Spring came and went, and in the blink of an eye Nelchensk had been blocked for eight full months.Although there is still plenty of food in the city, and even though the Qing and Mongolian allied forces just besieged and did not fight, the lack of vegetables and medicines still caused a lot of scurvy, plus some diseases caused by the poor hygiene habits of the Russian residents who hid. Nearly [-] Russian citizens hid in the city, but less than half of them remained in the blink of an eye.This is due to the cold weather, and the disease is not easy to spread, otherwise there would be no one in the city.

However, the crisis for the Russians has not been lifted. If the blockade of the Qing and Mongolian coalition forces continues, it will be a matter of time before the city of Nerchensk will die.Therefore, Ivan Fedorovich Kdrient, the governor of Lower Baikal, made the decision to abandon the strong city and implement a breakout after finding that the temperature was enough for people to spend time outdoors for a long time.

It's just that Kedrient has not yet acted on a large scale, but the pioneers who went out to explore the city reported the disappearance of the Tatars.

This is almost an omnipotent God showing a miracle. After hearing the inquiry, the residents of Nerchensk immediately flocked to the small church in the city to pray, but the Kdrient Warlord was still suspicious, not Can't believe this fact.

Fortunately, envoys were successively sent from places such as Sredensk, Kalymsk, and Priergunask, which are closer to Nerchensk, so that the Lord Overseer confirmed that the Tatars really left.

What made the Tatars give up continuing the siege when the results of the battle were within reach, and even took away the damn Buryat Mongolian tribes around them?Warlord Kedrient looked to the south, as if he had seen the more powerful army of the Eastern Empire appearing in the sky.

Not to mention how Lord Warlord of Lower Baikal is going to deal with the new Chinese. In fact, there is still a slight deviation in his speculation. The Qing and Mongolian coalition forces did give up the siege of Nerchinsk and other cities, but they did not really evacuate Lower Baikal. region, and did not even give up cities such as Irgensk, Selengosk, and Upper Uginsk, which are far away from Nerchinsk and other places.

There are two reasons for this situation: first, the Qing government has not yet made preparations for the expedition, so it is naturally impossible to release the Russians all at once; .

The so-called situation, of course, does not mean that the plot of the Horqin people against the Qing Dynasty was discovered by the Qing court, but that the cunning Horqin people put forward a series of demands in order to paralyze the Qing court, among which was the attempt to annex the Buryats, Barhus, etc. Ren and Maoming'an expressed their doubts, demanding that the Qing government must hand over the above-mentioned Mongolian tribes to the Horqin people, otherwise they would not go all the way with the Qing court.

Regarding the attitude of the Horqin people, the Qing court, which once formed a unified opinion, repeated again, but Yunyu was firm and refused to let go of the local Mongolian soldiers who had been broken up and mixed into the Qing army to the Horqin people.The Qing court had no choice but to send Yunyou, Boguoduo and others to bargain with the Horqin people.After some promises and concessions, the Horqin people finally lowered their tone contentedly after obtaining [-] local Mongolian households, so the preparations for the Western Expedition entered the fast lane.

In late April of the 17th year of Huaxia Wucheng, news came from the south that [-] Daligang Aibu cavalry had crossed the Onon River. This marked the beginning of a new round of offensive by the Xia army. Advance, leaving the local Russians to hold Xia Jun back.

On April 26, the Qing army retreating westward approached Upper Uginsk and prepared to bypass Lake Baikal from the south.

"Look, where is it?" Seeing the cavalry rolling in the distance, the Qing army couldn't help holding their swords and guns. "It's from Horqin." After seeing the opponent's flag clearly, the terrified Manchu slightly let go of his hanging heart, and then said suspiciously. "Didn't the Horqin people go north? Why did they appear here?" The surprised Manchus saw the Horqin people approaching slowly, and soon, the ferocious face of the Mongols was clearly seen. "Damn it, why did the Horqin people speed up? They shouldn't be reversed." The Qing army immediately prepared for the challenge. At the same time, several riders rushed forward, but the Horqin people allowed these Manchus to join the team. Let the people who are on guard breathe a sigh of relief. "Asshole, I'm here to demonstrate, so I'm not afraid of losing my horsepower."

While speaking, the current Horqin riders were already very close to the team, and they saw dozens of riders in front of them raised their bows and shot at the Qing army's queue. It was launched from the ground in front of the formation.

The reaction of the Manchus seemed to irritate the Horqin, who all raised their bows and sabers, and galloped on horseback, laughing loudly in Mongolian.At the same time, the cavalry was also divided into two. One team continued to advance along the long queue of the Qing army, while the other team abruptly passed through the Qing army team and roared past from the other side.

Surrounded by the Qing army, Yan Huang spat angrily: "Bastard, you actually started to shriek in front of men."

Yanhuang at the front of the team thinks so, and Manchu relatives such as Fu Peng and Ma Hun in the middle of the team think so, and even Yunyou, Yunxuan and others around the frame of Emperor Tongzhi also hold the same point of view, that is, Horqin People are here to show their muscles, put pressure on the Qing court, and fight for the right to speak in the future.

But Yang Fu, Su Nu and others saw the problem: "No, the Horqin people are here for the emperor."

Before the startled Qing court could react, several Manchu riders rushed over and reported loudly: "King Horqin Leng and King Bu led their troops to pay homage to the emperor."

Emperor Tongzhi breathed a sigh of relief: "Don't be alarmed, it's Lengdan Jianzan coming, it's really a big momentum."

But Sunu didn't lose his vigilance: "Your Majesty, order the King Leng to stop! Even if he doesn't stop, he must slow down the horse."

It's a pity that just as the cavalry passing the decree here left the queue, the shouts of killing suddenly sounded, and thousands of Horqin cavalry went straight to kill the dragon flag. Came over.Although the bow strength of the horse bow was weak due to the lack of winter clothes, which did not cause much casualties to the Qing army, it brought a great psychological shock to the Manchus.

The Horqin people knew that their bows and arrows were weak, and then pulled out and came straight to the formation of the Qing army. The Qing army, who had not yet recovered from the attack of the Horqin people, suddenly became at a loss. You must know that they are marching in a marching state at the moment, and they cannot organize at all. The tight defensive formation, and with the exception of a very few, most of the Qing army was unarmored, the artillery was completely useless, and the gunmen could only shoot one round. Therefore, under the full-speed impact of the Horqin people, there was only tragedy. .

The Qing army was not without warriors. These people threw themselves at the Horqin horsemen on horseback, blocked the sharp blades of the Mongols with their flesh and blood, and some even successfully dragged the Horqin cavalrymen off their horses.It's just that a small number of warriors could not change the overall unfavorable situation of the Qing army, and the vassal ranks that were deliberately attacked by the Horqin people collapsed thousands of miles, affecting the Qing army brigade.

Amidst the cries of "It's over", the Qing army quickly disintegrated, and only a small number of elites still escorted the important figures and ran wildly. These small groups that were still large became the targets of the Mongols. Yan Huang, Ma Hun and others were directly killed in the battle, and Yang Fu, Dan Dai, Bo Ding and others also lost their lives in the melee.

Fortunately, the Horqin people had wasted a lot of horsepower before, so some Manchus managed to escape from the siege. At this time, all old grievances are no longer important: "Your Majesty, hurry up and find the general king."

"There are people waiting for them over there, so don't chase after them." Hearing the report from his subordinates, Zazak Lengdan Jianzan, the former banner leader of the Horqin Right Wing, ordered. "Eat everything in front of you, remember, the Mongols stay behind, and kill the rest, those that are taller than the wheel"

After the Qing court recruited the local Mongols, there was a team of nearly 10 people. Although they were distributed to some of the Horqin people, the remaining 8 to [-] people naturally could not advance together. Naturally, they had to be divided into several teams. Therefore, when Lengdan Jianzan and others attacked the Qing army, Chadan Dorji, the king of Zasak County, the leader of the Horqin Left Middle Banner, and Sutu Bazi, the king of Zhasak County, the leader of the Zhalaite Banner, also had mental calculations and unintentional calculations. He successfully attacked the outposts of the Qing army, such as Boguoduo, Yunyu, Meng Eluo, etc. After killing Yunyu, Meng Eluo and other important officials of the Qing princes, he surrounded Boguoduo in the Lagu River, a tributary of the Selenge River. On an unnamed hill on the west bank.

"Chadan Dorji," Bogoduo shouted towards the outside of the encirclement with a bloody face. "This king married all his daughters to you. You are a wolf-hearted guy. It's okay to be ungrateful. You want to destroy my Manchu clan. You are shameless and despicable."

The wind vaguely spread these obscenities to Chadan Dorji's ears, and the Mongolian banner owner looked at the subordinates with strange eyes around him and sighed: "This old thief thinks that marrying a daughter will make you happy." We Mongols died for him. It’s ridiculous. We Horqin people died so many people, but we had to leave our ancestral pastures. My warriors, do you think it’s worth it? Do you want to continue! Continue to wander far away without a home!"

"It's not worth it!" the Mongolian beside him roared unevenly. "We're not leaving! Not working for the Manchurians!"

"That's right," said Bogoduo, who was surrounded by Chadan Dorji's fingers. "Originally, for the sake of my father-in-law, I could spare you a way to survive. Now, it seems that it is not necessary. Kill, kill them all, and use their heads to negotiate peace with the Han people."

Following Chadan Dorji's order, the tide of Mongols quickly submerged the mountain

The other two roads went smoothly, but Zasak Danma Genqing, the leader of the Horqin Right Front Banner, and Baodun Sulun, the leader of the Guoerluosi Banner, failed in Yunti.This is because the strength of Keyouqian Banner and Guoerluosi Banner has already suffered a great loss, and there is still a big gap compared with the Yunti Department. In addition, the Yunti Department is responsible for breaking the rear, so they are already more alert and wear armor. There are also more fighters, so the Mongols of the Two Banners did not succeed in sneak attacking.

However, the Qing army's captivity of the local Buryats, Barhu people, and Maoming'an people went west against the wishes of the local Mongolian tribes. Therefore, when the Horqin people rebelled, these local Mongolians also rose up.Because Yunti mixed the local Mongols into the Qing army, the losses caused to the local Mongol soldiers who were stabbed in the back by the Manchus around them were far greater than those of the Horqin people.

"These damned tartars!" After finally repelling the two converging Mongols, what made the Qing army want to cry was that the mighty army is now less than [-], and the captured Mongols They also took the opportunity to escape, and even the hard-earned military rations were mostly reduced to ashes. Only a dead horse and a few flocks of sheep that did not flee far could keep the Qing army in short-term military supplies. They flocked to Yunyu's side. "What should the commander-in-chief do now! Is Daqing finished?"

"What should I do?" Yunyu was also at a loss for a while. "This is definitely not the independent action of Ke Youqian Banner and Guoerluosi Banner. Compared with the other four banners, they are also attacking the Qing Dynasty." Speaking of this, Yunyu shuddered. "The Qing Dynasty is over." Looking at the ashen-faced subordinates, Yunyu insisted. "But I won't admit defeat. Come on, send people to investigate carefully, gather as many people and food as possible, and set off tomorrow, tomorrow, and leave here."

The generals around asked weepingly, "Marshal, where can we go?"

Yunyu gritted his teeth and said, "Going north, although it is bitterly cold, the Han, Mongols and Russians must not dare to catch up. At that time, we may have a way out."

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