Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

680. The Pacific Ocean in China

Two days later than Zheng Anxi, who arrived in Xinhai City, on November 18, [-], Huaxia Wucheng, the imperial envoy and minister of peace, and the governor's Yamen Nanyang Division member Wailang Zeng Xiaoxu arrived in Ma (Nila) Port. After a short rest and listened to the After a brief report from the Luzon Governor's Mansion and the Luzon Privy Council and understanding of the current situation, Zeng Xiaoxu immediately sent his entourage to conduct the first round of negotiations with the Sulu people.

The Sulu people put forward three main proposals: determining the territory, returning the plundered population, and opening trade between the two sides; Lu pirates, Sulu tribute and other five aspects of the negotiation conditions; the two sides then negotiated one by one around these issues.

The so-called determination of the territory of the Sulu people not only requires the inclusion of Mindanao Island, Siagao Island, Dinagat Island, Camiguin Island, Attack Hall, and Balanxi Island currently controlled by the country into Sulu territory, but also requires Huaxia returned the Tapur Islands, Tawi Tawi Islands, Pangu Tanlan Islands, and Cagayan Sulu Island captured in the war. What is even more excessive is to ask China to return Long Island and its affiliated islands, the entire Visayas, and Mindanao General Sanchez handed over the city to Sulu.If these requirements can be met by the Chinese court, Sulu's land area will be at least doubled, and it will surround the main island of Luzon.

Regarding the greed of the Sulu people, the representative of the Chinese mission sternly refused, and pointedly proposed that Sulu withdraw from Siagao Island and other parts of the Visayas occupied by it, and only allow it to retain Mindanao, Balanxi Island, Saran The Garni Islands and other territories will not be returned to the city of General Sanchez, which the Sulu have not conquered.

Due to the huge gap between the territorial requirements of each other, the two sides could only put this issue aside for the time being and discuss the Chinese side's request to restrain the Sulu pirates.

Sulu pirates are well-known in the Sulu Sea Rim region, and their plunder even reached Brunei and the Maluku Strait, causing serious harm to the people of all ethnic groups along the coast --- Sulu in another time and space After the [-]th century, pirates also developed into violent terrorist organizations such as the Moro National Liberation Front and the Abu Zayaf armed group --- it can be said that they are alternative Japanese pirates active around the Sulu Sea, which is a persistent tumor in regional development.

In the past, China only had Long Island and Beibo Ni in the Sulu Sea area. Luzon and the East Indies were also in the sphere of influence of the Spaniards and the Dutch, so they felt more about this disease, but now Luzon and the East Indies are both It fell into the hands of Huaxia, and the exclusive right to the spice trade and its transportation also belonged to Huaxia. In addition, the eastern route of the colonizing abbot passed through this route, and Huaxia could not allow Huaxia to sit and watch the growth of Sulu pirates.

Regarding the request from China, the Sulu Mission wanted to make some decisions. However, there were some sensible people among them. They knew that the Huaxia court was not really scared by Sulu, so they were forced to beg for mercy. It was just that the Huaxia court felt that It takes a lot of energy to teach Sulu, a small country that is not worth the loss, that it is willing to accept Sulu's peace. Therefore, once the lifeline of China is really involved, the huge Chinese Empire will definitely rush to tear Sulu into pieces like a prehistoric beast. Fragments, and the Sulu sea route is obviously one of the lifeblood of China, and they cannot allow them to bargain on the topic of pirates.

As a last resort, Sulu fully accepted Huaxia's request and promised to stop the domestic people from going to sea to plunder---in fact, Sulu will not do well in this regard in the future. This is of course because the feudal state has limited restraint on the grassroots. But it is undeniable that the high level of Sulu Kingdom deliberately indulged, so this also caused the second Sulu War that occurred later. Of course, these are all things to come. [

Feeling that he didn't get anything, the Sulu people who first agreed to a request from the Huaxia side quickly challenged the Huaxia side on the issue of returning the looted population.Logically speaking, the demands of the Sulu people are not too much, but the Sulu people and local natives captured on islands such as Cagayan Sulu Island, Pangutanland Islands, and Siquijor Island have all been regarded as The slaves were sold to the various suzerains who went south, and now they have reached the abbot, how can they be recovered.

Seeing that they could not return these same people from Huaxia, the Sulu people could only use this request as a bargaining chip, and then asked Huaxia to redeem the captured soldiers with gold equal to their body weight.However, the Sulu people killed wantonly after the victory in the Battle of Malawi, so that only about [-] officers and soldiers of the Shence Army survived in the end. Therefore, although the Sulu people asked for a high price, the total amount of ransom was actually not much- --Of course, if there are not many, we have to fight hard, so after the Huaxia Mission's fight, the Sulu people finally accepted the offer to buy the officers and soldiers of the Shence Army with silk of equal weight, and allowed Huaxia at the price of [-] bolts of silk. On the one hand, people were sent to Malawi to find the remains of the Chinese military attache who died in battle, thus ending the "human" issues between the two sides.

In view of the fact that Sulu regards itself as a victor, it is determined not to agree to compensate the military expenses of the Xia army. Zeng Xiaoxu and others, who were forced by the Chinese court when they left Beijing, proposed to open more trading ports as a compensation.In this regard, although Sulu is willing to expand the export of local spices, sandalwood, borneol, resin, pearls, and sea turtles, it is extremely indifferent to China's request to open more trading ports---this is actually understandable, Sulu People even want to take back the city of General Sanchez, so how can they promise Xia Jun to continue to build new strongholds on Mindanao?

So the question went back to the territorial dispute between the two sides---Huaxia quickly produced the delivery documents of the Spaniards to prove that their claim was reasonable, but unfortunately the Sulu people believed that the Spaniards were also invaders. Luzon is all from Sulu, and it is already a shame not to return to Luzon's main island with Huaxia.

Whether it's a chicken talking to a duck, or a scholar meeting a soldier, he can't explain clearly. The Sulu people who are messing around have made up their minds anyway, and they just didn't publicize that "what's mine is mine, what's not mine is mine. Afterwards, it's mine too." After saying that, the exasperated Huaxia Mission interrupted the negotiation between the two parties and sent a ship back to the Sulu Mission.

On November 11th, in order to put pressure on the Sulu side, Zeng Xiaoxu mobilized the No. 11 Division of the Longxiang Army belonging to the Eighth Fleet of the Xia Army Navy to divide into two groups in Sambo, Balanxi Island and Mindanao Island. Yan Hong landed.The [-]st Brigade of the No.[-] Division of the Longchamp Army, which received the advance notice of the Southern Privy Council envoy Maying, then swept across the entire Balanxi Island with an unstoppable momentum, and the [-]nd Brigade of the division that landed in Zamboanga also captured Sibuge successively. , Bita, Siqikong and other eastern regions of Mindanao.

On November 22, the five regiments of the Shence Army that retreated to Cebu Island and Wright Island for rest also returned to Bohol Island and Dinagart Island to conduct a new round of cleanup of the Sulu Army on the island .

Under the threat of the Xia army, Sulu, who had been exposed as the victor, could only transfer the coastal population and troops to the inland forest areas on the one hand, and send envoys to the Xia army camp on the other hand, demanding to resume negotiations.

On the ninth day of December, the Magang negotiations resumed, and the two sides re-discussed the parts that did not reach an agreement.

On December [-], the Sulu side accepted the opinion of the Chinese mission to abandon the Balanxi Islands, the Tapur Islands, the Pangutanland Islands, the Tawi-Tawi Islands, the Cagayan Sulu Island and Bohol At the expense of the Visayas north of the sea and west of Leyte Gulf, the islands of Mindanao, Siagao, Camiguin, Dinagat and the Sarangani Islands north of the Sanchi Islands, Ka Waver Islands, Nunusa Islands.

On December [-], after Huaxia agreed to abandon and demolish the city of General Sanchez and move the guardhouse of the Eighth Fleet to Hele Island, the Sulu side agreed to open trade in three places including Zamboanga, Geda Batu, and Davao. , And agreed that Huaxia merchants set up wooden fences and stone warehouses in the commercial port to protect the goods.

On December [-], the Chinese mission, which was preparing to reach an agreement on the tribute with Sulu, suddenly received an order from the Wuchang Clippers, and had to change the original suzerain-vassal treaty into a commercial treaty.Regarding this sudden change, Su Lu was ambivalent. Although the Huaxia Mission explained that it was because of the resistance of the Sulu people that the Huaxia court gave special treatment, but looking around, only the Sulu family was not a Huaxia vassal. People have to worry that Huaxia has other plans for it.

However, no matter whether you have other plans or look at them differently, the peace between the two sides was finally realized. On December 18, 22th year of Wucheng, Zeng Xiaoxu, the Minister of Peace of China, Ke Luo, the envoy of Sulu, and Marasun, the prince of Sulu, respectively On behalf of the two, the "Xiasu Commercial Treaty" was formally signed at the port of Manila (Nila).Although the validity period of this treaty is only seven years, it means that the hustle and bustle of the Nanyang waters that have been boiling since the 16th year of Wucheng has finally stopped temporarily. , Rebellion has become the mainstream in the region

In the few years after the signing of the "Xiasu Commercial Treaty", the Eighth Fleet, which took out its hands to conduct ocean exploration, successively discovered the East One (Palau) Islands, the East Two (Ngulu) Islands, the Northeast (Northern Mariana) ) Islands including the entire Caroline Islands and the Marshall Islands to the east; and the Ninth Fleet, whose main base is in Ambon, has also successively discovered the Yingtai (Solomon) Islands to the east of Yizhou, New Long Island (New Calais) Donia), the New East (New Hebrides) Islands, the East (Fiji) Islands and a series of Central Pacific Islands, and eventually discovered the entire Polynesian Islands.

But for Huaxia, the most important discovery is the last two islands of the lost Overseas Five Immortals Mountain discovered by Wu Cheng in 23 years --- Daiyu and Wuqiao (South Island and North Island of New Zealand); During the process of sending a large sailing ship for trade, the lost Huaxia Navy also accidentally discovered the crucial Midway Island in the entire Pacific Ocean route and its neighbor Hawaii-Honolulu Islands not far to the southeast. [

This period of continuous discovery of surprises will have a strong stroke in the history of China and even the world in the future. It is called "the era of great Chinese maritime discovery" or "the era of Chinese people's great voyage", which marks that China has since established its position in the Pacific Ocean. Hegemony, so that the future Pacific era will belong to the Chinese Empire, which is in charge of the world leader

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