Ping An Biography

Chapter 309 Miracles

It was as if cannons were being fired everywhere, and the sound of the cannons was like thunder.On the battlefield of lightning and thunder, there is a scene of rain and wind everywhere, but the sun is hanging in the sky, and the sky is clear.The chaotic scene seemed to be traceable, and Zhang Ning thought of the clock: the soldiers and horses on both sides were moving in a clockwise direction.

The left wing was the direction of the Suzaku army's attack, and the official army did not collapse at the first touch.The battle had lasted until noon, and Zhang Ning was very dissatisfied with the advance speed of the left wing.The front line sent people back to ask for medicine support, so he deployed the second sentinel of Yongding Camp to escort a batch of weapons and medicine to the reinforcements.

The troops in Zhang Ning's hands include the Eighth Division of the Infantry Army, the Chinese Guards, and the Cavalry Regiment.At this time, he has invested more than half of the main combat force in the attacking direction of the left wing: Yao Erlang led the second infantry unit of Changde Battalion in the early stage, and then nearly 2000 cavalry regiments participated in the battle, and just added another infantry unit; In order to cut off the official heavy artillery wexe, a group of people has already moved forward.Now there are two infantry camps on the left and right of the central army; and two reserve camps in the rear, of which a force of the rear army still needs to protect the security of the supply camp.

When the torrent of black cavalry soldiers on the right (north) appeared in sight, Zhang Ning seemed to have found a clear main line from the chaotic scene.

He found that his psychology and Xue Lu's psychology in this battle were surprisingly similar!Zhang Ning is very anxious and strives for a quick battle. Breaking through the enemy's central army directly from one place is the most effective way to urge its defeat, so he seized the left wing and sent troops to attack; Xue Lu seemed to be also in a hurry. All the cavalry were dispatched, and Zhang Ning felt that they were coming for his central army. [

Zhu Heng turned his head and looked north for a long time, and suggested: "I'm afraid our Chinese army has to prepare in advance to defend against the cavalry."

Zhang Ning also immediately said: "Order the various departments of the Chinese army to form a square array and arrange them on all sides..."

As soon as the words fell, suddenly a fire flashed in the smoke under the hillside, and the sound of "boom boom boom..." was heard after a while.Zhang Ning looked up at the sky, waiting for the cannon that was about to fly, and there was a thought in his mind for a moment, it is impossible to hit me just right by firing a cannon, right?

At this moment, there was a sudden "click" sound not far away, and Zhang Ning subconsciously turned his head to look. Before he could react, he saw that the big flagpole with the square Suzaku flag hanging high was tilting.

A guard at the side had sharp eyesight and quick hands, and suddenly rushed up to hold the flagpole.But the flagpole was broken at the lower part, and the guards were holding on to the lower end, just like the principle of a lever. To stabilize the tall flagpole at that position requires a lot of strength, which is obviously not the strength that one person can possess.After the flagpole broke and tilted, it fell faster, and in an instant, it hit the ground with a "snap".

Zhang Ning was stunned for a moment.

The gunfire on the battlefield still didn't stop, and the battle continued; but for a moment, because many people looked at it, Zhang Ning felt that the world was quiet at that moment, and time seemed to stand still.

The shelling over a mile away could hit such a small target as the flagpole. Of course, it was beyond everyone's expectations, including the officers and soldiers who fired the cannons. Is this God's will?Zhang Ning does not believe in God's will, but he believes in the influence of morale.

The most effective way of warfare in this era is to concentrate forces on one battlefield to decide the outcome. With tens of thousands of people on a battlefield several miles around, the flag of the Chinese army is like a beacon of direction in the sea!When the flag of the Chinese army falls, people will panic, and morale will be greatly hit... The most mysterious point is that most of the ancients were not brainwashed by scientific and rational thinking. People must believe in a qgu theory: the big army falls big Flags are bad omens!

Even Zhang Ning himself felt for a moment, is God angry with him?With the artillery casting technology of this era, if you can hit a target as big as a football field, you are aiming, but it hits the flagpole with one shot... The situation at this moment is like a miracle. Swipe around in front of you, the walls around you are full of holes, but you miss one.

The enemy army under the hillside cheered loudly, and the camp of the officers and soldiers in the distance also shouted loudly, and the voices of people near and far buzzed in Zhang Ning's ears.

Zhang Ning felt his hands and feet were cold, and his hands were slippery with cold sweat; the black cavalry from the north was rushing in like a flash flood.

It's not that he hasn't experienced thrilling situations. He has been cornered by someone with a knife more than once, but the feeling is completely different. At that time, you only need to worry about your own life and control your behavior; but now, With tens of thousands of people crowded in this wilderness, he suddenly felt a sense of power that he could not control the situation.

"My lord, the petty crime deserves death!" The guard who tried to hold the flagpole just now fell on the ground and cried bitterly, "Even if the bones of the villain are crushed, he should hold the big flag..."

Zhang Ning came back to his senses, and said coldly: "You get up, it's not your fault. Come quickly, and raise the banner again! Come, prepare the horse!"

At this time, a group of guards rushed over, and they raised the banner first, and hugged it around.Then someone took an iron tool and dug a hole in the ground desperately. Several big men hugged the flagpole and put it into the hole. The man used all his strength to grit his teeth and breastfeed, the rough skin on the temples stood out, and the eyeballs in the eye sockets were soaked in tears.

Zhang Ning took his horse and was going out of the camp to inspect the surrounding army formations. At this moment, a large number of horse troops from the official army were getting closer. Zhu Heng hurriedly dissuaded him, but it was of no avail. Already, my lord, go and come back quickly."

At this time, Zhang Ning could no longer care about issuing detailed military orders, and Zhu Heng could only busy himself with arranging the defensive formation on his behalf.At this moment, the remaining troops of the Chinese army are almost all infantry. There are about 6000 people including the guards and reserves, and more than 1000 of them must guard around the supply camp to form a hollow square to avoid being destroyed; the "Northern Route Army" According to intelligence, the main force of the cavalry is more than 1. At this juncture, there is a so-called omen that the enemy cavalry is bound to launch a crazy attack.

Zhu Heng said to the people in the Senate Department: "If the troops around the Chinese army are deployed in a large square formation at this time, it will still not be able to completely block the cavalry from overtaking and turning around, but will put our Chinese army guards in danger. Order all the troops to send whistle Form a formation, each formation has a distance of 120 steps, forming a refusal formation, and there must be no mistakes.” [

The officials hurriedly wrote and wrote, and issued formal orders to the commanders of the posts.Not long after, Zhang Ning also returned to the Chinese army from outside the camp. He heard Zhu Heng's arrangement and agreed.

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