Due to the blockade of the Sunda Strait to protect the sea line of communication leading to the main island of Java, the East Tianzhu Navy is actually in a state of division. The detachment to escort the Savu Sea has only six cruiser detachments and four cruiser detachments with a total of 28 warships. And 24 letter ships, it can be said that the strength is limited.

Fortunately, the strength of the Java fleet of the Dutch army is not strong. Including the two 28-gun battleships and three armed merchant ships that survived the naval battle in the Sulawesi Sea, the main warships of the Dutch army are only 34, just like the Xia army. It's just that the number of armed merchant ships is as many as [-], which is ten more than the Xia Army's Xinbao Ships, which is a slight advantage, but the number of key battle line gunships is less than two-thirds of the Xia Army's cruisers, so the two sides are actually evenly matched. .

Since it is evenly matched, the battle is quite motivating.Of course, the Dutch army has no retreat, and Xia Jun does not want his colleagues to focus on the front. Both sides have played at their best level at this stage. There are soaring water columns and thick gunpowder smoke everywhere. Like the sea of ​​milk stirred up by Asura, it is full of deadly threats.

Lieutenant General Landerson, who learned about the Xia Army's tactics from the survivors of the Sulawesi Sea Battle, soon divided the entire fleet into two parts, the Battle Fleet and the Auxiliary Fleet. Take advantage of the superior auxiliary fleet first to win.However, Lieutenant General Landerson obviously did not expect that although the Dutch armed merchant ships once suppressed the Xia army's Xinbao ship in numbers, the Xia army still dealt with the Dutch army with a much stronger hull and faster speed than the Dutch armed merchant ships.Therefore, the armed merchant ships of the Dutch army could not gain the real upper hand for a while.

At three quarters before the end of the battle, seven of the 34 armed merchant ships of the Dutch army sank, six were burned, and four others were severely damaged, with more than a thousand sailors on board; the Xia army also had [-] letter ships. It was damaged and sank, and nearly [-] sailors were killed or injured; it can be said that blood flowed into rivers on both sides.

The light ships of the two sides continued to fight regardless of their heights, but the battle between the main battle fleets had a result.

As of the first hour of the same day, the main fleet of the Xia Army lost a total of one fourth-class cruiser and six cruise ships, and another third-class cruiser and four cruise ships were severely damaged, causing more than [-] officers and soldiers to be killed or injured; Two battle line gunboats and four small battleships were lost, and another battle line gunboat and seven small battleships were severely damaged, with more than [-] sailors casualties.

As far as the exchange ratio is concerned, the two sides can only say that there is no winner. However, the Dutch army has a limited number of gunships in the battle line. Losing three ships is equivalent to losing more than one-third of its combat power. There are still ten ships available for battle, so there is no damage to the overall situation; and after important ports such as Batavia and Surabaya were lost or blocked, the damaged ships of the Dutch army could not be overhauled, and the losses were almost irreparable; therefore, from a strategic point of view , The Dutch army has completely failed.

Fortunately, the sun had already set below the sea level at this time, and the two sides could not continue to fight, so Lieutenant General Landerson was able to escape by taking advantage of the darkness.As for the Xia army, which suffered the same serious losses, it was unable to continue the pursuit for a while, so it just sent a cruise ship that was still in good condition to report the situation to the main naval force on the Sunda Strait, and the rest that could be repaired on the spot were repaired on the spot, and those that could not be repaired on the spot. , had no choice but to hobble directly to the Portuguese Timor Island with the wounded to rest.Come to think of it, the sloppy Portuguese would never dare to reject the entry of Xia Jun's navy just like they rejected the Dutch.

To be honest, at this point in the war, the United East India Company is only one step away from complete failure.It's just that the Dutch dare not admit defeat, because once they admit defeat, the entire United East India Company will inevitably suffer bankruptcy, so they can only grit their teeth and persevere, seeking a chance for a possible comeback.

It is a pity that the opportunity for a comeback did not arise, but the fatal blow came one after another---Chang Tianyuan, who learned of the result of the Savu Sea naval battle, became furious and decisively led the western escort fleet across the Sunda Strait to Zilaza. The Dutch Java fleet that had just entered the port was blocked in the port.Although Vice Admiral Landeson took several risks to organize the fleet to break through the siege, he was always blocked in the harbor by the Xia army, and lost two battle line gunboats and six armed merchant ships.

The Dutch fleet, unable to break through, had no choice but to use limited coastal defense artillery fire to block the Xia army, hoping to keep the ships in the port. If, out of consideration for the preservation of the warship, Chang Tianyuan did not directly bombard the port.But the Dutch's procrastinating tactics soon came to naught with the arrival of Xia Jun's rocket ship---although Xia Jun's rocket is difficult to deal with pure stone buildings, it is extremely lethal against wooden ships---in After a hearty fireworks display, all the remaining ships of the Dutch army exploded and caught fire, and the wharf and port facilities of Cilaza Port were reduced to ashes.

Although the Xia army did not send further sailors to land, after the grand fireworks show, the resistance will of General Landerson and the Dutch army collapsed.Under the condition that the envoys of the Xia army agreed to promise not to kill the surrenderers, the remaining 800 Dutch sailors under General Landerson and more than [-] Dutch port garrison troops surrendered to Chang Tianyuan without hesitation.Afterwards, the captured Lander will be transported back to Batavia, and on behalf of Huaxia, he will once again persuade the council and the governor in the city to surrender.

The news of the demise of the Spice Islands Fleet and the Java Fleet shocked the entire Batavia like a bolt from the blue. This is a total of 120 ships. The entire United East India Company is only 60.00 ships. Now [-]% of them have disappeared. Even If the East Indies can be kept, the bankruptcy of the United East India Company is imminent. What's more, after losing the fleet and interrupting foreign aid, it is impossible for the fortresses in various places to persist.

With such a clear understanding, the upper-class figures have to think about their own future while mourning and concubine concubine.Bankruptcy is of course terrible, but it is the property of the company, that is, the property of the 17-member committee, not his own, so it is not a pity to lose it.Moreover, bankruptcy is not the most terrible thing. What is terrible is that there is no chance of a comeback after bankruptcy, and that is complete sinking.Now that they have such an idea, everyone is thinking more about how to save their own lives so that they can make a comeback in the future.

Naturally, the only way to preserve one’s life is to surrender, so on the seventh day of June in the 16th year of Huaxia’s Wucheng (1714 in the Western calendar), the governor of Batavia and the council put forward the precondition of surrender to Huaxia on the grounds of preserving personal property.In this regard, Dadu Lingeng, who had already rushed to Batavia from Lingyamen, flatly refused, and only allowed each Dutchman to keep [-] Dutch guilders, and the rest would be used as compensation for China's military expenses. At the same time, he asked Batavia to comment. Will promise to hand over the entire island of Selan, the commercial strongholds of Pulicat and Sadras in the East India, and the Dutch Australia.

The Batavia Council believes that after the loss of the East Indies, Sri Lanka, like Pulicat, Sadras, and Dutch Australia, cannot be kept. It can hand over the above four places to China as part of the compensation, but China cannot completely The Xiahe trade was interrupted, and at the same time, it was hoped to increase the share of each person's reserved property.

Lin Geng understood the imperial court's desire to continue trading after seizing the territory, so he readily agreed to the Dutch's bargaining, but firmly resisted the Dutch's desire to retain more personal property.At this time, the Xia army who conquered the fortresses of the Dutch army gradually returned to Batavia. Lin Geng, who was sure of victory, issued an ultimatum to the Dutch, requiring them to open the city before noon on June [-]. Refuse to surrender.

Under Lin Geng's persecution, Batavia finally reluctantly accepted the ultimatum.

On the morning of June [-], the Batavia defenders drove out of the city and formally surrendered to Liu Wenlai.The two parties then signed the Treaty of Coconut City, officially ceding the Dutch East Indies, Dutch Sri Lanka, Dutch Australia, and Dutch Indian trading stations to China.China, on the other hand, promised that once it takes over Xilan and other places, it will send ships to transport the Dutch from all over the East Indies (excluding German mercenaries) to Xilan, and then the Dutch ships from Xilan and other places will transport their return. China, and allowed the Netherlands to continue to trade with China in the trading ports such as Colombo and Matala in the future.

Afterwards, between June and August of the 16th year of Huaxia Wucheng, the fortresses that the Netherlands still held on in various parts of the East Indies surrendered one after another after receiving orders from Batavia; Under the threat of Xia's warships appearing on the ocean, the local merchants announced that they would accept Batavia's order and hand over all assets except the merchant ships to Huaxia.

At the beginning of September, the Xia army landed in Selan on a large scale, and Jaffna finally had to agree to hand over the entire Selan to China. At this point, the Xia-Dutch War came to an end, and China not only expelled the Dutch United East India Company from the East Indies and East India , and opened the door to the southern abbot continent.

The outcome of the Xia-Holland War greatly shocked the East India Companies of European countries, making them full of fear of the Chinese Empire showing its fangs. However, the focus of China's development soon shifted to the Fangzhang mainland and many islands in the Pacific Ocean, and did not further monopolize Indian trade. This made Portugal, France, Denmark, Sweden and other European countries that are relatively friendly to China breathe a sigh of relief.

But the British were not so relaxed. The British East India Company, who was afraid that China would completely interrupt Sino-British trade and launch attacks on Calcutta, Madras and other places, hastily replaced Denver and others, and sent senior directors from the Mumbai district to China to apologize. .In order to prevent France from being the best in the Sino-European trade and gaining excess benefits, the Chinese court finally accepted the British's acknowledgment and issued a huge fine of [-] pounds.

The British with limited power in the east had to accept the fine with humiliation, and secretly vowed revenge. However, due to the power of China, they could only bear it for the time being, but the Sino-British war laid the groundwork for this.

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