This was the fifth day that he hadn't had a good night's sleep. That night, Lao Xu couldn't bear to stay in the middle of the road. Although he was a martial arts practitioner, he was not old enough, so he really couldn't stand such a torment. Zhang Ning expressed his understanding; Zhao Erniang's physical strength also couldn't keep up, so she just stayed to take care of Lao Xu, so that the young and martial arts practitioner Xu Wenjun could continue on the road with Zhang Ning. <Han Liyuan is overdrawn and has the least rest. He feels that his bones are about to fall apart.The object that people are constantly fighting is not anyone else, but themselves. Many things are more difficult than expected.

A famous person in modern times once said that there are many roads to walk in life, but the key is only those few steps.But not everyone can take such a few steps, because everyone's nature has long been doomed.Destiny may be really destiny, and the Creator has decided it from the beginning.

And Zhang Ning will not give in to pressure, he is a person who accepts softness but not toughness.He would not give up on the future that could be foreseen as long as he persisted; what's more, the old man who disagreed with him in the Nanjing Imperial City would mutter a few words from time to time, and he would definitely not allow Zhang Ning to retreat on his own.

Buddha fights for a stick of incense and people fight for breath, Zhang Ning has to follow the horse team to prove that his plan is effective.He is the kind of very stubborn person with a bit of rebellious mentality, the more you push him, the more he says he is wrong, the more he wants to screw it up.In his previous life, when he was educated by teachers, he never admitted his mistakes, and later he dared to run away from home; maybe if he was not forced, he would realize his mistakes earlier.

Isn't it just that he hasn't rested for four or five days? His weakness is not here.Along the way, he didn't say a word, and he didn't fall behind. He got on his horse when everyone left, and only rested for a while when they stopped.

In a trance, he seemed to have returned to his childhood grandmother's house, a very high mountain, and he was going to climb up the mountain with a bag of sweet potatoes on his back.The back strap is not heavy, but it is really stressful for a child of a few years old, and it is almost impossible to climb the mountainside.The sun dazzled above his head, and sweat accidentally soaked into his eye sockets, making his eyes sting slightly.I don’t know why I didn’t throw down the strap. At that time, it would be fine if I cried a bit, but he just wanted to carry these sweet potatoes to the top of the mountain to complete his task...Suddenly the feeling at that time was so clear, as if it happened yesterday, feeling There is only one thing: when you don’t have to recite the recitation, even if you are bored, you should be very happy, at least you don’t have to endure the “pain” of today.

...Yes, that's how Zhang Ning feels now.After another full night passed, he had reached the breaking point of human potential.Perhaps the most unbearable thing for people is not pain, but hunger, thirst, and tiredness. It is instinct to want to sleep.At this time, he had already completely discarded all kinds of desires, such as getting promoted and making a fortune, and other things that he usually wanted, were completely unattractive to him at this time.He just thought: Even if he has nothing, it is a very happy thing to sleep comfortably.

"Happiness" may be as simple as that, it is a relative kind of satisfaction.

However, he didn't say that he would stop halfway. A day ago, his driving force was the future, but now this driving force has disappeared; as for why he didn't stop, he didn't know himself. He just simply felt that he would send the prince to Only the capital can stop.

In the morning, the horse team arrived at a post station again, so they stopped to replenish supplies, the most important thing was to change the post horses.Everyone took out snacks and sat around to eat and drink water. Zhang Ning found a place and sat down against the wall, looking half dead, unable to eat anything, and weakly raised his arms to drink two sips of water.

Surrounded by the crowd, Zhu Zhanji sat on a chair, waiting for his subordinates to present the exquisite snacks brought from the palace.He doesn't look like his father, Emperor Hongxi, but looks very similar to Emperor Taizong Yongle. Could it be that his grandfather liked him very much at the beginning, and a big factor in establishing the crown prince is also considering that this grandson can inherit the throne.Zhu Zhanji, like Yongle, is tall, burly and strong, with a good body and not fat at all. No wonder he can still look bright now; but unlike Emperor Yongle, Zhu Zhanji lived in good conditions since he was a child and was educated and read many books. , not only has the heroic spirit of Yongle, but also has a refined demeanor between his feet.The ministers placed high hopes on such an emperor with both civil and military skills. People all hoped that after his reign, he could create a prosperous Ming Dynasty.

It has been almost two days since I left the palace, and the journey went very smoothly.Zhu Zhanji also felt more and more that this method of light cavalry going north was very effective. It was less troublesome and less troublesome than the heavy guards, and it seemed very safe. As Zhang Ning said, the King of Han was too late.

At this time, Zhu Zhanji asked additionally: "Where is Zhang Ning?"

The people around paid great attention to the question of the soon-to-be emperor, and hurriedly looked around, only to see Zhang Ning leaning against the outer wall of the house, motionless.Hu Ying hurriedly pointed: "He's over there...Your Highness, Zhang Ning hasn't slept for five or six nights, maybe he can't bear it."

Another person shouted: "Master Zhang, Your Highness is summoning you!"

Zhang Ning hurriedly stood up and walked to Zhu Zhanji to worship, without saying a word.

Zhu Zhanji looked at the young officials in front of him with great interest, looked back and said: "Zhang Ning is a good minister who can do practical things, and these snacks are rewarded to him."

For a moment, everyone's eyes were full of envy and hatred.Zhang Ning also hurriedly said: "Thank you, Your Highness."

Zhu Zhanji nodded and said: "Yang Shiqi, the good assistant of the Yuan Laoguo in the three dynasties, is very discerning in recommending people."

Zhang Ning thought for a while, and said: "I haven't been to the capital for a day, and I dare not take it lightly."

"The King of Han's soldiers and horses will definitely not be able to come within a short period of time, but he has always had a large number of people, so it is inevitable to arrange a small group of people in the middle of the road to inquire about the news in advance. I am afraid that those people will cause trouble." Hu Ying echoed, he Now it seems that he and Zhang Ning are exhaling through the same nostrils, and they feel very close.

After hearing this, Zhang Ning said: "The minister also recommended a person, the servant named Xu Wenjun, who has followed his elders through the rivers and lakes, and has a lot of knowledge about small and small paths. Let her walk in front of the cavalry to prevent problems before they happen."

"Yes." Zhu Zhanji agreed casually.

Originally, the composition of the cavalry consisted of warriors guarding Zhu Zhanji and other core personnel in the middle, followed by servants like Xu Wenjun.After going on the road again, she followed the prince's order to scout the way ahead.

Unexpectedly, by coincidence, Xu Wenjun discovered the situation at noon.The people in front shouted, and the horse team suddenly stood up in a panic in the middle of the road.Zhang Ning, along with Zhu Zhanji and others, rode forward to see the situation. Xu Wenjun faltered and hawed, maybe he was tired or nervous because of being watched by so many people.Zhang Ning hurriedly pleaded for her: "The servant has never seen the big world, so it is by no means disrespectful to the prince. My servant should go and have a look."

After a while, Zhang Ning came back and said: "Your Highness, there is indeed something strange. There are several cars on the post road, which occupy the road. The post road between the south and Beijing is full of goods. How can they occupy the left and right roads?" how to move?"

Xu Wenjun nodded hurriedly and said, "That's the way it is!"

"How many people are there?" Zhu Zhanji asked.Zhang Ning replied: "There are about ten people driving the car on the road." Zhu Zhanji immediately ordered: "Be careful and drive slowly."

All the soldiers put their weapons on their hands one after another, and some took off their bows and crossbows, and the cavalry continued to advance vigilantly.After seeing those carriages in a short while, they also stopped, and slowly made way to one side, which seemed to be a normal encounter.

A general next to Zhu Zhanji said: "Please lead the army to search the grass on the left and right."

After the crown prince nodded, the general called a few people, got off his horse, took his weapons and searched in the weeds by the side of the road, brandishing a knife at the same time.

At this moment, those who drove the carriage suddenly jumped out of the carriage and began to untie the horse.Two people also jumped out of the grass and ran away. The nearby guards immediately picked up the crossbow and fired arrows. After a few strings, the two fell to the ground.

Seeing the situation here, everyone shouted: "Protect Your Highness!" Without thinking about whether to make public or not, the sergeants drew out their weapons and surrounded Zhu Zhanji's group in the middle and waited for it.

Those who drove the chariots got on their horses and fled. The soldiers did not dare to underestimate the enemy and did not pursue them.Then they found crossbows and arrows from the two bodies that were shot, and dug out the tripping rope hidden underneath in the sand on the road.

A minister turned pale and said: "This man is planning to do something wrong, he must be the minion of the King of Han." Another person also said angrily: "It is obvious that the King of Han is disobedient for doing such a thing, and the court should ask him about his serious crimes! "

The general who came back from searching the grass spoke more honestly: "Report to Your Highness, those carriages pretended to give way on the road, trying to divide our horse team into long and thin columns, and then blocked them with tripping ropes. Fortunately, we detected it early so that we can avoid any danger. The thieves saw that the conspiracy was revealed and that they were outnumbered by our guards, so they ran away in a hurry and only captured two people."

Zhang Ning thought for a while and said, "This group of people will not be ordered by Shandong temporarily to act. There is too little time. It should be the secret agents arranged by the King of Han on the road in advance, and ordered them to take risks if they meet His Highness."

"Unpredictable intentions, premeditated!" Someone next to him scolded.

Zhu Zhanji said calmly: "Continue on your way, such crooked ways can't help me."

At the current speed, there are only about two days and two nights away to the capital.Within two days, it would be considered good for the king of Han to get the news that the crown prince was on the way to Beijing, but it would be too late to send troops to intercept him.

Sure enough, there were no more accidents after that. Zhu Zhanji had only about twenty riders, and he swaggered up from under the eyes of King Han in Le'an, Shandong.The capital is already in front of him, and the throne is just ahead. The sadness and tiredness of losing his father can't conceal the secret excitement on Zhu Zhanji's face.

And Zhang Ning felt that he was about to die from shock, and the bed at home had already appeared in his mind.

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