheng Kezang stomped to the desk and picked up a report that had been dusty for a long time, which was specially presented by Hong Gongzhu, the envoy of the Privy Council.Zheng Kezang looked at it for a while, frowned, and then read He Fa's previous report on marching into Gansu. After thinking twice, he finally made up his mind.

"Come on, go and call Lin Sheng from the Ministry of War and Hong Gongzhu from the Privy Council. I have something to ask them!"

Lin Sheng, Minister of the Ministry of War, and Hong Gongzhu, the envoy of the Privy Council, arrived quickly one after another. Looking at the two veteran generals of the Xia army in front of him, Zheng Kezang asked his servant to pass over two documents: "He Fa's report said that each division The artillery army can hardly pass through the Bailong River Valley Road, and the Privy Council’s report last time watched the battle between the Thai and Western countries on the outskirts of Yecheng. It also mentioned that the barbarians were widely equipped with small-caliber artillery. Something went wrong."

The predecessor of Xia Jun, Zheng Jun, was originally equipped with light artillery similar to four-pound guns and six-pound guns. However, with the great development of Zheng Jun after entering South China, in order to strengthen the range advantage in the battle with the Qing army, the artillery calibers became larger. The bigger the build, the eleven-point (newly made, about 66mm) guns equipped with the Xia Army’s first-level guns are already at the level of the Western 91-pound guns, and the one-and-a-half-inch (about 110mm) guns at the division level even reach the level of the Western [-]-pound guns. Not to mention the bulkiness, it may not be better than the Wucheng Yonggu General Cannon with a caliber of [-]mm or more equipped by the firearms battalion in the Qing court.

Building artillery and formulating the formation of troops are the affairs of the Ministry of War, so Lin Sheng asked tentatively: "Then what does His Majesty mean?"

"Now our division has recovered most of the land. In addition to continuing the Northern Expedition, garrison has become a long-term priority. There are no more than two divisions in each province, and at least one division. There is only one regiment left in Zhanfu." Zheng Kezang said with some concern . "Although we don't focus on firearms to pacify the people, but it's not a prosperous time for the Haiqing River Banquet. There may be bandits in the mountains and forests. If you want to guard them one by one, I think it's better to have a few artillery at the regiment level. "

Lin Sheng gasped, and assigned artillery to the regiment level, not one or two, which not only meant that the existing military system had to be revised, but also meant huge expenses.Speaking of it, the more money spent, the greater the power of the Ministry of War, but things are not just what he thinks.Flood control and immigration in Zhongzhou, Jianghuai, and military use in the three northwestern provinces, which one does not require huge financial subsidies from the Huaxia Dynasty?

So Lin Sheng replied with a wry smile: "Your Majesty, there are a lot of things involved in this matter, so you must act cautiously."

"Continuing the Northern Expedition is the most important thing for the country," said Zheng Kezang, apparently making up his mind. "Everything must give way to this national policy." Having said that, money doesn't fall from the sky, so Zheng Kezang changed the subject. "I don't want you to do it overnight, first make a plan for the restructuring, and as for how to assign it, it should be completed one by one in several years."

In March of the ninth year of Wucheng, according to Zheng Kezang's proposal, the Huaxia Military Department issued a plan for the reorganization of the Xia Army's land division.In this plan, the first level of sentries does not distinguish between firearms sentries equipped with firecrackers or white sentries with armored and cold weapons. The sentries are uniformly organized in a mixed manner. Each sentry is equipped with two Russian troops equipped with firecrackers and white soldiers with armor. , the total force still maintains the quota of [-] people, but the combination of sickness and seriousness is more reasonable.

But this is not the core content of this adaptation.The focus of this adaptation is to increase the size of the regiment.

A regiment will be expanded from controlling six outposts to seven outposts, five of which are mixed outposts, one is a logistics post responsible for transporting supplies for the whole regiment, and the other is an added artillery post.

The Artillery Post is also staffed by [-] people. In addition to the staff of the Kaishao Command Post, there are three artillery teams under it.

Each artillery team consists of two artillery squads each equipped with one cannon and one infantry squad equipped with rifles; apart from the squad leader and gunners, the rest of the gunners in the artillery squad serve as medicine carriers and hand-to-hand soldiers guarding the artillery at the end; One artillery post is equipped with six eight-point guns equivalent to four-pound guns, so as to ensure that each mixed sentry can be supported by a light field gun during small-scale operations.

In addition, due to the arrangement of the baggage post, the baggage team directly under the regiment was cancelled, and the strength of the whole regiment was therefore fixed at 720 people.

The brigade continued to control three regiments of soldiers and horses, and directly controlled a supply post, a middle base post, and a ranger post; accordingly, the brigade's military strength was fixed at 500 people.

The division governs three brigades, and directly governs the supply regiment, the middle base regiment, the artillery regiment, and the jumping (white soldier) regiment. The total number of soldiers is 1000, an increase of [-]% compared to the original.

The artillery regiment belonging to the division has five artillery posts and two supply posts; the organization of each post is the same as that of the regiment's artillery posts and supply posts, except that the artillery equipped with them is 84 pieces of artillery.Accordingly, the artillery regiment of the division is equipped with [-] artillery pieces, and the whole division is equipped with [-] artillery pieces.

The number of artillery at the division level has increased significantly, but it has become lighter. Therefore, in order to overwhelm the artillery of the Qing army in large-scale battles, this reorganization also established heavy artillery regiments and siege artillery regiments directly under the Privy Council outside the divisions. group.Among them, the heavy artillery regiment is equipped with 120 two-inch (about 22mm) heavy long guns; the siege artillery regiment is equipped with larger-caliber short-barreled naval guns and short-barreled mortars for the navy, and the number of equipment is also [-].According to the existing equipment from each division, the Ministry of War plans to organize a total of [-] heavy artillery regiments and nine siege artillery regiments this time.

In addition, the caliber of artillery equipped by cavalry divisions and mounted infantry divisions such as the Iron Cavalry Army, Hussar Army, and Flying Cavalry Army has been further reduced to facilitate their rapid maneuvering.Among them, the artillery caliber equipped by the cavalry regiment and the cavalry infantry regiment was reduced to a six-point (about 36mm) gun equivalent to the Taixi three-pound gun; the division level was only equipped with a nine-point (about 55mm) gun slightly equal to the Taixi six-pound gun.

Of course, the adaptation strategy was announced early in the morning, but due to financial problems, it will take some time for Xia Jun's ministries to implement it.

Just as the Xia army and the Huaxia court were living a hard life together, the war in the northwest was imminent.

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