Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

706. The Russian Conspiracy

Peter I was staying in the wooden house he built in St. Petersburg looking at the map, but the large map spread out on the floor was no longer the map of Finland and Sweden where the Russian army was stationed.

Yes, although the final peace treaty has not yet been signed, Sweden has been fighting Russia since the death of King Charles XII in Norway three years ago.

Therefore, when the Russian Baltic Fleet defeated the Swedish Fleet twice in the Battle of Osser and the Battle of Klangam Island, and the Russian Army crossed the sea and pointed directly at the Swedish mainland, the Swedes had to formally ask Russia to surrender. The town of Nystad (Nyst) was negotiating. Although the Swedes tried to resist at the negotiating table, when the overall situation was settled, the Swedes could only retain the last bit of decency in front of the European powers.

Now that Sweden has threatened Russia again, the ambitious Peter I will naturally choose a new enemy.

Who will be the next target of the Russian Bears?Is it the old enemy Ottoman Turkey, or the Chinese Empire that took away the eastern territory a few years ago?The map in front of Peter I attracted the attention of several Russian dignitaries.

"Your Majesty, Duke Pavel has returned from Sweden." The young and handsome attendant softly asked the thoughtful Peter I. "Will His Majesty summon you immediately?"

"Nikolaevich is back?" Peter I nodded. "Ask him to come in."

The duke with the rank of lieutenant general walked forward and knelt down to salute the monarch in front of him. Peter I hugged him and gave him a face-to-face salute: "My dearest brother, have the Swedes surrendered?".

"Your Majesty," replied the duke. "The Swedes are willing to exchange Karelia and Ingria for our team to withdraw from Finland."[

"Is it just Ingria and Karelia?".Although the acquisition of the Karelian Isthmus can ensure the safety of the northern part of St. Petersburg, how can Peter I be satisfied with it? As for Ingria, that is where St. Petersburg is now. "No, it is not enough. Russia must acquire Livonia, Estonia, and certain privileges in Finland."

"Your Majesty," Duke Pavel reminded with a frown. "Finland is a land barrier between Sweden and Russia. The Swedish side may not easily allow our forces to enter. Livonia and Estonia also involve Russia, Poland, and Germany. It may cause negotiations among European powers."

"European powers? After the sun fell in France, the government was disorganized and basically interfered in European affairs; the Vienna court had to face the Ottomans in the east and suppress the Protestant princes in the north. How could it be willing to offend our country again? I am afraid that the emperor still hopes that Russia will appear In the Baltic Sea, so as to help it contain Prussia and other countries; as for Poland." Peter I snorted softly. "20 Russian troops are waiting to enter Poland and take back Cleveland and Estland."

Cleveland and Estland were handed over to Poland when Russia signed the Treaty of Narva with Poland in 1704. The purpose at that time was to exchange for an alliance with Poland. However, Poland did not perform well in the war with Sweden. So much so that Russia, which has become stronger, is full of contempt for this neighbor and has a heart of peeping.

"Your Majesty said so," the Duke thought for a moment, and finally agreed with Peter I's judgment. "The situation is favorable to Russia, and no one can prevent Russia from acquiring Livonia and Estonia in the negotiations."

"That's right," Peter I laughed. "Russia paid too much for this war. Now that it has won, Russia has the right to share the spoils it deserves." Speaking of this, Peter I announced good news to his favorites. "The Council of Elders has decided to give me the titles of Emperor and Great Emperor after the signing of the treaty with Sweden, and Russia will also be renamed the Russian Empire."

Duke Pavel was overjoyed. Peter I was promoted to the emperor, so he had to give the subordinates more rank and title. Although his own duke had already been promoted, it seemed that his official position could be raised to another level. Therefore, he who was looking forward to it immediately congratulated Said: "Congratulations, Your Majesty, no, it should be, congratulations to the Emperor."

Peter I laughed and took wine and glasses from the table, poured two full glasses, and drank it with Pavel.

After drinking, Peter I's face suddenly darkened: "Speaking of which, my name, the emperor, is not worthy of the name."

Of course Pavel knew what Peter I was talking about, so he echoed: "The Chinese just took advantage of Russia's strength to seize the Lower Baikal region and East Siberia. Now that Russia has got rid of the situation of fighting on two fronts, it is time to send troops. In the east, take back everything that Russia lost, no, we have to send troops to mainland China to let the Chinese know the power of Russia."

The Duke’s rhetoric made Peter I laugh again, but after laughing, Peter I shook his head seriously: “Nikolaevich, have you read the reports of Ushakov and Lazerny? ?The march from the mainland to Siberia was a nightmare. Only 2 people have plunged the eastern region into a state of severe famine. If we send another [-] or [-] troops to the east, I’m afraid we will defeat ourselves.”

Of course, Lieutenant General Pavel had read the reports of Ushakov and Lazerny, and he also knew that the east would ensure the military supplies of the army, but he pretended to be confused and said: "The Chinese Empire is the largest empire in the East. If you can't If more than 5 troops are dispatched, Russia will have no hope of victory."

"Yes, if you don't mobilize [-] troops to march eastward, I'm afraid the war will fail. But mobilizing [-] Russian troops to go eastward will ensure food supply on the one hand, and on the other hand, Russia's enemies will not easily let go of this opportunity. ” Peter I sighed. "After all, Russia is still not strong enough." Peter I decided accordingly. "I will arrange for a mission to go to the Chinese Empire."

Pavel was stunned: "Your Majesty, is it useful for the mission to go to China?".

Peter I was also stunned. After a long time, he pointed to the lieutenant general and said with a smile: "My dearest brother, you don't think that sending a mission to the Chinese Empire is to claim back the Lower Baikal region and Eastern Siberia, right? How could it be easy to get what you got on the battlefield? No, no, it is not at all what you imagined, the purpose of this mission is only to enhance the friendship between the two countries and maintain the permanent peace between the two countries.”[

Pavel added knowingly: "If possible, take a look at the Chinese armed forces along the way."

"That's right, that's exactly what it is. Come on, just for this sentence, have another drink." Peter I filled two glasses of wine again, and after drinking them all in one gulp, he added. "Russia also needs Chinese silk, tea, porcelain and other commodities of great interest. Therefore, resuming trade between the two countries is also the mission's goal."

"The emperor heard that the Chinese are continuing to trade with the Danes and Swedes." Pavel reminded. "The mission must cut off this maritime trade route in order to check the resurgence of the Swedes."

"I'm afraid, it's very difficult." Peter I had more sources of information. "The Chinese, who are said to have the most powerful fleet and largest merchant fleet in the world, will trade with the Ottomans and Persians even at the same time, and will never accept Russia's request to cut off trade with Sweden and Denmark , Therefore, Russia can only ask the other party to trade with Russia as much as possible so that Russia can share the huge wealth from the East. As for other aspects, it can only count on the Russian army to deter the enemy."

Only then did Pavel notice the map on the floor: "Where is this map? It doesn't look like a map of Poland."

In this era, it is not surprising that the lieutenant general of the army does not know the map, not to mention that Russia has a vast territory and there are many neighboring countries around it. It is naturally impossible for Pavel to be familiar with the shape of every neighboring country.

"This is a map of Persia." Peter I did not mince words. "A map of the Baku region, and the next Russian advance into Persia."

Pavel gasped: "When marching into Persia, isn't that going to cross the Caucasus Mountains?".

In the 20s, the Russian power had just arrived at the northern foot of the Caucasus Mountains. The Ottoman Turkish Empire controlled West Georgia, and its vassal Circassians, Abkhazians, Kabardas, and Daghestans were active. In all parts of the Caucasus, Persia controls the vast area from East Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan to Turkmenistan, which has become the biggest obstacle for Russia to go south to the Indian Ocean.

"Yes, we need to cross the Caucasus Mountains." Peter I stopped him when he saw that his favorite was trying to say something. "But don't worry, the Safavid Empire in Persia has tended to disintegrate. The current situation in Persia is like the fragmented Holy Roman Empire, or even worse. There is no Austria in Persia."

Pavel understood what Peter I meant, and because the Persian Safavid Empire did not have the strongest state in the region like Austria after the split, it was impossible to repeat the story of Austria blocking the Ottoman Turkish Empire and resisting Russia's invasion.

But Duke Pavel still cautiously dissuaded him: "There is civil strife in Persia, I'm afraid there are many countries staring at this piece of fat."

Peter I hesitated for a while, and admitted: "There is indeed such a possibility, so Russia must be prepared to deal with it."

Peter I was determined to appease the Ottomans so that Turkey would not cause trouble in the process of Russia's invasion of Persia. However, Lieutenant General Pavel seemed to have a longer-term consideration: "Your Majesty, you just said that the Chinese navy is the most powerful in the East. people, the Persians maintained the trade, is it possible”

Peter I interrupted: "My dearest brother, you are absolutely right, there is such a possibility, yes, we must ask the Chinese to keep the necessary silence on the Persian issue, yes, I have decided, the mission to leave as soon as possible”

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