Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

584. The battle of destroying Qing Dynasty

It has been more than [-] days since the Forbidden City was besieged. During these days, the [-] to [-] Manchus hiding in the imperial city know what it means to live like a year.First of all, food was not prepared at all in the chaos, and they could only rely on the few reserves in Miyagi to barely survive, but it was impossible for everyone to have enough food.

If you have rice and noodles, you need firewood to cook. As a result, Kangxi didn't care about it, the firelight he had tried to hoard in the main halls was first used up by the people, and then the flowers and trees in the imperial garden were completely destroyed. If he hadn't considered that he would still need to live there, I'm afraid all the yamen would be demolished and used to burn the dantian.

The firewood can be solved at any rate, but people need water. The imperial city used water from Yuquan Mountain on a daily basis, but now it is completely cut off, and only a small amount of well water and moat water can be used. The dirty water in the city was filtered and used for survival, but tens of thousands of excrement were poured into the moat. The quality of the water can be imagined, so except for a very few people who could drink boiled water, all the Manchus fell ill one after another, and they were soon thrown away. The magnificent Forbidden City has become an epidemic area.

Of course, there is no shortage of Ouchi Chinese medicines, but they don't know how to use them, so they can only watch the patients die slowly.This kind of horror scene only made all the Manchus look forward to hoping that Xia Jun would rush into the Forbidden City immediately.But Xia Jun couldn't even take care of cleaning up the Manchu traitors outside the imperial city, so how could he have the energy to attack the imperial city? All the Manchus had to be frightened under the threat of the epidemic.

Faced with this situation, Longkodo, who also hid in the imperial city, once ordered the Manchus in the city to flee, but Xia Jun, who was guarding the gates, thought that the Manchus were about to break out, and shot the Manchus with cannons. rushed back.As a last resort, Longkodo could only order people to throw more and more dead and dying people into several government offices, and then close the government offices in order to cut off the source of transmission. [

But if the water quality problem is not solved, how can the disease be eradicated?As a result, the number of patients continued to increase, and more and more government offices were closed. In the end, Kangxi himself, who was hiding in the deep palace, was infected with the disease through the eunuchs he served.By this time, even the most fanciful people know that the end is coming.

On September [-]th, Kangxi, who was ill with Shen Ke, summoned Longkodo and ordered him to take his will out of the city to surrender to Xia Jun.Longkodo walked out of the imperial city alone to present Kangxi's edict to Xia Jun, but Xia Jun, who heard that the imperial city had become an epidemic area, drove him back to the imperial city, and Manchu's life was cut off.

In the afternoon of that day, Kangxi ordered people to open the Meridian Gate, and less than ten thousand Manchus poured into the square in front of the Hall of Supreme Harmony. At this time, several loyal eunuchs carried Kangxi to the remaining Manchurians.Looking at Kangxi, who was already terminally ill, and thinking about himself who was precarious, all the people knelt down and cried loudly.

In the sound of crying, Kangxi was carried into the Palace of Baohe in Qingning Palace where he had lived for a long time.Immediately, the door of the palace was closed, and thick smoke billowed from the cracks in the door.Seeing Kangxi walking into the cremation place he had chosen, the people immediately became excited, found unused clear oil, ignited the fire, and ignited it everywhere. Under the boiling flames, the Forbidden City, the emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, spent billions of dollars. The world center built by Wan Guoyuan suddenly disappeared in the black smoke soaring into the sky.

More than [-] Manchus, including Longkodo, jumped into the fire and turned into a tragic elegy.It's just that in this fire, Yinzhen and Yin'e disappeared strangely. No one can tell their whereabouts. Did they die with Kangxi?Did he die from Xia Jun's gun before?Or did Xia Jun treat him like an ordinary Manchu and drive them away on the construction site or in the plantation after he got into the house?Everything has become a historical mystery.

Seeing He Shuzhi who came hastily on horseback, the defender hurriedly reported: "My lord, the imperial city is on fire."

"I have already seen it." He Shuzhi got off his horse sullenly. "Damn Qinglu, he was so violent and burned the Forbidden City. Even Qian Ming and Li Chuang didn't do that before."

"My lord," the staff officer on the side asked. "Are you going to send someone in to put out the fire?"

The thinking of the staff is that although Zheng Kezang announced to change Shuntian Mansion into Youzhou Left-behind Mansion, it may not be impossible to move the capital here in the future. If you make a last stroke, your future will be questioned in the future.However, He Shuzhi already knew that Zheng Kezang preferred Tianjin as the northern capital of China. In addition, Longkodo had previously talked about the tragedy in the Forbidden City in order to get Xia Jun to help him, so he hesitated.

After such a hesitation, the flames grew bigger and bigger. Seeing this situation, He Shuzhi sighed: "Come here, immediately remove a barrier and come out, lest the flying sparks burn the inner city."

"My lord, then, the Forbidden City will not be saved?" The staff officer looked at He Shuzhi dumbfounded. "My lord, there are countless treasures inside, just in case, in case, the Holy One will blame you"

"If the Holy Majesty blames it, I will bear it alone." He Shuzhi patted the shoulder of the staff officer with a look of earnestness. "It's not that you don't know that it has become a hell on earth. If you put out the fire, if the whole army catches the disease, you can explain to the Holy One? It's still a fire, and it will be burned to nothingness."

"The city is on fire." A team of Manchus who were escorted out of Beijing by Xia Jun to Tianjin noticed the flames rising in the city of Beijing. "That, that is, that is the imperial palace." Several people collapsed on the ground, and the same number knelt down there and kowtowed and wept bitterly. "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Great Qing! Your Majesty"

Although the officers and soldiers of the Xia Army were also a little at a loss, under the scolding of the nervous military officers of the Xia Army, the soldiers of the Xia Army who came back to their senses punched and kicked the people one after another: "Get up, get up for me!" Why don't you cry for mourning, the number of Han people who died in your hands is countless, why don't you cry for them, so that you can repent for yourself and your ancestors"

The fire burned for five days and nights before it was slowly extinguished. At this time, Zheng Kezang had already arrived at Youzhou Mansion. Accompanied by He Shuzhi, Zheng Kezang walked through a cleared fire site and came to the ruins. Before the three main halls.

"Your Majesty, we can't go any further. We haven't cleaned up the front, and I'm afraid it's the embers."

Regarding He Shuzhi's advice, Zheng Kezang nodded: "Your confirmation, Kangxi died inside?"

"Yes, Longkodo confirmed it repeatedly when he submitted Kangxi's suicide note." He Shuzhi reported. "It is said that Kangxi was already seriously ill at that time, and the first fire should be cremated for him."

He Shuzhi's guess is not far from the answer, but Zheng Kezang doesn't care about the beginning and the process, he just saw the result: "It's good to burn, it's good to burn, I'm still thinking about it." How to pass on this story from generation to generation, and don’t let future generations think that there is a normal cycle of five virtues between the current dynasty and the Qing captives.”[

Speaking of this, Zheng Kezang ordered: "After cleaning up, the gold, silver, copper, iron and tin are still available to be removed, and the rest will stay where they are. I want to build a National Memorial Garden here, and set up a memorial hall in front of the Hall of Supreme Harmony. An Altar of Remembrance, on which is set the chief god of those who died in captivity since Wanli in the pre-Ming Dynasty, and stone pillars should be set up in the rest of the open space. They should also indicate one by one that every year during the Qingming Festival, the Youzhou government will come to the public sacrifice, and the common people can also visit the garden and pay respects on weekdays."

After all, Zheng Kezang is also afraid that those conscientious historians will overturn the history that did not exist in his previous life, so even if he is ridiculed as boasting of his achievements, he must engrave this history and let everyone know. What is the shame of subjugation, and what is the heartache of subjugated culture.

After the Hanlin scholar wrote down his words, Zheng Kezang added: "Kangxi's edict should be handed over to the "History of the Qing Dynasty" for safekeeping, and then announced to all the prefectures, counties and townships in China. It is destroyed, and from today onwards, the Chinese people will no longer have the nightmare of being slaves of foreign races."

Yes, the Qing court has been completely destroyed. Even if there are remnants, it is no longer a complete empire, and it cannot compete with the thriving China.However, in addition to the Qing court, China still has many enemies, such as Russia in the north, Zhungeer in the west, Holland and Spain in the south, and potential enemies England and France, etc. , Zheng Kezang will not stop at this moment.

Since most of the Forbidden City has been burned down, Zheng Kezang moved to the Dahongmen Palace in the south of the city after seeing the ruins of the imperial city. This is the predecessor of the so-called Tuanhe Palace, but it is estimated that there will be no more Tuanhe Palace in this time and space. .

Before moving in, the imperial guards had carefully inspected this resort that Kangxi loved very much twice, and all the maids and eunuchs were kicked out, so that the ministers who led the guards could welcome Zheng Kezang's arrival with peace of mind. .It's just that Zheng Kezang didn't come here for leisure, he soon attracted the captured Mongolian princes.

After being taken to see the Jingguan built by the heads of the same tribe, these Mongolian princes and Taijis were all out of their wits, fearing that they would be the next victim.Hearing Zheng Kezang's call at this moment, as if they had received amnesty, they wished they could turn into dogs and horses and lie at Zheng Kezang's feet, and offer their doubtful loyalty in the most gorgeous language.

"I, seeing you today, I have a few words to explain: First, I will set up the Monan Protectorate in Guihua City, and the princes of all banners must live in Guihua City, otherwise they will be regarded as resisting China and refusing to submit; Second, I recognize the status of the Yellow Sect in Mongolia, and the original privileges will continue to be retained; third, the status of the heads of the Mongolian tribes that surrendered to China can be retained, but the title of the title will be changed. The title of the Qing court is the same as the title of the old Mongolian Khan They must not be used any more, and the salaries originally given by the Qing court will no longer be issued. As for your insufficient expenses, you may sell furs to merchants, or cooperate in the development of minerals. The imperial court will also give you salaries and supplements when recruiting Mongolian soldiers to fight; Fourth, Huaxia also set up post stations in various parts of Mongolia depending on the situation, stationed some soldiers, and there may also be markets and a small number of immigrants, but the post stations are for the convenience of trade, and attacking the post stations is an enemy of the imperial court."

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