Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

85. Death and Succession

"Father still wants to enjoy the lantern at night?" Chen Xianqiao asked Zheng Kezang, who was also haggard, Zheng Kezang nodded, then bent his head and put his ear on his wife's already swollen belly to listen. Chen Xianqiao was gentle For Zheng Kezang, she held up the scattered hair in a bun, as if to express her understanding for her husband's speechlessness. "Don't worry about the concubine, Chunniang and Yuniang have experience in taking care of concubines, besides, sister Ziling is also very worried."

"Slim!" Zheng Kezang raised his head and sat down, then he held his wife in his arms, and Chen Xianqiao leaned on the man's arms obediently. Gradually, the heart rate of the two became the same. "Xianqiao!" Zheng Kezang called out again, and Chen Xianqiao responded softly. "Xianqiao, if Yu dies." The woman raised her head abruptly, turned around, and tried to cover Zheng Kezang's mouth with her hands. Zheng Kezang kissed Chen Xianqiao's little hand lightly, and then moved it away. . "If Yu dies, you have to live well. This is for Yu and the child in your womb." Zheng Kezang ignored his wife's tears and said to himself. "The so-called reincarnation of life and death in Buddhism is not repeated rebirth in infinite time and space. What is lost is only the memory of this life."

Chen Xianqiao obviously couldn't understand Zheng Kezang's words, and at this moment Zheng Kezang recited Tao Yuanming's "Elegy".

"The wild grass is so vast, and the poplars are rustling. Severe frost sent me out of the outer suburbs in mid-September. There is no one living on all sides, and the high graves are just dawning. The horses are singing to the sky, and the wind is self-depressed. Once the secluded room is closed, it will never be restored for a thousand years. Dynasty. There will be no dynasty for a thousand years, so there is nothing for a sage to do! Always send people off, and each return to his home. Relatives or remaining sorrows, others have already sung. What is the way to die, and the body is on the same mountain."

Chen Xianqiao immediately burst into tears, obviously thinking of Chen Yonghua's body, affected by his wife's emotions, Zheng Kezang's eyes also leaked crystal clear tears, before he could touch the tears away, there was a knock on the door Suddenly, one of Zhu Jin's guards reported softly: "Grandson, Your Majesty is awake."

Chen Xianqiao restrained Qi Rong, and at the same time took out a towel to wipe Zheng Kezang, and then stood up with a big belly: "The concubine is going back first, and Qinshe will spend the night with my father."

Watching his wife leave, Zheng Kezang walked towards Zhu Jin's residence with a forced smile

"It's so beautiful!" Zhu Jin, who was lying on a chariot and carried up to the city wall to watch the lights, sighed in surprise, looking at the lights like stars in the sky below Anping City. Zheng Kezang handed over a telescope knowingly, Through the lens, Chengtian Mansion and Wannian and Tianxing prefectures on the other side of the Taijiang Inner Sea vaguely appeared in Zhu Jin's blurred vision. The wind blows and the lights shake, like stars, but the beautiful scenery symbolizes an era. It's about to end. "Let Gu see the mainland." The guards looked at Zheng Kezang, who carefully covered Zhu Jin with an imported woolen blanket, then nodded slightly, and the guards carried Zhu Jin along the city wall of Anping all the way west. until the end. "The rise and fall of Wang Ba is a dream." Zhu Jin stretched out his withered hand as if to touch the other end of the sea under the night. "Father was right. Gu is not worthy to be the master of Dongning! I have failed the people of Dongning, and I have failed Heniang and Zhaoniang."

After saying this, Zhu Jin's hand fell down feebly. Zheng Kezang turned pale with shock. He rushed over to see Zhu Jin's expressionless face, and Zheng Kezang, who didn't dare to neglect, ordered loudly: "Tell me!" Physician, go back and carry the king back."

From this day on, Zhu Jin fell into a dying state. In the next 28 days, Zhu Jin's condition came and went again and again. Several times the imperial physician judged that he would not be able to survive the night, but Zhu Jin survived one by one.When it was over, on the [-]th day of the first lunar month, after lunch, Zhu Jin suddenly woke up. He knew that he had come back to life, and immediately ordered the group of ministers to be summoned.

Chen Yonghua, Liu Guoxuan and more than [-] senior military and political officials gathered before Zhu Jin's sickbed and drank half a sip of ginseng soup. Zhu Jin, who appeared to be in good spirits, pointed to Zheng Kezang who was kneeling there and explained: "Take the lonely His sword and seal are to be handed over to the descendants."

With tears in his eyes, the servant fetched what Zhu Jin had given and handed it to Zheng Kezang, who was also crying.

"My son." Zhu Jin looked at Zheng Kezang with a smile. "Don't cry. I have a beautiful wife and son in my life, and I am in control of the power. It can be said that I have lived up to this life. It's just a pity that I couldn't complete my father's great cause of expelling the Tartars and restoring the Han family. However, I will never have to bear this responsibility anymore, it will all depend on you, my son." Zheng Kezang held Zhu Jin's sword seal and kowtowed continuously, and Zhu Jin turned to look at Chen Yonghua and Liu Guoxuan who were at the forefront of the group of officials. "Fu Fu, sightseeing, this son is talented, and there is hope. Please wait for a good life to help me! When I die, Jiuquan will also rest in peace."

The two of them also fell to their knees all at once, with tears gushing out of their eyes. Not only them, but also the indoors and outdoors were full of uncontrollable weeping. Zheng Keshuang fell behind Zheng Kezang and was too scared to make a sound.

"Go to rest, go to rest!" Zhu Jin suddenly showed a look of joy on his face. "Zhaoniang, you're here to pick up Gu, okay, okay." After saying two good words, Zhu Jin shrank all of a sudden, and Zheng Kezang threw himself on Zhu Jin fiercely, listening to what he said Last two words. "gorgeous"

The suppressed crying sound spread out of the house in an instant, and soon spread throughout Anping, and then quickly spread throughout Taiwan.In the 35th year of the Yongli calendar of the Ming Dynasty and the 20th year of the Kangxi reign of the Qing Dynasty, in 28 after the Lord's birthday, Xinyou, the 40th day of the first lunar month, Renwu, Zhu Jinxie, the lord of Dongning and the great general of the Ming Dynasty, passed away. [-] years old

After crying for a while, Chen Yonghua first woke up from his grief. He looked at Zheng Kezang who was still holding Zhu Jin and weeping, and lightly touched Liu Guoxuan next to him with his hand. Liu Guoxuan was startled and raised his head. Seeing Chen Yonghua trying to pout his mouth at Zheng Kezang, Liu Guoxuan naturally understood what was going on, and nodded after a little thought.

So Chen Yonghua straightened up: "The king has passed away, but Dongning must not be without a master for a day. The descendants of Jian Guo are the ancestors of the king, and they will inherit the king's line immediately, and use the whole king's will."

The voice of Chen Yonghua, who had not recovered from a long illness, was actually not very loud, and it was not very clear among the noisy crying, but as soon as he spoke, the attention of all the ministers in the room were instantly focused, except for Zheng Keshuang and Zheng Keju. Except for mother and son, no one wants to miss this first-class contribution to support.

If it is said that Chen Yonghua's voice is not loud enough, then Liu Guoxuan's voice can only be described as full of air: "What Master Chen said is very true. Unfortunately, the previous king died in the middle way, but this vassal king's career still needs to be inherited. , Wu Ping Bo Liu Guoxuan, according to the last king's will, I respectfully ask the descendants to inherit the position of feudal lord immediately."

Following Liu Guoxuan's voice, all the ministers responded in unison: "The ministers will respectfully invite their descendants to inherit the position of feudal lord."

Zheng Kezang stood up feebly: "The good intentions of the lords are appreciated, but there are only [-] years left, how can they take on the great cause of Dongning? I dare not accept orders easily, and I hope the lords will choose another virtuous person In order to prevent the cause of this feudal domain from being lost one after another, it will be difficult for Yu to meet the ancestors in the future."

Naturally, the so-called push and wear cannot be succeeded in one push. Since ancient times, it has to go through several pretentious refusals to finally succeed. Therefore, the attitude of the ministers towards Zheng Kezang is not surprising, but because of this, they have to act more respectfully. Therefore, Chen Yonghua once again said: "The virtuous grandson of Dongning is well known from all over the world, and now the Qing captives are eyeing it. If there is no civil strife in Dongning, it will not make the Tartars happy. I also hope that the grandson will think of the people of Dongning and the restoration of Daming. Immediately inherit the throne of the former king."

Liu Guoxuan and the officials bowed down: "I ask the grandsons to remember Dongning and the restoration of Daming, and immediately inherit the throne of the ancestors."

Zheng Kezang's sad voice did not change: "My father just abandoned Yu, and now his bones are still cold, Yu really can't bear to let go at this moment."

Liu Guoxuan further said: "The filial piety of a son of man is of course important, but now that the Qing Dynasty is powerful, when the country is in danger, when loyalty and filial piety cannot be achieved, I hope that the descendants will restrain their sorrow a little bit, and give up their filial piety and be loyal to the people of Dongning."

Chen Yonghua led the group of officials to worship three times: "Please also ask the descendants to restrain their sorrow, put the country first, and then you can ascend to the position of feudal lord."

It stands to reason that Zheng Kezang should have accepted the support of his officials, but he seemed to have a firm attitude: "People are not born to be born by their parents. They are raised by their parents. If they can't be born If you can't fulfill your filial piety before your knees, you can't stay in a hut to guard your spirit after death, why bother to talk about being loyal to the country, you don't need to persuade me anymore, I have made up my mind, I will keep my father's filial piety for three years, my lords still choose another good man, in case of death Don't miss hundreds of thousands of Dongning people because of Yu alone."

The crowd looked at each other and didn't know what to do. Of course, Feng Xifan was a little happy, but he didn't dare to show his head. When they were in a stalemate, Chen Yonghua coughed a few times: "Shisun Chunxiao, I shouldn't persuade you anymore, but the king The last will order the descendants to take over Dongning, and the descendants must not accept it."

The eyes of the ministers lit up, Chen Yonghua used his own spear to attack his own shield, so if Zheng Kezang refused again, it would be unfilial. Sure enough, Zheng Kezang frowned when he heard it, and after a long time Then he sighed: "All the adults are trying to force each other, so that the child can't express his grief, what should I do."

"Grandchildren can keep their spirits on the 27th as a period of death." Chen Yonghua said so, and seeing Zheng Kezang's hesitant expression, he hurriedly added. "The grandson is unwilling to take the title of king immediately, or he can continue to rule in the name of the grandson of Jianguo within 27 months, and it will not be too late to formally succeed to the throne after the expiry of the decline period."

"It has to be like this." Zheng Kezang finally nodded in agreement, but he had one condition. "Even if the period of beheading expires, Yu will not be called the king." As long as Zheng Kezang agrees to inherit the position of feudal lord, the ministers have completed the procedure of support, so there is no objection to Zheng Kezang's decision not to be called king for the time being Anyway, this is just a formality, even if Zheng Kezang claims to be a commoner from now on, who can make Dongning change his master. "The rule is not a metaphor but an order. If the adults can agree, I will be reluctant to be an unfilial son."

These words are basically nonsense, so as soon as his voice fell to the ground, all the ministers knelt down unanimously: "The ministers will see the descendants of the Jianguo, the descendants are thousands of years old, thousands of years old!"

Zheng Kezang looked down at Zheng Keshuang and Zheng Keju's mother and son. Li Shunniang obediently hugged her son and saluted, but Zheng Keshuang didn't know the direction. After a long time, he whispered along with everyone. Zheng Kezang nodded slowly. It's your own time

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