Although General Zalandon believes that he will not repeat the lessons of his predecessor's failure outside the city of Batavia from the viewpoint of ethno-superiority, and although the total strength of the Dutch army far exceeds that of the Chinese Allied Forces, Huaxia Wucheng April 16 The Yecheng battle that broke out at the beginning of the eighteenth day still turned out to be one-sided.

Those soldiers recruited in a hurry were completely vulnerable. After the chaotic charge was hit by the Xia army's artillery and firecrackers, they fell apart before they even entered the stage of hand-to-hand combat. Only the original colonies with German mercenaries at their core The army persisted for a while, but under the influence and impact of its own defeated soldiers, it was soon defeated.

Liu Wenlai, who had expected it for a long time, immediately commanded the troops to pursue and fight fiercely. In front of the dragoons composed of more than 700 ranger scouts, the Dutch and native soldiers who exposed their backs to the Xia army were strewn with corpses and blood flowed like rivers.What made the Dutch army even more terrified was that, after fleeing, they discovered that the Xia army's blocking troops had already outflanked and blocked their retreat in advance.

General Zalandon, who had nowhere to go, had no choice but to lead the only complete remnant army group with more than [-] people to surrender to the Xia army after receiving the promise of guaranteeing the safety of the Dutch officer's life and allowing him to redeem himself.

During the service, the Chinese coalition forces killed, wounded and captured 27 Dutch officers, more than 8 German mercenaries, and more than 9 native soldiers. They captured fifteen [-]-pound and [-]-pound field guns and more than [-] horses. .The only fly in the ointment is that about [-] German mercenaries and [-] native soldiers desperately broke through Xia's blockade and fled back to Batavia Castle. Going to the surrounding countryside and then fleeing to the interior of Java made Xia Jun unable to do his best.

The defeat of Zalandon made the Dutch in Batavia terrified. As a last resort, Batavia Governor Ansen Van Siss de Valundino had to rush to the Dutch army in all parts of Java before the Xia army sieged the city. The fortress reported the battle situation and looked for Vice Admiral Yang Saker Landson, asking him to find an opportunity to defeat the Chinese navy and rescue Batavia.

As soon as Governor Valentino's messengers set off, Xia Jun drove more than 8000 captives to appear outside Batavia Castle, and carried out eleven massacres in front of the Dutch soldiers and civilians full of the city. The bloody heads were piled up The Jingguan made countless Dutch gentlemen faint on the spot.Subsequently, Xia Junjun's envoy went to the city to persuade him to surrender, and clearly issued the threat of "killing those who refuse to surrender".

The Dutch tried to delay the time on the grounds that they needed a decision from the council. On the one hand, Xia Jun gave two days to consider it, and on the other hand, he drove a group of prisoners to start digging trenches outside Batavia Castle to prepare for the siege and attack.

There are enough food for 6000-[-] people in Batavia Castle for a year, and there are more than [-] city defense guns. In addition, there is a fortress guarding the harbor as a corner, so it is a fluke The Dutch finally chose to stick to it.

Liu Wenlai then notified the navy to destroy the harbor forts first, so as to put an end to the luck of the Dutch.

Xia Jun cruisers are equipped with [-]-point short guns and [-]-point long guns. They are the sharpest weapons against fortresses. However, it is an uneconomical exchange to use wooden cruisers against stone-built coastal defense fortresses. Yuan then took out a new weapon.

There are two types of so-called new weapons.One is the rocket that Xia Jun just started to promote. This kind of rocket shined brilliantly in the Battle of Anyang, and finally enabled Xia Jun to take Zhangdefu City without bloodshed, so it was quickly adopted by the Ministry of War as the standard equipment of the two divisions of the land and water; the other was It's a large caliber mortar.These two kinds of weapons are loaded on the improvised sloops, which can approach and fire at extremely close distances within the range of coastal artillery. With today's artillery technology, the defenders can't even aim at such high-speed boats. To, not to mention the precision strike, long-distance destruction.

What?A sloop cannot sail far.This is due to supply constraints, but there are more than [-] heavy military transport ships with a class of more than [-] supplies to transport supplies for this campaign, so naturally there is no need to worry about being unable to cross the ocean for expeditions.

However, Chang Tianyuan's use of these two new weapons is obviously not as good as expected--although the large-caliber mortar is powerful, it will not be able to destroy the strong city wall of the coastal defense fortress for a while, and the new rockets will not be able to destroy it. A deadly threat to an all-stone fortress - in this case, attacking from the land side reverts from a secondary option to a primary option.

The Batavia Port Fortress with a standard bastion structure originally had 300 defenders, but after expansion it increased to 800. Although it cannot be compared with the main castle, it is enough to deal with the indigenous people without guns and the English, French and Portuguese with limited strength. Colonists of other countries.It was precisely because of the strength of the castle and sufficient defenders that the Xia army still used the standard tactics against the bastion to dig into the trench.Looking at the ditch that was approaching day by day, the defenders of the fortress were very anxious, but the Xia army outside the city was strong and strong, and they could not break through at all.

However, neither the Dutch army in Batavia's main castle nor the harbor fortress thought that the Xia army outside the city was actually just bluffing.

In fact, the Chinese coalition forces surrounding the Batavia harbor fortress at this time are only three regiments of the Annan army and the middle base regiment of the sixth division of the Longxiang army; and the Chinese coalition forces outside the main castle of Batavia are only the three regiments of the Vietnamese army. One regiment, one regiment of the Second Division of the Longxiang Army, and the Artillery Corps of the Sixth Division of the Longxiang Army. There are only more than [-] people; the main Xia army has been transported to the outskirts of Surabaya; Under the guidance of local expatriates, they attacked Cirebon, Bogor and other places respectively.

The Dutch defenders in Surabaya had less than 600 men and eight small and medium-caliber artillery pieces. Among them, the coastal turrets only had two 2-pound coastal artillery pieces, which could not deal with the Xia army's attack from the sea.Therefore, after the 12-point guns of the Xia Army's three-story gun-deck cruiser destroyed the fort, the Surabaya Dutch army quickly raised a white flag.

After accepting the surrender of the Dutch army in Surabaya, the Xia army immediately landed on Bali, Tinga Islands, Lombok, Sumbawa and other islands, and attacked the Dutch fortresses on the islands. Those that could be conquered immediately were conquered immediately. Those that cannot be conquered immediately will be long-term siege---relying on the huge advantage of Xia Jun's navy, the strongholds of the Dutch United East India Company in the East Indies will be removed one by one.

The strong strength shown by Xia Jun made the native Javanese lords who suffered from the Dutch colonization see hope, and sent people to contact them one after another.Xia Jun took advantage of the opportunity to sign suzerain-vassal treaties with Banten and Mataram, the two most important Javanese sultans, promising to give up the tax rights originally imposed by the Dutch colonists and replace them with a smaller amount of tribute to protect the territories of the two countries. Relatively mild terms such as completeness and non-interference in the internal affairs of the two countries, inherited most of the heritage of the Dutch United East India Company and seized Java ports such as Batavia, Semarang, Surabaya, and Cilaza, as well as the entire East Nusa Tenggara Sovereignty of the Islands.

In addition, according to Huaxia's suggestion, the Matalan Sultanate and the Banten Sultanate reached an agreement on border demarcation.The two countries will then use the Solo River as the boundary. The Java area to the west belongs to the Banten Sultanate, and the east belongs to the Matalan Sultanate; The Nusa Tenggara Islands also belong to the Matalan Sultanate;

Almost at the same time, the Sulu navy also removed most of the Dutch strongholds in Deira, Ambon, and the Banda Islands, and signed a suzerainty treaty with the Deira Sultanate. Agreed on each other's borders, formally replacing the Dutch United East India Company to control the entire Spice Islands and the Dutch Irian Jaya area.

On May [-], with the help of Xia Jun, the Goa Sultanate regained Makassar.

Goa Sultan Ed Agung immediately signed a suzerainty treaty with China’s special envoy Li Long, formally ceding the Minahasa Peninsula and all the islands in Tomini Bay to China; and agreed that on the side of the Maluku Sea, the Goa Sultanate It owns the Manya Islands and China owns the Sula Islands. The two countries divide the territory on the median line between the two islands; in the direction of the southeast Banda Sea, all islands except the Tuganbesi Islands belong to China; in Flores In the direction of the sea, the south of Celaya Island is the territory of China; in the west of the Makassar Strait, the two countries are bounded by the midline of the strait, the islands to the east belong to Goa, and the islands to the west belong to China's Protectorate in Borneo.

Subsequently, Li Long signed a treaty with the Sultanate of Goa on behalf of the Sultanate of Mataran, stipulating that the waters south of the Ganian Islands, Tinga Islands, and Sabarana Islands belong to the Sultanate of Mataran, and the Sultanate of Goa to the north China's territorial waters, of course, the above waters are open to China, and Chinese ships, whether military warships or civilian merchant ships, have the unconditional right of free passage.

After learning that the Xia army had advanced to the vicinity of the Sumba Strait, the seemingly neutral Portuguese believed that the complete failure of the Dutch United East India Company was a foregone conclusion.Therefore, in order to prevent Huaxia from getting an excuse to tear up the "Lingyamen Treaty", the Timorese leader who no longer sat on the wall expelled the Dutch fleet that was resting in Kupang Port in the name of neutrality.

Kupang was originally the territory of the Dutch, but it was transferred to the Portuguese as a weight to win over the other party.Now being expelled by former allies, the Dutch can't help but be furious.However, if they turn against the Portuguese at this time, it will more or less bring some losses to the Java fleet. This is what the Dutch, who are the enemy, do not want to see. They still held back the desire to retaliate, and led the fleet to leave the port.

After leaving Kupang Port, there was a dispute among the Java Fleet executives.Some captains and commanders believed that they could no longer continue to hide and hide, and that only a sea battle could change the current unfavorable situation; while another part of the commanders believed that the Xia army's strength was huge, and the Java fleet mainly composed of armed merchant ships was not enough. Those who may win, so in order to preserve their strength, they should immediately retreat to Sri Lanka and India.

Speaking of which, the latter's suggestion is correct, but in this era there is no so-called tactical discussion of "preserving people and losing land, and preserving both people and land", so it was criticized by quite a few Dutch captains, and Lieutenant General Landerson also He expressed his opposition, thinking that once the East Indies were abandoned, the United East India Company would go bankrupt, and leaving Batavia alone did not comply with the Knight Code.

The opinion of Lieutenant General Landerson overwhelmed the remarks of the retreat faction. In this case, the only option is to fight, but how should we fight?Is it going back to Java or the Xia army navy attacking the Spice Islands?Before making a decision, the Dutch army floating on the Savu Sea collided with the Xia army detachment escorting the land division to attack Alor Island.

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