In the spacious palace, white cloth was hung on the colored paintings and the doors and windows of the double-crossing four-bowl water chestnut, adding a sad tone to the originally rich decoration cloth.There were ten or twenty young women kneeling inside, wearing filial piety clothes and teary eyes.The crying was like an elegy, echoing in the palace for a long time.

These women were concubines who had won the title of Hong Xichao, and they did not bear any children for the Zhu family.Now that the emperor has passed away, according to the laws and regulations, they must also be buried.Sacrificial burial is not alive burial. They hang themselves first, and then the people of the court wash and dress them up, and continue to serve the late emperor in the ground beautifully.Their looks and figures were all carefully selected by Jing, not only had a beautiful face, but when they were selected, they were stripped naked and checked their whole bodies.Even so, some of these concubines never had the chance to touch the emperor, so naturally they couldn't have children, and this was the price for failing to win the emperor's favor; while some of the concubines who were lucky enough to give birth to princes and princesses would be able to live, Even if the days to come are a little lonely, there is no longer any need to worry about being tricked and out of favor. Maybe being able to live quietly is also a reward.

Some eunuchs were busy moving stools to hang white silk on the beams of the house, and when they were tied, they had to pull hard to ensure that they could hang people to death.The eunuch who was supervising on the spot was Hai Tao. He was the eunuch on duty as the chief of ceremonies. Because he had served the prince Zhu Zhanji in the East Palace before, and he had experience in handling affairs as a chief of rites, there was a faint rumor that he would be promoted to be the chief of ceremonies this time. Bing pen.There may be more than [-] eunuchs in the whole world, and the eunuchs are called the second ancestors to the eunuchs who are the supervisor of ceremonies and Bingbi, and they are the second largest eunuchs, so all the eunuchs working around are respectful and respectful. If Haitao asks someone , Most likely to kneel to answer.

After all, it's the second child... The eunuch boss's default choice|The candidate seems to be Wang Gou'er.Haitao is a little dissatisfied with this point. In terms of age and qualifications, Haitao is older than Wang Gouer, and his hair is silver-white, with almost no black hair. Besides, Haitao thinks that he has served the prince in the East Palace and is closer to Zhu Zhanji. I really can't figure out why I want Wang Gou'er to overwhelm me.

But he won't show it. Being a eunuch in the palace is sometimes more dangerous than the officialdom, and you can't show your face in everything and easily make grudges with others.

He walked around the hall for a while, and saw that the concubines were already standing on the stools, and some of them had their necks covered in loose buckles with their faces full of tears. Most of them closed their eyes in despair.Hai Tao waved impatiently and said, "Okay, remove the stool."

The eunuchs hurriedly bent down to move some stools away, and the bodies of those women were immediately suspended, and there was a scalp-numbing sound in the palace.Hanging to death is not such an easy way. It is much more painful than beheading with a knife. It is delicious and can leave a whole body. When they die, they want to accompany the emperor on the ground.The faces of the concubines are all distorted, and the beautiful faces have become ferocious; their legs kicked wildly at first, messing up the skirts, and after a while they straightened up and then twitched |twitching|twitching in the air, as if When the chicken was killed to eat meat, the neck was cut and the chicken legs convulsed.Then the person is suffocated to death, the muscles of the whole body can no longer be tensed, and they will lose control of the body.Anyway, the scene where the fragrance disappears is very barbaric.

Suddenly, with a loud "boom", a woman jumped off the stool and wanted to run while holding up her long skirt. Seeing this, Haitao hurriedly shouted, "Grab her!"

The door had been guarded for a long time, and several eunuchs immediately surrounded her and grabbed her by the arm, and escorted her back.The woman "plopped" and knelt in front of Haitao: "Eunuch Hai, you let me live, I don't want to die!"

"Get up quickly, you are the master, our family is a slave, what do you say when you kneel down?!" Haitao stared, but there was no humble look on his face as a slave, he just pointed his fingers and ordered his little eunuch to help him She got up, and he said, "Don't you want to be loyal to the late emperor, Miss Wang, and go down to accompany the late emperor? You are buried in the imperial mausoleum to go down to enjoy the blessings. Gritting your teeth and enduring it, you will pass the current test."

Beauty Wang cried, "Why doesn't Eunuch Hai go down to serve the late Emperor?"

A trace of coldness flashed across Haitao's face, looking back to the left and right, he said, "Come here, tie Wang Meiren's hands and feet, and 'invite' her up."

Wang Meiren struggled desperately and said, "I'm already pregnant, don't kill me!"

The eunuch holding the rope persuaded: "Don't bother, everyone else has hung up, just like Eunuch Hai said, it will be fine in a while."

Hai Tao suddenly raised his hand and said, "Slow down."

The eunuch who spoke just now bent down and said, "She must have said that out of desperation. If she was really pregnant, why did she say it now?"

Haitao kept his eyes open: the reasoning is the reasoning, but if one day in the future, someone brings up the matter and says that he killed a concubine who was pregnant with a dragon child, how many witnesses can be found at the scene? Come out, how can I make it clear when the time comes?Is it necessary to dig up the late emperor's tomb for autopsy?Besides, how can the body be tested when it becomes bones?

"Wang Meiren stays first, find someone to check the time when the concubine has been in bed within a year, and then find an imperial doctor to show her." Hai Tao said.He didn't bother, because there was still time before the emperor was buried.

The matter here was almost done, so Haitao rushed to Qianqing Palace to report.

He is usually very careful, for fear that others will plot against him; because he has plotted against others more than once.Just as a liar has deceived others many times, it will be difficult to trust others in the future, and he will feel that everyone may lie to himself, even his parents and relatives.

Walking up the overpass of Qianqing Palace, Haitao saw the prince Zhu Zhanji in a warm pavilion, and found that Wang Gou'er was also serving beside him.Haitao knelt down to pay respects, and then said that the affairs of the harem were done, and only Wang Meiren claimed that she was pregnant, and it could only be completed after an examination.

Sure enough, Zhu Zhanji said as soon as he heard it: "If you are really pregnant with the dragon's veins of the late emperor, how can you say it at this time?"

Haitao replied: "My servant also has the same thoughts as His Highness, but I feel that the matter is too big to make a claim, so I have to be more cautious."

Zhu Zhanji nodded indifferently.Seeing that he and Wang Gou'er seemed to be having a good chat, Haitao might tell him to step back soon.Hai Tao hurriedly said, "I have one more thing to do, slave."

"Say." Zhu Zhanji said.

Hai Tao bowed and said: "Yesterday, His Highness asked about a foreign court official named Zhang Ning. Afterwards, the servant remembered that he had seen an impeachment document in the Supervisor of Rites. It was written at the beginning of this year. The head of the household department at that time Zhang He impeached him for concealing his life experience. His surname was not Zhang originally, but he was adopted by the Zhang family when he was a baby; ), a native of Nanjing. Therefore, those who impeached him believed that he should not be an official because of his unknown background."

Sure enough, Zhu Zhanji's attention was attracted as soon as he heard it, and he asked a few more words, leaving Wang Gou'er aside and only talking to Haitao.Wang Gou'er's face was a little displeased, and he said in his heart: What about others is none of your business, harming people for no reason?

"Go and find that booklet and send it to me for a look." Zhu Zhanji ordered.

Zhu Zhanji still wanted to find out when he heard about Zhang Ning, because Zhang Ning was one of the group of people he planned to focus on promoting.Zhu Zhanji is about to ascend the throne and become the new emperor. He believes that he can not only reuse the old people from the previous dynasty, but also needs to find and promote a group of new officials to join his power circle, which can not only bring fresh blood but also form some checks and balances.

Especially for Zhang Ning, he likes it very much.Although he didn't know this young official for a short time, Zhang Ning's wit and insight left a deep impression on him; he persisted for eight days and nights, and he thought Zhang Ning was a patient and persevering person.In the new era of national power development, there is a need for talents of this quality, who have political opinions and can endure and persevere to form a stable and beneficial national policy.Therefore, Zhu Zhanji's original plan was to further test and train this person in the process of gradual promotion to see if he could become a new batch of talent reserves for the empire.

But the current situation makes him a little sad. On the one hand, he cherishes his talents, and on the other hand, he still cares about Zhang Ning's details, especially if he may have something to do with Jianwen's survivor.

Zhu Zhanji is different from his father Zhu Gaochi, he has no prejudice against his grandfather Emperor Yongle, it can be said that his relationship with his grandfather is much deeper than that of father and son.I think when Zhu Zhanji was only a few years old, Taizong Beizheng took him by his side, teaching him where to camp and under what circumstances he could march, and taught him how to bow a horse and ride a shovel; Beside, from time to time educate the way of governing the country.Grandpa hopes that he will become a generation of Mingjun capable of writing and martial arts, and entrust his country to such a grandson.

Zhu Zhanji has a deep affection for Taizong, so naturally he will not deliberately overthrow Taizong's policies; while Emperor Hongxi is very kind to his people, but some practices are not conducive to the monarchy, so Zhu Zhanji does not intend to complete all his father's plans. Last will, such as overturning the case for Jianwen Dynasty.

He also didn't want to continue the large-scale persecution of Jianwen's survivors, but he knew in his heart that he couldn't justify their grievances; not only that, he was still brooding over his grandfather's death, because he heard Hu Ying mention something when he was in Nanjing, I think it's strange that grandpa passed away.

Because of these two reasons, he didn't have a good impression of Jianwen's survivors because of his grandfather's feelings and the mysterious case in the last years of Yongle.If Zhang Ning's life experience is really related to Jianwen's survivor, even if he serves the court loyally now, Zhu Zhanji can't live with his personal feelings and can't use this person.

After all, people have feelings, likes and dislikes, even a generation of Ming emperors, like the great emperor Yongle, can't avoid vulgarity.Zhu Zhanji realized this.

When the eunuch Haitao brought the notebook over, Zhu Zhanji flipped through it, and after a while he raised his head and said, "Go and tell Hu Ying to come to Qianqing Palace to meet him."

"Slave obeys the order." Haitao hurriedly said.It seems that this matter was not done for nothing, at least it catered to the prince's likes and dislikes.

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