Ping An Biography

Chapter 335 Desire

He seemed to be in a dense fog for a while, when he suddenly heard someone begging for mercy: "Don't kill me, don't kill me!" He followed the voice and looked down, the two familiar but unfamiliar faces made him gasp Surprised.One of them with a fat and white face was Wu Yong, and the other with a thin face like a horse was Zhan Zhuli.Both hands were tied behind their backs and they were kneeling on the ground.

That Wu Yong knelt down on the ground, couldn't move his hands, rubbed his face against his calf like a beast, and cried with tears: "I still have a wife and children at home. You must die for your sins?!" After begging for a while, Wu Yong suddenly cursed: "I will drag you to hell even if I die!" Standing in the mist, Zhang Ning was in a trance, his heart filled with fear and anger, I didn't know when there was an extra sword in my hand, so I chopped desperately in front of my face, and my body was soon splattered with blood.

Zheng was tired from slashing, but felt smoke coming out of his throat, and he was extremely thirsty. When he looked up, he was somehow in the desert again, and his whole body was still stained with blood.A black banner suddenly rose in front, and a large number of people rushed over here.As soon as the horse rushed out, a man wearing a tall hat shouted: "You are already surrounded, hurry up and put down your weapon, raise your hands and surrender! Killing people for their lives is justified, your crimes are serious, and there is no place for you in the whole world." place!"

A wave of fear shrouded his heart, he dropped the sword, turned and fled.Dry and thirsty in the desert, he raised his head and gasped for breath.Suddenly he heard a "whoosh" sound behind him, and when he looked back, he saw a few sharp frisbees spinning like "blood drops" flying towards his neck.His hands and feet were cold all of a sudden. Seeing the terrifying thing spinning towards him, he couldn't dodge it. Despair and extreme fear came to his heart.

Am I going to die, am I going to die like this; but if I don’t die, there is nowhere to go, and crime will not be tolerated in the world... He cried out in fear. [

He stared at the drop of blood that flew to his throat with his eyes wide open. He opened his mouth wide and stood there tense, waiting for that moment to come...

Suddenly waking up from the bed, Zhang Ning opened his eyes and sat for a while, finally realizing that it was just a nightmare.

The candles in the bedroom had been burnt to a small extent, and the outside was also slightly whitish.He looked around and saw the neatly folded yellow brocade on the stool beside the bed, and there was also a black gauze crown on it.Finally, I can fully confirm that what was just now was a dream, and this place is reality.

He climbed to the side of the bed, reached out to pick up the black gauze hat, stroked and felt the fine fiber texture on it with his fingers, and finally felt better.No one can chase and kill himself, he has power in his hand!I can do whatever I want, kill if I want to kill!

Memories of reality flooded into my heart completely, now even Emperor Jianwen was on the same boat as himself, the civil servants and military generals in the Suzaku Army, and those local officials who rebelled after surrendering, no one would want this boat to capsize... If I If you die, all the people you count will die, at least it won't be easy!

The feeling of power filled his heart, and the guilt and panic gradually faded away.Thinking about it, I haven't had a nightmare for a long time, and I don't know what happened these days.

Only then did Zhang Ning feel unbearably thirsty, his mouth was so dry that he didn't even have saliva.To drink water!A direct and strong need occupied all senses. He hurriedly climbed out of bed without shoes on. He saw a teacup on the desk and ran to open the lid, but the inside was empty.

water!A sweet taste kept swirling in my mind, and water became the best thing in the world.

There was a mud stove by the wall, but it looked pitch black and there was no spark at all. The charcoal fire inside had been extinguished long ago.But there was a copper teapot on the low stool beside the stove, and there might be some cold boiled water in it.Zhang Ning hurriedly walked over to twist the teapot up. The light weight made him disappointed again. After shaking it twice, he didn't hear a sound.

"Crackling" the door was opened, and a young man appeared at the door wearing a jacket. He was a subordinate official in charge of taking care of Zhang Ning's daily life.Seeing Zhang Ning standing barefoot on the ground, twisting a copper teapot in his hand, the young man immediately understood, bent down and said, "My lord, wait a moment, I will go to the kitchen to boil water and make tea for you."

Fuck girl!Zhang Ning cursed secretly, and said, "Take the teapot, go to the well in the yard and get me a pot of water, immediately!"

The young man hurriedly persuaded: "It's so cold, it's not good to drink unboiled water. The prince wants to lower the interest rate..." "Tell you to go right away!" Take the teapot.

It is true that women are more careful in serving people's daily life. When Xu Wenjun was by his side before, how could there be no water to drink in the bedroom?

When Zhang Ning poured water into the spout of the teapot in front of the subordinate staff, an unprecedented sense of satisfaction immediately filled the emptiness in his body and mind, and he couldn't stop swallowing the cold well water.Human desires can also be so simple; only the things you need and desire are so precious and impatient, even if it is a pot of cold well water that is worthless.

Only in the short moment after satisfying his desire can he be happy with his mind.Power, desire, things that make people want to stop, the kindness and guilt in their hearts are not so important at this time... Zhang Ning occasionally thinks that if he was not a well-behaved and kind-hearted ordinary person before, maybe he would not be a good person. There is this feeling.

After drinking a full belly of cold water, it was not yet dawn, but Zhang Ning obviously couldn't fall asleep.He asked someone to prepare breakfast, got up, dressed and washed himself.

Then I rushed to the official office early, I came too early today, all the officials didn't come, and the official office was empty.He first carefully read the recent official documents, intelligence and Senate files.

It took half an hour (an hour) before the staff of the Senate came to work one after another. When they learned that the prince had already arrived, several people came to plead guilty.Zhang Ning had no choice but to reassure them, saying that there was nothing wrong with them being on duty and not being late.It seems that Zhang Ning came too early, and it is not a good thing. Apart from pretending to be diligent, it will cause unnecessary pressure on the people below; Forming a high-pressure atmosphere is obviously counterproductive.

At this moment, Zhu Heng came to the study with a group of civil servants. After greeted and greeted, Zhang Ning continued to look at the things in his hand and said: "The Shenji Camp, which was originally in Huangzhou, left Huangzhou. Transfer to the west, I had to report urgently yesterday that the Sichuan army came along the river. Jingzhou will soon gather tens of thousands of officers and troops. If so many soldiers and horses gather together and do not fight, they will only waste a large amount of military supplies in vain. It is unreasonable. If the officers and troops break through the river defense in the west and occupy a foothold on the south bank, it will be very detrimental to the overall strategy. What countermeasures do you have?" [

An aide said: "I suggest that you immediately order General Zhou to mobilize all the main forces of the Wuchang battalion to the northern border of Lizhou, and monitor the movements of the officers and troops. Once there is a sign of crossing the river, lead the army to block the river bank." "Wuchang battalion is completed." Soon after the army, it was not the main force of our Suzaku army, and the number of people was too large compared with the official army, so I might not be able to stop it; in addition to this strategy, the minister thought that Yao Erlang's army in Yuezhou should be sent to ferry the main force to the west bank of Dongting Lake by boat. Prepare timely reinforcements for the Wuchang Battalion to fight on the shore. At the same time, the first battalion of the water army in Dongting Lake should end its training on the lake and be transferred to the Yangtze River.

At this moment, Zhu Heng pondered and said: "For the defense of the western front, the strategies proposed by you are certainly good. But in this way, three of the four battalions of our Suzaku Army are focused on the western front; in the east of Wuchang, there is only one force in the Yongding battalion. In the long run, the imperial court may send troops from Yangzhou and other places, and Wuchang and other places must also be managed properly."

Zhang Ning patted the files on the table, and said: "The sudden appearance of the Sichuan army on the western front caught us by surprise. It is necessary to focus on the immediate danger. The Yongding Camp can expand the number of troops, or build another battalion. Now the emperor Issuing the imperial edict can command the various places, and the source of soldiers is selected from the military households in the important towns."

After listening to it, everyone expressed their views and discussed, and put forward some ideas and suggestions first.The aides believed that they should first contact some famous bureaucrats and write a letter to support Emperor Jianwen as an example, and then help as many local officials and guards as possible to openly obey the name of Emperor Jianwen; The strong men of military households are used for military expansion and preparation for war.

There are also people who are old-fashioned, expanding the Senate, reorganizing the six departments and nine ministers, and making the center a more formal government system. One is to have more places to accept scholars from all over the world, and the other is to increase the emperor's power.Wei Bin, the commander of the Yongding Battalion, proposed to slightly change the series of preferential treatment laws for military households in Chenzhou and Changde, and then apply them to Wuchang, Yuezhou, Changsha and other places, so as to win the hearts of the soldiers.

Half a month ago, Zhang Ning felt that the timing was not right to do these things, but now he saw the inextricable relationship between the military and the government. Instead of starting from the big picture, he restricted the real things in front of him.He could no longer hesitate and procrastinate, and immediately agreed to the proposals of adding six ministries and promulgating the decree on preferential treatment of military households in Wuchang and other places.

"In order to expand the force in the future, we should prepare to reorganize the organizational system now. I think we can imitate the Beijing camp, and set up several troops in one battalion and several divisions (posts) in each army, so that the number of soldiers in a battalion can be as large as that of the Beijing camp. tens of thousands of people.”

Expanding the organizational system is a good thing that both civil and military people love to see, and no one opposes it at the moment.Zhu Heng also put forward the idea of ​​deploying the battalions of the main combat force in strategically important places for easy maneuvering; city defense requires the local guards to recruit military households again, and use the Zhuque Army's battalions in important places as force deterrents. The local generals who surrendered serve as helpers, saving the troops stationed in various places, and can put more strength of the Suzaku army on the battlefield.

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