On January 15th, the 25th year of Huaxia Wucheng, Zheng Kezang appointed Kujin as the governor of Beishi Weiduhufu, who was resident in Erren.

On the same day, Zheng Kezang appointed Yin Long, the former privy secretary, as Qingtao ambassador.

At this time, the Xia armies that entered Shanxi and Daibei had already been abolished, and those who returned to the original defense left only the four divisions of the garrison troops in the province under the jurisdiction of the Shanxi and Daibei General Armies and Yin Long's command. Clean up the [-]nd and [-]rd Divisions of the Flying Cavalry Army, the [-]nd Division of the Hussar Army, the [-]rd Division of the Iron Cavalry Army and the [-]rd Hussar Army under the jurisdiction of Kuching to clean up Chahar and Xilin Gol Division, the First Division of the Cavalry Army.

"Brother Keqiang, you are enjoying the blessings when you come back to Zhongyuan, but I am going to eat sand here, poor little brother." Yin Long, who arrived in Datong with the passers-by following Xuanzhi, asked Tang Baoyi for advice in a self-deprecating tone. "Speaking of which, my brother has been in Datong for a while, so I hope you can give me some advice on how the customs of the north are."

Tang Baoyi replied solemnly: "Brother Cunde, I am busy with military affairs, but I don't have time to taste the style of Datong girls."

Yin Long froze, and then laughed loudly: "Well, you Tang Keqiang, this sloppy eye can be beaten, you are a dignified county uncle, and you don't need to tell me, as long as you can settle the east of the river at home. and the lion became."

Tang Baoyi twitched his lips: "Hedong lion is not afraid, but I am afraid that the military law department will give me a copy."

"That's true. The general accepted concubines and maidservants before the battle, and he had to be severely punished." Speaking of this, the two laughed at the same time. After laughing, Yin Long asked again. "I won't talk about gossip. The Holy One means to establish four Zhili prefectures along the Yellow River. This is a troublesome matter. You can't just walk away. At least give me an idea."

"I only arrived two months earlier than you, brother Cunde, how can I be organized?" Tang Baoyi shook his head. "It's nothing more than a flat push all the way." Tang Baoyi pointed to the huge map hanging in the center of the room. "In the past two months, I have searched all the prefectures, prefectures and counties, the green camps who surrendered and were captured, and the people of Shanxi merchants. I finally drafted this map. I thought I would lead the army out of the fortress, but it turned out to be cheaper for you. "

Of course Yin Long knew that Tang Baoyi was a little disappointed, so he made jokes to comfort him: "Brother Keqiang, what you said is wrong, you have already become the county uncle, even if you add the merit of leveling the grassland, it is possible that you can still be promoted County Marquis? Why don't you leave the soup and water for me, I will be very grateful."

"Why can't you be promoted to county marquis?" Tang Baoyi argued forcefully. "Even if most of the princes come from the clan, it's not that the sage has never granted county marquises, and even several county marquises." Tang Baoyi refers to Hou Honglei of Kuaiji County, Zheng Yingping of Yuzhang County, and Keping Hou of Lingling County. They are all veterans who have followed the three generations of the Zheng family, so their status is naturally different from that of newcomers like Tang Baoyi, and Tang Baoyi understands this. "I know those are veterans and ministers, which are different from us, but in a few years, we will be different veterans and ministers. Is it possible that I can't fight?"

Perhaps thinking that this was a bit false, Tang Baoyi added resentfully: "Besides, even if I don't earn the title of county marquis, I can still apply for Tweet from the Holy Majesty. As you know, there are six bastards in my family. It’s just the third child, but at least the others are also in the army, and they have the status of meritorious civilians, and they will be given titles, so they don’t have to worry about falling into the family after a hundred years.”

Yin Long nodded subconsciously when he heard the words: "That's true. A county official can receive up to [-] Jia's land, and a county can receive up to [-] Jia's land. In this way, it is impossible for a county official to demolish four counties. If you break it down into a county man, there will be more problems. Fortunately, I only have one son, so I don’t need to worry about it.”

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Yin Long felt that Tang Baoyi had misled him, so he hurriedly brought the words back on track: "By the way, since the map can be made, there must be a guide who can lead the way."

"Yes," Tang Baoyi gave Yin Long a clear answer. "A total of more than [-] people have been prepared. There are Han people and Mongolians. They are all experienced people. You can use them with confidence, but don't be stingy with rewards."

"I can save it." Of course Yin Long understood that there must be a brave man's way under a heavy reward, but he was still a little confused. "It's not surprising that there are Han people. Why are there still Mongols? Could it be that they don't know that we are going to fight the grassland?"

"Traitors are not unique to us Han people." Tang Baoyi commented disdainfully. "The Mongols are the same, whoever has milk is a mother." When mentioning traitors, Tang Baoyi suddenly remembered something and confessed. "Actually, there are more than four divisions of soldiers and horses in your hands, and there is also a Mongolian rebel army. There are already thousands of soldiers and horses, but don't expect too much from them. They are all slaves who defected from Chahar. , I have never left Chahar in my life, so it is not as good as those thirty or so guides."

Even so, Yin Long was a little surprised by this news: "So soon, there are already hundreds of people?"

"It's still winter, so be careful. You have voted more since the beginning of spring." Tang Baoyi said with certainty. "The ones who come here now are all escaped slaves from Chahar who have been scattered. After the spring, princes and princes from all banners and alliances will come to join us. This gang of tartars are very smart, and they have long known how to avoid disadvantages. "

"It's a good thing to know how powerful it is, and it can save us a lot of trouble." Yin Long was very optimistic. "I wish all the ministries of the Yi Kezhao League were as knowledgeable as this." Yin Long stopped suddenly as he was talking. "That's not right, since the chief banner officer of the Qing captives in Chahar can no longer control the banners, wouldn't our court be able to take over the banners properly? This way, I'm afraid it won't be possible to move the Yikezhao League to Chahar's hometown."

Tang Baoyi has naturally considered this issue: "If the Chahar Banners belong to them, and the Ordos Seven Banners are also willing to accept the dispatch of the imperial court, then the two sides will exchange territories."

Seeing Yin Long's puzzled expression, Tang Baoyi explained: "The imperial court wants to open a horse farm in the suite, but I see that ten of the official ranches in the past dynasties are getting worse and worse. When the Chahar people come to run the business, the court only needs to collect a fixed amount of horses every year, and it saves money. Moreover, the Chahar people are the best source of soldiers for the Mongolian volunteer army.”

Yin Long interrupted Tang Baoyi's long speech: "Brother Keqiang, have you asked for this idea?"

Tang Baoyi said with some regret: "I was planning to ask for an order, but now it seems that I don't need to worry about it."

Yin Long narrowed his eyes and thought for a while: "Brother Keqiang, it's a good thing you didn't have time to play, otherwise you might be dismissed by the Holy Spirit."

Yin Long explained: "I guess the Holy Majesty means that the racecourse in Ji County is too small, and he intends to use Dongnei as a new racecourse for those Taixi horses. OK."

Tang Baoyi was taken aback for a moment, and then he smiled heartlessly and said: "If you lose your horse, you will know that it is not a blessing. The ancients did not deceive me. Well, you should worry about this matter. It has nothing to do with me."

"Tang Keqiang, it's really not rewarding for your kindness." Yin Long pretended to be annoyed. "Fortunately, I still reminded you, you actually crossed the river and demolished the bridge."

Tang Baoyi also pretended to be disapproving and replied: "Brother Cunde, this is not right. What is crossing a river and demolishing a bridge? I have not done anything. Crossing a river and demolishing a bridge."

"After your brother returned to Wuchang, wouldn't you be allowed to write a letter?" Yin Long asked unceremoniously. "Based on what I know about you, Brother Keqiang, I don't think you are one of those people who just do nothing but be an official."

Tang Baoyi smiled wryly and said: "Well, you Sun Cunde, you have taken over the army. If I really don't care about it, wouldn't I become one of those bastard officials you say are only officials and don't do anything?"

Yin Long proudly said: "It's good to understand, Brother Keqiang, one person counts the disadvantages and the other counts the strengths, and I would like to ask you to give me an idea."

Tang Baoyi replied in a bad voice: "The three cobblers are worse than Zhuge Liang. According to this, you shouldn't ask me to come up with any ideas at all. Why don't you let the army officers and horse officers below brainstorm ideas, that's sure." More ideas than I have."

Yin Longyan said: "The army Sima has to ask them to think of some countermeasures. Brother Keqiang, you also have to ask for an idea. As the saying goes, an old man is better than a treasure. Your old man will help the younger brother with this favor." .”

Tang Baoyi lost his temper after being tortured by Yin Long, and he couldn't get angry at his deliberately petty peers, so he frowned, and came up with a bad idea: "According to me, why don't you ask the people from Chahar to divide you up?" Forget about Tunnan, Shandong, and Huaibei."

Yin Long narrowed his eyes, and said seriously: "This is an old plan for the Han and Jin to migrate the Xiongnu and Xianbei to the interior. Will there be any trouble?"

"How could something go wrong." Tang Baoyi also responded seriously. "Didn't the former Yuan Dynasty also leave many Mongols and Semu people in the Central Plains? Now you go and see, there are no Mongols and Semu people, they are all mixed up with Han people. And there are only a few people in Chahar, at least Two hundred thousand a day, sprinkled everywhere like pepper noodles, I'm afraid I want to find it, but it's not all there."

"Even if His Majesty approves, the Chahar people must agree to move into the Central Plains in units of a hundred households."

"It's up to them." Tang Baoyi said murderously. "The handle of the knife is in our hands now." Tang Baoyi then said with a calm expression. "In fact, being able to escape the bitter cold of the grassland and move to Huahuazhong is a good thing that Mongolians can't even dream of. How could these Chahar people not agree."

"I'm afraid the Holy One won't agree." Yin Long pondered for a moment, then sighed. "There are still too many Chahar people of 20 or [-]. Otherwise, one or two thousand households would be the best shepherds if they migrated to Ezo. Daligangai would not be able to accommodate them, and those in Jinlan and Borneo It’s too far away and too hot, and I’m afraid we won’t survive much if we move there.”

"A lot of people? What's the problem? Just kill a few more people." Tang Baoyi pursed his lips. "Even if the Chahar people return in time, it will be easy to handle. Drive them to conquer the disobedience, and then conquer Mobei, and finally let them go to war with the Oros people. Fight all the way, so that there are not many left."

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