Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

601. Yunti's New Army

Faced with the pressure from the kings of the Northeast, the persecution of Yunti, and the practical problems that the immigrants would face, Emperor Tongzhi finally agreed to the request of Bo Guoduo and others to exchange military power for Zhuang Ding and grain.So Boguoduo and Yanhuang each got fifteen assistant leaders, and the rest of the princes outside the pass got 25 assistant leaders together. Calculated as one assistant leader with 150 people, the kings outside the pass got a total of more than 8000 soldiers and horses.

Therefore, Sunu suggested that Prince He Yunyou should be in charge of the princes outside the Guanwai to be responsible for the conquest of Mongolia, so as to share the plundered food, horses and prisoners equally.Emperor Tongzhi, who had no better choice, quickly agreed, and sent Xiangbai Banner Deputy Capital Commander Kecha to lead fifteen assistant leaders to join the coalition of kings as an investment for the royal family.

However, problems come one after another. It must be known that the total number of the Qing army is only [-], of which [-] are old troops and [-] are new troops. The general Wang Yunti needs elite troops to resist the future attacks of the Xia army, and the coalition forces of the kings also need capable troops. When attacking Mongolia, Sunu had to prepare for the Russian battalions of the Eight Banners that banned travel, which created a contradiction.

Everyone wants the best soldiers, and everyone wants to leave the new army that can't fight to others, so quarrels inevitably happen.

In the end, Yunti was still the most powerful, he patted his butt and threw away the burden. The Qing court, who could not find a second qualification to lead an army among the kings of Jinzhi, obediently agreed that Yunti had the highest priority in selecting subordinates.

It's just that Yunti considered that the deal with Boguoduo had not yet been concluded, and half of the "unplanned" food of [-] shi had not been obtained, so Yunti did not take away all the veterans who could fight.

In fact, Yun Yu, who didn't know the specific strength of the Eight Banners outside the Guan, was also a little worried about the old army. You must know that he had seen the combat power of the Xia Army --- in the Linxi battle, Yun Ti was beaten helplessly. He was fully aware of the overwhelming artillery fire of the Xia Army, and he was also deeply impressed by the mainstay of the Xia Army's armored white soldiers.

You must know that the current Qing court can no longer guarantee to overwhelm the Xia army in terms of firearms. The only dozens of red barbarian cannons in Fengtian City are old antiques left over from Huang Taiji's time. They are useless even for defending the city, let alone field battles. , can only be melted and recast.However, when Yinqi and others fled Beijing, they did not take away the first-class craftsmen from the Imperial Palace of the Qianqing Palace, so the work of recasting was progressing slowly, and it was impossible to provide the minimum quantity before the Xia army discovered a new round of attack. .As for Heilongjiang, although there are still [-] or [-] Shenwei General Cannons left over from the Battle of Yaksa, the number is still limited, and Sunu also regards it as the last property of the Banners Banners, so it will not be handed over to Yunyu's subordinates easily. .

Since the firearm is already a shortcoming, Yunyu can only hope to overwhelm his opponent in the white soldier battle.

In the early years, the armored white soldiers of the Eight Banners were very powerful. They could not only maneuver quickly into battle on horseback, but also wear double or three layers of cotton armor to block the opponent's firearms and then fight hand-to-hand. Therefore, Yunti finally decided to select suitable officers and soldiers based on the standards of his ancestors.

The so-called ancestral standard is definitely inappropriate now, but it is not impossible to achieve, so Yunxi decided to use the ability to continue fighting after wearing a double layer of cotton armor as an indicator of measurement. Those who pass are vests; Those who can continue to fight after the armor are infantry; those who cannot fight with armor are incorporated into the auxiliary army.The auxiliary army includes some blunderbuss soldiers, and the rest are responsible for logistics and construction work, similar to the central base and supply troops of the Xia army.

A vest leads five infantrymen to form a combat team; five combat teams form a leadership department; five reminder departments form a main army assistant leader; Each leader has a strength of more than 500 people; five leaders plus a number of auxiliary army leaders and artillery leaders form a deputy capital commanding department, each of which has about 4 people ; Yun Yu was able to mobilize [-] troops, and it happened to form seven deputy capital commanders plus a slightly larger than normal formation of Baya soldiers (personal guards, guards) to join the leadership.

Since the individual combat power of the Eight Banners outside the pass is much higher than that of the Eight Banners inside the pass, Yunti saw with satisfaction that the number of soldiers who can serve as vests is far more than he expected, and even the new army can wear three layers. The savages in the cotton armor were there, so he finally made fine-tuning to the preset organization to ensure that there were two to three vests in each battle group, and the longest among them was the one who had served in the army the longest.

Yunyu was merciful, leaving at least one-third of the qualified vests and infantry, but the coalition forces of the kings on Bogoduo's side were not so polite, and picked up all the remaining vests at once. None of the flag soldiers who came came.In this regard, Sunu argued hard, and finally only got 8000 infantry and [-] new troops with better physical fitness as the core of the Banners.As a last resort, Sunu had no choice but to organize the remaining [-] eliminated flag soldiers into the Bird Battalion and the Artillery Battalion, but there were too many soldiers and few firearms, which caused him and Jilin General Jue Luo Yang Fu, the two military training ministers, a headache.

There are soldiers, cotton armor, swords and other equipment, and there are a lot of old soldiers. If there is not enough quantity, the arsenal in Fengtian City can be equipped, but it is not so easy to equip the army horses for each department.Whether there are horses in the Northeast, of course there are, but most of the horses owned by the tribes are traded with the Mongols, and only a small part are self-breeding.Of course, the same is true for the Qing army. The military horses it originally owned were either bred from the Qing court’s horse farms in Daligang’ai and Chifeng, or purchased from the Mongols.But now most of Monan Mongolia has been lost, the original horse farm no longer exists, and even buying horses from the Mongols has become difficult, and it has become a big problem to equip tens of thousands of troops with horses.

Without horses, it is not necessary to let soldiers march with armor on their backs?Even if you let the auxiliary army pick it up, if you encounter an encounter, how can you put it on in time.Yunyu tried to find the Ministry of War again and again, but Sunu couldn't solve it at all.Conscript horse?What a joke, there are no civilian horses in Liaodong now, all of them have been conscripted by the Qing court to transport immigrants going north.

Speaking of immigration to the north, this matter has already spread a lot, and it has made the chickens and dogs restless.Speaking of it, no one wants to go to the distant Sanxing. Isn't that place where the savages of Butha live, and how can it be suitable for the people of Liaodong to live.

However, there are only a few coated Aha who dare to take the risk of going south in winter to join the Xia army, and there are also a small number of upper-class bannermen who have the financial resources to migrate to larger settlements such as Qiqihar and Jilin Ula. Most of them live in the middle and lower classes around Fengtian. Bannermen could only sit still and wait for the final verdict of fate, but the chaos caused was beyond the Qing court's power to stop.

Facing the panic buying of cotton-padded clothes and food in the market, high-ranking officials of the Qing government believed that immigration was urgent.For this reason, Prince Lu Yunxuan has rushed to the vicinity of Sanxing to explore the terrain.And Prince Yu Yunxuan was also ordered to go to the north of the Songhua River to mobilize people's resources to rush to build settlements along the way to resettle some immigrants.Therefore, horses, which were used as an important means of transportation for immigrants, naturally became strategic materials under control, and they were not something Sunu or Yunti could easily recruit and use.

"General, what you want is a horse that can be ridden, so ordinary civilian horses that can only be used as pack horses and dragging horses are not suitable." Su Nu responded. "Besides, now we need to mobilize horses and wait for the joint approval of Prince Lu and Prince Yu. Even the emperor's words don't work, but these two are not in Shengjing, and they won't be back for a while." For Yunti who was leaving, a sneer appeared on Su Nu's face, but he still said to himself. "How about you, General Wang, are you waiting for a few days?"

"Everywhere is in urgent need of horses, so it is impossible to get them." Back in the barracks, Yinti called all the lieutenants over. "We can only adjust internally first." Yinti ordered. "We must prioritize the use of horses for the main army. Therefore, except for the commander of the artillery army, all horses are allocated to the main army. As for the baggage and so on, we use a wheelbarrow to push it."

Hai Duoli, the former vice commander of the right-wing army, responded distressedly: "Great General, even this is not enough."

Yun Yu replied: "No matter what, we must ensure that each vest has a horse. As for the infantry, we must first give one horse to carry the armor. A living person cannot be suffocated to death by urine. There will always be a solution in the future."

Yu Chang, the deputy commander of the front wing and rear army, suggested: "The slave thought that he could propose to bring horses to vote when recruiting troops, and he could be treated like a regular soldier. If the assessment is not bad, he will give priority to serving as a vest."

Yunyu was still pondering the feasibility of this matter, but Laketu, the former deputy commander of the rear wing, denied it: "Even if the imperial court recruits soldiers and horses under this condition, they will not fall into our hands by then. Aren't the kings and the Banners Eight Banners all staring at each other, unless we have the right to recruit our own troops here."

Yunyu thought about it, and was about to speak. He came back from Datong with him. Dong Jia, the former general of Datong Town, who was now appointed as the deputy capital and led the Baya La soldiers, suddenly came up with an idea: "My slave thinks that if you want to If you have enough horses, the best way is to grab them from the Mongols. Before spring comes and the sea has not gone north, let’s get enough horses from the Mongols first. It's much easier to fight."

Shirong, the deputy commander of the right-wing rear army, felt that robbing his own people would cause internal conflicts, so he objected: "I'm afraid that Prince He and Prince Zhuang will feel that the general king has crossed the line."

Before Shirong finished speaking, Yunti interrupted: "As long as the horse problem can be solved, it's okay to cross the line occasionally."

Jin Bao, the deputy commander of the front wing and former army, counted the time and said annoyedly: "It's just that it's almost February now, and I'm afraid I won't have time to return before April after running to Mongolia from Fengtian."

"You don't have to go all the way." Yunyu had already considered it. "It's enough to go to the deputy capital's department." Yunyu ordered. "All the ministries gather horses first, and all of them are assigned to the deputy capital commander's department. One man and two horses. Hurry up and go back."

Suo Zhu, the deputy governor of the rear wing rear army, further suggested: "If you don't use a deputy governor to go to North Korea to grab one, as long as you avoid the main point of the North Korean army at the Yizhou line, you still have a good chance of success."

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