Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

600. Strong buying and strong selling

"Your Majesty," Lu Xiaohua, Deputy Minister of the Yamen for Foreign Affairs of the Governor-General who followed him, reported to Zheng Kezang. "I just received a report from our company's express delivery, saying that the lord of the Tsushima domain, Tian Chuan, please attach the memorial, and ask the sage to grant the prince or a member of the clan to inherit the position of the son. It is related to the royal family. This department does not dare to preside over it. Your Majesty, please give me the order."

Speaking of which, Tsushima Fan is a strange existence.as early as the first time

Then Zheng Kezang reviewed the first draft of the Hanlin Bachelor, and felt that it was a mistake to send the Hanlin Zhizhi to come in to draft the decree. In this way, He Gan became the second inner vassal among the Chinese heroes after Sun Youlao. But the overall book is not bad. Although it is difficult to develop the North Island and Defu Island, the hidden forestry resources can always be turned into income, and the main feudal Sado Island at this stage is also a maturely developed area. It can maintain the initial operation of the entire fief.

As for Feng Shuo, he was unlucky. His territory was not small, but it was very cold on the one hand, and on the other hand, he had to conquer the natives first, and it was very troublesome to establish the initial foundation. He had to go to North Korea and Japan to recruit refugees, but who would let He is a subjugated general, Zheng Kezang didn't clear him up because it was his luck, so naturally he couldn't be picky and picky.

"Send it down and tell the world that as long as you have meritorious service, I will not hesitate to share the rewards." The edict was sent to Wuchang to be signed by the cabinet, Zheng Kezang turned his head and asked Lu Xiaohua. "Sun Guodu's supervisor said that the territory under his name did not conform to the regulations in the imperial edict. He appealed to the governor's office many times, but there was no reply. Lu Qing, can you tell me what's going on?"

The general manager of Sun Guodu is Sun Youlao. His fiefdom should be 180 Chinese lis, which is about 480 square kilometers in the future. The Futujiaoyi, Butan Islands, and Trutao Island owned by the second son only have a radius of [-] Chinese miles, which is far from the size of the fiefdom.Although the Sinan Duhufu and Lingyamen Duhufu purchased a large amount of land from the Malayan land king for him, but that was just an industry rather than a territory.

Sun Youlao was naturally dissatisfied with this. Over the past four years, he sent a letter to the governor's office to respond to his urging several times, but the governor's office couldn't solve it. If he could not react, he hoped that Sun Youlao would accept the deal of property exchange for land, but he never thought that Sun Youlao would find a way to stab Zheng Kezang in front of him, making Lu Xiaohua extremely embarrassed.

As a last resort, Lu Xiaohua could only explain the whole story to Zheng Kezang, but this was suspected to be Zheng Kezang’s improper arrangement at the beginning: “The governor’s yamen also wanted to change Director Sun to somewhere in Borneo, but Sun Guo had already invested a huge amount of money. If the funds go down, it will cost a lot to change the territory, so Mr. Sun disagrees, and the governor's office has no choice, so we have to delay until now."

Zheng Kezang was quite reasonable. He knew that the problem was his own, so he didn't blame Lu Xiaohua too much. He just said: "If something goes wrong, it must be resolved. Procrastination is not a problem, and the more it is delayed, the worse it will be. In this way Well, who owns the land next to Pangan Island and Samui Island, and buy a territory with a radius of 140 Huaxia from him.”

"The territory belongs to Wan Lun and Luo Kun." Lu Xiaohua thought for a long time before he remembered the names of the two land lords. "But after spending money, they refused to sell."

"How much money is the governor's office going to spend? 50? 100 million? I don't believe it. Would they not be tempted to spend 100 million guan?" Zheng Kezang looked at Lu Xiaohua, who was full of hesitation, and snorted softly. "I know what you are worried about. Don't worry, you don't need to pay the money. Go tell the Japanese that the Izu Islands will be returned to them, and they will pay 100 million yuan in ten years for the redemption fee. With the money to buy it, the money should be enough for the governor’s office to repay the interest on the advance payment for the land purchase and compensate Director Sun Du for his losses over the years.”

"Holy Majesty, the land in Izu is barren. It was originally a place where Japan was exiled. How can the Japanese be willing to buy one million guns in ten years?"

Zheng Kezang said coldly: "I want them to buy it, but Japan dare not buy it?"

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