Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

707. Made of cotton? ? ? ? ? ?

"Dingmao in March of the 20th year of Wucheng, Huaxia, promoted Hankou Town to Xiakou County, combined with Huangpi County, Huangzhou Prefecture, and established Hankou Zhili Prefecture."——

"Records of Emperor Taizu of the Huaxia Dynasty"

The capitals of all dynasties were places with tight customs and defenses. Therefore, Hankou, which is separated by a river, has developed rapidly since the establishment of the Huaxia Dynasty and has become a big port on the Yangtze River as famous as Chongqing, Shashi, Hukou, Wuhu, and Jiangyin. It was only after being upgraded to Zhili Prefecture that Zheng Kezang had never been to Hankou. It was not until the seventh day of April in the 23rd year of Wucheng that he led his two sons and two grandsons to set foot on this vibrant land again.

"My lord, this is the hydraulic spinning machine." Zheng Kezang brought his children and grandchildren to Hankou not to inspect the market, let alone for the annual oiran election. The purpose is only one, and that is to let potential heirs know clearly about the machine. power of production. "There are a total of 48 such machines in the Hankou Yarn Farm of the Textile Bureau of the Inner Court Manager's Office, and each machine can spin [-] spindles of cotton yarn per day. Therefore, the entire factory can spin more than [-] million spindles of cotton yarn in total throughout the year."

Zheng Anyang asked in shock: "With such a place, it can spin 500 million spindles a year? It's unbelievable."

It's no wonder that Zheng Anyang finds it incredible. Both he and Zheng Andi have worked at the grassroots level for many years, and they also know what it means to be a man farming and a woman weaving. But based on the knowledge he has acquired in the past, ordinary peasant women are busy all year round. However, one or two bolts of cloth can be woven for self-use or sale. If the homemade cloth we weaves is converted into cotton yarn, it is only doubled. Therefore, the output of this yarn farm is 100 million times that of ordinary farmers.

Zheng Andi questioned suspiciously: "Then how much labor did this yarn factory use?"

"Each yarn machine uses two workers, one in the morning and one in the evening. In addition, there are 40 maintenance craftsmen in the whole field, and they are also on standby in two shifts." The steward of the yarn factory replied in a sincere and fearful tone. "Including the moving labor, warehouses, accountants, and inspection foremen, there are a total of 920 people in the whole site, with a total of ICBC 260, seven guan and 270 cash per month."

"Less than 1000 people." Zheng Anyang quickly calculated, with a look of horror in his eyes. "A thousand-fold increase in potency." [

Zheng Andi asked sternly: "Maybe all the 500 million spindles have been sold?"

"If you return to your father-in-law, the spindles of the Textile Bureau will not be sold to the outside world." Zheng Andi, Zheng Anyang and others were surprised by the reply of a supervisor from the inner court manager's office. "The whole amount will be allocated to the weaving field of the Textile Bureau." The supervisor then explained. "The Hankou Weaving Field of the Textile Bureau alone needs 1000 million spindles of cotton yarn every year. The output of the Hankou Yarn Field is far from enough. How can it be sold?"

"1000 million?" This number once again caused the princes and grandchildren to exclaim. "Doesn't that produce millions of bolts of cloth every year?"

"Not that many." The ones in front of him were all masters, so the supervisor didn't have to hide anything at all. "The Hankou weaving field mainly produces eight counts of cloth, so it can only produce more than one million pieces of fine cloth every year. The market sells half a piece of cloth. After deducting labor, raw material prices and taxes paid, almost one piece of cloth can earn The usual money."

One million guan is already quite a large amount, so the eyes of the princes and grandsons were all straightened, but Zheng Andi thought a little deeper: "What was the price of white cloth in the market in the past? Will half a bolt of fine cloth be worth it?" Will it impact the market? How many yarn and cloth factories are there under the name of the Textile Bureau of the manager's office?"

"If you return to your father-in-law, hydraulic spinning machines and hydraulic looms, as the name suggests, are inseparable from water. Therefore, the textile bureau of the manager's office is mainly located along the Yangtze River, Xiangjiang River, and Ganjiang River. There are 26 yarn farms, 2000 A weaving field can produce a total of about [-] million pieces of cloth every year. Naturally, it is impossible to sell all of such a large amount of cloth in China. It is mainly sold to Mongolia, North Korea, Japan and other domestic and foreign vassals. Of course, the price of shipping overseas is naturally It won’t be the same as always.”

Perhaps it is because the income of 2000 million yuan is also a great contribution to the inner court, so the tone of the supervisor is quite complacent. In this regard, Zheng Kezang raised his eyebrows unnaturally, and immediately had the intention of adhering to the above The servant shouted at the side: "Qua Cao, whatever the Duke asks you, just answer. What are you doing with so much nonsense?"

The Inner Court Manager’s Office and the Inner Court’s Internal Service Office are at the same level, and supervisors don’t really need to care about the attitude of the internal servants. However, when Zheng Kezang comes, even the boss of the Manager’s Office has to behave like his grandson. How dare Ming Dianshi grin his teeth at this moment, so the supervisor had no choice but to put away the pride in his heart, and responded in a humble way: "I am confused."

Zheng Kezang nodded slightly, and the co-organizer of the manager's office next to him winked at the supervisor.

After receiving the code, the supervisor continued to answer: "In the past, the cheapest Songjiang white cloth on the market was sold for two pieces, and the quality was far inferior to the fine cloth of the Textile Bureau. Therefore, all places have now sold it to the Textile Bureau The cloth is gone."

The actual situation is much more tragic than what the supervisor said. It can be said that the gauze production in Jiangnan has completely collapsed.Weavers, large and small, went bankrupt and changed their jobs. Even the production of homemade cloth that the farmers used to spin and weave was affected, and they were forced to switch to the more laborious silkworm production.The only good thing is that the industrial production method of extracting fuel from coal tar has been realized, and the application of a small amount of chemical dyes cannot shake the application of natural dyes. Otherwise, even the printed cloth market will be occupied by the inner court manager, and those private dyeing houses will To follow in the footsteps of the textile industry, it was crushed by the inner court.

Zheng Andi's eldest son, Zheng Pingsong, the son of Shuozhuang County, has not yet experienced at the grassroots level, so he does not understand the danger of the destruction of the farming and weaving system like his parents. Some kind of doubt: "If 2000 million pieces of cloth are produced a year, is there such a large supply of cotton?"

It was the supervisor who replied: "If you go back to the emperor's grandson, the imperial court has extensively planted cotton in Jianghuai, Henan, Shandong, southern Hebei, Jinghu, Hunan, Shaanxi and other places, so the cotton source is still guaranteed, and the manager's office returns every year. Imports of more than [-] tons of cotton from North Korea, Japan, Tianzhu and other places can also meet part of the demand."

The textile markets of North Korea and Japan have also been completely occupied by the fine cloth of the inner court, so that the two countries can only export the cotton grown, thus becoming the resource supply place for the production of fine cloth of the inner court.

A assistant from the manager's office added: "If we can import 200 million tons of cotton from Tianzhu every year, the manager's office can also open one or two yarn and cloth factories around Guangzhou. If we can import more than 1000 million tons of cotton every year , the manager’s office can even sell the fine cloth back to Tianzhu.”[

This assistant did not tell the truth completely. In fact, the fine cloth exported by the textile bureau of the manager's office has successfully entered the European and West Asian markets, and has become a new export of China in addition to silk, tea, porcelain, and spices. Fist product.

"So that's how it is." Zheng Andi, suddenly enlightened, paid his respects to Zheng Kezang. "Father, my son understands."

Zheng Kezang asked with interest: "What do you understand?"

Zheng Andi replied: "I understand why my father wants to implement the policy of open doors and equal opportunities in Tianzhu."

Zheng Kezang looked at Zheng Andi in surprise, and asked hopefully, "Tell me."

Zheng Andi sorted out his thoughts, and then said: "I think that the power of the imperial court has reached its limit, and I am afraid that it can swallow the whole of Tianzhu, but the inner court is in urgent need of cotton and linen from Tianzhu, so the emperor is only afraid of oppressing Tianzhu." The countries of Thailand and the West agree to open the ports so that our Chinese merchants can purchase materials on equal terms with other countries."

Zheng Kezang glanced at the remorseful Zheng Anyang, and said with a smile, "That's right, I have such an idea, but you just mentioned one of them, and the other, I don't know if you can still think of it."

Zheng Andi thought for a while, then shook his head naively: "My son is stupid, please release me, Father."

Zheng Kezang's eyes fell on Zheng Anyang, and Zheng Anyang recalled the analysis of the counselors, and replied cautiously: "Father's move, could it be that there is another intention to permanently split Tianzhu?"

Zheng Kezang clapped his palms and laughed loudly: "My son has made great progress, yes, it is precisely to completely split Tianzhu."

Hearing that Zheng Kezang was going to talk about political affairs, several inner court officials in the manager's office retreated obediently. At this time, Zheng Kezang said to his second son and grandson: "Tianzhu is an ancient civilization that is not inferior to China, but this is not ours. The reason for splitting the country. The key is that Tianzhu's geography is too superior, which is the so-called land of victory."

"In the north of Tianzhu, there are ten thousand zhang high mountains as a barrier, and at the end of the eastern section, there are also large and small rivers and mountains. Therefore, neither the northeastern nor the northern roads can invade its country; while the west of the land is connected to Persia and Tocharo (Afghanistan). Looking at the prairie in the north, it can also be used as a land of food, which can be called a pivot for military use; the south end goes straight into the ocean and can control the trade between the dynasty and the Western countries." There is no map in front of him, so Zheng Kezang can only describe India with his mouth Fortunately, both of his sons and grandchildren have studied martial arts, so they can consider issues from a military point of view. "Therefore, if Tianzhu is unified, the dynasty will be threatened in the southwest."

Zheng Pingsong said viciously: "Then the country will be completely destroyed."

Zheng Kezang sighed: "Tianzhu has a population of tens of millions, and its history is not inferior to this dynasty. How can it perish so easily?"

Zheng Pingli said worriedly: "Grandfather, is there really no way to eliminate this hidden danger?"

"It is impossible to destroy Tianzhu, but it is still possible to occupy the entire Tianzhu." Looking at the puzzled children and grandchildren, Zheng Kezang pointed out. "Tianzhu's religious contradictions are fierce, and it is also a truly unified dynasty in history. Therefore, the tendency to separate is obvious. As long as Huaxia pulls one faction and fights the other, it is not impossible to bring it under the rule within a hundred years. However, I think it is not the best policy to bring it under the rule Zheng Kezang took the history of different time and space as a lesson. It was under the colonial rule of a certain country that a unified nation-state thought was formed in India, so he was unwilling to repeat the same mistakes. "As long as its resources can be used by this dynasty, what does the Tianzhu countries have to do with this dynasty."

Hearing this, Zheng Anyang blurted out: "Divide and conquer."

Zheng Kezang praised: "It is to divide and rule, and the last thing is to implement peace under the rule of China."

After all, Zheng Kezang changed the subject: "The inner court and the people can't compete for profit for a long time. Let's make a charter and sell the hydraulic yarn field and hydraulic weaving field of the Inner Court Textile Bureau. I don't want to be alone. But let's all have fun"

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