Ping An Biography

Chapter 308 Lines

The situation on the battlefield intensified, and the smoke and moving cavalry added chaos to the neat layout.Zhang Ning nervously observed the evolution of the situation from the higher position of the Chinese army.He was very nervous, perhaps because he cared too much about winning or losing, and caring would cause chaos.

Without a telescope, the east-to-west extension and the north-south depth can only be vaguely seen for several miles. Sometimes, because of the smoke and clean air, I can’t even see the outline clearly, so I can only describe it with the language of the scout team.There is also imagination. Sometimes Zhang Ning feels that he is a member of the army and a general who is in the battle. Sometimes he feels that he is a soldier, staring at the front with rounded eyes, chest thumping, waiting The moment of life and death.

When a person is concentrating, he doesn't necessarily feel tense, maybe he is just tired when he enjoys it, but when he is tense, it is not necessarily easy to concentrate.Zhang Ning used the "psychological suggestion method" to start self-healing. This method is very simple, such as waking up in the morning and looking at the mirror or silently saying "I am in a good mood and very positive. Today is a beautiful and fulfilling day". The test does work.

Although it was camping, I didn't even have a dream last night, and now I am in the best state of mind!I found a little embarrassing episode last night, but I have to worry about it, maybe it's a good thing!Long-term mental stress needs to be vented. Although a man's tears are embarrassing, they can restore the balance of the mind.

Zhang Ning thinks that he is stronger now than he is. He can't hear the frightening sound of cannonballs, and he can't see the tragic scene of corpses strewn all over the field.He only had the invisible figure on the opposite side in his eyes, Xue Lu, this person must have his thoughts.Zhang Ning wants to face him head-on and overwhelm him mentally! [

Zhang Ning wants to see a line from the chaotic battlefield and the smoke-filled back and forth.That is an abstract clue, which may determine the outcome of a match.No matter how chaotic the battlefield is, it is always a human activity.What are the characteristics of human beings?rule!Just like the computer they invented, the mouth and arrangement are all in order.No matter how messy the performance looks, there are rules to follow!

But he still vaguely smelled the breath in the distance.The distance is so far, the wind direction is east, maybe the breaths are just mental imagination; but they are so clear.The smell of gunpowder reminds me of the New Year's firecrackers when I was a child, while the smell of blood is very strong and makes people sick. Human blood may be the most foul smell.Is this the smell of war?

War, an extremely extravagant activity.

By blackmailing big families, taxing and exploiting the common people, and plundering the government treasury and warehouses, Zhang Ning used the blood and sweat accumulated by millions of common people and tried every possible means to use most of all available resources in these more than 1 people. building.And when all these come in handy, the "consumption" time is so short, perhaps only one day or two days, and profligacy cannot describe its huge consumption and destructive power.

"Boom!" A thunderstorm shook Zhang Ning's distracting thoughts to pieces.

An iron ball fell from the sky and hit a van of the Chinese Army. Suddenly debris and sundries flew around, and smoke and dust scattered in all directions.Next to it was a team of messengers on standby, and one of the horses that was closer was frightened and wanted to run wildly, but was pulled by its owner to control the situation.Looking forward, Zhang Ning saw that a large army of infantry troops on the right wing had already entered the low ground obliquely, and the front artillery array was already within the range of the cannons.The shot just now was fired by the enemy soldiers on the right.

Soon there was another burst of inconsistent shelling, and the Suzaku Army's central army and the infantry camp on the right were hit. It is estimated that there was a small amount of damage, causing slight local confusion.

The heavy artillery of the government and the army can only attack with projectiles when conducting long-range real artillery fire. Accuracy is not enough, but the formation of infantry camps is a good target.The Suzaku army is not a barbarian who has never seen a battle. Most of the soldiers understand that solid projectiles do very little damage and depend on luck, so the artillery bombardment by the officers and soldiers will not be too effective; From the beginning.

Then the artillery formation of the Suzaku Army also used field artillery to fight back, but it was almost a waste of medicine.After the thick gunpowder smoke, the enemy army below was not damaged at all.

The long-barreled cannon made in Chenzhou must be different from the artillery of the official army, but it still cannot avoid the disadvantage of poor accuracy of the black powder smoothbore cannon; The approximate location, the effect is actually yyng, it has wexe power against large infantry phalanxes, and has almost no effect on small targets.

I saw that the infantry of the right-wing attacking army was placed at the back and the cannons were at the front; the distance of the infantry was too far, and the artillery of the Suzaku Army effectively hit its camp.However, the artillery of the official army is distributed in a dot pattern, and the targets are too small. The artillery of the Suzaku Army can't do anything to them from a mile away. Whether they can hit the artillery array depends on God's will.It is meaningless for the two armies to bombard each other only with artillery, which is tantamount to a waste of medicine.

"My lord, it's not a solution to let them bombard like this. Can you send an infantry army to advance from the right flank, solve the front artillery formation, and repel the attack from the right flank?" Zhu Heng stepped forward to make a suggestion.

Zhu Heng's suggestion is very pertinent. How can there be any reason to sit back and watch passively being beaten when the artillery array can obviously be taken away?

But Zhang Ning did not immediately respond to his suggestion.He found several doubts and many clues from the chaotic two wings, and needed some time to clear his mind.And Zhu Heng was also very conscious and didn't urge him, because the two were very close, Zhu Heng confirmed that Zhang Ning had heard what he said just now.

Zhang Ning is very clear about his "line", which is to advance from the left wing, defeat the official army in the middle, and end the battle until the entire line collapses.This is why he placed the only Feng Youxian cavalry regiment on the left wing when he found out that the main force of the cavalry was on the right wing.

He believes that his "line" is the correct strategy for two reasons: first, he cannot use the simple and crude method of leveling the entire line when the flanks are outflanked and the rear may be attacked by superior cavalry; In this way, once the army advances, not only the supplies but also all the supplies and equipment will be easily destroyed in an undefended state. In case the battle cannot be resolved within a day under the obstruction of the superior cavalry of the officers and troops, everyone will lose everything and persist for a day Can't help it, do you want the soldiers to go to the battlefield early the next morning when they are hungry and have no medicine or weapons?Second, the officers and soldiers took the initiative to open up the situation from the flanks. The flanks attracted a large number of troops at the beginning of the battle, and the central assault was not important.

But he still hasn't fully understood Xue Lu's "line". This kind of tactical thinking of adapting to the battle can only be guessed by his performance on the battlefield. Where are the tens of thousands of cavalry of the "Northern Route Army" and how to use them?What was the intention of the infantry under the right-wing hillside, and what good did they do?

Looking back at the troops on the left and right, Zhang Ning hesitated at one point, so he said to Zhu Heng: "Zhu Butang is right, we need to send troops to deal with the direct attack on the right wing."

On a tense battlefield, one word of the king is an iron command, which must be repeated.Zhu Heng immediately planned a series of military orders, ordering the Yongding Battalion on the right to fight from the right wing, destroy the artillery formation of the official army, and force the right wing to attack. [

At this moment, Zhang Ning hoped that the left flank's attack would progress quickly, but it seemed that it was not perfect, even though Feng Youxian's cavalry was already the best mobile attack.The left-wing infantry of the official army seems to be more resilient than imagined.

...Because Zhang Ning had already decided to attack from the left flank, Yao Erlang was lucky enough to get a whole battalion of field artillery, fifteen long-barreled guns.


"Boom, boom..." The artillery of the Suzaku army fired a volley, and the rumbling smoke made the battlefield fog after the bombardment.The wexe of the long-barreled cannon against the infantry phalanx is much greater than that of the general's cannon of the army, and the principles are different.

The hot iron ball weighing two or three kilograms roared and flew in parallel, with a huge initial velocity and an indestructible momentum.An iron ball directly hit the helmet of a soldier in iron armor at the front, with a loud noise, the helmet and half of his head burst instantly, and the surrounding soldiers also fell to the ground in the air waves and panic; then flesh and blood flew up from behind , the iron ball directly pierced two rows deep, and finally fell to the ground. The rapid inertia still did not stop, and it hit the ground fiercely, and immediately rose, and someone became a victim again.

The ranks of officers and soldiers fell down, and there was a chaotic noise of yells of horror and screams of pain.There are still people calling "Mother..." in the human voice. Only when people are in extreme despair can they call out the closest person.

The height of the cannon just now was very accurate, most likely due to a coincidence, it caused great casualties to the officers and soldiers.Most of the other cannons were not so accurate. Some hit the ground in the front of the phalanx, jumped and took off into the crowd; Another one just missed.

A round of salvos from long guns caused heavy casualties to the officers and soldiers.However, the number of casualties was not fatal compared to an infantry army of 8000 people. The effect of the shelling was to damage its morale and cause confusion. The most important thing was to tear a gap for the cavalry.

"Bang!" A gong sounded, like a signal for death.The cavalry regiment charged forward at a distance of more than a hundred steps, and the galloping horses suddenly arrived in front of the officers and soldiers within a few fingers.The main weapons of the infantry of the Ming army were spears, swords and shields, and there was not much difference. However, several chaotic places had appeared in front of their phalanx. The dead bodies and crying wounded soldiers seemed to be full of big holes. Regroup before charging.The cavalry directly pierced in, condescendingly stabbing and massacring.

The formations of infantry were torn apart, and the torrent of cavalry was like crazy beasts.The bright sabers in the hands of the knights shone in the cold light of the sun, "Kill! Kill..." The roars and shouts made people's hearts chill.Many people dropped their weapons and turned around and ran away. Some resisted desperately among the crowd. The chaotic infantry was very helpful to the iron cavalry.In a rage, a big man in the army picked up a long spear and found that it was blocked by his companions and could not turn around. He had to pull out the waist knife he was carrying and wanted to kill a knight who was rushing towards him; but he could only look up and wait. The knight charged forward, and when the horse was approaching, there was a flash of cold light on his face, a metal bump on the helmet made his ears buzz, and the man fell on his back for some reason, and was stabbed in the abdomen by another cavalryman one shot.

The army in front of the officers and soldiers was in chaos, and there were many people fleeing in all directions, and they had collapsed.But there were so many of them, and Feng Youxian's method completely penetrated all of them vertically; I saw that the troops in the rear army were still in formation, but they were shaken a little by the defeated rebels.

The military order Feng Youxian received was to quickly defeat the enemy's left wing salient, and cooperate with the infantry to advance to the center.The rest of the army in front of us still had an opportunity to try to attack, but only after massacring and dispersing the chaotic soldiers in front.

At this time, Feng Youxian saw an infantry army of the government army moving to the south for reinforcements; at the same time, Yao Erlang's troops and another infantry army behind him were also following up.

"Blow the whistle and order the teams to seize the opportunity to retreat temporarily." Feng Youxian gave the order decisively after thinking for a moment.He didn't think it was necessary for him to fight alone with the cavalry and the infantry ranks of the official army; chasing and killing the rebellious soldiers was of little significance at this time, as long as the rebellious soldiers could not stop the soldiers of the Suzaku army from advancing towards the center within a short period of time, the goal would be achieved.

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