On February 23, the 23rd year of Huaxia Wucheng (March 1721, 3 in the Western calendar), Mumbai was sunny. In the suffocating heat, several European gentlemen in formal suits were in the Mumbai area of ​​the British East India Company. Sitting in danger in the conference room of the Governor's Mansion, he didn't seem to feel that his clothes were already wet with sweat.

"Gentlemen," Sir Croft-Roots, then Governor of Bombay, addressed the congregation amidst the artificial wind of Indian servants. "I called you here to inform you of a few news. First, the navy of the Chinese Empire has established a fortress and port on Hormuz Island at the entrance of the Persian Gulf."

Whispering sounded immediately, but Governor Roots continued to say without seeing it: "Second, after many observations by the company's merchant fleet, it has been confirmed that the Chinese Empire was already on the Big Moon Island as early as this time last year. In addition, we also learned that the Chinese Empire bought Pemba Island from the natives at a price of one thousand pounds."

The sound wave in the room suddenly expanded several times.

That's right, the Muscats controlled the major trading ports in Northeast Africa, the Portuguese controlled the waters of Mozambique, the French controlled the Little Moon (Comores) Islands and the Mascarene Islands, and the Dutch controlled South Africa. Huaxia has established strongholds in Madagascar and off the coast of Tanganyika. It can be said that the British East India Company has been squeezed out of the East African trade circle.

From the perspective of the company's main business, losing the East African market is actually not a big problem, but what is fatal is that the waterway between India and the mainland is already under the control of other countries. It is very difficult for Indian companies to ensure that the interests of the company's shareholders will not be damaged.

"We can no longer sit idly by." Someone among the participants suddenly shouted. "The island of Zanzibar must be taken immediately and a port established to the north of Great Moon Island to ensure the safety of the sea route to England."

"Your Excellency, are you going to go to war with the Chinese?"Opponents immediately dismissed it. "No, absolutely not."

Yes, what did the British East India Company do long ago? Now that the Chinese Empire has just taken control of southern Madagascar and off the coast of Tanganyika, the British East India Company can't wait to get a foot in the nearby areas. This is clearly a provocation.Of course, if it is European countries such as France, Spain, the Netherlands, Portugal, provocation or something, it is not afraid of war even if it breaks out because of it. If it fails, it will only lose one or two strongholds. Around India, once it annoys the other party, I am afraid that the British East India Company will completely lose India, and will eventually be forced to declare bankruptcy and implement reorganization like the Dutch United East India Company. [

It’s just that rational people are always a minority, but more people have their own opinions for one reason or another: “Big Moon Island has a vast area, similar to India, and it is impossible for the Chinese to monopolize it.”

"It is not advisable to let the company establish a stronghold on Big Moon Island." A gentleman named Steve stood up and refuted the other party. "Huaxia's colonization on Big Moon Island is a state-sponsored military operation, and we don't care whether we can obtain reasonable benefits, but we are responsible to the board of directors and all shareholders."

Someone disapprovingly asked, "Isn't there any resources on Big Moon Island?".

Steve asked rhetorically, "Mr. Rodsbury, please tell me how the island's resources are developed?"

Madagascar is not a wild place, but now there are frequent conflicts among the various tribes on the island, and the unification war is in the ascendant. Under such circumstances, it is already very difficult to conduct business, let alone go deep into the primitive jungle to develop minerals.

"Mr. Steve, maybe your statement is correct, but we must take a long-term view." Rodsbury responded tit for tat. "It must not be because of a temporary loss that the company's future unpredictable ending."

"Mr Rodsbury," retorted Steve's friend Brightings. "You don't seem to realize that even though the company controls the northern part of Big Moon Island, our route to and from England is still under the control of the Huaxia Navy."

Seeing that Rodsbury was still preparing to fight, Sir Roots coughed a few times: "Gentlemen, please discuss it later, please? I have a third news that I have not announced to you all."

The sound became quieter, and Sir Roots took out a document: "The Minister of Foreign Affairs of China has submitted a statement to various European companies in India, demanding that India implement a foreign policy of open doors and equal opportunities."

The door is open?Equal Opportunity?Everyone in the meeting looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what kind of medicine Huaxia was selling.

"The door is open," Sir Roots explained. "According to my personal understanding, it should mean that the ports owned by the company such as Mumbai, Surat, Mangalore, Cochin, Madras, Vizagapatnam, and Calcutta are fully open to Chinese businessmen. The sound wave in the room rose again, so Sir Roots immediately grabbed the gavel and slammed it on the table. "Gentlemen, please be quiet and listen to me." The bang-bang sound of the gavel finally woke up the participants. "As for equal opportunities, it should mean that Chinese merchants in the above port enjoy the same privileges as companies."

"We must not accept the request of the Chinese Empire." Sir Roots' voice fell to the ground, and Rodsbury immediately yelled. "This is a trick of the Chinese. The purpose is to seize the company's rights and interests in India. This is unacceptable. Even if it causes a war, we must clearly oppose it. We will not hesitate to fight."

Brightings, who had just opposed Roosebury, also jumped up and shouted: "For the benefit of the company, go to war with the Chinese!"

"Excuse me sir, I just heard you say that the Chinese Empire has submitted the same documents to all European companies operating in India." Amidst the clamor of declaring war, Steve frowned and asked His Excellency the Governor. "is that so?".

Soon, Sir Roots gave an affirmative answer: "Mr. Steve, you heard me right, this is what the Chinese do."[

Steve went on to ask: "So this open door policy, does it allow companies to trade in French, Portuguese, Danish and Chinese ports in India?"

Huaxia originally had only one Chittagong Township in India as a trade base with Bangladesh and other countries in the northeast, and its influence did not penetrate into all parts of India. However, after defeating the Dutch, Huaxia acquired it from the United East India Company according to the peace treaty. The three ports of Pulicut and Sadras on the east coast of India, and Kranganor on the southern coast of Malabar, thus gained the necessary foothold in the Indian subcontinent.

"Mr. Steve, your understanding is not on a business trip." Sir Roots actually showed a smile on his face. "The Chinese have indeed arranged it so that all Indian ports controlled by Europeans and Indian ports controlled by Chinese are developed for other countries, and the port authorities have the right to collect reasonable taxes."

The room is noisy again, but the direction of public opinion has been completely opposite to before: "Great, that is to say, whoever has more ships can get more profits, but can it really be realized?".

"The Chinese Empire can transfer thousands of warships from the mainland at any time, and has an overwhelming advantage in the South Asian waters. If the Chinese request is not accepted, then for the country, the only possibility is to be forced to leave India. .” Roots is obviously very confident in the implementation of China’s open-door policy, but he cautiously expressed concern about the results of the open-door policy. "However, we must note that the Chinese Empire has the largest merchant fleet. Once the open door policy is fully implemented, the amount of goods we obtain from India may decrease sharply."

Sir Roots' judgment is well-founded. As far as China is concerned, India's cotton, hemp products, gems, diamonds, and rice are the most important imports, and these are exactly what happened to meet the needs of Europe. Overlapping, after the emergence of impenetrable Chinese merchants, it is certain that it will affect the quantity and quality of goods exported to Europe.

"If there is such a general sharp decline in goods, then the price of Indian goods in Europe will skyrocket." Luzbury said. "We have to be prepared to deal with it, and this is a rare opportunity."

"It is indeed a rare opportunity, but we must ask China to expand its exports as much as possible to ensure the needs of European commodities." Brightings put forward his own opinions. "In addition, can the company ask the Chinese Empire to expand the open-door policy to Ceylon and the East Indies." Ceylon was previously a taboo of Portugal and the Netherlands, and the British East India Company only retained Minggu in the East Indies. Lu is a trading base, so for British businessmen, how to open up the markets of the two places is the most important thing. "In addition, can the island of Hormuz be included in the open-door area?"

Someone followed and shouted: "Then Pemba Island, Mozambique, and Moon Islands should also fully implement the open door."

But some people are worried: "Equal opportunities, then Chinese products will hit the market and cause losses to the company."

"Open doors are fine, but you can't implement an equal opportunity policy," Steve suggested flatly. "The priority of the interests of the controllers of the open ports must be guaranteed."

Suddenly there was a lot of echoing voices: "That's right, the company's market and procurement must be guaranteed."

"For the benefit of the company and its shareholders, the company will try its best to fight with the Chinese Empire." Sir Roots responded with a wry smile. "But the company law guarantees that it will be able to persuade the Huaxia Empire to accept our request."

Everyone was silent, yes, how to persuade Huaxia, if they can't be persuaded, should they refuse to join or be forced to obey?

"Gentlemen," Sir Darlington, who had been silent all this time, stood up solemnly and said. "Does the company have to survive under the coercion of the Chinese? No, it doesn't matter whether the door is open or the opportunities are equal, the ultimate beneficiary is the Chinese Empire, not the company." Sir Darlington continued after a pause. . "Now it's time to think about how to protect the interests of our individuals, companies, and shareholders for a long time in front of the Chinese people"

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