Ming Zhengzhi, I am Zheng Kezang

86. Digestive Luan Yiwei

Due to the hot climate in Dongning, it is not suitable to stop the spirit for too long, so Zheng Kezang quickly buried Zhu Jin next to Zhu Chenggong's tomb, together with Tang Heniang and Chen Zhaoniang.Speaking of which, although the Zheng family is not the royal family of Zhu Ming, except for Zhu Chenggong who died in a hurry to fix the acupoints, the tombs of the others are quite exquisite. Among them, the tomb built by Zhu Jin for himself took a full ten years of work.But no matter how exquisite the tomb is, the living cannot enjoy it. With the fall of the last handful of sealing soil, the so-called ashes return to ashes, and a generation of kings has completely disappeared before people's eyes.

"Yue Zhang," Zheng Kezang invited several military and political officials over after returning to the Ci'an where he once lived for Chen Zhaoniang's coffin. "Father has passed away, the most important thing at the moment is to calm down, and I hope that father-in-law will work hard to sit in Anping, so as to calm people's hearts."

"Please don't worry about grandchildren," Chen Yonghua assured. "Abandoning the old bones of the minister, I must also stabilize the political situation in Dongning for my grandson."

With Chen Yonghua's guarantee, Zheng Kezang looked at Liu Guoxuan: "Uncle Wu Ping, the news of the death of the father has spread across the Strait, will the Qing court take any action? How will the people in the army be after the funeral? Please leave everything to me." Uncle Wu Ping."

"I'll save it." Liu Guoxuan replied in a deep voice. "I will leave the town of Penghu immediately, and I will not let the northern captives take advantage of it."

"Master Feng." Zheng Kezang then looked at Feng Xifan with a sad face. "Father has passed away, and the people may feel uneasy, but the spring plowing is imminent, and it is related to the livelihood of the people of Dongning for a year, so we have to be restrained and supervised. Mr. Chen is ill and cannot travel far, so I will bother you to go to Dongning for me. How is it everywhere?"

Feng Xifan shuddered. He understood that Zheng Kezang was afraid that he would cause trouble in the center during his vigil, so he kicked him away. But now Zheng Kezang has great power in his hands, and his plot to marry Zheng Keshuang has also been defeated by Zheng Kezang. Zang Chaohui, if he still can't show a submissive attitude under this circumstance, he can imagine the treatment he will receive next.

It was precisely based on this consideration that Feng Xifan immediately stated: "I am willing to share the worries for my grandchildren."

Looking at Feng Xifan who hid his fangs like a poisonous snake, the corners of Zheng Kezang's mouth twitched slightly, and then he fell to the ground. When several people were in a hurry to return the gift, Zheng Kezang said quietly: "Then I will ask a few grown up"

When Chen Yonghua and the others left, Zheng Kezang asked the servant beside him, "What team is guarding outside the mausoleum?"

The servant replied: "It's Luan Yiwei's personal follower camp."

Zheng Kezang's eyes were fixed, and then he ordered nonchalantly: "Let Sun Youlao and He You come to see Yu."

Soon the two town deputy commanders of the Boy Scouts rushed over, and when they finished their salutes, Zheng Kezang, who put down the "Book of Filial Piety" in his hand, raised his head and asked directly: "Have the unexpired recruits entered the camp yet? "

"If you return to the grandson, you have already entered the camp." Sun Youlao, the senior of the two, responded. "A total of [-] members. According to the boy scout system, two battalions and one team can be expanded, but it is still not enough for one standard."

"From the first and second bids, [-] veterans and corresponding military officers at all levels will be drawn to reorganize two battalions and one team, and these recruits will fill their vacancies." Zheng Kezang ordered without thinking. "After the reorganization of the two battalions and the first team is completed, they will be quickly transferred to take over the defense." Speaking of this, Zheng Kezang thought for a while and gave another order. "Sun Qing transferred the chief soldier of Luanyi Guards today, and also led the deputy guards. Weng Qing, the former deputy guard, was transferred to be the deputy commander of the second town of Boy Scouts. He Qing was transferred to be the commander of the first town."

Although the deputy guard is only a fourth-rank title, the chief soldier of Luan Yiwei is a second-rank official. Sun Youlao has been promoted from the third-rank official rank to three consecutive ranks. Therefore, He You looked at Sun Youlao with eyes full of excitement. Envious, but Sun Youlao seemed a little flattered, and just surrendered.

Zheng Kezang was very satisfied with Sun Youlao's calmness, so he further explained: "I want to rectify the Luan Yiwei. The two battalions and one team are one of the foundations. If there are still deficiencies, military officers at all levels in the Boy Scouts can be transferred as much as possible. "

Sun Youlao nodded knowingly. The Luan Yiwei is full of old people from Zhu Jin's era. Zheng Kezang can't do it like a finger. Therefore, it is logical to use military officers at all levels from the Tongziying, who are relatively direct descendants, to be in charge of the Luan Yiwei. : "The minister must live up to the entrustment of the descendants. How should the officials in Luan Yiwei deal with it?"

The military officers at all levels in Luanyiwei are higher than other towns. It is really difficult to place them in the Ming Zheng army with many major generals, but Zheng Kezang is obviously ready to mix sand: "After returning to Taiwan last year, he served as a The recruits can temporarily stay and be mixed with the Boy Scouts. As for the former old people, only [-]% more will be kept, and they must be transferred, and the rest will be transferred out. According to the actual performance, I will make arrangements."

Before Sun Youlao could speak, Zheng Kezang's voice sounded again: "Sun Qing, the Luanyi Guards were originally organized into five battalions, with 400 people in each battalion. After Qing took over this time, he should follow the example of the Boy Scouts and reorganize it together, so that perhaps more people can be accommodated.”

After hearing Zheng Kezang's words, He You's eyes suddenly narrowed into a line. He vaguely touched something, and couldn't help but move in his heart. It seemed that Zheng Kezang was going to use the Boy Scouts as a model for the Dongning Army Division, and the Boy Scouts Sooner or later, the youngsters from birth will be promoted to military officers at all levels one by one, so that the Boy Scouts will become an invisible martial art in Taiwan. The status in the future may not be lower than that of Sun Youlao

"Liu Yi was promoted to deputy general of Zuohuwei, Xie Kuan was promoted to deputy general of Zuowuwei, and Ma Dongping was promoted to the prime minister's camp of Zuojun of the Navy."

Listening to Jin Nineteen's drake-like voice, the three former deputy guards from the Zhu Jin era breathed a sigh of relief. As the saying goes, one emperor and one courtier, since Sun Youlao was unprecedentedly appointed as the chief guard of Luan Yi, who was also led by a guard Afterwards, they knew that there would be such a day sooner or later, but they knew that they knew it, and no one wanted to end up in a good place and go to a good place. Now that the dust has settled, although they have lost the real power in their hands, they are promoted or deposed, let alone arrested. Take to jail.

"Thank you, Jin Dakuo," several people got up after bowing to Zheng Kezang's will, and thanked Jin Shijiu, who was promoted to the head of the inner courtyard. Naturally, the little servants behind Nine would also need a job. "From now on, please ask Jin Dazhuo to speak more kind words in front of his grandchildren."

"My lords, what do you mean by this?" Jin Shijiu declined. "I have received my heart, and I will take back my things. You should know the temper of your grandchildren. You don't rub the sand in your eyes. You don't dare to take such a big offense." The pun made several people think, Jin When Nineteen saw that he had delivered everything he needed to say, he flicked the whisk lightly. "My lords, let's go back and prepare, and take office immediately."

Compared with the few deputy guards who are extremely cold at the top, many middle and low-level military officers in the Luanyi Guard have a different understanding of Zheng Kezang's training: "I put the saddle on the saddle for the king, and there is hard work. , what are those little hairy kids, they took my place as soon as they came.”

"Brother Lin, keep your voice down, be careful that the walls have ears." The person next to him persuaded him nervously. "Don't underestimate them. Just like the new guard Sun, they all came from the grandson's side. Now that the grandson is engraved on the throne, he doesn't need people around him. Why should we use those who have never been close to us?"

"I understand the truth, isn't it just nepotism, but I can't hold back my breath." The man surnamed Lin obviously listened to the persuasion, but it was precisely because of this that he felt more and more unfair. "The king's bones are not yet cold, and the grandsons attack us old people. This, this is too ruthless."

"Brother Lin's situation is not bad. Many people can't expect to be assigned to the boy camp as a teacher." The people beside him sighed softly. "Where is Boy Scout Camp? The boys in the Boy Scout Army are all from the Boy Scout Camp. Brother Lin has been in there for two years, so he must be the confidant of his grandchildren. Unlike Yu, although he is promoted to a higher rank, he can be transferred to In Wuchong Town, I can only be a deputy foreman."

"Lao Li, you're a good boy even though you're getting cheap. I don't want to serve those little dolls. Why don't we change?"

"Stop talking, both of you," said a third voice abruptly. "Whether it's a teaching job or a foreman, I finally have a place to go. I'm miserable. Military Law Department, have you heard that we have a military law department in Dongning? I don't know which bastard thought it up. I'm on the bench, I can't turn over now."

"Brother Hu," the man surnamed Li looked back, hurriedly greeted him, and then asked him to sit down. "Military Law Department? But I have never heard of it. Could it be that it was newly established by the grandson? Brother Hu, if this is the case, there is no need to be depressed. The grandson must have a deep meaning in setting up this department, and it is unlikely that it will be left idle."

"I have no choice but to think about it." The man behind him sat down. "I'm going to Yingmao in three days. Those brothers who know the details will show up a little bit, so that I won't be upset." Lin and Li shook their heads, obviously powerless. "Forget it, I won't sit down, and go around again, maybe someone knows"

"This time we have transferred 35 members from the Luan Yiwei and Boys Camp teaching, which can support the appearance of the Military Legal Department." When Hu was inquiring about the Military Legal Department, the first officer of the Military Legal Department Yu Ping, who served as the officer, was sternly lecturing to the people in front of him. He was doing the first standard of Boy Scouts, but he was suddenly transferred by Zheng Kezang to take up this position similar to the supervision of the towns. Some can't think about it. "But it's definitely not enough. Next, at least 200 people will be transferred from the Boy Scouts and Boy Scouts. If it doesn't work, Kunlunbiao can also transfer people."

"My lord, I'm easy to adjust. I'm afraid that the various guard towns may not be willing to accept the supervision of the Military Law Department."

"You don't have to worry about it." Yu Ping waved at the deputy. "The grandson has already thought about it, so the military law department is only set up between the Boy Scouts and the Luan Yiwei. As for the guard towns, the supervisors will continue to be the supervisors." Yu Ping picked up a piece of paper and showed it to his deputy. , which says take your time and don't rush. "This is the hand of the grandson, do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand."

Because I have been too busy recently, so please forgive me if there is a lack of effort in writing.

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