Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

648. The Russo-Summer War

The Xiameng coalition forces rested in Nerchinsk for another ten days before Kuching led them westward. Since the Mongols needed to advance while grazing, this speed was obviously unacceptable, but at this time Kuching was still Didn't know that Russian reinforcements had arrived, so didn't rush the Mongols.However, this leisurely rhythm was soon interrupted by the urgent military situation from the west.

"This group of Rakshasa people don't come early or late, and they actually popped up after I divided up the army. It's really a hell." Ku Jin said with a sinking face. "Come on, hurry up and find out, where are the rebels from the Zhelimu League and the Songmo Protectorate? Can the Chechen Khan and Daligangai come over as soon as possible?"

The reason why Kuching dismissed the Mongolian volunteer army was not only because of the imminent snowfall, but also because of the excessive consumption of military rations.After all, the entire Northeast and Mobei have been fighting continuously, and it is difficult to raise food and materials. Even if they can barely meet the expenses of [-] to [-] troops, they have reached their limit in terms of transshipment.Unexpectedly, his method of relieving the transportation pressure caused fatal danger, which made Kuching feel compelled to lament his unlucky luck.

"Commander, the rebel army from the Zhelimu League and the Songmo Protectorate have been gone for ten days, and it is estimated that they have crossed the Ergun River and entered the Xiaoxing'an Mountains." The staff officer beside him also frowned. . "As for the Chechen Khan and Dari Gang'ai tribes, the situation is similar. Even if they catch up and order them to come here day and night, I'm afraid it will take at least half a month before they can catch up with the brigade."

Ku Jin squinted his eyes and thought about it. Changing orders from day to day is a problem, and how much combat power he will have after the hasty march is another problem. Since there are many problems, he will not go to the doctor in a hurry, so he sighed: "Since we can't keep up, then There is no need to notify them to return, let the [-] troops of Sanyin Nuoyan and Zasaktu Khan contract the first brigade of the third division of the Iron Cavalry to go first. The team can come here, no!"

Kuching suddenly denied himself again: "The striker sent out a distant sentry, and all the ministries remained the same.

Go west at the current speed. "

"Marshal, what if the Russian army rushes to attack Selengesk?" the staff officer in charge of recording asked in shock. "There are still two regiments of our army in the city? You can't just sit back and watch their losses."

The two regiments did not seem to have many troops, but after deducting the troops who escorted the prisoners to the south, the total number of Xia troops left in the Beihai area was only two divisions and eleven regiments, including two middle base regiments, two supply regiments and other four regiments. It is a non-combat regiment, so there is really no loss. [

"Compassion does not command soldiers, everything can only depend on themselves." Speaking of this, Ku Jin smiled bitterly. "I believe in Luo Mazi. This kid will be able to hold on. If he can't, I will kill all the Russian soldiers to avenge them."

Luo Mazi in Kuching, whose name is Luo Yong, is the branch of the first brigade of the second division of the Longwu Army --- the Longwu Army was originally an infantry division, but in the recent restructuring of the Xia Army, the original units of each division of the army They were all transferred to the local town army, and then the first to third divisions of the Longwu Army successively received some units of the Iron Cavalry Army and Hussar Army, and mixed them into a new cavalry army. Mansion, and became one of the two cavalry divisions that followed Kuching to the north this time---After conquering "Selengesk", Kuching ordered Luo Yong to lead the Longwu Army to the second for the purpose of guarding against the Western Russian Army on Lake Baikal. The Second Regiment of the First Brigade of the Division and the Second Regiment of the Longwu Army stayed behind, and thus became the first targets of the Russian reinforcements.

While Kuching was gnashing his teeth, General Alessandro Anthony Kiriyenko's forehead swelled too.

The fall of "Selengesk" was judged by Kiriyenko before, but he always believed that the barbaric Qing army would destroy the city, but he never expected to meet the Xia army who was sticking to the castle. He was a little bit blind when he was ready to attack the city --- a typical fortress in Selengesk. At the beginning, the Qing army and the Xia army relied on long-term siege to slowly push it into desperation. Now the Russian army Although there are more than [-] large and small cannons, it is not easy to win such a fortified city. We can only go back to the old plan of the Qing army and Xia army and replace the fortified battle with siege warfare.

Of course, General Kiriyenko also generously sent people to the sword to persuade him to surrender, but the news he got made him dumbfounded: the defenders in the city were not the Qing people he thought, but the Chinese army.

Kiriyenko, the head of the Chinese Empire, also heard about it from the Governor of Siberia, but why did the Chinese people appear here?Through the mouths of the military envoys who went back and forth, Kiriyenko finally figured out the truth of the matter.

"The Chinese came here after the Tatars?" growled Kiriyenko. "But this is Russia's territory. Even if the Chinese entered this place after the Tatars, they should return this place to Russia." Having said that, Kiriyenko also had reasons. After all, Peter I and Orsk The order given to him by the earl was true to recover the Lower Baikal region, but he did not let him go to war with the emerging Chinese Empire. Therefore, General Kiriyenko, who was worried about gains and losses, asked his adjutant: "Rich, tell me, are we here?" Don't you want to start a war with the Chinese?"

"Sir, you shouldn't ask me," the handsome Yelich Vorodago Boliukin, the second son of the earl's family, responded seriously. "Such an important issue should be considered by Colonel Pavlov and the others."

The general shook his head with a wry smile: "Pavlov? No, this impulsive guy will definitely ask for a war."

"Then let's go to war." The young adjutant, who was handsome on the outside and longed for merit in his heart, replied. "The Chinese Empire? The country of the Chinese? No, it seems to me that they are all Tatars. Are we going to sit back and watch the land of His Majesty the Tsar fall into the hands of the Tatars? Send it back to Moscow, and I am afraid to wait for Your Excellency the General. It's a trial." Seeing that General Kiriyenko seemed to be convinced, Boliujin struck the railway while it was hot. "I remember Chief Yarozov once told Your Excellency that the Tatars attacked Novo-Uyansk, and almost at the same time the reinforcements from Yakutsk arrived in Nerchensk, so can we decide that the Tatars were driven out by the Chinese? left, and it is the Chinese who are now besieging Nerchensk."

"You mean, the Chinese started the war knowing that this is Russian land?" General Kiriyenko frowned. "This allegation is very serious, no, we cannot confirm that Nerchensk is still under siege."

"General, the so-called confirmation is a matter for diplomats. As soldiers, we only speak with sabers."

"Your words make sense." Kiriyenko still hesitated. "But this does not solve the problem of Selengesk." Kiriyenko pointed to the strong city in front of him and said. "If we abandon this city and march eastward, the long supply line will be threatened, but if we want to attack the city, I'm afraid we may not be able to capture this important fortress before the snow falls."

The ambitious adjutant was obviously prepared for this, and he boldly suggested: "General, I think the city can be surrounded by infantry and artillery, and the Cossacks can go all the way east."

Leaving aside the mentality of the two coaches at war, in the distant South China Sea, the founder of the country, the counselor, the inspector prince Taifu, the assistant minister of the governor's foreign affairs office, and the envoy Europa who returned from Europe At this moment, Minister Lu Weijun is full of the joy of a wanderer returning to his hometown - he has been away from the country for two years, traveled thousands of miles, and served among the barbarians. The trip to Thailand and the West went very smoothly. Not only did it successfully conclude a commercial treaty with France and Spain, it confirmed the "Lingyamen Treaty" with the Portuguese royal court, and it also obtained the sovereignty of the entire territory of Luzon at a low price. Later, the British ruling and opposition parties also had to give in and asked him to visit London, and even forced the Dutch Republic to sign a formal armistice agreement under the joint pressure of the British and French courts. Lu Weijun's heart became even hotter. [

"Lord Lu," Wen Weili, the captain of the ship [Changweiyu], knocked on the door and walked into the cabin to report. "The French envoy, Baron Roment, sent a traffic boat over to ask your lord what to do next."

When Lu Weijun visited, there were two boats, but there were seven boats when he returned. Among the five extra boats, two were merchant ships of the French Royal East India Company, and the other three carried the French envoy to China, the Spanish envoy to China and Portuguese envoy to Goa.Among them, the Portuguese ship was separated from the brigade after entering Goa. One of the merchant ships of the Royal East India Company also sailed to the French commercial port in India, and the remaining five followed Lu Weijun to Penghu.

"The French probably don't want to go to Manila with us first." Lu Weijun immediately understood what the French thought, so he asked. "Master Wen, the Navy should pass our news back to China."

"During the rest of Dongtianzhu's tutelary mansion, the Zhenxi navy sent out the memorial prepared by your lord." Wen Weili replied. "If there were no delays on the road, we would probably have reached the sea off Cam Ranh by now." Delays are impossible. The key is to avoid accidents at sea. Fortunately, the fleet was not blocked when passing through the Strait of Malacca. Obviously, Ling Yamen has already Know the news of the return of the mission. "However, my lord, the French may not be able to sail directly to Penghu, and the imperial court must have time to react. It is better to let them sail with us to Luzon. When we reach the sea off Luzon, we and the Spanish envoy's ship will go to Manila.【 Nine Yi Mountain] can accompany the French boat to Penghu.”

"That's one way." Lu Weijun nodded. "Then reply to the French envoy like this. There is no need to hide anything, just tell the truth. Thinking about it, he can understand my handling." Wen Weili turned to leave, but Lu Weijun stopped him. "The group of Thai and Western scholars on the [Jiuyi Mountain] should also be appeased."

Although Lu Weijun did not invite top scientists back from Europe during his trip, he managed to lure more than a dozen second-rate pharmacologists, botanists, chemists, and mathematicians to China. Considering that these are Zheng Kezang Lu Weijun naturally didn't dare to neglect those who called for recruitment. Now that he was about to return to China, he definitely didn't want to make any trouble.

"Your officer knows." Wen Weili suddenly thought of something when he heard about Taixi scholars. "Lord Lu, is it really all right about the pilgrimage of the envoy of Pope Taixi?"

"Of course," Lu Weijun smiled. "I'm a guest from afar, even if the imperial court doesn't welcome me, I won't give you face. Besides, this matter still has to fall on the governor's yamen, and there will be no talk of exceeding authority."

"That's good." Wen Weili finally felt relieved. "Your Majesty, go and reply to Xiyi."

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