Ping An Biography

Chapter 334 The Emperor Arrives

In the first month of the third year of Xuande, after many tedious procedures, the second generation monarch of the Ming Dynasty finally arrived outside the city of Wuchang.

In the first month of the first lunar month in Wuchang City, it snowed heavily.However, the snow on the south bank of the Yangtze River is just a visual feast. On the surface, it looks like the world is suddenly covered with snow, but the snow is too light and easy to melt. It is completely different from the thick snow in the north. The snow here is one step on it. There is mud.

Zhang Ning led all the officials to wait quietly several miles outside the city. For this reason, he specially put on a special yellow robe and a crown of black gauze wings to show the members of the royal family.At this juncture, before Zhu Yunqi's team arrived, a fast horse galloped from the gate of the city.At this time, the main road from the South Gate to Fuqian Street had been cleared and martial law was enforced. No one could ride a horse on this road except the people from the Suzaku Military Office.

As expected, the person who came was a young official, wearing a gray robe different from the officials in the local yamen.The young official was talking to a bodyguard in the distance, then walked quickly to Zhang Ning, and whispered: "The Senate just received the official document, from Changde, the inspector of the 'Wuchang Camp' A large fleet of ships was found on the river, with a huge number of ships covering the entire river, and they are already approaching Guizhou..."

Zhang Ning hurriedly asked: "Find out where it came from?"

The official replied: "Sichuan army from Sichuan."

Zhang Ning's heart clicked, and his heart suddenly became agitated.The gateway to Sichuan is Kuizhou, and Guizhou, where the Sichuan army arrived, has gone east to Kuizhou for a hundred miles, and has completely entered the Huguang territory; the spies of the Suzaku Army did not find out until the army arrived in Guizhou?It's no wonder Zhou Mengxiong, after all, his business is mainly military affairs, only the scout method can extend its tentacles too far, and there is no agency in charge of intelligence in the military camp.

Inexplicably, Zhang Ning felt that after the local army in Sichuan formed a large battalion, they could not take a small look at it. This was mainly an intuition.Regardless of the bravery of Jiannan soldiers in the Tang Dynasty, Zhang Ningdao heard many stories. During the Anti-Japanese War, the Sichuan Army was not afraid of death, and the Red Army also suffered from the losses of the Sichuan Warlords.The Southwest Basin has always been China's rear, far away from the line of fire, but the Sichuan Army gave him the impression that it was not a soft eggplant, but he didn't know why.

However, a large army was mobilized across Sichuan, and ships were collected for food and grass, and they swaggered down the river. There was no secret at all in the momentum of laborers and mobilization. Yao Ji's Ministry of Internal Affairs was in charge of intelligence collection.Or the spies from the Ministry of Internal Affairs didn't pay attention to Sichuan at all... But for the Suzaku army in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, the upper reaches itself is a strategic center of gravity.It may be because the Ministry of Internal Affairs does not understand the strategy of the Suzaku Army at all.

He pondered in his heart for a while, and saw that a crowd of dark people and horses on the official road had already appeared in the snow, so he said to the official: "You go back to the official office first, and the business here is done, the king will meet with Zhu Butang Hurry to the official office and talk about it when the time comes."

"Obey!" Guan'er saluted with fists in his hands.

When the horse team came over and got out of the way, a four-horse carriage appeared in front of Zhang Ning and the others in a crowd, almost complete with the emperor's guard of honor.There are 64 dragon flags and [-] cloth flags. In front of the cart, there are yellow batons, yellow covers, canopies, curved covers, purple square umbrellas, red square umbrellas, pheasant fans, red group fans... and various festivals, battles, and swords. , knife, halberd.All this ostentation was arranged by the Senate. Emperor Jianwen, who was in the mountains before, might not be able to handle these cavalry and chariots in a short time.

The whole team is mighty and colorful, with all kinds of weapons and weapons that even Zhang Ning, who has been an official of the Ministry of Rites, can't figure out, all kinds of symbolic meanings, all kinds of harmony with the sky.But Zhang Ning doesn't understand, someone always understands, and the civil servants around Jianwen actually figured out these etiquettes after more than [-] years.

Just such a huge ostentation, most people will feel awe from the bottom of their hearts when they see it.However, Zhang Ning was still sober in his heart. He understood that these imposing things would be useless if they were not supported by a strong military force and economic foundation.

When the four carts approached, Zhang Ning knelt down in the snow without any pressure. In ancient times, kneeling was just a common etiquette for the lower to the upper.All the officials immediately knelt down in the icy snow.

Zhang Ning pressed his hand on the ground, the loose snowflakes on the surface were as unreal as cotton candy, and the palm of his hand soon touched the cold mud.He shouted loudly: "My son Zhu Wenbiao, king of Xiang, welcome my father!"

At this time, the cart stopped, and with the support of an eunuch, a man got out of the cart.Only the hem of the yellow robe was visible, showing the back of his boots. Zhang Ning knew that he was Emperor Jianwen, but he couldn't look up to see what he looked like.When the emperor walked in front of him and he knelt on the ground, if he suddenly raised his head to look at his face, it would be very disrespectful.

"Wen Biao flattened his body." A pair of hands stretched out from the long sleeves and came up to support Zhang Ning himself.The gentle and kind voice made Zhang Ning feel a little warm in his heart. He suddenly recognized a stranger as his father, so there was less psychological resistance. Of course, even if he was very resistant, he had to admit it.

After Zhang Ning was lifted from the ground, he could see the appearance of Emperor Jianwen from the corner of his eyes. This was the first time he saw Jianwen himself.Speaking of which, this is the second emperor of the Ming Dynasty that Zhang Ning has seen. The first emperor was when Xuande and Zhu Zhanji were not enthroned.Jianwen's temples are gray, and there are many wrinkles on his face. Unexpectedly, his appearance is very good. He is tall but a little thinner compared with the impression of the emperor with a full belly in the portrait. The facial features are correct and the eyes are bright. The wrinkles on the cheeks make the face look long, but the face makes people feel amiable... But when I think about it, Emperor Jianwen is only 50 years old. The appearance in front of me is indeed a bit old. It looks like 60 years old people in general.

Jianwen Zhu Yunqi grabbed Zhang Ning's wrist with one hand, and said with his hand: "It's freezing cold, you come with me in the car."

Zhang Ning couldn't refuse, so he hurriedly said, "Thank you."

When they turned around, among the people kneeling on the ground, Zhu Heng and a few people raised their heads slightly. Perhaps Zhang Ning got into the car alone, which made them a little worried.But Zhang Ning didn't think there was anything wrong. Although Jianwen was a stranger to him, this was Wuchang City and the nest of the Suzaku Army. Besides, what good would it do for Jianwen to harm him at this time?

Zhang Ning got into the carriage and was given a seat.Then the carriage started slowly, slowly and steadily.

Zhang Ning felt a little embarrassed when the two of them were alone in the same space suddenly, because they had nothing in common with this old man and they were not familiar with each other.On the contrary, Zhu Yunqi sat opposite and looked Zhang Ning carefully up and down with great interest, nodding slightly while stroking his beard.Most people who are related by blood do have a kind of "spiritual resemblance", which can be seen from the facial features and facial features... The population in the previous life has reached 60 billion, and except for my relative Zhang Ning, I have never seen anyone who looks like me. [

Zhang Ning was about to find a respectful topic to say a few words, when suddenly a cannon shot in the distance, covering up the embarrassment of the cold scene.He hurriedly said: "The Fran machine guns at the top of the city fired a salvo. This is a way for the lieutenant soldiers to show their respect to the emperor. It's like firecrackers, but they are more prestigious than firecrackers."

"Okay, okay." Zhu Yunqi nodded, still very calm, not frightened by the gunfire at all.

At this time, Zhang Ning gently pulled the roller blind on the car, and Zhu Yun was immediately attracted by the scene beside the road.

It was the guard of honor after the training of the guards. Unlike the majestic and cumbersome guard of honor of the emperor, the guard of honor of the Suzaku Army had a different scene.More than a hundred people stood in two straight rows, the order of which was unique in this era.The soldiers of the guard wear square scarves on their heads, blue military uniforms and white linings, and gray trousers and soap boots on their lower bodies. They are different from the blue uniforms of ordinary soldiers and look more solemn and serious. Let the white lining highlight the sense of neatness.

If this is not unusual, then white gloves must be the first of the Ming Dynasty guard of honor.A voice shouted: "Raise the sword... to salute His Majesty the Emperor!" Suddenly, with a "snap", the whole team raised the brand-new swords in their hands, and the white gloves drew neat tracks in the air , Then all the soldiers raised their left hands at the same time, raised their heads and chests, and stared at the direction of the emperor's car.The unique military salute of the Suzaku army is the left hand, because the right hand often holds weapons.

"Play music!" A melodious flute sounded, ethereal and solemn, and then the guzheng played the melody.Compared with Zhaozhi music in the court, military music lacks momentum, but its long and touching melody is also touching.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Ning's eyes showed a hint of complacency.This kind of etiquette and strict organization is a performance that gradually developed after the Renaissance. At this time, it is very shocking to the senses. You can see that Jianwen is very interested in watching it attentively.

Zhang Ning wants to let Emperor Jianwen know that he is invited to be the emperor. The foundation below is not a grassroots team... Just look at the guard of honor with more than 100 people on the side of the road. This purge is uncivilized mountain people or rebels Can the rebels have the temperament?

At this time, Zhu Yun pointed to a young man who stood meticulously in front of the team and asked, "Is that Zhou Zhong?"

"Returning to the father, it is Zhou Zhong, the son of General Zhou." Zhang Ning replied.

Jianwen turned around and said, "I almost couldn't recognize him, yes, very energetic, father and son."

Zhang Ning bent slightly to confirm, Xin Dao said this sentence himself.He said: "Zhou Mengxiong is currently in Changde, in charge of nearly ten thousand people in the Wuchang camp, and governs Changde Mansion, Chenzhou Mansion, and Changsha Mansion."

After Jianwen heard this, his expression was very good. Zhou Mengxiong was originally a loyal general who fled from Nanjing with him, and it is a good sign that he is being reused now.Zhang Ning also very much hopes that Jianwen can feel his sincerity, and they need to unite with each other in the future.

After the military music was played, the guard of honor ran to the front of the convoy and replaced the cavalry to clear the way for the vehicles.This team of young and strong men has never really fought a battle, and it may not be able to fight, but the formation is the focus of training, and they walk in unison and walk in a uniform manner, which is very imposing and entertaining.

After approaching the gate of the city, people could be seen inside and outside the city. After the restoration of order in Wuchang, people's hobby of spectating appeared again. The soldiers and civilians were all on the side of the road, wanting to see the majesty of the emperor. It was very lively like a festival.The young and strong sergeants of the guard of honor who cleared the way in front also showed their glory, feasting the eyes of the girl and daughters-in-law, and their faces turned red.

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