Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

681. The Pacific Ocean in China

On December 1716, 12 in the Western calendar, a Spanish captain who was going to Baja California to transport timber reported to the local colonial officials for the first time that he was in San Francisco. Discovery off the coast of Francisco: Two exotic ships with strange shapes are sailing along the coastline. If the captain hadn't steered the ship to a shoal in time, the ship might be snatched away by the other party.

Although as early as 1578 in the Western calendar, the coast of southern Chile was attacked by the famous British pirate Sir Francis Drake, although as early as 1680 in the Western calendar, Caribbean pirates crossed the Isthmus of Panama and attacked the Spanish colonies in Central and South America. The United States has firmly controlled the eastern coast of North America from the mouth of the St. Lawrence River to Florida, but so far no sea power has come from the north to the south to pose a threat to the New Spanish vice-kingdom on the Pacific side. The report has of course attracted the attention of the Mazatlan port authority.

After hearing the news, the residents of Mazatlan speculated which European country discovered the route across the Arctic Ocean?Or is it that a European country occupying the east coast of North America was lucky enough to discover a river that runs through the entire continent?Of course, some people maliciously speculated that it might be that the transport captain who reported the incident was lying, and the purpose was only to find a reason for the loss of the hull caused by his stray into the sandbar, so as to prevent the ship owner from pursuing the repair costs.

But regardless of the final consideration, the Mazatlan port authority reported the news of the discovery of foreign ships in the northern waters to Mexico City as quickly as possible.However, it is a pity that after losing the title of the First European Empire, the Kingdom of Spain is like a broken old machine from top to bottom. The high-level colony also inevitably fell into a sleepy rhythm. It can be said that apart from using power for personal gain, other things have been delayed without exception.

Fortunately, several captains sent back similar reports one after another, and warnings also came from the coastal towns of Baja California, which alarmed the highest level in New Spain.Under the strict order of the governor, who was uncertain, the two cruise ships of the colonial navy finally sailed northward in early February 1717 in the Western calendar, looking for this mysterious foreign fleet.

It’s just that inertia is also spreading in the colonial navy. Creole (criollo, indigenous whites, later generally referring to all colonial whites with Spanish origin) captains are unwilling to carry out the orders of the peninsulas (referring to senior officials from Spain). The sailors of the mestizos were also reluctant to leave the warm Mexican waters in winter and go north, so the operation was greatly delayed. Until the beginning of March, the two cruise ships remained in Baja and Baja California. The Port of San Diego (San Diego) at the junction simply does not want to continue north.

However, a surprising thing happened. The foreign ship that was frequently reported around the end of last year disappeared, and all the reports found that this foreign fleet did not attack any colonial port town at all, so that a certain colonial society After learning about it, the socialites at the junction once commented in a joking tone that the matter was collective hysteria among country people.

The courtesan's words quickly became the conclusion of the whole incident. The colonial navy cruise ship that did not complete the mission at all then returned to the home port quietly without flowers, applause and medals. Everything returned to the original point, only the Spaniards Lost the first time to understand and contain the colonization process of the Chinese Empire in the northern part of the west coast of America. By the time the two sides contact each other next time, the Chinese Empire has firmly established itself in North America.

However, for the Chinese Empire on the other side of the earth, there are still three major difficulties in order to gain a foothold in the Fusang Continent:

The first difficulty is the long route --- because the Chinese Empire has not mastered the route across the Pacific Ocean, it can only pass through Japan, the Thousand Islands, the Giant (Kamchatka) Peninsula, the Whale (Aleutian) Islands, Kunpeng (Alaska) The northern Pacific route on the peninsula goes to the Fusang mainland. Not to mention, the sea is very windy and turbulent, and there will also be threats of sea ice drifting from the permafrost seas in the north, but the most important thing is that the suitable navigation period is less than half a year, so that Initial supplies were hard to come by;

The second difficulty is the rugged terrain in the west of the Fusang Continent---in the eyes of the newly arrived Chinese, the Fusang Continent is an uninhabitable and barren land composed of the Coastal Mountains, the Mackenzie Mountains, and the Rocky Mountains. As for the legendary There is no way to find gold mines at all, so that they must rely on expensive and untimely sea transportation to provide maintenance materials;

The third difficulty is the lack of pioneering population---China's current focus is to ensure the immigration of the Northeast in the north and the immigration of the abbot in the south. The establishment of the two main immigration areas not only leads to the lack of enough pioneers for ordinary inner domains, So much so that even the prisons in the local state capitals and counties were empty.

These three major difficulties made it a purely money-burning luxury to establish a foothold in the Fusang mainland. The Chinese court did not have different opinions on this, but Zheng Kezang used his absolute authority to suppress the voices of all opponents, making everything finally follow this act on the will of the sovereign king.But the existing problems must be resolved after all, otherwise once Zheng Kezang is gone, the incident of burning Zheng He's treasure ship drawings in the past may not happen again after the death of the government.

Therefore, after careful analysis, the Chinese court, adhering to Zheng Kezang's will, found that the difficulty of solving these three problems is obviously different. For example, the problem of long air routes is geographical restrictions. Before there is a fundamental revolution in transportation, even Zheng No matter how determined Ke Zang is, it cannot be clearly changed; for example, the terrain on the west coast of Fusang hinders the westward movement. Before the birth of dynamite, the Huaxia Fusang Protectorate was unable to solve it. Fortunately, the obstacles composed of numerous mountains are preventing China's eastward advance also hindered the westward advance of large Indian tribes and European colonial forces in a short period of time. For the Chinese side, which is not stable, it can be regarded as both disadvantages and certain advantages.

So speaking of it, the population problem is the easiest to solve for the Chinese court, and for the Chinese people who are good at farming and are extremely thirsty for land, whether the terrain is rough or the land is dry, they can be transformed into suitable farming areas , Even the permafrost in northern Fusang can grow food.

Based on such considerations, under the insistence of the stubborn Zheng Kezang, the Chinese court ordered the first group of pioneers to exile the few condemned prisoners who had not been included in the abbot's colonization in Fusang in the form of amnesty. On the one hand, it ordered the Haidong Protectorate to force the Ainu people in Ezodi, Kunwu Island, and Qiandao Islands to relocate to Fusang as a whole. After that, the Chinese court ordered the Northeast Protectorate to forcibly relocate the scattered Oroqen, Sauron, Families of the Ewenki, Qileer, Feiyaka, Qiyakala and other small-scale villages and tribes enriched Fusang, and finally ordered the Fusang Governor to send people to try to cross many mountains in the west of Fusang, and travel eastward to discover, contact and recruit , Arresting Indians of all ethnic groups and their tribes, in order to meet the needs of self-increasing population in the Fusang Metropolitan Government in the shortest possible time.

In addition to the population problem that was solved by every possible means, the Chinese court also tried its best to solve the problem of insufficient supply, especially after the increase in the population of the garrison and colonization.For this reason, the South Privy Council followed Zheng Kezang's will and asked the First Fleet of the Navy in charge of the Fusang waters to try to find the shortest route directly from the Japanese port of Fusang Western Airlines to avoid the threat of sea ice. Increase the seaworthiness time to a certain extent.In addition, the South Privy Council also reached an agreement with the Ministry of War and the North Privy Council to expand the first fleet's military ship squadron from the original four to eight, and make the fleet subordinate to the first brigade of the first division of the Longxiang Army and the division's White Corps The Artillery Corps was transferred to the upper reaches of Heilongjiang Fleet by means of secondment, in order to ease and partially solve the problem of insufficient supply of materials in Fusang while the upper reaches of Heilongjiang Fleet draws out troops to support Beihai Daduhufu.

After doing everything that can be done, the Fusang Governor's Mansion and the Navy's First Fleet received the order to keep a low profile, so as to prevent the Spaniards from discovering that the Huaxia side had bypassed the galleon trade and mastered the northern route to the Fusang Continent- --Although China and Spain are temporarily in a friendly state through the French side, they are not alliances after all, and in Europe at that time, the normal diplomacy of the two countries does not mean that there will be no conflicts between the colonies due to mutual interests and spheres of influence What's more, according to the latest news, Louis XIV, the French king who advocated Xiafa and Xiaxi's friendship, has passed away. The new king Louis XV has nothing to do with international affairs, and the relationship with the Spanish Bourbon dynasty is not as close as before. How the relationship between Xia and Xi will go in the future can only be described as uncertain --- Therefore, the First Fleet of the Huaxia Navy, which had to consider the worst outcome, subsequently froze its plan to go south for exploration, and only maintained a position north of the mouth of the Xinye (Columbia) River. Occasional cruises, the main force retreated to the periphery of the Shenmu (Queen Charlotte) Islands to avoid Spanish ships accidentally crossing the 42° north latitude, and discovered the existence of the Huaxia Fusang colony

In this way, Huaxia Fusang Dufu Mansion developed slowly but firmly out of the sight of the people at that time. Thirty years later, when the Northeast and Nanyang Dufu Mansions and Abbot, Wu Qiao, Daiyu and other places were suzerains and inner vassals The development is on the right track, Fusang Duhufu is just a sparsely populated place where death row prisoners are exiled; 30 years later, Songmo, Andong, Haidong, Jinghai, Luzon, Pontianak, Machen and other Duhufu have all been established. After becoming an inland province of China, the total population of the Principality, Marquis, Boguo, and Capital of Fangzhang, Wuqiao, Daiyu, Yizhou and other places also exceeded 100 million, and the Fusang Duhufu only had 5000 people. The household registration is only 30 people.But in any case, because of the existence of the Fusang Governor's Mansion, it was only when the emerging power tried to cross the Rocky Mountains that it found an irresistible and powerful resistance-it was also because of China's presence on the eastern Pacific coast. With the existence of the United Mexican States, the future United Mexican States can continue to retain the territory of Upper and Lower California and enjoy the benefits of the California gold mines after losing Texas and New Mexico. It is the Americas of a certain country, but it still cannot shake China's absolute advantage in the Pacific Rim region. Later people cheered because of this, "This is China's Pacific Ocean!"

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