online game war lord

Chapter 228 The iconic turning point

In the battle of Wancheng, the situation changed a lot, variables emerged endlessly, and the ending was unexpected, which fully explained the ever-changing and unknown nature of war.

There are several important turning points that cannot be ignored.

The first thing to bear the brunt is the fuse. As the source of the war, it was ignited by the confrontation between the Liu Bang Group and the Daqin defenders.

Secondly, because Wu Han sent hundreds of thousands of troops, he sent troops to Lingnan to intervene, which intensified the situation.

Under the majestic prestige, the world is looking sideways at him, but everything is relative. When a person is the strongest, he is also the most careless moment, just like the moment when a wild beast preys, it is also the moment when he is most vulnerable to injury.

Therefore, when the elites of the major guilds, which symbolized the player group, seized this opportunity, they mobilized to attack and launched a deadly attack, causing hundreds of thousands of Lingnan troops under their command to die in an instant before leaving the army, and their fingers were wiped out.

Then, when the situation took a turn for the worse and Wu Han became an enemy of the world, he was attacked by the player group and the Liu Bang Group, and he was in danger of being upside down.

He actually relied on his own power to destroy players, kill Liu Bang, dominate the war, play tricks on the enemy and applaud him, once again showing his strength to everyone.

In the end, a dramatic scene appeared. The almost forgotten Nanyang prefect, Lu Yu, suddenly broke out and confronted Wu Han, who looked down on the world and was almost an enemy. [

A seemingly ordinary war, with several intriguing twists and turns, has affected all the power groups in the world of the Battle of Julu. Among them, it seems that a giant hand covering the sky is moving in secret, and people can stay out of it.

And although the war ended, the situation did not end there.

After the Nanyang War was spread through various channels, the world was in an uproar and the world shook.

In the world of Julu War, the princes from all walks of life who were originally fighting hard.Because of Liu Bang's fall, the rabbit died and the fox was sad. Apart from not daring to start the war lightly, they also increased cooperation and formed a closer offensive and defensive alliance.

Even Xiang Yu is accumulating enough resources and troops.Immediately speeding up the pace of entering the customs, obviously extremely afraid of Wu Han, lest he enter the customs first.

On the contrary, Xianyang's side was slightly abnormal. After hearing the news, Ziying of the third generation dispatched a long-planned army out of nowhere to kill Zhao Gao.

As for the foreign races from all directions, they stopped their invasion of the Central Plains.Huddled outside the border, even though he was eyeing it, he didn't dare to move rashly.

Even the characters in the plot are like this, not to mention the players, especially the major player forces that participated in the siege in this campaign, are now in a constant state of panic, lest they will be retaliated.

This fear of the player community is by no means groundless.Wu Han's "revenge" character is now deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

And once it bears Wu Han's thunderous wrath, it will be traumatic for any player force. After all, the players who can leave the novice world at this stage are definitely one of the best elites, or top solo players, or It is the core of the major guilds.Losing it once is the limit, if it perishes twice, it will be in danger of reincarnation.

Individuals may not need to worry too much, after all, it is impossible for Wu Han to waste time deliberately chasing and killing a person.

But for player forces with huge goals and urgent need to develop their strength, hanging the sword of Damocles on their heads will not only be in danger of laying eggs, but will also be forcibly stopped from developing, and will fall behind other player forces.

Therefore, in order to alleviate this situation and avoid stepping into the footsteps of the Liu Bang Group, all major player forces secretly showed weakness to Wu Han.Sacrifice part of the benefits to erase the bitter fruit brewed by oneself.

The specific performance is in the forum. Originally, players are used to Wu Han causing a sensation. Although the beheading of Liu Bang this time is shocking, but with the example of Zhang Han, ordinary players will naturally feel at ease soon. Accepted.Although there was a heated discussion, it was not as crazy as it was at first.

If there is an exception, the situation will be smooth and excessive, and there will not be too many waves. [

It's just that those player forces that participated in the battle of Wancheng were not satisfied, and began to spare no effort to expose things that stimulated the players' attention on the forum, covering almost all the player forces that participated in the battle of Wancheng, even the Pavilion of Famous Generals and the Heroes Guild. While ordinary players are dumbfounded, they shamelessly do free public relations for Wu Han, portraying him as a frontal enemy, and at the same time blackmailing himself.

Although shameful, it is not a means, and it is effective.

After all, this kind of attitude is almost openly subdued, no matter how scruples Wu Han has, it is hard to be relentless.

Of course, Wu Han is indifferent to the reaction of the plot character group or the attitude of the player group.

The former can be solved by Qin Shihuang's group, so he doesn't need to worry about it, while the latter depends on it!

The reason is very simple, because there is no benefit, so Wu Han will not risk the world's disgrace and destroy the player group.

Although Wu Han treats the enemy hysterically, it is only when there is a conflict of interest. As for the usual principle, he upholds a principle: If no one offends me, I will not offend him!

It is never easy to provoke the player group, so the major player forces are too worried, but Wu Han's attitude is ambiguous, and the player forces dare not make fun of their own safety.

Express your position as soon as possible and eliminate hidden dangers. Although you don't have face for the time being, you can avoid danger to the greatest extent.

What's more, in the face of interests, the so-called face is nothing more than a trivial thing, and the major player forces will not be able to tell which is more important.

It has to be said that the judgments of the major guilds are extremely accurate for being able to stand out from the crowd of players and become the dominant force, and their worries are by no means unfounded.

Wu Han's refusal to make a statement now is entirely because he is delayed by other things and has no time to take care of the player group, otherwise he would never mind ruining the player power in the Julu Battle world, but even if it is temporarily put on hold, he can still settle the score later.

After all, under the siege of the world, under the rage, Wu Han's mentality was out of balance, and Wu Han could do anything.

If the strength is not good enough, but Wu Han's strength is strong enough to accomplish all that.


In the middle of the night, the stars arched over the moon, and the silver light covered the vast land. Several figures were sprinting across the sky, and it was Wu Han and others.

After leaving the Wancheng battlefield, Wu Han headed north all the way to the border of northern Qin.

Relying on the power of the wind spirit to come to the void, sitting on the raccoon power to shuttle through it, feeling the howling cold wind, Wu Han narrowed his eyes and stared into the distance.The whole story of the previous war flashed in his mind, and he silently summed up the gains and losses of the Wancheng battle.

In this battle, Wu Han found that although he achieved his original goal, beheading everyone in the Liu Bang Group, he also obtained the Chixiao Sword.But it also lost hundreds of thousands of troops, which directly made Han Xin, the general under his command, useless.

It's just that even if he knew it would end like this, if Wu Han was asked to choose again, he didn't think he would change his original intention.

After all, there is something to gain!

What Wu Han really cares about is Bai Qi's appearance and Qin Shihuang's purpose.

"This war is an extension of political interests and the prelude to the next storm..."

As the only one who knows Qin Shihuang.And knowing the existence of the whole story, Wu Han knew very well that the battle of Wancheng was by no means simple.

Although the curtain has come to an end, the chain reaction it triggered is still continuing to ferment, because the most critical and core figure, Qin Shihuang, is still not triggered.An unknown terror operates.

A huge spider web is quietly forming, and whether it is the player group or the plot character group, their current actions are in the hands of Qin Shihuang.

The unknown haze shrouded the world, and everyone was rushing in the thick fog, just like a fly on the head, crashing into a spider's web and struggling crazily.Deeper and deeper.

And it was Wu Han who cut off the head of the fly for Qin Shihuang and created that unknown fear!

What does this mean?

Even Wu Han could not avoid becoming a knife in the hands of Qin Shihuang, and was used by him unknowingly, let alone other people.

Looking at the leopard, it is not difficult to find that any existence in the world of the Battle of Julu is almost a pawn in the hands of Qin Shihuang. Since the Battle of Julu, Qin Shihuang appeared because of Wu Han.The movement of the whole world quietly unfolds according to the track it has set and according to its will.

It's chilling to think about.

But everything has two sides. Qin Shihuang's layout is indeed creepy, but Wu Han found shortcomings in it.

"If you want to carry out your will perfectly, you need to be soft and smooth, and complete everything unconsciously, but the first emperor has 'revealed' the tip of the iceberg."

"No matter what kind of consideration it is in, it shows that it does not have absolute control."

"More importantly, this kind of exposure is a sign, a sign that it has turned from behind the scenes to the front of the stage!"

"This is evidenced by the drastic changes in Xianyang and the appearance of Bai Qi!"

Standing on a high place, Wu Han obtained Qin Shihuang's information from different perspectives from different perspectives.

Although it is only fragments, but pieced together, it is enough to reveal everything.

"Resurrecting from death, either seizing the body or reincarnating. Thinking about it, the first emperor lost his absolute control. I'm afraid the root cause is that the soul form is not long-lasting, but why didn't he seize the body?"

For some reason, Wu Han thought of another emperor, Liu Xiu, not only because of the similarity between the two, but also because of the purpose of the two.

As the saying goes, desire makes strength, and if there is no passion, there is no weakness, but both have purposes.

Because it was launched with a purpose, it had to be gradually unveiled in action. Although it was powerful and intimidating, it also lost the deterrent power of the unknown.

At least Wu Han could see the fangs that were originally in the mist.

Of course, Wu Han, who had just seen the clues, was not prepared to go against the sky and fight against Qin Shihuang, but he would not let it go if he watched from the sidelines and then took advantage of the fire.

But there is a prerequisite for that, and that is strong enough strength, otherwise why would he confront Qin Shihuang, the first emperor through the ages.

"Everything is still brewing, I have enough time to develop and plan..."

All kinds of ideas jumped out, which not only made Wu Han clear about his gains and losses in the Wancheng battle, but also determined the next direction, which is to spare no effort to improve his own strength, and then seek the greatest benefit in the next storm.

Of course, Wu Han not only has a direction, but also a goal.

Aside from the Huns and foreign players, even the resources Wu Han currently possesses can cause a qualitative change in his strength.

After beheading the Liu Bang Group, Wu Han bought a large number of items, such as Lu Zhi, Zhang Liang, Xiao He, Fan Kui, etc., who are not well-known figures, and the things they released are not ordinary.

What's more, there is also the emperor Chixiao sword, the prefix equipment exploded by Liu Bang, the true destiny dragon! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

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