Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

583. The battle of destroying Qing Dynasty

Yinti slept beautifully in the guest room provided by Salin. This was the only time he had a solid sleep in the past 20 days. The news that my brother came to Datong with Kangxi's last edict has spread throughout the city. Rao, the gentry in the city have already prepared their backs, and they can't help getting nervous at this time, for fear that the green battalion soldiers will do something under the prestige of the Qing imperial power. What drastic action.

But nothing happened, except for the comings and goings of members of the governor's yamen raising chariots, horses, and food, the banner officials from all over the country gathered in Datong in an endless stream, and even Dongjia, the commander-in-chief of the Eight Banners who was supervising the battle at the front line of Yanmenguan Several flag military officers also rushed back from the front line, which convinced those who were worried about gains and losses that the Manchus were planning to flee.

In the minds of the gentry in Datong, it is best for the Bannermen to escape by themselves. There will be no conflicts, no harm to harmony, and it will not be difficult to meet again in the future. After all, no one knows whether the Manchus can make a comeback like their ancestors. The latest chapter of the son-in-law.

On September 51th in the [-]st year of Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty, the forward of the Xia Army arrived at the south of the Sanggan River, which was only a short distance away from Datong.The situation was so urgent, even if Yinti, Jue Luo Salin and others had not completed their retreat preparations, they couldn't wait any longer.So at noon that day, about [-] Eight Banners officials and generals escorted more than [-] carriages carrying grain, fodder and civil officials, and slowly left the governor's row in the center of the city and headed for the North Gate of Datong.

After leaving, it is estimated that he will never come back again. Looking at the picturesque mountains and rivers, Yinti, who was riding a horse, was filled with emotion. [

Yinti was still feeling it, when a beggar who shrank at the street suddenly threw the only broken bowl in his hand at the Manchu who had evacuated in a hurry.Hungry beggars naturally don't have the strength to throw the broken bowl far away, but this insulting action immediately attracted imitators. Those Han people who peeked at the Manchus fleeing through the cracks of the door did not know where they came from. With courage, they opened the doors one after another, and threw rotten eggs, rotten vegetable leaves, and even gravel into the convoy full of people, causing them to look at each other and change their colors.

Dong Jia, who was hit by a stone, and several Eight Banners military officers viciously drew out their knives and wanted to strike at the people who threw sundries, but Yinti stretched out his hand to stop him and said: "Don't make trouble, hurry up, if you are delayed, you can go if you want to." I can't go anymore!"

Dong Jia reluctantly ordered the knife to be withdrawn. This scene was watched by the surrounding people, and immediately caused a huge repercussions.It's full!The mountain that was pressing on the top of the head fell down!Ordinary people with tears in their eyes beat gongs and drums while spitting at the fleeing backs of the people, and the city became noisy.

"This group of damned people, the Fourteenth Lord has a good temper. If I decide, I will kill them all." Dong Jia who left Datong under the almost indifferent eyes of the green battalion guarding the city gate cursed angrily. "If I had known, I would have brought troops back and slaughtered Datong. Fourth Master did a good job in Hanzhong. These people are not familiar with them."

The moody Yinti didn't want to answer at first, but Dongjia's words clearly meant that he was weak, and he, who was still a little young and energetic, suddenly became angry, and he gave Dongjia a blow with his whip: "You bastard slave, What kind of eyes do you have, didn’t you see the appearance of those green battalion soldiers, if you really do it, how many people here do you think can get out of Datong safely.”

Jue Luo Salin followed suit and said: "Brother Fourteen is right. These days, many people are collaborating with each other in private. Maybe they are preparing to sacrifice Datong. If we make a move, we will be taken by these guys." Come to do the credit, it is better to do one thing more than one thing less, we only have this little force, we can't lose it."

Although Dong Jia felt that the words of the two were a bit exaggerated, but Yinti was the prince and master after all, and it was not easy for him to stand under the Five Banners alone, so he had to bow his head reluctantly and admit his mistake.Yinti also knew that he was still not out of danger, and Dongjia needed some protection, so he didn't pursue the matter further, and the matter ended here.

It’s just that Yinti thinks so far, but Dongjia is still dissatisfied. Of course, the Qing Dynasty is now in jeopardy, and the bannermen are also renounced. Otherwise, even if Yinti beats him to death, Dongjia will not feel that he has been wronged. Maybe he felt that he didn't implicate the family and thanked Bei Zi for his kindness.

After walking for a while, the road in front of us forked. One side is to go to Caixuanshan Mountain, pass Nanyang River and Dayang River Valley to Wanquan, and then go to Zhangjiakou to exit the customs; Erge Banner; the other one is to go in the direction of Shuoping Mansion (Youyu), and go to Tumote Banner via the Shahu (Hu) mouth.Since Huaxia has already surrendered the Tumed Banner and Erut Banner, the westward road to kill the tiger's mouth must not be chosen. The only remaining two roads are to go north or east.

The road to Wanquan and Zhangjiakou in the east is relatively close, and the operation is in a densely populated area, which is convenient for supplies; and although it is a long way to go to Chahar, it can get the help of the general manager of the various banners of the Lifan Academy in Chahar ; Therefore, each has its own advantages and disadvantages.However, before leaving Datong, Yinti, Salin and Dongjia had discussed it, and felt that the Xia army was about to attack Beijing and would not be able to control Zhangjiakou so quickly, so they decided to take the risk of going to the east to escape into the grassland before the Xia army.

Since they had made up their mind early in the morning, everyone didn't think about it any more, and decided to turn to the east road.However, after walking for less than half an hour, two fast horses chased up from behind. The knights on the horses were still yelling some words that could not be heard clearly. They even pointed their weapons at each other.

Gradually, the knights behind were approaching, and Yinti looked intently at the face of the comer, and suddenly let out a cry of surprise: "Don't move, put down your weapons, then, that's mynah, eighth elder brother Jurassic dinosaur overlord latest chapter."

I heard that the person chasing him was the Eight Sage Kings. Several Manchu civil and military men who recognized Yinhu either straightened up from their horses or got out of the mules and carriages, and looked behind them with wide eyes.Soon, except for a few short-sighted people, most of the people recognized Yinhu, and they became excited immediately. If it wasn't for Yinti who was nearby, they would rush to surround the person.

Yinhu was also very excited. When Yinhu approached, he got off his horse and went up to him: "Brother, you, are you alright?"

"It's okay, it's okay." Panting, Yinhu nodded to Yinhu and Salin. "You can't go this way. Ten days ago, the Xia army had already occupied Xuanhua and Zhangjiakou. If you go any further, you're just throwing yourself into a trap."

Yinyu looked at Yinhu suspiciously: "Brother, how do you know, by the way, where is the old thirteen? He didn't follow you?"

"Turn around first, and I'll talk to you later." Under Yinhu's urging, the convoy turned around and immediately drove towards Chahar. Taking advantage of the opportunity of the convoy's U-turn, Yinhu told what happened to him After saying it again, he said without much regret. "Old Thirteen is a good man, I am not as good as him."

Hearing that Yinxiang had decided to stick to Anyang to buy time for the other troops to withdraw north, Yinti also shed tears, and he got off his horse and kowtowed in the direction of Anyang: "Old Thirteen, although I, Yinti, always dislike you , I feel that you have divided the attention of Er Niang and Fourth Brother, but now I give in to you."

Accompanying Yinhu and Yinti to shed a few tears, Jue Luo Salin asked: "Ba Ye, you are saying that you pretended to be a cavalryman of the Xia Army to go all the way north into Shanxi, so do you have more information?" news."[

Jue Luo Salin asked such a question, and the Manchu civil and military men who felt qualified to surround the two brothers all raised their spirits and listened.

Yinhu sighed: "It's all bad news, except that the third child was arrested, the fourth child was killed, the eldest brother was also defeated, the 10,000+ army was wiped out, and even the prince himself was killed in battle."

Even though they knew that the Qing Dynasty was about to perish early in the morning, these Manchu officials still couldn't help but tremble all over. Dong Jia immediately asked: "Baye, then, what about the city of Beijing? Where's the emperor?"

"The city of Beijing was breached as early as August, but before I entered Yanmen, I only heard that Xia Jun had besieged the Forbidden City and hadn't done anything yet. I don't know the current situation." Yin Ru replied, making those who were still looking forward to The Eight Banners civil and military members whose families were safe all turned pale. "As for Huang Ama, I heard that he is still in the Forbidden City, but I thought it was impossible. Huang Ama got the news of the defeat earlier than Ben Elder Brother. Presumably, he has already left Shanhaiguan, and the only person left in the capital is a substitute."

Of course, Yin said this to boost everyone's confidence. After all, only Kangxi has a little appeal and can unite the Manchus.As he had expected, when he heard that Kangxi might be in the way, the faces of several hundred bannermen brightened a little, as if they had caught a life-saving straw at a desperate situation.

"Okay, the car turned around." As soon as Yin arrived, he naturally stole Yin's limelight. Everyone surrounded him, and what he said was more authoritative. "Hurry up, hurry up and get in the car, let's go, rush to Chahar, we will have a chance, before that, I won't say much, but whoever falls behind, don't expect anyone to wait for you"

The team continued to move, looking at Yin who was leading the way, Yin's coat couldn't help lowering his voice and whispering in Yin's ear: "Master, look at Eighth Master, he left Thirteenth Master on the top bar, and ran away by himself." In short, now it is full of air."

Yin was taken aback for a moment, and then he yelled softly at his servant: "Shut up, don't look at what time it is now, when we are in the same boat, and dare to say such sowing words, I really think that your little credit makes me reluctant to kill you!" You?"

"Master," Bao Yi quickly scanned the surroundings, seeing that everyone seemed to be only paying attention to the march, so he continued. "Master, now that the crown prince is gone, and the life and death of the emperor is uncertain, if only you and the eighth master return to the outside of the pass, what will happen?"

"Stop talking." Yin winked at Bao Yi. "Huang Ama hasn't left yet."

"If the emperor has already gone"

"Shut up!" Yin threw a horsewhip on Bao Yi's body, and then drove the horse to catch up with Yin who had already run away. "Brother, we have to figure it out, how should we fight Huaxia in the future?"

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