After Huaxia controlled most of Gansu and Shaanxi and merged the three northwestern provinces, there were still Suzhou (Jiuquan) Road and Suzhou General Soldier Hai Youfen in Longdong, Ganzhou (Zhangye) Road and Ganzhou General Soldier Feng Shuo, Liangzhou (Wuwei) ) Li Yumei, general of Liangzhou, and Zhang Yuzhang, general of Anxi and prefect of Anxi, a small warlord, did not surrender.Of course, these warlords, big and small, are not still attached to the Qing court, but because they have the nearby support of the Mongolian tribes or because they are far away from the main force of the Xia army, so they are unwilling to give up their status as tyrant kings and come under the rule of Huaxia. To be a well-known and well-known short nobleman is even more unwilling to travel thousands of miles to Southeast Asia and the West to start anew.

Of course, these warlords also knew that their disobedience would inevitably lead to the attack of the Xia army. Therefore, during the autumn and winter seasons from the eighth year of Wucheng to the ninth year of Wucheng, they put aside their prejudices and joined forces with each other, and at the same time, they also linked up with the Mongolian tribes to prepare for a stubborn resistance.

As the saying goes: There is a thousand days to be a thief, but there is no thousand days to guard against a thief.Since the Huaxia side only cares about consolidating the territory they have for the time being, and does not care about developing northward, these warlords who are colluding with each other and fighting with each other have the idea of ​​​​strike first, let alone occupying Longdong to achieve hegemony, but at least they can It is necessary to delay Huaxia's northward time.

The abacus is pretty good, but I want to use the coalition forces of less than 2 and seemingly incoherent to face China's [-] to [-] garrisons in Longdong and Shuofang. I don't have the guts.

When he was indecisive, the envoys of the Qing court brought Kangxi's will across the grassland and Gobi. [

According to Kangxi's will, Hai Youfen, the most powerful, was promoted to the third-class Jingqi Hanifan (Viscount) and was awarded the governor of Gansu; Hahafan (Qingche Duwei) was also carried from the Zhenglan Banner of the Han Army into the Zhenghuang Banner of the Han Army. In addition, he was awarded the second rank of the Zhenghuang Banner of the Han Army as the Deputy Commander; This time, I also got a ride. Not only did I get into Tusha Lahafan (Yun Qiwei), which some people could never count on for a lifetime, but he was also promoted to be the inspector of Gansu Province.

Of course, the empty titles are not beneficial to improving the situation of the four people. Fortunately, the Qing envoy led the guards and the minister, Heshuo's son-in-law Shang Zhilong also brought Kangxi's orders to the Mongolian tribes such as Alashan Erut and Ordos.As the saying goes, a lean camel is bigger than a horse. Although the strength of the Qing Dynasty is not what it used to be, but relying on the marriage with the princes of Inner Mongolia and the deterrent power of the Qing Dynasty, Kangxi, who is far away in Beijing, can easily order the two The first Mongols provided assistance to the four towns.This makes the four towns in Gansu, who usually bow down to the influence of these tribes but never get a good look, feel like a treasure and even more powerful.

However, even with the promise of the Mongols to send troops, spring is the season for all things to breed, and it is also the season for prairie mares to conceive. Therefore, the Mongol soldiers have to wait until autumn when the grass is crisp and the grass is fat and the eagles are flying.How could it be possible for the four towns in Gansu, who had a guilty conscience, to delay until that time?So they were afraid of long nights and dreams, and they chose a relatively stupid target, Zashbatu Khan of Qinghai, to persuade.

So Shang Zhilong rushed to Qinghai again wearing a tiger skin.Of course, he worked so hard not because of the thick coins sent by the four towns, but because of helping the Qing court to catch Huaxia behind his back.Perhaps in his view, Shang Zhixin's death was his own fault. Since he was the son-in-law of the Qing court, he was no longer a Han Chinese.

Shang Zhilong found Zashbatu Khan, and before revealing the conditions of the four towns, he lied that Kangxi was planning to canonize him as Prince Heshuo and Qinghai Khan.Zashbatu Khan, whose strength and ambition were not commensurate, was overjoyed immediately, and patted his chest to promise to be the loyal dog of the Qing court.However, after all, he will never obey orders easily without flesh and bones.

Only then did Shang Zhilong talk about the conditions of the four towns, that he promised Xining and Hezhou to Zashbatu Khan.

As the tenth son of Gu Shihan, Zashbatur Khan has always had the intention of winning the entire Qinghai and regaining the Lhasa Khan Court from the Zhungeer people after enriching his strength, otherwise he would not peep at Gansu again and again.Now that he heard that Huaxia's foothold was not stable, and most of Xining, Hezhou and other places had become white land, he had no power to stop him from grazing horses, so his mind moved.In this fashion, Zhilong strikes while the iron is hot, and presents gold, silver and jewelry from the four towns, and promises that the Qing court will support him in taking back Tibet, and that regardless of whether the attack on Xining and other places goes well, the Qing court will send craftsmen to cast the long-awaited treasures for him. cannon.

Finally, Shang Zhilong convinced Zashbatur Khan, who was blinded by profit.Zashbatur Khan disregarded the Mongolian tradition of not sending troops in the spring, and personally led his [-] tribesmen to drive oxen and horses into Xining and Hezhou in a vain attempt to establish his rule before the reinforcements sent by the Chinese court arrived. .

Although Huaxia has a division in Xining, it is implementing military settlements at this time. It was too late when it was discovered that the Qinghai Mongolian tribe was attacking. The cavalry of the Heshuot people were isolated in various isolated strongholds and lost contact with the outside world.

Huang Tao, the commander of the Fifth Division of the Gongsheng Army, the guard, wanted to go out to fight with the existing [-] troops in Xining City, but considering that even if he defeated himself, he would not be able to pursue the opponent on horseback, and if he failed, the whole situation might be shaken, so he was forced to Give up the idea of ​​going to war, and let Zashbatur Khan's troops besiege his own fortress.

Fortunately, Mongolia's siege ability is not as good as the previous yyng tragedy. Therefore, after several failed attempts to attack, Zashbatur Khan, who had learned from the failure of the previous attack on Gansu, simply gave up the surrounding areas of Xining, leaving a small part to continue to block the road. , The main force was inserted into the front line of Hezhou and Lanzhou at once, which greatly shocked Longdong.

Since He Fa, the commander of Longdong, did not have the ability to fight the Mongolian cavalry in the wilderness, he restrained all the troops to stick to the village and not fight without authorization.

With the assistance of the Jinglue Office of the three provinces, on April [-]th of that year, the Cavalry Army arrived at the Longdong Theater.

"My lord, it's the Mongolian sentry!" The old non-commissioned officer who rode his sweaty horse and had the title of deputy lieutenant guarding the gate yelled at the team leader who had heard the sound of gunfire and was looking for him. "There were thirty riders, and the sticks and big heads were all martyred."

The Koban military officer who still had pimples narrowed his eyes and gave an order: "Change horses!"

The Second Cavalry Division of the Iron Cavalry Army is one of the seven cavalry divisions that the Xia Army can use to ride and fight. The horses it drives are mixed-breed horses that are obviously higher than ordinary Mongolian horses. The number of horses is also limited, so it is impossible to use it as a luxury for daily riding, so each officer and soldier actually has two mounts, one is a Mongolian horse for daily loads, and the other is a mixed-breed warhorse for wartime .

Just after changing their horses, the Heshuote people who were chasing from a distance came up close. When they saw the horses under Xia Jun's crotch, they all became suspicious and subconsciously slowed down.Taking advantage of the slowing down of the Mongols, the ranger sentry team quickly formed a tight team, first slowing down, then jogging, approaching the opponent in an anti-customer manner.

The Mongolian on the horse laughed mockingly. In the eyes of the grassland people who grew up on their horses, Xia Jun's riding tactics were like a toddler who had just learned to stand, how could it be worthy of his crotch? tall horse.Therefore, all fear of Xia Jun disappeared for a while, and a greedy look appeared on his face.

The Heshuote people pulled up their horses again, but the distance between the two sides was already very close, only enough for them to shoot a round of arrows. [

Of course, the Mongols will not be soft-hearted. I saw that they were about to shoot with their bows and arrows, but they never thought that there was a loud noise that was almost the same. Bing Yimu's natural rider's horse had unexpected chaos.

Although the Heshuote people quickly controlled the horse, the opponent had already reached the front.The Mongols had no time to shoot, so they dropped their soft bows and took out their scimitars to meet them, but how could there be four or five weapons waving at him at the same time?In astonishment, the Mongolian rider fell under his horse unwillingly.

Although a rider of the Xia army was successfully killed by the Mongols while charging into the formation, the formation of the Xia army was more like an iron comb.Such a result made these Qinghai Mongolian tribes totally unacceptable, so after turning around, the two sides collided again.

However, to the horror of the Mongols, the result of this collision was still yyng, the Xia army had only a few casualties, and only two or three out of ten of the Heshuote people who originally rode thirty were left.

"There are ghosts! They have evil spirits to help!" The Heshuot people yelled in confusion. These Mongols who were brainwashed by Lamaism have long since lost their bravery when they swept across the Eurasian continent, and now they are even more unbearable. just run. "Go back quickly and ask the Lama to perform the Dharma!"

"What the hell are those Tartars screaming?" Even though he didn't know why the opponent became cowardly all of a sudden, the team leader stopped his subordinates from chasing him. "Forget it, stop chasing, go and see if Tang Jiu and the others can still be saved. As for the undead Tartars, just remember to make up the knife."

Similar encounters happened from time to time in Hezhou and Lanzhou. When Zashbatur Khan managed to gather the scattered people, he counted a number that made him almost faint, 500 people, more than 500 people The entire Mongolian cavalry was lost in such an inconspicuous skirmish.

Looking at the questioning eyes of those Taijis (note: the original meaning was the little prince, and later changed to the title of the tribal leader), Zashbatur Khan felt that the fight could not continue like this.

"Withdraw, let's retreat to the edge of Qinghai Lake, and rest while grazing. As long as the Han people dare to step into the grassland, they should suffer." Zashbatur Khan's words are not only to appease his subordinates but also to give himself confidence . "I don't believe it, we Mongols can't consume Han people on the grasslands"

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