Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

645. The Russo-Summer War

"Your Excellency, Overseer, we have contacted eleven towns so far. Although the losses are huge, at least they have not been occupied by the Tatars." A Russian officer went down to Baikal Overseer Ivan Fedorovich Kdrient reported. "However, we also found that villages and towns such as Mogocha and Borja have been destroyed, and all Russian residents have been massacred."

Kedrient asked: "Schilok, Selengesk, Amarat, Irgensk and other places are still not in contact?"

"We found that the Mongolian cavalry is still haunting the west, cutting off the road to the mainland." The officer replied with a heavy expression. "In addition, the Cossack cavalry who went to the upper Ulikon to inquire reported that a new Mongol army was found in the south."

"The new Mongolian army?" Kedrient's eyes flickered. "South?" A thought suddenly popped up in Kdrient's mind, which even made him feel incredible. "Maybe we can contact this new Mongolian army." Seeing the horrified expressions of his subordinates, Kedrient explained. "The battle between the Tatars and the Chinese has obviously been decided, so can we think that the Tatars who committed crimes last year are the remnants of the Qing Empire that was driven out of China? This can explain The reason for the disappearance of the Tatars is because the Chinese army has appeared, and the Tatars can only give up their imminent victory and flee to the farther and colder north, yes, it must be like this."

Kedrient did not guess the process correctly, but he guessed the result, and even clearly judged the movement of the remnants of the Qing army. It can be said that he is also an excellent commander, but his power is limited, and he was too arrogant at one time. Grabbing success beyond its ability, this led to a series of subsequent failures.

The officer on the side did not have Kedrient's keen insight, so he reminded: "Your Excellency, according to the report of the Cossacks, the ones who appeared were not Chinese, but Mongolians."

"The Tatars can drive the Mongols to fight together, and the Chinese can naturally drive the Mongols to fight together." Kedrient strengthened his judgment even more. "We must send envoys to contact the Chinese and ask them to restrain the actions of the Mongols and assist the empire in eliminating those Mongolian natives who helped the Tatars."

"Your Excellency, I heard that the Chinese emperor not only drove back the envoy you sent, but also sent troops to attack Okhotsk." The officer reminded again. "Obviously the Chinese were equally aggressive, so even if the Mongols who appeared in the south were vassals of the Chinese, it's hard to imagine that they would agree with the empire's rule in Lower Baikal."

"What you said makes sense." Kedrient came to his senses. The Russians who had been beaten up by the Qing court had changed from arrogance to inferiority. When he was in the empire, he couldn't help becoming uneasy. "The Chinese may wipe out the Tatars and the Mongols who helped the Tatars, but there is also a considerable possibility that the empire will be wiped out of the Lower Baikal region."

Kdrient narrowed his eyes and considered for a long time before deciding: "Immediately evacuate the Russian residents and all supplies from all surrounding villages and towns to Nerchensk, and at the same time ask for help from the Governor and the Yakutsk Warlord District."

"I was deceived by the people and confronted the heavenly dynasty. I knew that my sin was unforgivable, so I resolutely realized it and turned against me to pay for my previous sin." Just as the Kdrient warlord was planning to respond, in the Russian so-called upper Outside Ulihong City, the owners of the Horqin Six Banners are begging for captives from Kuching, which has just arrived. "Today, 210 four Manchu nobles under Tongzhi are enshrined, and there is another 610 heads of Manchu nobles, 420 heads of the lower ranks, and 820 prisoners. Please check it out."

Sitting on the tiger-skin chair in the tent, Ku Jin stroked his gray beard, squinted his eyes and looked at the six bannermen in front of him. The Mongols threw themselves to the ground, obviously not daring to look directly at this elite Mongolian cavalry who wiped out [-] in World War I. The Chinese warrior.But Kuching didn't speak for a long time, causing the six-banner leader Zasak, who had been in contact with Daligang's Aibu, to panic, for fear that this murderous god would turn his face on the spot and make himself a shackle. .

Maybe he felt that the Horqin people felt fear, so Kujin nodded: "It's a good thing for the banner owners to wake up, but whether they can pay for their previous sins is not up to their own senses. Pray for the Holy Judgment."

The several banner owners who had received the amnesty hurriedly responded: "I also ask my lord to fulfill it."

"Fulfillment? It depends on the performance of several banner owners." Ku Jin said indifferently. "Don't think that you can pass the customs by offering the Qing emperor and some captives. Let me ask you, what about the armor, guns, gunpowder, horses and property of the Jian captives? After receiving more than [-] live captives, that's all. Didn't the banner owners hide from Dingkou?" Ku Jin snorted softly. "Of course, I won't ask you to ask for it, but what should I do next, so that I can do it myself."

Several leaders of Horqin Banner were sweating profusely, and had to kowtow again: "Thank you for your generosity, sir. From now on, I will follow the lead of your master. If you want me to wait for the Horqin people to go east, I will never go west."

Ku Jin smiled indifferently: "It's easier said than done, no matter what, I will see your future actions, get up."

Several owners of the Horqin Banner stood up, and naturally someone gave up their positions to allow them to join the ranks. At this time, Kuching said: "The Holy Spirit has explained that there are two major events in the north this time. The first is naturally to pursue and suppress Jianlu The remnant, secondly, is to take back the North Sea from the Oros people. Today, most of the pursuit and suppression of the remnants of Jianlu has been completed by the Horqin Banners. The small remnant led by Yunyu has no food and no backup. So the next task is to take back the entire North Sea."

In Kuching’s Northern Expedition, except for the two cavalry divisions under the command of the Xia Army, the rest were Mongolian volunteers, including 6000 cavalry from the Daligangai tribe, [-] cavalry from the Zuo Sanyin Nuoyan tribe, The [-] cavalry of the Tushetu Khan and the [-] cavalry of the Chechen Khan have a total strength of about [-].

This number is far less than half of the nearly 6 people of the Qing and Mongolian coalition forces. Therefore, if the Qing court and the Horqin people can fight hard, the victory or defeat is still unknown, but who made the Qing court and Horqin already frightened? , As a result, there was no war, and the future of the Qing court was ruined for no reason, and the Horqin people came to submit in humiliation.Now that they know the truth, the Horqin people can only regret their mistakes, and they can only make mistakes. Who let the Horqin people kill three thousand enemies and lose eight hundred, and after a fight, including the local Mongols, it is only more than [-] The strength of the people is no longer the opponent of the Xia army in terms of numbers alone, let alone the Xia army's cavalry is so powerful that it is no problem to fight the Horqin people with one enemy and three.

Of course, the strength of the Chamon Allied Forces is enough for a field battle, but if they want to attack the city, the artillery caliber equipped by the Allied Army is too small to deal with the strong city walls, so Kuching can only send troops to escort a group of Manchu captives. While returning to the interior, they continued to implement the siege policy in order to starve to death the Russians in Selengosk, Irgensk and other places, and trapped them to death in the city. As for Nebu, which has become the last and largest Russian stronghold in the east of the Lower Baikal region Chu, on the other hand, focused on harassment, destroying the possibility of resuming production and forcing the Russians to surrender voluntarily.

Although Kuching's calculations were good, he never thought that at the same time he accepted the surrender of the Horqin people, a Russian reinforcement army entered the city of Nerchensk from outside the relaxed blockade. This is the Yakutsk Warlord District. One thousand Cossack soldiers and [-] carts full of food were included. Fortunately, it was beneficial to the Chamon coalition forces, and Yakutsk also did its best.

"Your Excellency, Overseer, Lord Selasko asked me to tell you that Yakutsk will no longer be able to provide you with any help." Major Verlaev, who commanded the reinforcements, reported this way. "Last year, Lord Overseer raised [-] soldiers to recover Okhotsk, but was defeated by the Chinese Empire. The entire Overseer area was shaken. In order to prevent the Chinese Empire from continuing to infiltrate inland this year, Silas The University of Science and Technology can only choose to keep the Yakutsk Warlord District first."

Major Verlaev, who was moving along the waterway of the Lena River, did not know that Huaxia had no intention of continuing to cross the Jugjul Mountains to infiltrate the inland of Eastern Siberia for the time being. The Russian inhabitants of the western territory of the Yakutsk Warlord's District brought the greatest terror.

"Huaxia Empire?"

Kedrient's face was extraordinarily gloomy. This was of course because the news brought by Major Verlayev confirmed his previous judgment, and it was also because the peripheral Mongolian soldiers had become active again. They could not farm outside the city and could only rely on a few Although the Russians who obtained supplies from fishing and hunting received supplies from Yakutsk, the consumption of a total of 8000 people in the city is still very high, and only [-] cars of supplies are simply not enough.

However, the strong man broke his wrist and gave up the city that he had painstakingly managed for more than 50 years to withdraw to the mainland. This is not something that a small border warlord in Kedrient can decide: "Poplavsky, how many soldiers are there in Nerchensk now?"

The young adjutant named Popravsky quickly gave the answer: "Counting the 31 Cossack troops that just arrived, there are currently 400 Cossack soldiers and [-] musketeers in Nerchensk. There are a total of [-] cannons of various types. In addition, there are [-] militiamen composed of local Russian residents, but the militiamen can only be used to assist in defending the city. The above has included the retreat of surrounding villages and towns such as Slitensk and Kalymsk All troops are here."

"Two thousand and seven hundred people? There are only two thousand and seven hundred people." Kedrient sighed. If in the past, this force was enough to conquer a huge Mongolian tribe with a population of 700+, but now, it is not enough for Xia Jun Sai Ya. "Inform Major Liyev to continue to strengthen the city defense of Nerchensk. In addition, Major Verlayev, I will hand over all the Cossacks to you. You have to find a way to set up guards outside the city to ensure that local residents can farm. "

Nerchinsk, the main city of the Warlord's District, can still hold on, but Irgensk and other places that have been besieged for many days cannot continue.

On the seventh day of May in the 17th year of Huaxia Wucheng, the Russian citizens in Irgensk ventured to break out of the siege, but were attacked and killed by the Chechen Khan after they left the city. and other reasons, the final breakout failed, most of the Russians were beheaded one after another, and only a few women escaped to death as slaves

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