Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

647. The Russo-Summer War

"Lord Overseer, the river, there are many boats on the river." A musket captain who was in charge of guarding the city wall reported to Kdrient angrily. Nerchinsk, like all Russian towns in the Lower Baikal region, was built on the banks of the river. On the side, this is of course considered from the perspective of transportation, but it is also convenient for the enemy at the moment. "Yes, the Chinese reinforcements have arrived."

After listening to the report, Kedrient didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly led his people to the commanding height in the city---the spire of the chapel.

Standing on a high place and looking around, I saw an astonishing number of sailing boats appearing on the river, and some sharp-eyed attendants had already started counting, one, two, three, and after counting to thirty, all the people had already turned their faces. The color was pale, and after counting to fifty, the number of followers could no longer be counted.

"Order to go on, be careful." Kdrient can only respond to changes with the same. "Don't worry, the Chinese lack heavy artillery. As long as we persevere, we will be able to wait for reinforcements from the mainland."

Kedrient's words made the faces of the Russians look better, but these self-deceiving Russians never thought that when they comforted themselves, according to Kuching's order, the Heilongjiang inland river guarding the transport fleet The Navy's gunboat has begun to unload the heavy artillery it carried.

The gunboats of the Heilongjiang Inland River Navy of the Xia Army are all so-called eight-gun red single ships. In addition to the eleven-point (9-pound) long guns equipped at the bow and stern, the two sides are equipped with six fifteen-point (28-pound) short guns. gun.The range of the 24-point cannon is only [-] steps, but it weighs [-] and a half catties. It can be said to be destructive when fighting on rivers, and it is also a powerful weapon for siege. The cannon is too strong.

Of course, due to the division of troops to explore the Niuman River and the Jingqili River, the tributaries of Heilongjiang, the Heilongjiang navy that appeared below the city of Nerchinsk was only ten gunboats, and the heavy artillery transported to the first-line trenches was only more than [-] pieces, which could only be deployed in a centralized manner. Under the two city walls in the southeast of Nerchinsk.Fortunately, the disassembly and transportation of the artillery was carried out at night, so the Russians did not notice the abnormality in advance.

On the third day of July in the 17th year of Huaxia Wucheng, when the morning breeze cleared away the last bit of morning fog, Xia Jun's heavy artillery spoke.

The heavy artillery, which fired almost against the wooden city gates outside Nerchinsk, smashed the solid logs and slammed heavily on the stone city wall of Nerchinsk, causing an earth-shattering collision.While shocking the Mongolian tribes watching the battle, it also completely shattered the last luck of the Russians in the city. [

After shelling for nearly half an hour, Xia Jun's artillery stopped firing one after another due to heat dissipation, but at this time the outer wooden city wall of Nerchinsk was already on fire, and the inner stone city wall also had large areas of cracks and collapse, and what's more, several lost heavy artillery jumped into the city, causing considerable losses to the Russians hiding in the city.

When the city of Nerchensk was full of mourning, the sentinel reported: "My lord, the Chinese have sent envoys."

"This must be the Chinese who came to persuade them to surrender." The tax official who once boasted boldly and demanded to resolutely resist the Xia army asked Kdrient with a pale face. "Master Warlord, this is an opportunity, the only chance to save everyone."

Kedrient looked around at everyone, and responded mockingly: "Opportunity? A chance to surrender? A chance for Russia to lose the East?"

The priest was silent, and the Russian officials who had withdrawn from several other towns were also silent. The faces of several Russian majors and captains were also very ugly. Seeing this, Kdriente said sadly: " Well then, invite this Chinese envoy to come in, let’s listen to what conditions the Chinese have given us.”

condition?Xia Jun's condition is very simple. Surrender after handing over the city and weapons, or everyone's life can be saved. If you don't agree, then it is self-evident what will happen next.

Some people were not happy about the fact that personal property was not preserved, but shortly after Xia Jun's envoy left, the sound of cannons outside the city rang out again.

"Please ask the Chinese to ensure our safety after we put down our weapons." Kedrient ordered Major Liev who had negotiated with Yunti. "Also, we need to keep enough food for our return to Irkutsk"

"My lord, the Raksha people are already the turtles in the urn, why should they be lenient." Faced with the Russians' bargaining, Xia Jun also had different opinions. "Once the tiger returns to the mountain, in the future, I will surely calm down Beihai's confidant's big trouble."

Some people tried to kill people with a knife: "It is true that a strong attack will inevitably lead to casualties, but if we use this to weaken the strength of the Horqin people and the local Mongols, it will kill two birds with one stone."

Faced with the commotion among the army, Kujin smiled faintly: "It is a good idea to use the Raksha people to consume the power of the Mongols, but the Horqin people may not be able to see it. Such hidden dangers are not beneficial to the imperial court's long-term rule of Beihai. In addition, although it is refreshing to destroy the city with rockets, wouldn't it be better to leave the city as a place for the officers and soldiers to garrison troops? As for the so-called serious troubles, after leaving the city and putting down the sword, the Raksha people will let me eat."

The staff officers at the side looked at each other in blank dismay, and someone reminded: "My lord, I'm afraid that the murder will be unknown, and I'm afraid that people will criticize me for breaking the contract."

Ku Jin said without changing his face: "After this battle, I am afraid that I will be disarmed and returned to the field. Let others talk about what to criticize. As long as the border defense can be stabilized, so what? Will kill and surrender, the imperial court is very short of manpower now, wouldn't it be better to transport the Oros people here to the country for hard labor."

Kujin has already disregarded personal honor and disgrace, how dare the Xia military military officer present have any objections, so they immediately responded in unison: "Your officer, please follow the command of the commander-in-chief."

On the fifth day of July in the 17th year of Huaxia Wucheng, Nerchinsk surrendered. [

After the Xia army finished taking over the city and checking the Russian weapons, the Russian civilians were divided into dozens of centurions and temporarily resettled.Before these restless Russians noticed something was wrong, Xia Jun commanded the Mongolian volunteers to drive them westward in batches.The Russians thought they were on their way home, but they never thought that they would be bound shortly after leaving Nerchinsk.The Russians naturally wanted to resist, but under the shooting of the Mongolian soldiers, they were forced to submit.

The Russians in shackles were then taken over by Xia Jun and driven to the south. Only then did the Russians who woke up from a dream know what fate awaited them.The Russians tried to riot and escape, but Xia Jun saw through and suppressed them one by one, and the very few who escaped by chance were subsequently lost in the Mongolian wasteland.In the end, most of the 720 Russians, including the Kdrient Warlord, died on the way or on the Chinese construction site. Only some Russian women were bought by the Han people and escaped.

"It's already July, and there will be snowfall in the north in a month or so, so it can be said that this year's war is basically over." In the city of Nerchinsk, Kuching said to a group of Mongolian leaders. "The city of Nerchinsk will be garrisoned by the Longxiang Army and the Heilongjiang Inland River Navy. The Yi Congjun Army of the Zhelimu League and the Songmo Protectorate can return to the banner now, and the Chechen Khan and Daligangai can also go back. Spend the winter.” Excluding the part of the Xia army that successively escorted the Manchus and the Russian captives to the south, the Xia-Mongolian coalition force still had more than 6 troops, but a considerable part of the Mongolian volunteer army was demobilized and the Eighth Division of the Longxiang Army was left behind. After that, there were only less than [-] soldiers and horses left in Kuching. "Let's make arrangements first."

The Mongolian nobles who had been named retreated obediently, and Kuching’s eyes fell on the faces of the remaining Mongolians: “Why let them go and leave you? This is not treating them preferentially, but oppressing you. They have already been paid for sending troops or can get paid for sending troops when they go back, as for you?"

Kujin pointed to several Mongolian princes: "Some of you want to be pardoned by the court, some want to preserve your pasture, and some want to expand the pasture, but this area west of Beihai alone can accommodate so many of your demands. Is it? This officer thinks that I am afraid it is not enough, so I have to find a way to continue to expand the territory."

Zhasake Sutu Baji of Zhalaite Banner replied with interest: "Please rest assured, Commander, we are no longer at peace with the Raksha people, so naturally we will continue to snatch the pastures and forests from them."

Having said that, except for Sutu Baji, the faces of the other Horqin princes, the local Buryat princes, and Maoming'an princes were very embarrassing. It was obvious that they were exhausted after the series of battles and wanted to recuperate.

Seeing this situation, Ku Jin sneered while stroking his gray beard, "I know that, except for the Sanyin Nuoyan tribe and the Zasaktu Khan tribe, everyone has been fighting for more than a year and is tired. It’s unbearable, but how to distribute the local pastures? Will there be conflicts between the Horqin Ministry, the Buryat Ministry, and the Maoming’an Ministry? If this matter is not resolved, may you and the others live and work in peace and contentment?”

The words of Kuching point out the fact that one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers.Think about it too, a house was originally lived by my own family, and suddenly a few distant relatives came to live in it together. It is okay for a short time, but there will definitely be conflicts in the long run.Therefore, without Kuching's instigation, there will also be new competition between the Horqin people and the local Mongolian tribes.What's more, after the Zhasaktuhan part split into the Sanyinnuoyan tribe, without the southern grasslands, it will naturally develop to the north. The Mongolian tribes clashed.

It is actually not difficult to solve the grassland problem to everyone's satisfaction. Kuching has also pointed out before that it has to follow Huaxia to continue to expand until there is enough land to meet everyone's needs.

"The north is full of mountains and forests." Baodun Sulun, the owner of the Guoerluo Banner, who was belatedly aware of everything, discovered a new problem after he figured everything out. "My generation is used to living in the grasslands, and I am not a commoner in the forest. How can I go north?"

"Who said you have to go north." Kuching then revealed the truth. "To the west, after passing the North Sea, there is a large amount of grassland, which can naturally be allocated to you."

"Beihai?" The Mongolian exclaimed. "Regain the glory of Genghis Khan?"

Kuching, who also didn't know that the Russian reinforcements on the western front had arrived, affirmed: "Yes, go west."

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