The emperor Chixiao sword is unparalleled, and the gossip chess game is even more powerful, but the role of the two is at most just icing on the cake, not crucial.

Wu Han's most valuable gains in the Battle of Lingnan were definitely not them, but something else!

Taking a deep breath, Wu Han waved his hand abruptly. In an instant, several objects appeared in front of Wu Han. Although they flew through the air, they had no effect at all, because the enveloping power of the elements was enough to form a narrow vacuum area with Wu Han as the center. .

Suspended in the void, the things that appeared in front of Wu Han were the objects that he exploded after beheading the Liu Bang Group. There were a lot of them, about twenty or so.

what! ?

The sudden appearance of various items and Wu Han's strange behavior immediately attracted the attention of Han Xin and Yu Ji. The former didn't have too many distracting thoughts, but pure curiosity, while the latter was deep in thought. After all, as a player, Yu Ji knew what was going on in front of Wu Han. Items mean something.

The blue peacock spread its wings and soared, sitting alone on its back. Concubine Yu, dressed in white, looked at Wu Han with a slightly complicated expression, and there was some desire hidden in her pupils.

Relying on the kindness of saving Han Xin, Concubine Yu knew very well that if she opened her mouth, she would definitely get a piece of the action from Wu Han.

But that also means that the relationship with Wu Han will return to the original state again, from a vague ally to a simple transaction.

And this is also what Wu Han deliberately expressed by taking out all of his gains from the Lingnan campaign—benefits exchanged, grievances dissipated.


Slowly exhaling a turbid breath, Yu Ji resolutely suppressed the throbbing in her heart, and decisively withdrew her gaze, without the slightest nostalgia, completely unmoved by the things in front of her eyes, and this undoubtedly showed her attitude.

From the beginning to the end, Yu Ji's reaction was all based on Wu Han's induction.When he felt that Yu Ji had returned to her original calmness, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

He showed what he had obtained without hesitation, and it was indeed a temptation, but Yu Ji resisted the temptation.

You must know what is in front of you, but the world's top plot characters exploded, and everything is priceless, and Wu Han took out their coefficients, which also showed that if Yu Ji is willing, she can choose.

Even so, Yu Ji still refused.How could the information revealed in it not move Wu Han?

Loyalty is because there are not enough bargaining chips for betrayal, and it is the same at the moment. Yu Ji is unmoved in the face of interests, obviously because she has bigger and more important plots.

"What a woman not to be underestimated!"

Evaluate in secret.Wu Han shook his head and smiled wryly, then concentrated his energy in front of his eyes.With a strange expression, he slowly reached out and grabbed something in the void.Exuding golden radiance, surrounded by dragon patterns, the body is empty and distorted, a vague figure about a few inches in size.

True Dragon Fate? ? ?

The moment he touched it, the blurred figure glowed with golden light, and the golden dragon lingering around him instantly coiled and entwined as if revived.A sacred breath emanated from it.

Immediately, with a dragon chant, the attributes of the object in his hand emerged in Wu Han's heart.


Rao is guessing, but after the real confirmation.Wu Han still couldn't help constricting his pupils, and moaned in disbelief in excitement.

This is what Liu Bang dropped when he died, and it is also Wu Han's biggest gain in the battle of Lingnan!

Although there is no specific information, as a reborn, no one knows better than Wu Han at this stage, even the prefix equipment Emperor Chixiao Sword is a bit cheap in front of it.

Because it is fate!

What is fate, the explanation in reality is a person's innate personality, and the explanation in "War", that is, a person's innate potential, is generally a player or plot character's talent in the game.

Fate is determined by God, whether it is seizing the house or reincarnation, the most primitive destiny will never change, that is, the original talent will not change.

Of course, the innate destiny remains unchanged, but the acquired destiny will change, so that the innate destiny will be subtly affected, and the innate destiny will change quantitatively or qualitatively without affecting the essence.

The so-called quantitative change refers to the increase of talent, just like Wu Han changed his life against the sky after obtaining Liu Xiu's talent, and the so-called qualitative change refers to the promotion of talent.

Essentially speaking, the innate destiny of any player or plot character, that is, talent, has no advantages or disadvantages. Just like skills, as long as they are developed to the extreme, their basic functions are almost the same.

But because the starting point is different, the original effect is also different, but that does not mean that Wu Han's sss-level gold-level talent must be stronger than other players' F-level white-level talent.

Everything has two sides, and reaching the apex means that the potential is exhausted and there is no longer great growth value.

Low-level talents are the exact opposite, with poor effects but great potential.

Although potential often means not strong now!

But just like offensive and defensive talents, it is impossible to start at a very high level, otherwise, wouldn't it be possible to directly kill the plot characters?But correspondingly, this kind of talent grows extremely fast. After a few worlds and many battles, the level can reach a very high level.

That is something that top talents such as the Butterfly Effect and Changing Fate do not have, because although they are strong, they overdraw their future potential.

Of course, in the early stage, he had a strong talent, which was the source of his strength. If Wu Han didn't have the butterfly effect, even if he had two lifetimes of gaming experience, it would be difficult for him to rise at the speed of a comet like he is now.

Therefore, it is not easy to distinguish which of the two is better, as long as they are suitable.

But no matter how important it is, as a talent that accompanies all players throughout their gaming careers, its role is unquestionable, so that in the previous life, there was a law recognized by all players: strong in the early stage, because of the use of talents, strong in the later stage, because of the development of talents.

This sentence is easy to understand, but it seems to simply explain the transformation of natural strength and potential, but in fact it vaguely points out the role of acquired destiny.

That is to say, talent changes quantitatively or qualitatively.

And no matter which one they are, they need to devour their fate, but generally speaking, if you want to get your fate, you need to kill a six-star saint or above.

How difficult it is, it shows that fate is not easy to obtain. Although Wu Han was able to acquire the talent of changing his life against the sky, there are many reasons, but at least one point cannot be ignored. Han Guangwu Emperor Liu Xiu is a six-star saint. Just just the soul.

Obtaining a fate means obtaining a new talent, or upgrading the original talent.

Needless to say, the benefits of having multiple talents, and the promotion of talents is specifically for talents that seem to be like the butterfly effect, where the level and rank have reached staged perfection. Level, the gap between the two is self-evident.

This is also the true meaning of the so-called development in that law.

"Why would saint-level items pop out when Liu Bang fell?"

Touching the real dragon's fate in his hand and feeling the texture it conveyed, although Wu Han was delighted, he did not lose his mind.

First there was the gossip chess game, and then the real dragon fate, one after another there were violations of the rules. If Wu Han didn't find out the abnormality again, he wouldn't have achieved what he is today.

"This is definitely not something that can be explained by the simple butterfly effect. It must be related to Qin Shihuang!"

"Karma, although in reality it is just a nonsense to fool people, but it is indeed one of the rules in "War", just like gain and loss!"

"Today's cause, tomorrow's fruit, maybe my extraordinary harvest today will be repaid several times in the future!"

Wu Han's guesses and worries are by no means unfounded, at least he knows that the wise men among the ministers have the ability to change their fate, not to mention the professions of Western prophets and prophets.

Such occupations are all related to cause and effect. With today's cause, tomorrow's fruit will be born, so as to achieve the effect of changing the fate of others.

However, karma is closely related to karma, and karma is difficult to tie. Even if you succeed, you will be entangled in karma and will suffer huge backlash.It's a pity that although Wu Han's combat power is not low, he is only a one-star existence. If he is really tricked by a wise man, he will definitely be difficult to resist.

And is there a wise man beside Qin Shihuang?The answer is yes, so it is hard for Wu Han not to doubt whether he is contaminated with cause and effect.

"It seems that simple use is no longer enough for the effect of my chess piece. Qin Shihuang wants me to fight for him one day! The sad thing is, even if I can understand it, it won't help..."

In an instant, Wu Han felt that in his hands, the value and function of the real dragon's fate on the Emperor Chixiao sword was so hot, but he couldn't throw it away. The complexity in his heart was probably not as complicated as when Yu Ji was facing the temptation of interests just now. How much less tangled.

But at least Yu Ji has the right to choose, but Wu Han does not.

"Forget it, I have already prepared for the worst. Even if I face Qin Shihuang directly, I still have some confidence, not to mention the power of cause and effect, the situation of fate is by no means unchangeable..."

"If a wise man can really change his fate against the sky, he is not just a minister!"

There was an unruly light in his pupils, Wu Han grasped the hand of Zhenlong Mingge subconsciously, and said violently in his heart.

Wu Han's self-confidence is by no means groundless. From the moment Qin Shihuang was resurrected, he used it to make corresponding preparations for the enemy. Therefore, in fact, the calculations of the two sides are the same, only the difference in means and the difference in actual effect.

Maybe the wise man's calculation was not in Wu Han's consideration, but it is not too late to realize it now, because Wu Han has his own support, which is his talent butterfly effect.

This talent that has reached the peak at this stage is not weak, and its comprehensiveness can be regarded as one of the best.

It can be said that with this talent, Wu Han is theoretically considered a half-wise man. Although the methods are different, the effect is the same. They all influence others to make decisions that are beneficial to him. It is a short and instantaneous forced change through misleading the system to predict.

More importantly, Wu Han can now further enhance the effect of this talent, relying on the True Dragon Fate in his hands.

At that time, his talent and effect will be enough to resist the calculations of any wise man, even if the opponent is a saint!

"Does this count as self-brewing bitter fruit?"

Wu Han chuckled in his heart, and looked at the things in his hands with a little playfulness. (To be continued..)

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