Ping An Biography

Chapter 99 The above table

When Zhang Ning woke up from his drowsiness, Zhang Ning first heard the chirping of sparrows. When he opened his eyes, he saw yellow sunlight pouring in from the window, casting a long shadow of a teapot on the table in front of the window in the room. on the floor.It seems to be in the hometown of the previous life. After taking a nap, I can have dinner in a while, and then I can go out to enjoy the cool, watch the two old men in the neighbors play chess and chat for a while, and the kind old family will ask Xiaojun where he is working now. , and then enviously say that it is better to have an air conditioner in an office building than to work on a construction site; and it seems that on a certain weekend, I can finally cancel the alarm clock and sleep until I wake up naturally, and I will look for something to drink in the refrigerator after getting up.

But the door opened quickly, and a slim girl appeared, holding a half-arm skirt. As she entered, the brilliance of the setting sun also appeared at the door, making her feel as if she had just come down from the sky, and her whole body shone brightly. Dressed in an ancient costume, Zhang Ning quickly returned to reality. At this time in the Ming Dynasty, everything entered his consciousness like a flood.

"Brother, you finally woke up!" Zhang Xiaomei's voice came out of the light, as if it was the first time she came to this world.

Zhang Ning got up, only feeling limp on his body, a little dizzy and a little pain in his head, he asked, "How long have I been asleep?"

"You came back at noon yesterday." The little girl walked to the bed and looked at him with concern, "Eat something, red date porridge, I put candied fruit."

Zhang Ning wiped his face with his hand, went to the table, picked up the teapot whose shadow was stretched out and shook it, and when he heard the sound of water, he poured a few sips of tea into the pot mouth, then turned around and said, "Take it!" Bring me a toothbrush and towel, let someone boil some hot water, and I'll take a shower and change my clothes first."

"There is still hot water in the kitchen, I'll call you." The little girl hurriedly said, "Also, Miss Luo came here yesterday, and she didn't dare to wake you up. She is worried that she slept at our house last night."

"Hmm..." Zhang Ning explained after hearing this, "Let Erniang Zhao do those things just now, and just say I ordered them."

"She hasn't come back yet." The younger sister looked at him innocently.

Zhang Ning slapped his forehead: "Oh!"

After a while, Luo Yaoniang also came, and complained: "You are really like someone who came back from famine. When you came back, you fell asleep and made people worry about you..."

"Little sister is still well-behaved in your house these days?" Zhang Ning showed an ugly smile. He felt that his beard seemed to grow a little bit suddenly. Ming Dynasty was not happy to shave, so he had to let it grow like this.

Luo Yaoniang said: "Very good, after a few days, our family Cuihua is very reluctant to part with her... You did a good job this time, my father nagged several times yesterday, repeatedly saying that you are a good talent. "

"Oh." Zhang Ning just responded.

In his previous life, he heard a lot of belittling and rolling his eyes. Later, he became "sensible" and did what a person should do right.In fact, most of them are superficially looking at whether you are promising or not. Living in the world is bound by this invisible pressure of public opinion. Whether you like it or not, you should or should not.

At this time, Xiaomei and Wenjun came in fetching water, and Zhang Ning asked, "Have you rested yet?"

Xu Wenjun was stunned for a moment before realizing that he was asking himself, nodded hurriedly and said, "I got up this morning, and slept well." Her eyes looked elsewhere, as if deliberately avoiding Zhang Ning, maybe it was something about the spring cold pear garden in Nanjing Embarrass her?

Luo Yaoniang continued from the side: "I went home in the afternoon, and I heard from my father that there were many memorials early this morning urging him to ascend the throne as soon as possible, but the crown prince said that the first emperor passed away just now and couldn't bear it, so he didn't agree."

Zhang Ning said casually: "The ministers have to go to the table three times to persuade the prince to 'refuse to accept' so as to avoid the difficulty of holding the enthronement ceremony."

Luo Yaoniang said: "There is also the British prince (Zhang Fu, the leader of the Ming army) who asked the prince to order the capital to impose martial law on the capital, but the prince said that the weather is hot and the soldiers are too hard, so it is unnecessary. The soldiers also withdrew."

Zhu Zhanji is really not a mediocre person, this move is full of courage, which means that even if he forgives him, the King of Han would not dare to come to fight the capital.

After the things for bathing were ready, Zhang Ning planned to take a bath in his room and change clothes before talking, so he said, "I'm going to take a bath, I'll talk about it later."

Luo Yaoniang's cheeks flushed slightly, and she said seriously: "You go out first, I still have a few words to finish."

Xu Wenjun and Zhang Xiaomei walked out of the room in silence. Zhang Ning took off his coat and threw it on the floor. Seeing that Luo Yaoniang hadn't left, he didn't bother to care about her, so he took off his underwear and threw it away.Luo Yaoniang hurriedly turned her back and whispered: "The late emperor passed away, and our marriage has to be postponed... Ordinary subjects are not allowed to marry after 27 days, but my father wants to set an example of loyalty and filial piety. Wait a year."

Zhang Ning has already stripped naked and jumped into the barrel. There are no showers in this era. If you want to take a bath, you have to wash it in the tub of the bathtub, or carry a bucket outside to wash it with water.At this moment, his whole body was smelly, mostly sweat. Naturally, he didn't have to worry about the woman's smell remaining on his body. It was really difficult to distinguish the femininity that had passed a few days from the unpleasant sweat smell.

"Then we have to wait another year." He said solemnly, "You go out first, there are no outsiders in the yard, but it's always bad if the emperor just passed away. Don't spend the night here during this time, forget about last night Mr. Yang is an important minister of the court, if someone talks about such a trivial matter, it will always be unpleasant."

After hearing this, Luo Yaoniang went out blushing, and couldn't help but said at the door: "One year is quite a long time."

Zhang Ning said: "Don't worry, I'm not a person who is always in trouble, don't you?"


Funeral objects are hung everywhere in the capital, and there have been national funerals one after another in the past two years.However, calm was restored at this time, there were no large numbers of troops wandering around in the city, and the cities were in good order.

Zhu Zhanji also didn't think that the King of Han had the courage to lead his troops to attack Bei Jing at this time.The king of Han's opportunity was before Zhu Zhanji entered the capital. At this time, he could hardly find any favorable excuses and opportunities, and the situation gradually tilted to the capital's side.It is impossible to return to the situation in the era of Emperor Hongxi, because Emperor Hongxi was the elder brother, and the king of Han did not dare to disrespect his elder brother easily as a younger brother; but Zhu Zhanji was different, he was a junior, and his prestige was not as good as that of King Han.However, Zhu Zhanji has a legitimate title, so there shouldn't be any major incidents for the time being.

The situation in front of Zhu Zhanji is not a mess, but the situation is also very complicated. First of all, the vassal king is too powerful, not only the King of Han, but also several uncles are also playing around with the wind.

The country’s people’s livelihood has not yet recovered from the Yongle era. Hundreds of thousands of Ming troops are still fighting in Jiaozhi (Vietnam). They are bleeding every day, suffering casualties and spending a lot of military expenses. Trouble, the south is full of bloody accusations of "atrocities of the northern dynasty".However, the civil servants of the Ming Dynasty expressed their innocence. They wanted to use the kingly way to educate Vietnam to make Vietnam more civilized, and sent hundreds of thousands of troops to help them. They built city fortresses and post roads. Traffic in wild lands; the Baojia system was implemented in all parts of Vietnam to make them more organized; grain and livestock were continuously expropriated. The court is in a dilemma, and may want to withdraw its troops.

In addition, there are rebellions from time to time in ethnic minority areas in Southwest China and other places, tax and labor issues in the Jiangnan area, and changes in the strategy of the northern border defense... The judiciary also needs to be further reformed, and centralization of power needs to be further strengthened...

In addition to taking care of the funeral of the late emperor in the Forbidden City, Zhu Zhanji's main idea now is the upcoming major national governance issues.

There are two most important things right now: the enthronement edict. The first edict is to establish the fundamental national policy of Zhu Zhanji's dynasty. Zhu Zhanji has a passion for great success, but at this time, after thinking clearly, it is mainly to continue the tone set by his father. The main task is to restore and develop the economy; the second is the core|team of his regime, who should be reused, this is also a top priority.

Ministers such as Sanyang and Emperor Hongxi are friends in need and have deep feelings. Zhu Zhanji also recognizes them, but their personal feelings are not so deep.He thought more about it, and a set of governance methods that he believed to be more stable had already gradually formed in his mind.

He first met Yang Shiqi and other important ministers in private, and talked about the heavy burden on the people of Ming Dynasty and the difficult life of the soldiers, etc., first expressed his idea of ​​following the history|mission to restore the economy, and hinted that Yang Shiqi would prepare the imperial edict.The stage of creation and stabilization of the dynasty has gradually passed, and the subjects of the world now want a better material life, so Yang Shiqi and others are very pleased and agree with Zhu Zhanji's words.

Immediately afterwards, he called the eunuch from the Supervisor of Rites to meet with some former officials of the East Palace and asked about the situation of some ministers.The eunuch Wang Gou'er had the honor to meet the saint. He was already an eunuch of the three dynasties. It seems that he will not fall out of favor in front of Zhu Zhanji, because Zhu Zhanji has heard about that incident: Wang Gou'er was the first emperor when he passed away. Later, the ministers asked him if he had a will, and Wang Gou'er said that Emperor Hongxi ordered the prince to return to Beijing to inherit the throne.

Zhu Zhanji believed that most of the eunuchs in his East Palace were illiterate and had little talent. Because he believed that Wang Gou'er was loyal, he had the heart to let Wang Gou'er be the supervisor of ceremonies.

The monarchs and ministers talked for a while, Zhu Zhanji suddenly thought of something, and asked casually: "Has Zhang Ning made a statement?"

Most of the people present had no idea who Zhang Ning was, and looked at each other very nervously. At this moment, Wang Gou'er hurriedly said, "The Supervisor of Rites hasn't received his note yet."

In the past two days, there have been a lot of people who have come to the table to persuade them to come in. It is not easy for the eunuch Wang Gouer, the supervisor of ceremonies, to immediately determine whether Zhang Ning is on the table. This is also Wang Gouer's ability. The prince liked it, so Zhang Ning's performance was included in his extra attention.

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